GIMP :: GIF Image - Copy And Merge Selected Layer Over Every Other Individual Layer Automatically
May 1, 2011
I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?
Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?
I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).
Is there a way to change the functionality of the layers so that when a new layer is created or a layer is duplicated that it automatically is created below the selected layer? I always organize my files with elements at the top of the document at the top of the layers panel and have them in decending order (unless there is a reason for an object to be above another) so that it is easier to navigate the page. Right now this means I spend a lot of time moving layers up and down which gets rather annoying. I believe I saw at one point that there is a key command for duplicating a layer below the existing one, but I can't remember how anymore. ability to make a blanket change in preferences.
What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?
The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?
In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time.
For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.
I have two similar images where the subject has moved between the images. I have them in the same file as two separate layers and am using the subtract layer mode to identify where they differ, (roughly!).
I want to be able to use the subtract layer as a completely new layer so that I can make edits to it. The only way I have found to do this at the moment is to 'copy visible', but this still brings other elements that I don't want from where the layers overlap.
Did 2.8 remove the ability to drag and copy a layer from one image to another? This does not work when I try opening more than one image and dragging a layer between the two images by switching between tabs.
Is there some default box I need to uncheck or some new way to do this?
I would like to know if there is a way to automatically merge a "base" layer with all other layers individually. For example, Layer one is an image, the "base layer".
Layers 2 thru 200 are images that need to be merged with the base layer individually and then saved as individual files. We are now turning layer 2 on and saving, turning layer 2 off, turning on layer 3 then saving, etc. Hoping to find an easier and quicker method.
I'm trying to write a script to batch process a number of files. I want the script to open file a*.png, convert black color to alpha and paste image b*.png on top of a*.png (both are the same size). The script converts black to alpha, but it doesn't paste image.
I'd like to be to select a layer groups and copy them over to another pre-existing image.
I've been struggling with this for an hour or so, and I haven't found a way to do this.
Is is possible to do this in GIMP?
The closet I've found is a kind of paste where you do this: drag the tab of the origin image over to the tab of the target image. The result is a new layer in the target image called "dropped buffer". However, the entire origin image is imported flattened.
I've been trying other drag and drop operations, but without success. Usually when I drop the selection to the target image, the icon under the mouse dissapears, and nothing actually happens.
I thought this might be a window manager problem. But I get the same results across kde, gnome and xfce.
If you've ever created an image having multiple assorted layers, and want to apply a modification to the final image while keeping those original layers intact, here's the script to do that:
Select allfrom PSPApp import * def ScriptProperties(): return { 'Author': u'Ken Arway', 'Copyright': u'2013', 'Description': u'Copies all visible layers to a newly created ra' u'ster layer.',
Just use your favourite text editor to copy that code into a text file, and save the file as "CopyVisibleMergedToNewLayer.pspscript" in your user scripts directory. Doesn't matter if it's the "Restricted" or "Trusted" directory.
As the name implies, all the visible layers will be copied and merged, so it's easy to first "hide" the layers you don't want merged before running the script.
Yes, it's just a series of recorded actions; but the key is its use of the "Select All" and "Paste Into Selection" actions -- that ensures that the resulting merged layer maintains the same positioning as the individual layers. In other words, if your original layers have a transparent background and opaque areas that are off-center, simply using Edit...Paste As New Layer will center those opaque areas in the canvas, which is not what you want....
I'm putting some images together and when I put one layer on top of the other, the bottom image bleeds thru. The top layer shows 100% opacity but still see thru it.
I've been working at removing the white background from the image and replacing it with an alpha channel. What can I do to make the top image solid?
I'm looking for a plugin that will merge one layer with all of the individual layers below it. So this would be the equivalent of duplicating one layer multiple times and then moving each duplicate between all the layers below and then merging the duplicate layers down to each original individual layer.
It could be seen as putting an ace on top of the deck, duplicating that ace 51 times, and then putting a duplicate ace in between each of the cards below and then merging each duplicate ace card down to each of the other individual 51 cards below in the deck.
I've found allot of nice multi-layer plugins (Like "LayerGroups") on the GIMP plugin registry that have worked doing things that I need, but now I'm looking for this one on the GIMP plugin registry and I'm not having any luck.
When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.
Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?
I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading from 2012 because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.
Here are the a couple of glitches to date that I have seen no resolution to in the long list of threads.
1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I dont want to apply them to the toolbar.
2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipeouts dont work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.
I'm following instructions for creating a 3D Earth and Moon in CS4. Everything works until I Merge the two 3D Layers. No matter what the layer order, the smaller 3D object (moon) always disappears. Before merging layers, the moon is a few inches left of the earth on the top layer (also tried it with earth on the top layer).
 What the heck am I doing wrong? On the merged layer texture, I can see both textures, but only the earth is visibile. I've even used the 3D tools to rotate the earth and see if the moon was placed behind the earth. It is not. Any suggestions?
I downloaded the Layer via copy cut plug-in at Deviantart but when I tried to copy/cut a layer I got a message saying that it crashed. So I foolishly uninstalled the old 2.8 version and re-installed the latest 2.8.8. However when I tried to install the copy cut plug-in again nothing happens. I was able to install the noise generator, but it just won't do the Layer copy cut. Is there a way around this? I've tried so many times that at this point I'd rather go back to the previous 2.8 version. How can I find the original 2.8 Download.
when I selected a layer in the layers window it's gray instead of blue, and if I try to move around the content of the layer I get that message : « Could not use the move tool because the target channel is hidden »
I open a .jpg file and then using the Rectangle select tool highlight a section of the image. I then click CTRL+X and it actually cuts the whole layer showing me just the empty background.
All I want to do, is open the .jpg, copy or cut a section from it to a new image.
I wanted to install plugin "Layer-via-Copy-Cut", when I tried to extract to Gimps plugin folder I received an error that I needed "libgimpui-2.0-0.dll". I have only been using Gimp for several days and I installed the 2.8.2 version
There are many times you will "place" a picture file inside your Photoshop document, and want to resize it, put it in a different layer, or crop the image inside Photoshop - but you may find a simple error message or grayed out layer via copy/cut prevents you from doing so.
To do this, you will most often do this one of three ways:
1) Select the Marquee tool and outline the area of the image you want to copy or cut 2) Go to Layer > New > Layer via Cut/Copy 3) Click Ctrl+J
Many times, you will find none of these selections work. All options will be greyed out. You may be tempted to create a new layer, and then use one of these options in the new layer. In this case, you will get the error message "Could not make a new layer from the selection because the selected area is empty." All these errors are a result of photoshop not identifying pixels that you are trying to cut/copy.
There is a simple solution to this problem. Go over to the "Layers" box, and click on the layer listing for the layer where your newly placed image resides. Make sure your image is the only item in this layer, if not relocate the image into a new layer by itself. Right-click on the layer where your photo is located in the "layers" box and click on "Rasterize Layer".
Once you do this you will now be able to follow one of the steps above to Layer Via Copy or Layer Via Cut.
I am trying to copy "fx" from one picture to another but when I try to drag to next photo it doesn't seem to work I have held the alt key and dragged but no luck...
I have been trying to copy a mask from one layer to a new layer in Elements 11. I can do this in CS3 by using alt and dragging to the new layer. It doesn't work in Elements 11. Is this feature unavailable in elements 11 or is there a different command? there doesn't seem to be much point in spending all that time making a complex layer amsk and then being unable to use it on another layer.
I have to give a tutorial on layer masks using both CS3 and elements at the Camera Club!
I am trying to find a way to copy a text layer in one image to another image of the same size so that the text layer is in the exact same location.
Basically I have two images for a rollover button for a website. What is the easiest way to copy a text layer to the other image so that it will be in the exact same location to create the rollover effect?
I have a layer that has the exact shadowing I want on another layer. Actually what I really want is to keep the image (colors etc) on one layer and just apply the 'shapes' and 'shadows' from another layer to it.
I've tried putting the layer with the image I want to keep above the shadowed layer and creating a clipping mask and that didn't do anything. I tried changing the opacity of the image that I want to keep to like 30% and that works, but it fades it out too much. I tried creating a pattern with the shadow layer and applying it as a texture to the image layer and that didn't work well either.