Photoshop :: Copy A Text Layer To Another Image In...
Mar 10, 2008
I am trying to find a way to copy a text layer in one image to another image of the same size so that the text layer is in the exact same location.
Basically I have two images for a rollover button for a website. What is the easiest way to copy a text layer to the other image so that it will be in the exact same location to create the rollover effect?
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May 1, 2011
I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?
Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?
I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).
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Mar 18, 2011
I'm trying to write a script to batch process a number of files. I want the script to open file a*.png, convert black color to alpha and paste image b*.png on top of a*.png (both are the same size). The script converts black to alpha, but it doesn't paste image.
(define (batch-alpha-paste pattern pattern2);get the file lists (let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1)))(filelist2 (cadr (file-glob pattern2 1)))) (while (not (null? filelist))(let* ((file-name (car filelist))(filename2 (car filelist2)) (image2 (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename2 filename2))) (draw2 (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image 2)))(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))) ; convert black to alpha(plug-in-colortoalpha RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable '(0 0 0))
I call the script from shell:gimp -i -b '(batch-alpha-paste "aa*.png" "bb*.png")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
how to copy image 2 into image ?
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Apr 6, 2013
when I select, copy and paste the image it still has the content that I removed using the layer mask.
I want to paste it over another psd whilst maintaing the transparency.
PSD is at [URL]
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Oct 18, 2013
How do I open two images simultaneously in Photoshop in order to copy a layer from one image to another?
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Jan 12, 2014
How to copy the text from one image to another image. in Photoshop 12
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Sep 23, 2012
Did 2.8 remove the ability to drag and copy a layer from one image to another? This does not work when I try opening more than one image and dragging a layer between the two images by switching between tabs.
Is there some default box I need to uncheck or some new way to do this?
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Oct 25, 2012
I'd like to be to select a layer groups and copy them over to another pre-existing image.
I've been struggling with this for an hour or so, and I haven't found a way to do this.
Is is possible to do this in GIMP?
The closet I've found is a kind of paste where you do this: drag the tab of the origin image over to the tab of the target image. The result is a new layer in the target image called "dropped buffer". However, the entire origin image is imported flattened.
I've been trying other drag and drop operations, but without success. Usually when I drop the selection to the target image, the icon under the mouse dissapears, and nothing actually happens.
I thought this might be a window manager problem. But I get the same results across kde, gnome and xfce.
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Jul 16, 2012
When I load an image either a jpeg or psd file then make a layer copy I am unable to apply a preset action to this. Either a default action or one of my own on a Mac OSX running Lion. This did not present a problem in CS5 and I am wondering if I've missed something basic?
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Aug 19, 2012
sometimes i open an Illustrator file with a missing image link. I have many image folders depending on the job and it would be great to be able to copy and paste the photo very long text to search for it in my HD.
This is an example [URL]
I am not able to select this very long text and copy / paste action. How do you manage to do it?
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Apr 1, 2012
I sometimes use a trick of creating a virtual copy to get a text element of a NxN image. For example, I might use 8 images for a 3x3 and need a fourth "image" (i.e., column 1, row 2) for text. I like to take image 3 and make a virtual copy, then get that looking the way I want as my text box. When I print, I don't have to create a collection to order my images as long as the sequence-taken, along with the text box in position 4, is okay. I guess in LR 3, the virtual copy sorted after the original.
Well, I just tried the trick and the virtual copy comes before the original. I still wanted to shy away from creating a collection, so played another trick - I used the option to change the capture time under the Library module's Metadata menu, and bumped the text box up 1 second later. But the sort hasn't changed! I even forced a reconsideration of the sort by changing from capture time sort to added time sort, then back again.
Though I'm being "devious" here, it does seem to not be working correctly. Maybe sorting ignores metadata of virtual copy images?
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Jul 14, 2009
I am trying to add a simple text layer to some relatively small JPEG files - each file is only about 3 or 4 MB in size before any editing or additions are made to the files. I am using P-shop CS2 on a PC with Windows XP SP2.When I add a few lines of simple text (with no special effects) to any of these files and attempt to save the edited file as a .TIFF or .PSD file with the text as its own layer in the file - the resulting .TIFF or .PSD file is a 30 or 35 MB file which is hard to work with because of its size. These files have only two layers in them - the text layer and the base image. It just does not seem logical that a simple text layer would make a file increase in size by 10 times.
I would like to try to save the edited image files as .TIFF or .PSD so that I can go back and make future edits to the text layer.I have tried to save the edited file with the text layer as a .zip file but these files are also still very large - 20 MB or so.Maybe I have some basic file settings wrong that are making the files so large? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can add a simple text layer to a relatively small image file, save it as a .TIFF or .PSD file and keep the resulting file size manageable?
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Aug 25, 2013
I tried to reset the Text tool and gave it a larger font. All I get is a straight line and the text shows up in the layer box.
This worked for me previously, but now it is stubborn.
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Jul 19, 2012
I'm trying to copy a portion of a graphic and put it on another layer while keeping it's exact location as to how I view it am I understanded?
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Feb 24, 2012
There are many times you will "place" a picture file inside your Photoshop document, and want to resize it, put it in a different layer, or crop the image inside Photoshop - but you may find a simple error message or grayed out layer via copy/cut prevents you from doing so.
To do this, you will most often do this one of three ways:
1) Select the Marquee tool and outline the area of the image you want to copy or cut
2) Go to Layer > New > Layer via Cut/Copy
3) Click Ctrl+J
Many times, you will find none of these selections work. All options will be greyed out. You may be tempted to create a new layer, and then use one of these options in the new layer. In this case, you will get the error message "Could not make a new layer from the selection because the selected area is empty." All these errors are a result of photoshop not identifying pixels that you are trying to cut/copy.
There is a simple solution to this problem. Go over to the "Layers" box, and click on the layer listing for the layer where your newly placed image resides. Make sure your image is the only item in this layer, if not relocate the image into a new layer by itself. Right-click on the layer where your photo is located in the "layers" box and click on "Rasterize Layer".
Once you do this you will now be able to follow one of the steps above to Layer Via Copy or Layer Via Cut.
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Nov 20, 2012
I am trying to copy "fx" from one picture to another but when I try to drag to next photo it doesn't seem to work I have held the alt key and dragged but no luck...
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Dec 4, 2012
I have been trying to copy a mask from one layer to a new layer in Elements 11. I can do this in CS3 by using alt and dragging to the new layer. It doesn't work in Elements 11. Is this feature unavailable in elements 11 or is there a different command? there doesn't seem to be much point in spending all that time making a complex layer amsk and then being unable to use it on another layer.
I have to give a tutorial on layer masks using both CS3 and elements at the Camera Club!
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Aug 26, 2013
For this example let's take in account that I have 2 identical in every aspect copies (meaning size and content at this point) of the very same image.
1st remains unedited,
2nd is edited only as far as concerning the image > adjustments menu through changing mostly channel mixer, selective color, saturation etc values and had an object attached to it atop of the original depiction before being edited as a whole.
What I want to do is to edit the 1st image, compare in some certain ways the colors of it I guess with the ones of the 2nd, match for instance where color hex value X (and horizontal/vertical X,Y coords - is it needed in order to be more precise and avoid mistakes?) (I guess again) from the 1st image is edited into color (or even additional settings atop of that?) hex value Z, do that automatically for all the combinations and immediately apply the same changes I applied from 2nd pic when unedited (and looked exactly like 1st pic) to the very same 2nd pic in start, TO the 1st pic in the present case. Also in order to do this "color matching" before applied or not I need to set out-seperate the area where I have added an additional object in the 2nd picture and fill it possibly with the original content from the 1st(can it be done in one move) in order for the process to be complete?
That means I turned the 2nd image into a combination of blue-green-red colour (and other) from orange-yellow-cyan (just an example) I want to do the very same to my 1st pic which is orange-yellow-cyan etc.
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Mar 5, 2013
How do I go back and remove a text layer after I have save an image as jpeg?
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Jun 19, 2007
I have a layer that has the exact shadowing I want on another layer. Actually what I really want is to keep the image (colors etc) on one layer and just apply the 'shapes' and 'shadows' from another layer to it.
I've tried putting the layer with the image I want to keep above the shadowed layer and creating a clipping mask and that didn't do anything. I tried changing the opacity of the image that I want to keep to like 30% and that works, but it fades it out too much. I tried creating a pattern with the shadow layer and applying it as a texture to the image layer and that didn't work well either.
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Nov 19, 2012
I need to centre text and centre an image layer.
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Apr 16, 2013
I have two similar images where the subject has moved between the images. I have them in the same file as two separate layers and am using the subtract layer mode to identify where they differ, (roughly!).
I want to be able to use the subtract layer as a completely new layer so that I can make edits to it. The only way I have found to do this at the moment is to 'copy visible', but this still brings other elements that I don't want from where the layers overlap.
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Feb 13, 2014
I am doing a kinetic typography project for for set to a certain song.
At one point I want two words to be displayed with simple text movement and once those two words are in place I would like an image to rise from behind them to be on top of them(not in 3d sapce but standard 2D). Since text is transparent you can see the image behind the text before the image is set to move.
I tried creating a mask around the image which does mask it out but when I move the image up the mask moves with the image, thus keeping the image masked. I thought maybe a null object with a mask would be needed but I cannot get to see to get it work. I feel this should be easy but I just do not have the skills to put the pieces together....
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Jun 6, 2012
I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer.
I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.
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Oct 30, 2013
I've noticed that when a selection is Layer via Copyed in Photoshop CS6, it appears brighter and slightly more saturated in color than the original selection it came from. Currently I manually make lighting and color adjustments to match it back to the original, but is there a way to prevent this altogether? There are no masks or adjustment layers or any other tools being used when this happens -- just a simple Layer via Copy.
I'm not sure if there is a setting that will cut out that time consuming manual step of retouching to match the original selection.
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Aug 19, 2003
I am trying to take apart this big graphic I made and it is "in pieces" because I made each part for it using layer sets to stay organized. I was trying to copy the layer set to another new file. When I did, there was nothing there! The layer set was there in the new file, the layers, the layer styles, but the layers were empty!
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Feb 21, 2009
Simple gray scale photo of kite in sky. The kite is not completely surrounded by sky, part of it is out of the shot. I want to make the sky flash the gray it is now to white(gif). I used the polygonal lasso tool to select the sky. I dont know how to copy it to a new layer so I can change the exposure and make one frame with the original layer showing, another with the exposed layer showing. After I select with the lasso, all the items under "layer" are grayed out including "new". I tried the new layer icon at the bottom of the palette but no go. The closest I have come is edit>copy but where to put it?
Also, if I lasso the kite, isnt it subjective which is the background and which is the foreground?
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Jun 4, 2013
I am trying to find a faster way to save my images. I shoot in raw, save raw images as jpegs after editing them in Camera Raw. I am using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac version 10.7.5. When I save, I either have to save as a copy of the exisiting image, or replace the image I'm working on. Other forums I've read said to make an action to save and create a function key to make this process faster, but my function keys aren't working, and playing the action I've created still makes a copy of the image.
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Sep 4, 2013
I want to copy one image and paste it into a selection (masked) of another image. I have the option to paste into which works but would like to be able to paste in Place as I believe this makes it a smart object and references the original file.
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Jun 12, 2006
I want to have text on one layer and then a hard outline of the text a different color on a second layer.
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Aug 29, 2013
In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time.
For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.
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