Photoshop Elements :: Add Text And Then Save But It Disappears In Saved Copy
Jan 23, 2014
Using Elements 6 or 11, (a purchased copy), when I add text and then save the text disappears in the saved copy but remains in the Elements copy. I've spent hours on this being very careful that the save location is where I want it. The photos shown in the bin do contain the text. ??
I am using PSE12 with Mac OS X Mavericks. If I use the type tool, type some text then want to change maybe the font or size, the text disappears! If I set the parameters before typing everything is OK, but it is really inconvenient.
Also when I do a return in text the first letter of the next line is always a capital whether or not I start a new sentence!
Every time I edit a photo, and then save it as a jpg., I end up with 2 images saved. I don't want to save a copy. How do I stop ? I am using Photoshop elements 12.
I can't find the "graphics" panel in PSE 8. I'm using the Swedish version of PSE, so I'm not 100% sure of the correct terminology here -- maybe it's not called that but something else? Anyway, I'm trying to create a text box to copy and use in several photos. Is that possible to do?
all of a sudden everytime i try to "save as" a file the save as window pops up for a second then simply disappears and i cant click anything. the only thing i can do is shut down photoshop in the process list.
i try to "save as" a file the save as window pops up for a second then simply disappears and i cant click anything. the only thing i can do is shut down photoshop in the process list.
i already tried removing and reinstaling but it didnt work
At random moments when I'm saving layered Photoshop CS5 files, a message pops up with the following text: Could not save "...FileName..." because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
Well the strange thing is that I'm the administrator, the only user of this PC and even when I set/check the properties of the folder containing the files this continues to happen. What is even more disturbing is that I have to save my file as a new file in a new location and when I check the original file, it is no longer in it's original folder.
I save all my files to the local HD and I use an external device to backup my files. I regularly get notices on my backup device telling me that various files were deleted, but will be kept until I need the room. These are files which I did not delete, they are files which I'm still working on.
I'm having to save to the original job folder first, save to the desktop when I get the notice saying I can't save, and then save back into the original folder when I can't save on the desktop anymore because of the same error message. I sometimes get a similar Adobe error message which is basically along the same lines, but I haven't noted the exact text yet.
I no longer run my back up continuously while I'm working because while it's great to have the peace of mind that I'm regularly backed up, my files can get up to 2GB in size and I think the backup running at the same time is slowing Photoshop processes down, so I most often pause it until I take a break. On this occasion, I had been running it while working (smaller file) and so I was able to retrieve an earlier version from my backup which saved me from having to re-do the job completely. I didn't get this problem when I was using CS5 on Vista, it's been since I've been using Windows7 and my back up drive.
I only recall having had this problem with PSDs, but that could just be because these files can take up to ten hours to complete and there's a higher chance of getting an error message over a longer period of time.
I'll disconnect my back up drive while I'm working and see how it goes. It's not ideal, but probably worth a try.I don't know if there's a connection, but occasionally windows randomly sticks a lock on zipped folders which I create, regardless of the permissions I apply to the upper level folder they sit in. I'm told by a friend that it won't affect other people accessing these zipped folders from other machines. I don't know if that's the case, I always change the zipped folder's permission to include 'Users' and that makes the lock disappear.
DELL XPS 730X Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAM System type 64-bit operating system Number of processor cores 4
so photoshop totally disappointed me yesterday, i spent HRS creating a graphic and i went to save it to PNG, it said i could only save it as a copy; so i clicked graphic wasn't saved AT ALL!...what am i doing wrong???
I am using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 with Windows 8. I am not able to save a photo after adding text. When I try to save the photo after adding text I get a blank white page saved instead of the photo with text. What is causing this and how to correct the problem?
I just downloaded a trial and I want to be able to correct and creat text and save as images (for flier or ticket content that I later convert to jpgs).How do I do that on Elements 10?
I have a number of PSD files I've created and I'm trying to save them as PDFs. I can Save for Web and Devices, I can save as a .gif, .eps., and every other format I've tested, but I cannot save as a PDF. I get the error:
"Could not save a copy as (filename) because the file is already in use or was left open by another application."
I'm running Adobe Master Collection CS5 with Photoshop CS 5.5 (12.0.4 x64) on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have a 928 GB HD with 697 GB free.
I have rebooted and tried saving the files immediately after I reboot. I have killed my virus scanner. I have killed a number of other possible culprits including Acrotray.exe and CS5ServiceManager.ext
I have run Process Explorer as recommended by Microsoft and found no applications using the file. I've also tried saving the file to my external hard drive and/or renaming the file with only rare luck.
The boards seem to suggest Adobe isn't taking responsibility for this and pointing it back to the OS or other software. How/where to kill whatever process it is - but at this point, all my indicators point back to Photoshop.
I created a circle and positioned a line segment on top of it. When I preview or save the image, the line segment doesn't appear. Here is an illustration of the problem.
downsizing my photos useing the `save to web' option, thus reducing the pixels so that I can use them on my web site. However, something strange has suddenly happened when I use the save to web option and instead of being saved in the new smaller format, my pictures simply morph back to their origional size.
I often open multiple images to make several changes, then use Close All and when it prompts "Do you want to save changes to ... before closing?" I check off the box to "Apply to all" and say Yes. This saves lots of time when adjusting several multi-hundred MB images. Imagine my surprise today when it closed an image without saving! I had to repeat about 30 minutes of work as a result.
I thought I had somehow accidentally clicked "No" to saving, so I made sure to pay close attention the next few times I used Close All to save work. It worked fine until a moment ago when it did it again.
Whenever I edit any text - be it editing an existing text layer, or with a new one, whatever text is there just randomly and without warning disappears. Doesn't matter wether I'm changing the color, font, font size or any other type settings. Sometimes I just move the mouse while in editing mode and the text just vanishes.
Made a video of the bug in action. Virtual keyboard on screen so you can see that I'm not hitting any keys to make the text disappears. Latest version of Photoshop, CC, OS X etc.
Still able to open files saved before yesterday just having problems to open recently saved files (all files since yesterday). It allows to save properly, on preview mode shows what is in the file, size of the file is correct as well. But when trying to open it opens as a blank page or is not opening at all.
Did a test- saved file with a simple objects / text only. Cant open.
plus- doesnt allow to copy & paste.
Reinstall all coreldraw package- still the same problem.
Issue is this: Photoshop's 'Save for Web & Devices' indicated file size does not appear to match size of actual exported file. I made a couple dozen animated gif banner ads that are required to be under 40k. I'm using PShop CS5 v 12.0.4 x64. I'm on an iMac osx 10.6.8
Save for Web & Devices says a file will be 39.97k
I click Preview to see the animation and get details. It agrees, preview file is 39.97k
So I save, and look at exported file in Finder (Get Info) And it is 57k
I understand that this is portion of the hard drive used for storage and bigger than 39.97k because of smallest chunk size that can be allocated by Finder. But isn't second number (53,337 bytes) actual file size?
So, question:
1) Is the file size still actually just 39.97k and if so is there a way to see this to prove to myself and the client?
2) If saved file is truly larger than export size indicated by photoshop, is there a straightforward way to accurately predict size at which file will be saved? Or is trial-and-error my best bet.
I am trying to optimize some images for web to have a smaller file size. I am using "Save for Web" feature, and every time I try to save a file, the actual file output size is a lot bigger than the size it shows on the "Save for Web" dialog.
For example, I have a 607 bytes .gif, when I open "Save for Web" it shows 207 bytes for 16-colors but when I save it the output file is 1.22 kb.
I am running cs6 on both PC and Mac. On my pc if I save a Photoshop file on it as a save as, it does not open the file immediately. I have to close the original file, find the file then open it. Very time consuming and also confusing if you are working fast. On my Mac if i save a document in Photoshop, doing a save as, it saves the doc, and opens it right there and you just continue to work.
I have to create several large format banners (3' x 7') in a 1:1 printing ratio.
When I type in text (at approx. 145 pt type), half or more of it disappears when it is rendered. I have tried reducing the text amount by line, but that hasn't helped. I don't want to to every single word as a separate layer either.
What am I doing wrong?
I am using PS6 in a Windows XP OS and I have 2 GB of RAM.
The printer we are using specifically asks for a "Photoshop file saved as a JPEG".
I am desparate on this as I am under the gun on this project - short notice.
Today I purchased Photoshop Elements 12, went through the installation process, and it should be ready to begin editing. However, whenever I attempt to open Photoshop, nothing happens. My OS is Windows 7; I click the icon onmy taskbar, and the cursor shows that it is loading, the icon is highlighted, but then the loading symbol stops and the icon highlight disappears. When I attempt to open a file using PSE, the loading banner appears, but shortly thereafter, I receive an alert saying "Photoshop Elements 12 Editorhas stopped working" and under it, it says "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available" and the only available option it "Close program." I had this exact issue with PSE 7, and figured that purchasing an updated version might fix this problem. Evidently, I was mistaken. This is a very serious issue, as I am a graphic designer (creating logos, posters, programs, etc) and use Photoshop for this purpose. I have been using Elements for years, but only recently has this problem arisen. This is, of course, infuriating, as I have paid $70 for a program that doesn't even work.