CorelDRAW X5 :: Export Doesn't Scale / Space Text Correctly

Oct 1, 2012

I have a problem exporting a file to TIFF format as the text spacing becomes "corrupted".The text is just a simple text block, pick any font you want (i.e. Arial). I export the file as TIFF format with the following changes of note:

Do not select "Maintain Aspect Ratio".Change the vertical scaling to something like 140% (nothing magical about 140%, just something that stretches it out enough)

That's it. When the text comes out, the letters are all stuck  together, either overlapping or touching. This happens with TIFF, PNG or BMP format, but it does not happen when I export GIF or JPG format. Of course, converting the text to curves prior to export also produces the correct result.

Of course, the reverse also happens if I scale vertical to less than 100%, the characters get spaced out farther than they should. I cannot really convert to PNG then to TIFF as I need to maintain the CMYK colorspace on this one. I also do not "pre-scale" the image correctly in CorelDraw first because I actually need to export the image to several different aspect ratios and I would like to maintain only one "master" source image.

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AutoCad :: Text Doesn't View In Same Model Space / Paper Space

Aug 24, 2012

ACAD 2010 text doesn't view the same in MSpace and PSpace! Model space is the acad default text: txt Paper Space it appears as it should as Romans. The drawings print as txt and not as it should Romans! When I change the text in model space to Romans, save the drawing, enter PSpace and the return to MSpace, it seems to 'reset' back to text!

This is specific to my workstation BTW, when I open the dwg file on a colleagues PC it opens Romans in both Model and Paper space.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Doesn't Correctly Import SVG Files

Jan 5, 2013

Trying to import an SVG file from this Wikipedia page I noticed that the text of the Brasilian flag does not get imported correctly by CorelDRAW X6.

Similar errors occur for:

Wikipedia, Spain flag
Wikipedia, Portugese flag
Wikipedia, Chinese flag

I pay for seriously expecting Corel staff members to not just read in here but to fix Corel programs' problems I report.But they do nothing.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Export To Webpage Directly Since HTML Export Doesn't Work?

May 17, 2013

Will Corel6 (or later) ever be able to export to a web page directly since the HTLM export doesn't work (drops links). The Corel Web program, or what ever its name is, was a joke. Its amazing that Corel work puts its name on a program that you could not open a CorelDraw file.

My current work around is  to export to a JPG and then import that into dreamweaver and add the links there, then post. A pain but it works.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: SRGB Color Values Not Exported Correctly On PDF Export

Feb 16, 2012

When I export vector graphics to RGB/sRGB and open the pdf in another software (like Serif Page Plus, Adobe etc.), the color values are variying a little bit.

For example, my gray value of a logotype in Corel was 118, 115, 113. Now I export as pdf (many logical!! setting of CM tried!!!), any other software that opens the document - also CORRECT CM settings - values are 117, 115, 112. --- The same light variations nearly anytime with any RGB color. Not possible to create vector pdfs of logos for my clients correctly this way! Really bad. 

Instead of starting a discussion about Color Management Settings, could any professional, maybe a Corel member check this behaviour in practice and give me a feed-back!? - In the best case let me know the complete settings for Corel CM and pdf Export to get the RGB pdf export done correctly. 

(I am currently using X4, but know that same behaviour from X3 and passed again hours to try really all reasonable CM and export combinations, at least I think so. Windows7 and WindowsXP)

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Create Custom Stroke That Doesn't Scale To Length Of Line?

Nov 9, 2011

Is it possible to create a custom stroke that doesn't scale to the length of the line you assign it to? I am trying to create a stroke that looks like a chain but when I create a custom brush, I have to almost create the brush pattern the same length as the stoke it gets applied to in order to avoid the chain links bunching up or being grossly stretched out along the assigned path.

Is there a setting or some other function that can accomplish this? Is there an easy way to assign a shape to along a path other than blend?

In the end I want to be able to assign a premade pattern to a line without that pattern being distorted or scaled along the path it is assigned to.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Can't Export Large PDF Or JPEG At 100% Scale At 150dpi

May 29, 2012

I am trying to send a file to a printer for a banner for a client.They only accept a pdf or jpeg at 100% scale at minimum 150dpi resolution.

I banner is over 12 metres long (12,935mm X 1100mm) and only contains vector items.

I am using corel draw x5 and have installed service pack 3. And it won't let me do either.

The largest jpeg corel will let me export at 150 dpi is 5080mm long. Any way to export larger jpeg?

When i export to pdf the resulting pdf is just blank! When I import the pdf back into corel, it imports back into corel perfectly and there doesn't seem to any issues (even tho the pdf is blank). however when I sent the file to the printer, they said it was blank as well. I read some forums that said pdfs have a limit of around 5metres, which explains the pdf issue. Even though the printer told they print pdfs larger than 5 metres all the time.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: When Export Logo File To EPS It Doesn't Get Same Size

Jun 14, 2011

When I export a logo file to EPS it doesn't get the same size a the cdr-document. For example my document is 250 mm x 120 mm with a black background but when I open the EPS version of it in Photoshop the document is 330 mm x 120 mm with a 250 mm black background and the rest is transparent.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Get From Paper Space To Model Space While Converting Scale Properly

Feb 8, 2012

I need to have users plot to DWF from paper space so they can retain their customized layers colors etc, on that specific paper space tab, as well as the view via viewport that they like most.

I then am mixing this with FDO data generated out of Model space. Unfortunately, when using the EXPORTLAYOUT command, the data is coped into Model space but seems to retain it's paper space coordinates. I had hoped this function would behave like CHSPACE and copy everything from paper to model space in the same scale.

Is there a way for me to achieve this?

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AutoCad :: Linetype Scale From Model Space To Paper Space

Feb 3, 2012

I have an issue with linetype scale. I have a certain part of my drawing with dash lines at a linetype scale of 1000. In Model space it is fine but when I change to Paper Space the lines become solid. I have tried increasing the linetype scale in Model space to compensate for the scale in Paper space but the lines are still solid.

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CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 :: Stretching Text Slightly Later Doesn't Match Any Other Text?

Jul 27, 2011

My boss is using CorelDraw x5 on a Dell Studio lappy w/ win7 x64, his question is... If you accidentally stretch text and don't realize it till later is it given a value that can be compared to other text so you can conform it to the rest of the text? Is this a tool or what? The scenario is you accidentally stretch text minutely, save the file, copy and paste this text to another file with same format to realize later it has been manipulated and doesn't match.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Global Scale Factor Or Current Object Scale In Specific Paper Space

Apr 10, 2013

I have trouble figuring out dash lines. If i change global scale factor or current object scale in a spedific paper space,

the other page will be affected...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Export To EPS Makes Pantone Colors Black Or Gray Scale

Dec 1, 2011

Hopefully my title gets the point across.  I've read numerous threads on here where people seem to have the same issue, but I've yet to discover a solution.

I recently bought a new pc and installed Corel Draw X5.  When I export to eps and open the eps in Corel, the Pantone colors appear nearly black.  This is also true for my clients, although I'm not sure what program they are using to open the eps. 

It is worth mentioning that on my old PC I did not have this problem. EPS files I exported from Corel Draw X5 were fine. I could export eps files containing Pantone colors, and the Pantone colors would be there when I opened the eps file.

The settings I'm using under export to eps dialogue are the exact same settings I was using before:

Output colors as Native and PostScript 3.

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, and CorelDraw X5

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Space Between Text And Text Frame?

Jan 30, 2013

I have problems with text frame alignment. When I set the distance between page's border and text frame the actual one is different i.e. I set 30 mm and it's exactly the distance between the border and the text frame border. However I would like to have 30 mm as a distance between text and the edge of a paper. In example below it's slightly more (dotted line).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Exporting To Signlab E6 - Design Doesn't Export If In Multi Color

Jul 2, 2012

I have recently upgraded from corel 12 to X6.  I work in SignLab e6 on my production computer. Now since I have upgraded when I export files from x6 and import them into SignLab e6 they will not import unless I change everything to 1 color.  If it does export the file as full color, when I import the file it is converted to 1 color. This takes a lot of time to re color everything.  I typically have to export files from Corel as .EPS in order for the file to import into Signlab with best quality, but have been using the CMX (legacy) lately with same results.  I dont understand why I have to convert them into 1 color nor why they convert from full color to 1 color.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Export Of Text To SVG Will Not Use Fonts If Text Has Transparency

Feb 3, 2013

Coreldraw has a user-selectable option to export text "As text" (with or without font embedding) or "As curves". But if the text has a transparency applied to it, then Coreldraw always exports it as curves regardless.

This is a bug. The SVG spec clearly states that text is painted like any other path and so can have SVG opacity applied to it.

Problem applies to X6 and X5.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Create Text / Some Space And Add Outline

Oct 25, 2011

I want to create some text that has a outline but with a little bit of space in between the text and the outline. What is the best way to do this?

Usually, I will create text and add an outline. Then convert the outline to an object and change the color to whatever the background color of the document is. Then I will add an outline to that object (the one that used to be the text outline) and I end up with essentially two outlines.

It usually isn't that difficult but sometimes the text does not cooperate and when I add an outline it has all kind of gaps and points. So I guess I have two questions. why certain texts have those gaps and points when you try to outline them? Also, is there any easier way to make an outline that is not directly against the text like this.

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Illustrator :: Scale Multiple Text Boxes On Time Scale Without Scaling The Text?

Jun 12, 2013

Im working for a geological firm that use timescales to describe their work (depths at times etc). I need to compress the time bar but not alter the text but cant find  way to do it. Im only scaling in 1 direction.

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3ds Max :: Imported AI Files Do Not Scale Correctly

Jan 4, 2012

I've imported AI files that I want to alter using spline editing tolls like 'Outline'. I'm having to select in Pshop the area that I want to export as AI file but when I get it into Max when I want a 1' outline it goes completely out of the area. if I enter .0125" in outline I get about a 20' outline!

What am I doing wrong? How can I convert the spline's scale to work properly with 'Outline'?

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GIMP :: How To Scale Image Correctly

Jun 3, 2012

well - how to scale an image correct! I am pretty new to GIMP and i want to scale an image.

what is wanted: want to have an image with approx 300 x 200 pixel:

currently it (the image called Demo-image.jpg) has a size of approx 580 x 260 pixel.

First of all; i open a new window - (with 1080x540 pixel)

then i open my Demo-image.jpg in this newly created window - Question: should i drop in this Demo-image.jpg as a new layer or as a new picture. guess that this is pretty important. Unfortunatly i do not have any glue!?

Then i take the marker tool and mark the whole Demo-image.jpg - and afterward i choose (out of the toolbox -) the scaling-tool. Now i try to scale down the Demo-image.jpg.

If i am lucky then the scaling -dialogue pops up. Then i can see some values; height and width - What now happens is totally misterious: Whatever i do:

a. playing with the numbers (/height or width)
b. taking the demo-image.jpg with the "mouse" and tryin to scale "manually by shifting the edges...

All i do - it has no effect.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Finding X-Scale Factor Of Changed Piece Of Text

Jun 21, 2011

Is there anyway to determine how much a piece of artistic text has been changed in it's X-Scale?  If I insert some text into my drawing using the Text tool, then grab the left handle and drag it in, I see the X-Scale: in the status bar go from 100% to whatever I drop it at.  But if I go back to that piece of text, or select another piece that was compressed or expanded, and try the same trick, the scale factor resets back to 100%. 

How can I determine the amount of change from the initial font the text has changed after the fact?  None of the property boxes show you this information.

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GIMP :: Scale Tool Not Working Correctly?

Mar 18, 2011

Recently when I click on an image/layer to rescale (like I have done hundreds of times) the height figure resets to 1 px. When I try to increase it back to the original figure, nothing happens apart from weird lines that appear below the image. It started yesterday, after I was in the middle of a project and Gimp crashed (which it has never done before). It does not matter how many new projects I start, after a while the scale tool stops working.

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AutoCad :: Block Not Scale Correctly As Per Units

Jan 15, 2013

Using ACAD 2013 64 bits. I am trying to insert a block created in inches (by another company), in a drawing created in meters, but it is not working. This is the initial setup: Block-drawing's units are set to inches, type Architectural. My drawing's units are set to meters, type decimal. So far so good, I guess. Then, I proceed to open my drawing, execute the insert block command and select the Block-drawing. Once selected, I can see in the dialog box . Block unit clearly reading inches and the correct scale factor of 0.0254. However, when click OK, the drawing is huge. I check it's properties and the block's geometry is correctly set at an insertion scale of 1, 1, 1; but, in Misc, the block unit is now "meters" and the unit factor is "1"! This means that one inch equals one meter. This does not happen when I create the blocks; in those cases it works as it should.

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AutoCad 3D :: Cylinder Not Printing Correctly From Paper Space

Oct 13, 2011

I have a 3D drawing with a cylinder in it. I use viewports in paper space. Sometimes only part of the cylinder outline shows in viewport or prints. I can trace over it in paper space, but that's a hack. What's the real solution? Autocad 2008

I just figured it out. It only happens with shading to 3D hidden. Change it to just plain hidden and problem goes away.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Text Snapping To Guidelines Still Doesn't Take Descenders Into Account?

Apr 13, 2012

I was using some horizontal guidelines to line up text, and was infuriated to find that this doesn't work because Draw snaps the bottom of descenders to the guideline, instead of (duh) allowing them to descend below it.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Save / Save As / Copy / Cut / Export And Some More Tools Doesn't Work

Jan 11, 2012

I have a problem with CorelDraw X4, some tools like save, save as, copy, cut, export doesn't work.

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CorelCAD :: Weld Doesn't Seem To Work Correctly On Some ARC

Nov 17, 2013

Weld doesn't seem to work correctly on some ARCs, though I don't quite know which ones yet. Here's an example - A left and right box created to allow two hemispheres to be made. Now try to "weld" them into a circle, and the program fails and delets both, replacing them with some rubbish.

This is most definitely a bug... It's very unusual behavior. Also, when ARCs are used in a welded shape, and it's extruded, it sometimes fails to make a solid. I found that two arcs with two polylines worked, but four arc and four polylines did not.

Also, if we're submitting bugs via Corel rather than directly with Graebert, is it possible to get a bug tracking list on the forum?

 Update: Took this ( and others ) to Corel Support. They looked into it, and apparently weld doesn't do what the training videos say it does ( and it doesn't quite do what AutoCAD thinks either ) - but it's all moot.

To do this - Type PEDIT and then M for Multiple polylines. Select and convert them all, then JOIN. Works beautifully. So, if connecting lines, don't use WELD or JOIN - use PEDIT and convert to Polylines first.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Door Swing Arc Does Not Scale Correctly

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to get the door swing arc to scale correctly as the width of the box is changed.

But the block is defying logic by scaling the arc radius exactly 5 units short of what it should be.

I've tried deleting, recreating, and chaining the parameter over and over only to have the same problem each time.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Align And Distribute Doesn't Work For Text / Fonts

Aug 7, 2012

Align & Distribute doesn't work for Text / Fonts

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Photoshop :: CS6 Patch Tool Doesn't Work Correctly

Jun 1, 2012

When I use Patch Tool in Normal mode, photoshop leaves a transparent mark on the replacement area.

System Info
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x32
Operating System: Windows 7 32-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:7, Stepping:10 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3
Physical processor count: 2
Processor speed: 1995 MHz
Built-in memory: 3067 MB
Free memory: 1758 MB

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manage Tab Doesn't Load Correctly?

Sep 20, 2012

It doesn't happen very often (apparently, 8 days ago was the last time), but I would like to know more about this error.  

The .png I've attached shows what happens more easily than I can describe it.

It only happens on Part1 (and possible Assembly1?).  If I've made a new part and the menu loaded correctly, it won't load improperly on a later new part (, like Part2, Part 3, etc).  It does not happen saved parts that I open.  If I have other files open when this happens, the Manage menu seems to be correct in any file, but Part1.  Closing IV and reopening has fixed it every time, but one.  The time closing/reopening IV didn't fix it, I closed it again, and reloding IV again, the menu was fine.

The visible portions of the buttons work correctly, but the empty spaces where the icons for the button should appear, do nothing.

No other tab has done this.

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