GIMP :: How To Apply Text To Each Individual Layer

Nov 18, 2011

Is there any way I can type in text, and put it in the same place in each layer without having to go to each individual layer and putting it in?

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GIMP :: Can't Apply Drop Shadow To Desired Text Layer

Aug 23, 2011

I'm an infrequent and relatively unskilled GIMP user. I have used drop shadow in the past, and have been using it this afternoon with no problem until I started working on one image where I can't seem to apply the drop shadow to some text. I've got a 3-layer image, a background, a smaller image on a separate layer, and a text layer. Whenever I try to apply drop shadow to the text layer or the smaller image layer, it applies it to the background. I've tried everything I can think of...deleting and recreating the text layer, changing the "level" of the layer, closing then reopening the image...closing and restarting GIMP.. I select the text layer, click "Filter > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow", and apply and it always applies it to the background.

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GIMP :: GIF Image - Copy And Merge Selected Layer Over Every Other Individual Layer Automatically

May 1, 2011

I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?

Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?

I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).

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GIMP :: Rotating Text As Individual Layers

Mar 24, 2012

I followed the tutorial linked below to successfully create cartoon text.

My Macbook was then updated to Lion and I checked I had the latest version of GIMP and have been trying all morning to create some more text in the same manner.

However no matter what I do when I select the layer that contains the single letter and I try to rotate it nothing happens?

If I do Alpha to Selection the selection rotates but then I cant do anything with it, stoke fill etc?

To clarify this is what I do:

Create a word
select a letter in the word
select new layer
name the new layer to match the letter just cut and pasted
ensure that layer is selected
choose rotate tool rotation takes place?

[URL] ..........

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GIMP :: Apply Texture To Text?

Feb 1, 2014

Basically what I'm wanting to do is curve the text around the image...which I already know how to do...but have the texture and color of the image its around be applied to the text. I've included the file.

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GIMP :: Apply A Gradient To Text

Mar 21, 2013

I am having a problem with my Text to Path, specifically, I want to apply a gradient to my text, however when I make my path and select my text, the outline only appears over part of my text and thus I am not able to apply the gradient to the entire block.

It seems like there is a character limit for this type of text, because I added some characters and it shrunk my selected area further.

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Photoshop :: Apply Image Vs Individual Blending Layers?

Jul 9, 2013

Am I missing something with the apply image command? Couldn't I perform the exact same task just by blending individual layers or images?

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Photoshop :: Is There A Way To Apply To Zigzag Filter To Individual Lines?

Dec 8, 2005

I'm doing a project where i am trying to make a house (like a simple one you would see in a real estate ad), but with the lines being squiggly. I applied the zigzag filter to the entire thing, and it looks alright, but the whole house is distorted, not the individual lines. I want to know if I can just make the individual lines have that zigzag look, like some one scribbled it lightly. Is there a way to do that, and if so, how?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Apply Textures Of Individual Walls To Wall Faces

Jul 23, 2013

I cannot seem to find out when and where it's ocuring. I took measurements of a large room and modeled it in Autocad 2014. The solids I used are rather simple, mostly just boxes with some boolean unions and substractions here and there. I then took pictures of every wall, perspective-corrected them, imported each of them to Autocad as material, assigned the real size to the picture material and applied those materials to the corresponding wall faces. Planar mapping proved to be adequate in all cases and mostly mapped correctly on the first go.

The project was completed and saved. To my horror most of the material mappings had just gone the next time I opened the project. It was just as if I had never applied any material mapping or texture to the faces.

After partially appliying the damned material mappings and materials (textures) again I tried to determine under what circumstances the mappings get lost. Its not allways the same walls. The bug seems to occur randomly on various geometry and at various times. Sometimes the mappings get lost after opening the project, sometimes the get lost on the fly when isolating (hiding) geometry. There is no way I can get the room to look as I want it to look as there will allways be some wall that has become default-grey again, randomly (either while working or after opening up the project again).

I really expect Autocad to be rock solid after so many program versions. Did I do something wrong? How would you go about applying textures of inividual walls to wall-faces? Or is Autocad just crap regarding heavy use of textures because that is not the average use-case?

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GIMP :: Editing Text Will No Longer Apply Italic Nor Bold Effects

Oct 1, 2013

When I am editing text, GIMP will no longer apply italic nor bold effects. (Underline works though.)

I just upgraded from 2.8(.2?) to 2.8.6, and now I have this problem. I also just upgraded from Win XP to WIn 7 and upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit, so I don't know if that is a factor.

I have files I created with the last version of GIMP that I can open and see the text properly formatted, but if I adjust the text the formatting disappears and WILL NOT come back.

GIMP won't print anymore either. My printer is set up correctly and I can print from other programs, but when I print from GIMP, it LOOKS like it went through, but the printer fails to do anything. I wind up having to tell GIMP to print to the microsoft xps writer (which DOES work) and then open the xps file I just made and have windows print it.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Apply Layer Filter To Layer Toolbar Disables Function Of Layer Filters In Tool Palette

Aug 1, 2012

It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.

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GIMP :: How To Extract Text And Font From Text Layer

Aug 8, 2011

Gimp 2.6.8 on Linux openSUSE 11.3

I need to extract text and font from a text layer. No problem, I thought, with gimp-text-layer-get-text and gimp-text-layer-get-font.

But I find that the original text layer was cropped withplug-in-autocrop-layer. Nevertheless Gimp lets me edit the text with the text edit tool - after a confirmation dialog.

But I can't get the text with script-fu. Is there a way to manage it? There are many files involved.

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AutoCad :: Apply Layer Color / Linetype / Properties To Objects On Layer

Feb 15, 2013

I have a bunch of objects on a particular layer, and they're all different colors and linetypes and lineweights, and i want them to all take on the color / linetype / lineweight that i chose for that layer.. how do i do this?

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Photoshop :: Shortcut For New Adjustment Layer To Apply To Previous Layer?

Jun 12, 2013

I use a lot of adjustment layers and they're often applied to the previous layer. Is there a keyboard shortcut to automatically "Use pervious layer as clipping mask" without going through the dialogue box or manually applying in the layers palette(Option-click between layers)?

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GIMP :: Editing Text In PSD Layer

Jul 7, 2013

I just purchased a plr blog and I cannot figure out how to edit the header text. I want to change the text to match my domain name. The file is a psd but I beleive gimp can edit psd? The header is: [URL] ....

I also uploaded the psd file: [URL] ...............

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GIMP :: How To Create Text Layer

Dec 22, 2012

I'd like to say something good about GIMP other than its free. I'm using GIMP 2.8.2 and Windows 7 64-bit.

How do I create a text layer?

Create new blank imageSelect the "A" text tool from the Tool Options panelClick on the imageEnter text (and select font etc.) in the popup dialogueThen wait... ?

I expected a new text layer to be created at Step 3, and as you can see in the attached screenshot my expectations are unrealistic. How do I get from the popup dialogue to an actual layer of text?

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GIMP :: Text Layer Not Visible

Nov 26, 2011

I am trying to all a caption to a photo. I cannot get the text to be visible.

Is there a way to only use a single layer?

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Photoshop :: Editing Individual 3D Elements Within 3D Layer

Jul 10, 2012

I'm just testing out the new CS6 extended version and am on the trial period using a mac.
My problem is in editing the 3d objects I have imported. These were imported in 3ds format and contain numerous different elements (over 50) within the same file. All are neatly to scale and positioned correctly in relation to one another.
I need to be able to edit these individual elements within photoshop and assign different materials. I can't seem to separate these individual objects onto different layers in order to work with them further. In addition, although I can scale or move the elements, I cannot delete them without deleting the whole layer.
I have tried looking at merge 3D layers but as I only have one layer it doesn't work.How can I assign these objects to different layers without importing each element separately into photoshop (and therefore losing their scale and position)?

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AutoCad :: How All Layers Have Linked To Layer 0 But Are Actually Individual

Mar 17, 2013

I have been given a set of plans by a client to design a system on. The plans have a lot of layers and information on them that I don't need/want to merge to a base layer. If I click on anything on the plans everything gets select and is layer 0. I originally thought these were just poorly made plans but if I go through the layers in the toolbar and turn them off individually it works.

Its like somehow all the layers have been linked to layer 0 but are actually individual layers .

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Xara :: How To Export All Objects Of A Layer In PNG Individual

Mar 27, 2011

How to export, at one time, all objects of a layer, in *. png, individual?

I use XDP Pro 6

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AutoCad :: Turn On / Off Individual Layer In Each Of Layouts

Aug 31, 2013

In model space I've created a house plan with layers for Mechanical, Plumbing, Electric, furniture, etc. I've also created in numerous Layouts (paper space) created my view ports of the base plan. I want to turn on/off individual layers in each of those Layouts. How is that done?

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AutoCad :: VPFreeze Individual Objects On Layer?

Oct 3, 2013

If I don't want to VP Freeze everything on that layer, is there a way to individually VP Freeze certain objects on one layer? (without having to make new layers?)

The sitch: Making a ceiling plan, some dims are needed in all the other plans, but some are not needed in the ceiling plan. How can I simply turn "off" in the VP the few separate Dims I don't need? And that they can still turn up like normal in all the other VPs?

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Unable To Move Text Layer

Sep 1, 2012

Yesterday I download Gimp 2.8 and after eyedropper bug I found out that can´t move text layer during editing it. I don´t think to move layer tool.

I can´t move the layer during editing. I can move only with the borders of the text range. When I want move with active text layer, I must do it through the "move layer tool".

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GIMP :: Changing A Text Layer (2011)?

May 11, 2011

I'm having trouble accessing text layers in a logo I am trying to make.

Each time I create text, it gets put into its own layer; that seems to be the way GIMP does things. I'm fine with that. However, once I've completed making a text layer and moved on to creating a second text layer, I can't seem to get back to the first text layer to make changes, such as the colour of the text or the size of the font.

The window for the graphic indicates that there are several layers but I can seem to get back to any previous layer. I don't see any menu options for accessing one of the other layers. PageUp and PageDown don't show me the different layers. It's as if the layer's content, colour, font, etc. can't be changed once I've started a new layer.

How do I access the layers that I created before the current layer?

I am using GIMP 2.6.11 and running on Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2.

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Photoshop :: Question: How To Seperate Each Color To An Individual Layer

Sep 9, 2006

I have been doing some work recently with stencils, which involves me using illustrator to do a cutout-type effect using the "live trace" function. It works very well for making stencils that I can enlarge many times. The problem I have encountered is with working with more than 3 layers- it is very hard to distinguish colors from each other, especially in more complex stencils, after they have been cut out.

I have been searching for an option (or seperate program) that would allow me to automatically separate the colors (there are never more than 15) onto individual layers, one color per layer.

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Xara :: How To Move Or Edit Individual Objects All One Layer

Sep 12, 2011

I'm new at Xara Xtreme and I just bought a vector image from iStock. It says that the image can easily be edited. Here is the image [URL]....

I want to split things up and move each individual globe and put arrange them to my specifications. I can't figure out how to move or edit the individual objects, it's all one layer. Can this be done? For example can the globe with the numbers around it be moved to the left of the screen and the other four globes be removed? I know this can be done with technical skills, but can this be done by a beginer?

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GIMP :: Unable To Change Text Layer Color

Jun 16, 2011

I have created my own graphics from scratch with GIMP, but the resolution to this issue is eluding me.

I imported a GIF map and want to add red labels. I have no problem adding the labels, but I cannot seem to get the text colored red. Before I create the text layer, the text tool shows the color is red, but it still creates it black. All of the suggestions I've seen (yes, I've read the fine manual) reference the same things, including dragging the color from the foreground color (which I've also changed to red). Nothing I've tried seems to work. I've even saved the image as an XCF, but I have the same problem.

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GIMP :: Move A Text Layer From One Open File To Another

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to move a text layer from one open file to another. I left-click on a text layer in one file and drag it to the tab of the other file. It seems to be successful, but there is no layer added to the other file.

If I try copy and paste then there will be another layer in the other file that I have to anchor or set as a new layer. If I anchor it then it becomes a part of the default layer. If I set it as a new layer then there is some sort of success, but I can’t edit it with the text tool as I can if I copy it within the same file.

Is it not possible to copy text layers between open files and continue to edit it with the text tool?

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Photoshop :: Create Layer Masks For Individual Smart Filters In CC

Jul 21, 2013

Is it just my imagination, or is there no longer a way to create layer masks for individual smart filters in Photoshop CC.

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GIMP :: How To Create Layer Mask For Each Of Three Layers With Text Messages

Mar 28, 2012

I am trying to develop an animated GIF to use as a web-ad, I have readthe docs and googled but still having problems :-(

The ad (portrait format) is very simple: a background logo at thebottom of the ad, and three different text messages which rotate. Ithus created a bottom layer with the logo covering the bottom third; asecond layer with nothing but the first text message on the upper2/3rds, another layer with the second text message also in the upper2/3rds and finally a layer with the third text message in the upper2/3rds. While the logo at the bottom should be displayed at all timesthe three different text messages are shown one at a time.

After reading the docs I then expanded each layer with a text messageto be as large as the ad itself. My next step was to try to create alayer mask - for each of the three layers with the text messages, saidlayer mask to cover only the lower 1/3 where it would be transparent.

This is where I ran into problems, no matter what I tried, I could notaccomplish this. There must be something very basic I have yet tounderstand!

Last, in order to create the animated GIF, I exported all four layersusing "replace" in the dialog box. I also experimented with "combine"to no avail. No matter what I tried, I either ended up with an animatedGIF where the logo and the three different text messages over timebecame overlaid, or, an animated GIF where only one thing was shown atone time.

What have I missed?

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GIMP :: Resize Text Layer To Align Borders With Edges

Jun 30, 2012

I am trying to re size my text layer so that the borders would align with the edges of the text, but every time I adjust the upper part of the layer the text itself would shift downward, cutting off the lower part of the text. Is there a way I can conveniently adjust the layer so that it looks like the text fits the layer.

Example I am trying to achieve is something like this.

The problem I keep getting is this.

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