Photoshop :: Text Layers Not Saved Correctly As PDF
May 6, 2013
I frequently save layouts I do in Photoshop as PDF's. Lately I very often will discover the text does not display correctly in the PDF. One or two lines of text will display as white with a thin black outline, rather than as the basic solid black I'd specified.
I work on a Windows 7 machine with the current version of PS. The text is on layers when I save the file to PDF (from PS), but I do not include the layers in the PDF, so they should be flattening down.
I noticed a few weeks ago when it was also doing this that I updated the program a day later and the PDF's were not exhibiting this issue. But, now it's starting again.
I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
I saved a file as a .tif and it saved as normal then I shut down Photoshop and then the PC. The next day when I try to open the file it doesn't open correctly it opens but the right hand side of the photo is on the left and the left hand side of the image is now on the right, its like its been cut in half and put back the wrong way.
It also didn't open with the layers only as a locked background. When I view the file in the icon it looks fine until I open it.
I have created a layer and copied it to a new layer. I want the copied layer to completley cover the eixisintg layer but it won't move right to the edges, it leaves an outline of the previous layer. How can I get it to completelety cover the layer?
I've made an animation in photoshop CS 5.1 with three layers that I want to export to Apple's application Motion in order to work on each layer individually. I can easily make a quicktime file, but I can't work on each layer this way. When I import the photoshop file I get the prompt "All Layers," which I choose, but there is no movement when I hit play on the timeline. Only one frame is displayed when there are a number of different frames, and animations.
I'm using an IMac with 8 gigs of ram and 3 external hard drives with a terabyte internal drive.
Mac // CS5 // lion...I'm working on a business card in photoshop. I always save as .psd until the finished product, then save a front and a back as a .pdf.
I finished, saved my front and back as a .pdf everything is good. When I save the document as .psd again and close the file, the next time I reopen, it has 0 layers, everything is flattened. I've never had this happen before and am scared to close down the file I am working on for fear that it might not return.
I had this happen once already earlier today on a seperate business card. I knew I saved my final copy as a .psd and when I opened that .psd up again to find that there were no layers, but one flattened image. Is my PS corrupted? Or did I miss a simple check box somewhere?
This is the original document I'm working on. I saved 2 .pdf files from this .psd...For Good measure I save the .psd above as a "test" and then open it up in another window. Notice how the thumbnail has a curved triangle shape. Also the file size is only like 9 mb...very small for my normal size
Ok, so I open it up, and this is what I see. One flattened picture. No layer masks, layers...anything.
I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.
However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.
I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.
I have a problem with the PSD file, size 228 MB. When electricity turned off, my computer shut down then I turned on it and opened the PSD again but there was only one locked layer filled in black and no other layers. I can not see other layers that was saved before. and here is red line on the top. How can I return my works back?
I just purchased AutoCAD 2012. I am having issues with the layer controls. for example, I make a new layer in the layer properties box. I then assigned it a color, line type and make sure it is on. When I go back to the drawing in the model space the color is not changed, same with the line type and the layer is frozen.
I don't know what is going on. I have tried to regenerate the drawing, switch to the layout tabs and back. Nothing seems to work but one thing. I go up into my ribbon where the layer properties are and nothing is changed as I have defined it in the layers properties box. Once I change it in the ribbon it applies to the drawing.
Is there a variable that I am missing with the new version or what is going on?
On my iMac, LAYERS don't display correctly in Illustrator CS6.I create 3 layers. When I set "don't print" to the upper layer (Calque 3), the display of the panel isn't correct anymore. The 2 other layers disapear in the panel, but on the workbench everything is still ok.
When moving the layer (Calque 3) down, the display of the panel becomes ok again. But my drawing request that I don't change the layers's place.
I was trying to save a large file as a Photoshop PDF and my program crashed. I was lucky enough to have saved this file in both a JPEG and PNG format onto my desktop but now once I move the files back into Elements, I have no history and no layers?
I automatically updated last week for my 2014LT and since then the LAYERS hasn't worked properly. Layer Manger still seems to work correctly, but the Layers tab on the Home ribbon does not. I am running Windows 7 Ultra, Quad Core i7 with 16 MB of Ram, and had been running without errors until this last update.
When/if I select the "Freeze Layer" tab from the top ribbon, and then select the layer on the drawing it turns it off as it should, but if I then use the pull down to locate the layer and turn it back on, nothing happens. It does not appear again; it may not even show up now (see below). I found that if I go to LAYER MANAGER and turn on the layer it still doesn't turn on unless I turn it off and then back on; which will bring it back unfrozen. Also, some layers when frozen do not then show up on my pull-down list or LAYER MANAGER list unless I save the drawing and restart 2014LT. The layer then shows up on the Layer Manger and ribbon.?
Just love updates when everything was already working properly, and then they don't after the "Update"!
In CS6, I could import (open) DWG files and it would correctly categorize the input objects into separate layers. In CC, it is putting them into a group in a single layer, which is a big usability regression. Is there a fix for this?
Working with layers in Paintshop Pro X6 instruction # eight says: To resize (the layer that I just placed on my background image) click on one of the corner nodes and drag outward. But no corners or nodes are showing for me to drag the layer to where I want to position it. It seems like a step is missing from the instructions.
So as it stands, I can get my layer onto the background image but I can't resize or reposition it at all.
I am having an issue with plotting a drawing that includes an xref. I have also included an attachment as reference.
I am working in AutoCAD 2010; I have a drawing that includes another drawing as an xref. The xref is on layer “0” in model space and my titleblock, annotation and viewports are in paper space (layout tab). I am using color dependent plot styles (.STB). The xref is a 3D model created with basic AutoCAD solids representing steel shapes, there are also some line segments representing the steel centerlines. The viewport is a plan view of the 3D steel model, the view is not clipped. Since the xref contains 3D objects when I print the drawing I don't want the “hidden” lines to show up, I accomplish this by setting the viewport shade plot setting to “HIDDEN”.
Here is the problem:
When I print the drawing the xref’s layers do not print correctly but rather take on the properties of layer “0” which has a plot style of “NORMAL” so everything prints in color and with a default lineweight. I want the xref to print using the xref’s layer properties that are defined in the .STB file. One variable that changes the outcome of the printed drawing is the viewport shade plot setting.
If the viewport shade plot is set to HIDDEN the xref prints using layer “0” properties (undesired) and the3D object lines are hidden (desired). See attached Viewport #1
If the viewport shade plot is set to AS DISPLAYED the xref prints using the xref’s layer properties (desired) but the 3D object lines are not hidden (undesired). See attached Viewport #2
The ONLY difference between the two viewports is the shade plot setting, there are no layer overrides and only the xref objects are affected, the objects in paper space print as expected. This only happens with an xref or block. If I bind the xref into the drawing and explode it so the objects are “live” in the drawing everything works fine. Unfortunately I need it to work correctly with an xref.
If I use a color dependent plot style (.CTB) where the .CTB file controls the color and lineweight I am able to achieve the desired results, unfortuneatly my company is determined to use .STB files
I have a client who insists on receiving final files as PDFs saved as Illustrator Default with Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities ticked. This wasn't an issue until I upgraded to cs6. In cs6 I'm saving the native file as cs5, and then saving as PDF with the following options:
The client is able to open the PDF in cs5 but the layers are all flattened into a single layer. Is there way to Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities for any version other than cs6?
I often will borrow groups and layers from one document and drag them into a new or a different PS document to borrow the layers and formatting so I am not starting over from scratch with a design that I just need to re-work into a different size.
But in the last two weeks, when I drag the layers over, they start mysteriously changing into other layers that I did not drag over. What is causing this bug? It wasn't there before as I have performed this action many times in various projects. I am using PS CS6 on a Mac Book Pro.
I would like to increase the font size in many text layers at a time by selecting them in the layers panel. The font increases, but the text boxes don't expand to fit the increased size text. So I am having to make each box bigger manually. Is there a way to have the boxes expand to fit bigger text automatically through the layers panel?
I want to change the text that says ''gangsterturk25'' I created this file like a year ago, and saved it on my pc, because I thought I might want to change it one day, and the day is today. I made this with the use of a tutorial so I can recall how I dit it exactly. I am a ''noob'' in photoshop so to say. How could I possibly change this.
I have block colour (or image) and text overlaid, fine. But save to Jpeg and the block color around the text becomes speckled. Other than saving as a higher quality what (if anything) can I do to prevent/minimise this?
While asking about text; is there any way to make the boundary of a text box irregular on one or two sides; say a box shape but jagged at one side so that text flows around a "protrusion"?
I was currently working on a project in photoshop, and i had a text layer I saved it as a psd to make any later changes, and now when i want to change the "text" layer it does not change, What i mean by change is when i click my type tool to change the spelling of the text the text is not slected instead it makes a new layer.
I keep getting the error message "For the Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click Appearance, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller." I go into preferences and into general but there is no setting to turn off text smoothing for a specific font. I'm in osx mavericks and all it says is "use lsd font smoothing when available" and when I uncheck it, the error message in photoshop still pops up.
Using Elements 6 or 11, (a purchased copy), when I add text and then save the text disappears in the saved copy but remains in the Elements copy. I've spent hours on this being very careful that the save location is where I want it. The photos shown in the bin do contain the text. ??
We use AutoCad to name our dxf files for our Burn Table and whenever we get a new part it is a repetitive task to input layers and common text. So what I am curious is can AutoCAD input the layers and text automatically using a Macro?
I want the Macro to put in 6 layers and choose the layer color and title then input text boxes with word in 3 different layers. There will be about a total of 10 different text boxes with text already put in the boxes by the Macro.
I am using AutoCAD LT 2013 and at the moment i am just using the dwg to pdf.pc3 included in AutoCAD.
All of the text in my drawings is the same font (ISOCPAUS). Up until about a week ago, i could plot bold & italic text using the dwg to pdf plotter. Now, I cannot and i don't know what has changed to make this happen. Underlined and overlined text still plots fine to pdf. Everything appears correct in model space, paper space layouts, in previews and if i plot to any of the printers in the office, but once i plot to pdf, the bold and italic is gone.
I have a problem exporting a file to TIFF format as the text spacing becomes "corrupted".The text is just a simple text block, pick any font you want (i.e. Arial). I export the file as TIFF format with the following changes of note:
Do not select "Maintain Aspect Ratio".Change the vertical scaling to something like 140% (nothing magical about 140%, just something that stretches it out enough)
That's it. When the text comes out, the letters are all stuck together, either overlapping or touching. This happens with TIFF, PNG or BMP format, but it does not happen when I export GIF or JPG format. Of course, converting the text to curves prior to export also produces the correct result.
Of course, the reverse also happens if I scale vertical to less than 100%, the characters get spaced out farther than they should. I cannot really convert to PNG then to TIFF as I need to maintain the CMYK colorspace on this one. I also do not "pre-scale" the image correctly in CorelDraw first because I actually need to export the image to several different aspect ratios and I would like to maintain only one "master" source image.