GIMP :: How To Extract Text And Font From Text Layer

Aug 8, 2011

Gimp 2.6.8 on Linux openSUSE 11.3

I need to extract text and font from a text layer. No problem, I thought, with gimp-text-layer-get-text and gimp-text-layer-get-font.

But I find that the original text layer was cropped withplug-in-autocrop-layer. Nevertheless Gimp lets me edit the text with the text edit tool - after a confirmation dialog.

But I can't get the text with script-fu. Is there a way to manage it? There are many files involved.

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GIMP :: How To Extract Background Away From Text

Feb 20, 2013

i have been doing HTML off and on for a few years but am really starting to get really heavy into it, as well as CSS and other tools...and have just discovered GIMP

i have an image..which happens to be my business card and to begin with, it was an .eps file, but i converted it to a .jpg...what i am wanting to figure out, and do with it is use it for my web page i am building

it has a background on it and on top of it it has my text...i am wanting to keep the text also, but my main concern is to use just the background for my is extracting the back ground away from the text possible in GIMP and also saving the text as well.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extract Text To Excel File Or Find MEAN Value Of Text

Jul 6, 2012

I have a drawing which has hundreds of levels on and i'm trying to establish what the MEAN level is and the AVERAGE level.  I thought the best way might be to extract the text to excel and perform it there but at the moment the only way i can do it is to copy and paste the text and its taking me forever.  Is there a way to either a) extract text to excel or b) calculate a MEAN value based on texted selected?

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Paint.NET :: Text Layer / Change A Font Or Size

Aug 20, 2012

i want to make a TEXT ONLY LAYER.if i want change a font or size, just click a layer and change a font or size. like-photoshop.but, not same-photoshop. i think layer is make a ONLY ONE.

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GIMP :: How To Get Font From Text On The Picture

Mar 24, 2011

I have this picture i with some text, its a company name and a department name. I would like to add something in the end of the department name.

So my question is - is it possible to get the font from text on the picture and write some more text with that?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Extract All Text Into Text (XML)?

Aug 12, 2011

I work for a translation company and I've installed a Trial Copy of Corel Draw X5.

I have a 6-page document with several text areas (the Obect Manager sees them as Artistic Areas [I think]).

I'm trying to extract all the text into a text (prefferably an XML), file translate the text using Trados, then import the translated text file back into the Corel Draw Document, with the appropriate text in place of the original text.

I've tried using Extract / Merge text, but this doesn't seem to work.

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GIMP :: Adjust Name In Same Font And Remove Some Text From It?

Nov 27, 2010

I have a logo that i need to edit. I need to adjust the name in the same font and the remove some text from it. While maintaining the look of it. How do i go about doing that.

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GIMP :: How To Change Color And Font Of Text - 2.8

Jul 28, 2012

I need it in 3 different colors, and 3 different fonts. So far when I try it doesn't work.

I can do the first word in one layer and open up a second layer for the next few words, but as soon as I start typing the second word, the first one becomes the color of the second word.

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GIMP :: 2.8 Mac Text Font Tool Turn Off

Dec 5, 2012

I just upgraded to 2.8 and when I want to add some text this tool appears on top of the text box. No matter where I move the text box it chases my text box around. It is annoying as it covers part of my image and I don't need it there. How do I turn this thing off?

Also why when I choose New Toolbox I get this super long tool pane. I resize it to what I want. Then when I close it and do it again it comes back again. Any way to set this up correctly?

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Photoshop :: Font Size Inconsistent When Creating Text Layer In Batch Job?

May 6, 2013

Using photoshop CS6 on Mac, I am seeing a problem with one of my batch processing sript who's only task is to apply an embossed water mark to images which I have resized such that the longest side is always 500px. (short side varies depending on how I have cropped).
In most cases, the piece of text I am adding to the image appears fine. But then for no apparent reason, it will suddenly apply the text (which I have set to 24pt) and it is way to big. To address the issue, I have to reduce the font size (via the actions pallate) down as far as 8 pt. Then it starts to appear more or less correctly (for a while) until maybe a few weeks later when I open up photoshop to run the job again and suddenly 8 pt font is WAY too small and I have to bump it up to 24 pt again.

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GIMP :: Text In Exported PDF Is Searchable And Copyable But Font Size Shrinks

Nov 19, 2012

I have recently upgraded to Gimp 2.8.3 on my Mac OS Snow Leopard, primarily for the new "export to PDF" feature that would keep text searchable within PDF.

The results are very odd... The text in the exported PDF is, indeed, searchable and copyable, but the font size shrinks drastically (see attached screenshot).

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GIMP :: Edit GIF Image File - Replace Text And Change Font

Sep 15, 2013

I just installed GIMP. My experience is with office suites, like WordPerfect and Sun Open Office.

First, is this the official forum for

I need to edit a GIF image file. I have it loaded and converted to RGB. I cannot find anything on any menu about edit a GIF file. It is basically a horizontal rectangle with text on the left and a color on the right, and I just need to replace the text and change the font, without disturbing anything else. It needs to "fit" back into a webpage afterwards. As far as I can see, there is only one layer, if that makes any difference.

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Photoshop :: Copying Text From Outside Text Editor And Pasting Into CS5 Text Layer?

May 20, 2012

trying to copy txt from an outside text editor and pasting them into an open, editable text layer in my workspace.  The problem is that I can COPY the text fine, but when I click over to PS to paste it into the open editable text layer it either pastes the previous text from my clipboard OR it won't paste anything at all.  I can then go into any other text field on a browser, spreadsheet document, a different text editor, notepad, etc and successfully paste the proper batch of text I wanted to paste into PS.  Sometimes I have some rather large files open 50+megs when I notice this happen.  I have to save my work and close out entirely of PS and then open it again before I can begin editing my original document again and successfully paste the text into the open editable text layer.  This may last for a few COPY/PASTE sessions of additional text in additional text layers, but then begins displaying the symptoms I described above.
I am on Win7 on an AlienWare M17XR3 laptop with 16G RAM and AMD Radeon HD 6900M Series display adapter.I assume it's either in my PS performance settings which I have PS using 10413MB RAM and has over 350G scratch disk space.  If it's not that I guess my laptop system performance settings which I've never tinkered with since I purchased it.

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GIMP :: Text Tool Changes Text Properties When Paste Over Old Text Content?

Nov 2, 2012

i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.

summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties

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Photoshop :: Text Box/font :: Only See A Tiny Black Line In Text Box

Jun 21, 2007

I was working on a project and I had recently installed a new font. Now all of a sudden whenever I make a new text box and type some text in nothing shows up. I can only see a tiny black line which isn't even text, even tho its set to 36ft. I changed the font and size to see if it made a difference, and nothing worked. I restarted PS and my computer several times, and still the same thing...

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GIMP :: Editing Text In PSD Layer

Jul 7, 2013

I just purchased a plr blog and I cannot figure out how to edit the header text. I want to change the text to match my domain name. The file is a psd but I beleive gimp can edit psd? The header is: [URL] ....

I also uploaded the psd file: [URL] ...............

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GIMP :: How To Create Text Layer

Dec 22, 2012

I'd like to say something good about GIMP other than its free. I'm using GIMP 2.8.2 and Windows 7 64-bit.

How do I create a text layer?

Create new blank imageSelect the "A" text tool from the Tool Options panelClick on the imageEnter text (and select font etc.) in the popup dialogueThen wait... ?

I expected a new text layer to be created at Step 3, and as you can see in the attached screenshot my expectations are unrealistic. How do I get from the popup dialogue to an actual layer of text?

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GIMP :: Text Layer Not Visible

Nov 26, 2011

I am trying to all a caption to a photo. I cannot get the text to be visible.

Is there a way to only use a single layer?

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Unable To Move Text Layer

Sep 1, 2012

Yesterday I download Gimp 2.8 and after eyedropper bug I found out that can´t move text layer during editing it. I don´t think to move layer tool.

I can´t move the layer during editing. I can move only with the borders of the text range. When I want move with active text layer, I must do it through the "move layer tool".

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GIMP :: How To Apply Text To Each Individual Layer

Nov 18, 2011

Is there any way I can type in text, and put it in the same place in each layer without having to go to each individual layer and putting it in?

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GIMP :: Changing A Text Layer (2011)?

May 11, 2011

I'm having trouble accessing text layers in a logo I am trying to make.

Each time I create text, it gets put into its own layer; that seems to be the way GIMP does things. I'm fine with that. However, once I've completed making a text layer and moved on to creating a second text layer, I can't seem to get back to the first text layer to make changes, such as the colour of the text or the size of the font.

The window for the graphic indicates that there are several layers but I can seem to get back to any previous layer. I don't see any menu options for accessing one of the other layers. PageUp and PageDown don't show me the different layers. It's as if the layer's content, colour, font, etc. can't be changed once I've started a new layer.

How do I access the layers that I created before the current layer?

I am using GIMP 2.6.11 and running on Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2.

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GIMP :: Unable To Change Text Layer Color

Jun 16, 2011

I have created my own graphics from scratch with GIMP, but the resolution to this issue is eluding me.

I imported a GIF map and want to add red labels. I have no problem adding the labels, but I cannot seem to get the text colored red. Before I create the text layer, the text tool shows the color is red, but it still creates it black. All of the suggestions I've seen (yes, I've read the fine manual) reference the same things, including dragging the color from the foreground color (which I've also changed to red). Nothing I've tried seems to work. I've even saved the image as an XCF, but I have the same problem.

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GIMP :: Move A Text Layer From One Open File To Another

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to move a text layer from one open file to another. I left-click on a text layer in one file and drag it to the tab of the other file. It seems to be successful, but there is no layer added to the other file.

If I try copy and paste then there will be another layer in the other file that I have to anchor or set as a new layer. If I anchor it then it becomes a part of the default layer. If I set it as a new layer then there is some sort of success, but I can’t edit it with the text tool as I can if I copy it within the same file.

Is it not possible to copy text layers between open files and continue to edit it with the text tool?

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GIMP :: How To Create Layer Mask For Each Of Three Layers With Text Messages

Mar 28, 2012

I am trying to develop an animated GIF to use as a web-ad, I have readthe docs and googled but still having problems :-(

The ad (portrait format) is very simple: a background logo at thebottom of the ad, and three different text messages which rotate. Ithus created a bottom layer with the logo covering the bottom third; asecond layer with nothing but the first text message on the upper2/3rds, another layer with the second text message also in the upper2/3rds and finally a layer with the third text message in the upper2/3rds. While the logo at the bottom should be displayed at all timesthe three different text messages are shown one at a time.

After reading the docs I then expanded each layer with a text messageto be as large as the ad itself. My next step was to try to create alayer mask - for each of the three layers with the text messages, saidlayer mask to cover only the lower 1/3 where it would be transparent.

This is where I ran into problems, no matter what I tried, I could notaccomplish this. There must be something very basic I have yet tounderstand!

Last, in order to create the animated GIF, I exported all four layersusing "replace" in the dialog box. I also experimented with "combine"to no avail. No matter what I tried, I either ended up with an animatedGIF where the logo and the three different text messages over timebecame overlaid, or, an animated GIF where only one thing was shown atone time.

What have I missed?

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GIMP :: Can't Apply Drop Shadow To Desired Text Layer

Aug 23, 2011

I'm an infrequent and relatively unskilled GIMP user. I have used drop shadow in the past, and have been using it this afternoon with no problem until I started working on one image where I can't seem to apply the drop shadow to some text. I've got a 3-layer image, a background, a smaller image on a separate layer, and a text layer. Whenever I try to apply drop shadow to the text layer or the smaller image layer, it applies it to the background. I've tried everything I can think of...deleting and recreating the text layer, changing the "level" of the layer, closing then reopening the image...closing and restarting GIMP.. I select the text layer, click "Filter > Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow", and apply and it always applies it to the background.

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GIMP :: Resize Text Layer To Align Borders With Edges

Jun 30, 2012

I am trying to re size my text layer so that the borders would align with the edges of the text, but every time I adjust the upper part of the layer the text itself would shift downward, cutting off the lower part of the text. Is there a way I can conveniently adjust the layer so that it looks like the text fits the layer.

Example I am trying to achieve is something like this.

The problem I keep getting is this.

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GIMP :: Solid Border On Text Layer With Other Than Normal Mode?

Jan 9, 2014

I made a text layer on top of a textured background and changed the text layer mode to grain extract. I want to put a 3 pixel black border around it that is solid with a normal mode. How do I add a border to my text without it being effected by the text layers mode? The only way that I know how to border is to Alpha the layer to selection then go to edit and stroke selection.

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GIMP :: Adjust Size Of Text Layer Without Its Conversion To A Bitmap?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a text layer with width given at its creation. When I later open text editor and enter some wider text, it is wrapped to second line. So I would like to enhance the width of the layer to prevent this. When I add width to the layer using "Layer Boundary Size" menu item, text layer gets converted into standard bitmap layer . I don't understand the logic why a text layer isn't preserved on change of its size .

Is there a way how I can adjust size of text layer without its conversion to a bitmap?

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Photoshop :: Existing Type Layer Replaced By Text With Other Type Layer Text Upon Changing Properties?

Jun 6, 2012

I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer.
I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Edit Text In Selected Large Multiline Text Layer

Jul 16, 2013

Running PSE 9 under Mac Snow Leopard.
I have a family photo including many text layers.  I'm trying to edit the text in a selected large multi-line text layer.  I'm following the steps from the appropriate PSE article, but I always end up creating a new layer and the red/green no-go/go option.  I thought I should just be able to double-click the text layer and start editing.

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Photoshop Elements :: Adding Text To Photo - Typed Text Is Not Visible On Layer

Oct 6, 2012

When attempting to add text to a photo, the typed text is not visible on the layer in the "Layers Box" until exiting the Text Tool.  Text nexer is visible on the photo Background image.  If the edited image is saved, the added typed text is not saved; only the original Background image.  How do I reset the Text Tool so it will be functional?

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