GIMP :: Scale Tool Not Working Correctly?

Mar 18, 2011

Recently when I click on an image/layer to rescale (like I have done hundreds of times) the height figure resets to 1 px. When I try to increase it back to the original figure, nothing happens apart from weird lines that appear below the image. It started yesterday, after I was in the middle of a project and Gimp crashed (which it has never done before). It does not matter how many new projects I start, after a while the scale tool stops working.

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GIMP :: Scale Tool Not Working

Mar 30, 2012

After pasting in a PNG, and it's made into a Floating Selection layer, she wanted to scale it down using the Scale tool. So she clicked and dragged till she got the right size, but upon clicking on Scale (in the little dialog that pops up with the Scale tool), the dialog box vanishe ... and the layer went back to its original size. She tried multiple times and got the same problem.

I even got her to click on "Cancel" rather than Scale in case it was a traslation error, like the translator mixed up the Scale and Cancel buttons, but nope.

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GIMP :: How To Scale Image Correctly

Jun 3, 2012

well - how to scale an image correct! I am pretty new to GIMP and i want to scale an image.

what is wanted: want to have an image with approx 300 x 200 pixel:

currently it (the image called Demo-image.jpg) has a size of approx 580 x 260 pixel.

First of all; i open a new window - (with 1080x540 pixel)

then i open my Demo-image.jpg in this newly created window - Question: should i drop in this Demo-image.jpg as a new layer or as a new picture. guess that this is pretty important. Unfortunatly i do not have any glue!?

Then i take the marker tool and mark the whole Demo-image.jpg - and afterward i choose (out of the toolbox -) the scaling-tool. Now i try to scale down the Demo-image.jpg.

If i am lucky then the scaling -dialogue pops up. Then i can see some values; height and width - What now happens is totally misterious: Whatever i do:

a. playing with the numbers (/height or width)
b. taking the demo-image.jpg with the "mouse" and tryin to scale "manually by shifting the edges...

All i do - it has no effect.

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After Effects :: Path Tool Not Working Correctly?

Nov 7, 2013

I am trying to animate png images along a path. I make the path as a mask to the object, and then copy the masks path to the objects position, and when I do the object moves somewhere off the camera view and the path is twice as big.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Interactive Envelope Tool Not Working Correctly?

Mar 22, 2011

I cannot get the Envelope tool to work correctly in Draw X5. Rather that go into a lenghty explanation, see below. Notice that some of the rectangles don't "bend" as they should. I converted all text to curves and then welded all objects together. However, it acts the same if they are grouped instead.

Draw X5 service pack 2.

Before using the tool. 

After using the tool.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Eraser Tool Not Working Correctly X5?

Jul 21, 2013

Since I first upgraded from PSP X3, 5 months ago the eraser tool has worked great. But just in the last week I have been having problems with it not working correctly. It seems like it is faded and not erasing like it should. The hardness IS raised up to 100 but still no luck. The background eraser is working great, it is only the eraser tool that is acting up. Here is a screen capture of what it is doing.

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Illustrator :: The Pencil Tool Is Not Working Correctly - Strokes Disappears Completely

Mar 12, 2013

I've been making my drawing with the pencil tool obviously. After I make a stroke, I continue it with the last anchor point. But sometimes when I do that, the previous stroke disappears completley. Why is that?

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GIMP :: GNU Image Manipulation Program Stopped Working Correctly

Apr 12, 2013

My gimp isn't starting up it says GNU Image Manipulation Program has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly Windows will close the program and notify you if the solution is available.

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Illustrator :: Scale Tool Is Not Working?

Mar 15, 2014

Scale tool in my illustrator is not worrking.

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Maya Modeling :: Why Does Scale Tool Not Working Right

Feb 14, 2012

When I try and scale anything, I hit the hotkey R and the 3 manipulators appear. No matter what I click on, X,Y,Z,or center, when I move my mouse I get an "automatic" jump increasing the size. I can't seem to get it to do anything but these staged jumps in size. I cannot scale anything down, unless I use the universal manipulator tool. So, for example, if I want to scale a size 2 sphere to a size .8, I would have to use the universal manipulator and Shift-click on one of the matrix corners and that will allow a uniform scaling. I realize that I can always enter the scaling amount in the Channel or Attribute box field, but it may be that I'm trying to visually scale something and entering numbers isn't exactly the best way.

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3ds Max :: Move And Scale Tool Not Working Properly?

Jun 1, 2012

the move and scale tools have decided to stop working. Although I can still move things around, I can't move them up and down, not to mention that the tools themselves don't show up.

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GIMP :: Scale Tool - Keep Aspect Make Default?

Sep 12, 2013

is it possible to make the 'keep aspect' option in the scale tool checked by default? it is unchecked every time Gimp starts up and I tend to make the mistake and oddly scale a floating layer because the aspect isn't staying the same. is there any way to make the 'keep aspect' option on by default so when I start up Gimp I don't have to constantly scale it wrong or having to always need to lock the proportions?

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GIMP :: Scale Tool From Toolbox Behaves Differently From Image?

Aug 24, 2013

The Scale tool from the toolbox behaves differently from Image>Scale Image. What's the difference? Are there circumstances when I want one and not the other? I'm using 2.8.6, Windows 7.

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GIMP :: Smudge Tool Is Not Working

Nov 10, 2008

When I try to use the smudge tool in gimp (2.6.2). I click on it and I try to smudge the image. But gimp seems to ignore the tool. So I decided to play with the Opacity, Rate and even the scale. No luck.

So then I thought, ok maybe the changes are to small for me to see. So I decided to zoom all the way in and try the smudge tool. No change at all.

The odd thing is it is a single layer image. I just tried an experiment, I opened the photo I wanted to smudge with clicked on the tool and tried blending the area. Then I closed it, it didn't ask me if i wanted to save the "changes" I just made.

The smudge tool does not have an circular with an line across it saying I cant use it. Here is the image I am trying to fix up .

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GIMP :: Foreground Tool Not Working?

Mar 4, 2013

This tool lets you extract foreground from the active layer, using the SIOX method. To create a selection, set roughly foreground you want to extract. Select as little of the background as possible. As soon as you're finished (the selection is closed) the rest of the image goes dark. Now draw the line trough the foreground, going through all colours that will be used for extraction. Then after releasing the mouse-button, only the actual foreground is selected.

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GIMP :: Working Of Blur Tool

May 30, 2013

The blur tool does not seem to be working like I thought it would work. I am using version 2.8.4.

When blurring a section of a digital painting or photo, it goes to a certain point and then does not seem to blur anymore regardless of how much I keep painting over the area with the tool.

When I apply a gaussian blur filter to the entire image, I can get much more blur to occur by choosing a large blur radius.

I would think my continuous painting with the blur tool would be the same as choosing larger fill radii in the gaussian blur filter. But, as I said the tool stops blurring anymore after a few strokes over an area.

I have tried changing all the different settings - Rate=100, Opacity=100, change the size and style of brush, etc.

I have a created a workaround for the problem by doing something similar to the trick for sharpening that is mentioned in the Blur Tool documentation:

-Duplicate the image layer a few times.
-Go to the duplicate layers and apply different levels of blur.
-Choose the Clone Tool.
-Select 'Image' and 'Registered' from the Clone Tool's control window.
-Activate the Clone Tool on the layer that has the amount of blur desired.
-Switch to the original layer and begin painting the blur with Opacity set to about 60 and use brush dynamics where pressure controls opacity.

This seems to work okay. But, it is a lot of extra steps to get the blur to go further than the Blur Tool allows.

It would be nice to have a blur radius setting in the Blur Tool's control window. Could that work?

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GIMP :: Clone Tool Not Working

Jul 13, 2013

I am using GIMP 2.8.2 on Ubuntu 12.10.The clone tool seems broken. It can not recognize the CTRL+left click. Ihave tried with setting different key, which also does not work.

It always says "Ctrl-click to set a new clone source"

Doing that says "set a source image first"

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GIMP :: Stroke Path Tool Not Working?

Jun 21, 2011

Simply press 'b' for the bezier select tool, and click where you want a line to begin, and click again where you want the line to end. Now, you can move the line around until you get it perfect by clicking on the dot on either end and dragging it with the mouse. Isn't that neat! You can even click on the middle of the line and bend it! Try it! You can draw any shape with it.

If you make a mess, just press ctrl + z and undo your last changes. The GIMP remembers a very long list of changes, so you can go backwards step by step.

When you are happy with your line, or lines. just click 'Edit' --> 'Stroke path'. A box will open to allow you top choose settings for exactly how you want your line stroked. You can just leave it the way it is, or you can make GIMP do almost anything with your line. GIMP will remember your previous settings too, and offer you the same settings for the next line. When the box mentioned above pops up, I choose my desired settings and hit the "Stroke" button, absolutely nothing happens. No matter how thick I tell it to make the line, no line ever appears.

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3ds Max :: Imported AI Files Do Not Scale Correctly

Jan 4, 2012

I've imported AI files that I want to alter using spline editing tolls like 'Outline'. I'm having to select in Pshop the area that I want to export as AI file but when I get it into Max when I want a 1' outline it goes completely out of the area. if I enter .0125" in outline I get about a 20' outline!

What am I doing wrong? How can I convert the spline's scale to work properly with 'Outline'?

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3ds Max :: Unit Scale / Display Scale And Working Units?

May 14, 2012

there's a bug in my file. but

system unit is set to 1cm.

display unit is set to 1mm.

I measure the geometry at the side. its about 6355mm

I put a dummy @ base where I measured it with the tape measure.

I move it up 6000mm and it goes way off.

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AutoCad :: Block Not Scale Correctly As Per Units

Jan 15, 2013

Using ACAD 2013 64 bits. I am trying to insert a block created in inches (by another company), in a drawing created in meters, but it is not working. This is the initial setup: Block-drawing's units are set to inches, type Architectural. My drawing's units are set to meters, type decimal. So far so good, I guess. Then, I proceed to open my drawing, execute the insert block command and select the Block-drawing. Once selected, I can see in the dialog box . Block unit clearly reading inches and the correct scale factor of 0.0254. However, when click OK, the drawing is huge. I check it's properties and the block's geometry is correctly set at an insertion scale of 1, 1, 1; but, in Misc, the block unit is now "meters" and the unit factor is "1"! This means that one inch equals one meter. This does not happen when I create the blocks; in those cases it works as it should.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Export Doesn't Scale / Space Text Correctly

Oct 1, 2012

I have a problem exporting a file to TIFF format as the text spacing becomes "corrupted".The text is just a simple text block, pick any font you want (i.e. Arial). I export the file as TIFF format with the following changes of note:

Do not select "Maintain Aspect Ratio".Change the vertical scaling to something like 140% (nothing magical about 140%, just something that stretches it out enough)

That's it. When the text comes out, the letters are all stuck  together, either overlapping or touching. This happens with TIFF, PNG or BMP format, but it does not happen when I export GIF or JPG format. Of course, converting the text to curves prior to export also produces the correct result.

Of course, the reverse also happens if I scale vertical to less than 100%, the characters get spaced out farther than they should. I cannot really convert to PNG then to TIFF as I need to maintain the CMYK colorspace on this one. I also do not "pre-scale" the image correctly in CorelDraw first because I actually need to export the image to several different aspect ratios and I would like to maintain only one "master" source image.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Door Swing Arc Does Not Scale Correctly

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to get the door swing arc to scale correctly as the width of the box is changed.

But the block is defying logic by scaling the arc radius exactly 5 units short of what it should be.

I've tried deleting, recreating, and chaining the parameter over and over only to have the same problem each time.

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GIMP :: Dot Button Beside Scale That Auto Sets Scale Back To Default?

Jan 5, 2012

When I'm editing pix, and need a quick large solid brush for a couple seconds, (1-inch dia), I slide "scale", but it's nearly impossible to manually rest scale back to default without restarting Gimp...

Can there be a dot-button beside scale that auto-sets scale back to default..? and/or a timer on scale changes that resets scale back to default after ten-seconds..?

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 Not Working Correctly?

Sep 3, 2012

When I start my Photoshop CS5.1 I get an error saying that my standard brushes, standard colors etc. are missing/

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Photoshop :: CS5 Not Working Correctly

Oct 29, 2013

'm running windows 7, and am using PS CS5. It has started developing a few problems that are becoming very troublesome. My system is 64-bit running intelcore i5 2320 3.00 gz with 6gb ram. It's a Dell which is probably the main problem to begin with, but here goes.
It won't open any secondary files on the first try. When it doesn't, I have to scroll through folders, then try to re-open the file. Major headache. On my preferences under performance, "Open GLdraw" is not checked.
It often won't let me make any image adjustments on a file, or on a layer unless I close the program and restart.saving files in an unrecognized format. I usually can recover some if I open them with paint, but I find this ridiculous.

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3ds Max :: Cloth Not Working Correctly

Jul 10, 2013

Today I tryed to simulate cloth that was created in 3ds max 2012.While in max 2012 it works fine, in 2014 the cloth pops a few centimeters up. No matter what i tried (reset state, erase simulation, delete the cloth modifier and re apply it) the problem persists.

Along with other problems such as geometry being corrupted (in max 2014), crashes when rendering, and wierd viewport problems, max 2014 has to be THE MOST buggy and problematic release of 3ds max I've ever used.

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Photoshop :: Cmd-0 (Fit To Screen) In CS5 Not Working Correctly?

Oct 25, 2012

I am running Photoshop CS5, and when I am use cmd-0 (fir to screen) the window reduces to the tiniest speck

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Offset Not Working Correctly

Jan 8, 2014

(I have tested this on both Map 2010 and Map 2014 but it could be happening in other AutoCad platforms)

when offsetting a polyline with a shallow deflection, the newly created polyline is created incorectly.

I have a 2 segment polyline with a 0D03'00" deflection. when I offset it, the vertex of the new polyline is created in the wrong location. On a polyline with a 0d04'00" deflection, offset works correctly.

 If I explode the polyline, offset the lines and fillet them, the vertex is correct.

Attached is the final result. The red polyline is the polyline with a 3' deflection and the green polyline has a 4' deflection. when offset the vertex's should land at the center of the circles that are drawn but the red polyline vertex is incorrect by 0.00654456.

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Photoshop :: Quickmask Not Working Correctly

Apr 6, 2009

I can't get quickmask to work correctly in photoshop. Each thing I try to mask and then copy ends up having 50% or so opacity. All the layers are at 100% opacity, and in the quickmask options opactiy is also at 100%. Anyone know what could be wrong?

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Photoshop :: Wind Filter Not Working Correctly - CS5

Jan 11, 2013

my Wind Filter is not creating the "tracers" or "trails" that I am used to seeing.My goal is to create a motion effect on white text.  The "tails" are not growing in length when I duplicate the filter over & over like it should.
Example: This is the text after applying the filter once.Here is an example after the 3rd time of applying the Wind Filter.
the streaks are remaining within the text. It's not creating the trailing streaks that I need.

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