3ds Max :: Move And Scale Tool Not Working Properly?
Jun 1, 2012
the move and scale tools have decided to stop working. Although I can still move things around, I can't move them up and down, not to mention that the tools themselves don't show up.
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Apr 11, 2013
I have this simple dynamic block that is to change from 4" to 6" to 8" square. I have a linear parameter, 0 grips, and a Lookup function for 4, 6 or 8. It is supposed to scale about the midpoint (insertion point). I have tried both the Midpoint and Startpoint settings for Base Location but it always seems to scale from the far left of the Linear Parameter.
using 2012 LT
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Jun 23, 2012
i'm trying to draw something on my screen with a pen tool but after drawing a simple letter L i get this.What's doing this? how can I fix it?
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Dec 23, 2012
I use the wind tool a lot and here recently it's been blowing into my layer instead of away from it. No matter what kind of layer I present it always blows into it.
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Mar 27, 2012
For some bizarre reason, no matter what tool I select in the tool bar the only icon that will show up on the canvas is the hand tool, I can't change it and consequently I can't do anything but move the image around.
I have installed all the updates and patches, I have tried everything I can think of to solve it and get back to work but no other tools will work.
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Nov 20, 2012
I am having problems with the free style tools, brush tool, lasso tool, etc. when I open Photoshop everything works fine but as soon as I press any key, the brush tool makes just one dot instead of a line, I can't slide any adjustment bars, like to make opacity from 0% to 100% or change diameter of the brush, any movement in the mouse is like I just made a single click, I wait around 10 minutes and everything is ok again.
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Nov 20, 2012
My Gradient Tool no longer shows the Gradient Tool Annotator over a selected object. Did I turn something off that I don't know about? Recently updated my CS5 version to try and fix but no luck.
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Jul 3, 2013
My settings for the Healing Brush Tool are as follows:
Size = 19 pxHardness = 50%Spacing = 15%Mode = NormalSource = SampledI used "ALT-Left Click" to select my "Source".
Here's my problem: Once I have selected my Source, I go to the area of the picture I want to modify and Left-Click and start to drag to cover the area I want to modify. Once I reach my end point, I release my mouse button. In doing so, the area I just modified returns to its original look before I modified it.
I have tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to work
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Nov 12, 2012
Ever since I've installed CS6 my Text tool has not been working properly AT ALL. a Number of problems
1. I cant resize using the 00.pt at all. If I switch from 72 to 48 (or any other number) it will stay the same
2. manually rezising also causes issues, I don't get a full preview of the text even after sized. its cut off at 50%-75% height
3. the bounding box doesn't even go outside the entire object. its usually about 20% of the height
4. it often needs to "load" I've NEVER seen this before.
Its also since caused problems to CS5.
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Jan 9, 2013
I used the liquify tool on a selected area of a picture and it worked fine. Well, now when I select my area and try to use it, it just slightly warps the area and does nothing else. The liquify screen and options never come up. I think it's just repeating what I did in liquify the last time I used it instead of giving me the option to do what I need to do. It just won't let me do ANYTHING with the tool other than the warping(what I think is the "repeating" of the previous uses effects) everything else in photoshop is working fine for me, this is the only problem I'm having. Before this, it would just crash when I tried to open liquify but I fixed that by changing the video codecs/plugins to the ones that work with it so that is no longer a problem, it doesn't freeze or anything. So why is it just repeating what I did last time?
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Jul 30, 2005
why my ellipse tool doesnt work. I used it the other day ( to draw a cirlce, obviously!). I had set the shape to be a fixed size (675 by 700 pixels) and clicked on the canvas to create the shape. This worked fine but when i went to use it again it wouldnt work. It allows me to select the tool and when i click and drag on the canvas a new layer is created but no image appears. I've tried the obviuos; putting the layer on top of all the others, checking the settings (opacity etc) but nothing seems to work.
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Jun 10, 2011
I know there is a way to change the size of the arrows, I already did it and made them bigger and I forget how to make them small again...
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Mar 30, 2012
After pasting in a PNG, and it's made into a Floating Selection layer, she wanted to scale it down using the Scale tool. So she clicked and dragged till she got the right size, but upon clicking on Scale (in the little dialog that pops up with the Scale tool), the dialog box vanishe ... and the layer went back to its original size. She tried multiple times and got the same problem.
I even got her to click on "Cancel" rather than Scale in case it was a traslation error, like the translator mixed up the Scale and Cancel buttons, but nope.
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Mar 15, 2014
Scale tool in my illustrator is not worrking.
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Feb 14, 2012
When I try and scale anything, I hit the hotkey R and the 3 manipulators appear. No matter what I click on, X,Y,Z,or center, when I move my mouse I get an "automatic" jump increasing the size. I can't seem to get it to do anything but these staged jumps in size. I cannot scale anything down, unless I use the universal manipulator tool. So, for example, if I want to scale a size 2 sphere to a size .8, I would have to use the universal manipulator and Shift-click on one of the matrix corners and that will allow a uniform scaling. I realize that I can always enter the scaling amount in the Channel or Attribute box field, but it may be that I'm trying to visually scale something and entering numbers isn't exactly the best way.
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Mar 18, 2011
Recently when I click on an image/layer to rescale (like I have done hundreds of times) the height figure resets to 1 px. When I try to increase it back to the original figure, nothing happens apart from weird lines that appear below the image. It started yesterday, after I was in the middle of a project and Gimp crashed (which it has never done before). It does not matter how many new projects I start, after a while the scale tool stops working.
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May 28, 2012
My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit & Radeon graphics card. I have been having trouble with my space bar. This is what I've been doing...
New Layer > Ellipse tool > Draw a cirlce > Duplicate Layer > (reselect) Ellipse tool > select the Subtract Front Shape < this is where I need to use the space bar so that I can center the new circle (inside) so that I have a nice border that's evenly spaced around the entire circumference.
However, when I go to hold down the space bar so that I can use my mouse pad to move the circle around it will not move and the hand icon does not appear. The box that contains the H/height & W/width gains the X & Y information. However, intermittently the hand icon will appear but even when it is present I still cannot move anything. When the hand icon does intermittently appear I have not changed anything.
I have checked to make certain that my mouse pad doesn't have any sort of setting(s) that would prevent the mouse pad action when a key is being pressed ~ at least to the best of my rather newbie experience.
I have read that some have had problems with CS5 regarding this same matter but their issue was resolved simply by closing whatever browser they had open concurrently (with Ps). I tried this but it did not resolve my problem.
I had used the Beta of CS6 and it worked just fine which I find rather odd. I reset the preferences by hitting Shift+Alt+Ctrl and that also did not work. Also, if you don't know how I could go about resolving this issue do you know of an other way in which I would be able to move the circle when the Subtract Front Shape is in use? I have tried making the new circle and then just using the Move tool at the top of the tools bar.
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Jun 8, 2012
CS5 Photoshop..I have just noticed that my rounded rectangle tool is not working properly. When I click and drag nothing is visible, when I release it floods my whole image with my selected color. I have tried all of the other tools and they work properly. I have tried restarting, compared settings with other tools, and checked for updates.
Also, I have what appears to be a common problem with my move tool. I click, drag, and drop only to have the selected image snap back to its original position. I have an intuos 5 connected, is this the culprit?
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Mar 1, 2013
When I click on the Move tool in my Adobe Photoshope Elements 10, it does nothing now. I have to click on the specific layer if I want to move something.
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Dec 9, 2012
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
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Mar 10, 2013
[URL] as you can see in the attachment. I need to scale the boot fits into the feet properly. I have tried to do that by adjusting polygons and vertex but it doesn't make a good result. I am wondering is there any sophisticated method to exactly fit the boot into the feet without any clipping and extra space as seen in the image.
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May 14, 2012
there's a bug in my file. but
system unit is set to 1cm.
display unit is set to 1mm.
I measure the geometry at the side. its about 6355mm
I put a dummy @ base where I measured it with the tape measure.
I move it up 6000mm and it goes way off.
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Dec 1, 2006
I try to select and move a layer using the Move Tool, another layer is immediately selected and moved instead.
Also, if I have layers inside a folder and try to move one of those layers, the entire folder is selected and all layers within that folder move.
I have not grouped any layers together.
I'm using Mac OS 10.4.8 with PS 9.0.1
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Sep 21, 2011
why I am unable to see the linetypes properly when the LT scale is set.
For example a dashed line drawn in model space with the LT scale set at 48 normally shows a correct spacing between the dashes. It worked fine this morning, but for some reason it does not show properly this afternoon, and is a continuous line.
No matter what I seem to do, I can't get the line to show up as dashed. I "regenall", set the lt scale to 1, then back to 48, set the psltscale to 0 then to 1 (just for kicks). I've exited the drawing and come back to it, and still the result is the same.
I am using Autocad 2009.
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Jul 19, 2013
I'm drawing a gas line (the one that says gas throughout the length of the line) and i can't seem to scale the text 'gas' properly, it seems that it is all squashing up and i cant make out what it says. I've tried ltscale, psltscale and the actual linetype scale of the line to no avail. I'm sure this is a simple problem, i just cant work it out.
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Jun 13, 2008
how do you get the scale to show up properly in the title block? I've been searching and finding nothing on this issue, with exception of Autodesk personnel telling users to use the scale display on the views. I know it's not the "Autodesk way" of doing things, but my company has been putting the main view scale in the title block for over 30 years.
I've been using Patrick de Stobbeleir's "iProperty Collection" utility since Inv11, and it does the job. The thing that bugs me, though, is that I can't figure out how to get the FirstViewScale:x custom properties to work intelligently in my title blocks. I just use the property FirstViewScale in my title block, which displays the scale of the first view put down...no matter what the sheet.
how I can use the FirstViewScale:x property in title blocks such that x is the sheet number? So far we just have the first sheet use the FirstViewScale, and then subsequent sheets use a prompted entry (I know it's an ugly work-around).
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Oct 17, 2012
I enlarged a photochrom image (which gimp converted to rgb) to twice its original size, but when I wanted to see its dimensions in inches the image scale showed 6.667 x 4.887, which is half the original size. This can’t be possible, the enlarged image is quite big. I set the resolution at 300, if that makes a difference…
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Jan 14, 2013
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't...it's pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
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May 10, 2012
CS6 (Design & Web Premium)! Beautiful interface with terrific power. Just updateded from CS4.
When I'm retouching with a tool (like the clone tool) consecutively (maybe 7-12 times), I get a "bink" sound, as if the tool has locked up. I can't use hot keys (keyboard short cuts) to undo, resize or resample without getting this "bink" sound. I've clicked on the "move" tool then select the cloning tool (with my mouse) but that only works for 1 more spot.
The "bink" continues for any other hot key (keyboard short cut) operation. I don't want to purge history until I'm completely finished. Quitting / relauncing PS clears this but only until I use the tool consecutively a few times again. What is causing that and how do I fix it?
I'm a power user with 300 images to retouch on a very tight deadline. Eeeeep.Keyboard short cuts are my salvation.
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Feb 3, 2013
I am trying to create an animated GIF banner. The banner consist of 2 text layers and several pictures. The text layers remain fixed, only the pictures change.
I have 8 frames and each frame should have following visibility: background, textlayer 1 and 2, [picture] layer X and Xcopy (b.t.w. each picture layer and the belonging copy layer have the same picture and properties).
Now when I change the visibility from frame 1: background, textlayer 1 and 2,layer 2 and 2copy to frame 2: background, textlayer 1 and 2, layer 3 and 3copy and so forth, the visibility of one of the layers in the other frames changes automatically. Photoshop changes one of the visible layers in frame one to layer three and dismisses the chosen layer 2.
I tried merging the X and Xcopy layers, that caused one of the layers not being visible any more leaving me with half the picture. Linking the layers had no effect wht so ever.how I can prevent photoshop from changing the frames i.e. fixing the visibility of each frame?
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Aug 11, 2013
I have problems withe the cursor: it is a cros. I try in preferences to set it to another, or a standard cursor. I then close and restart te CS6. No way to get a normal cursor.
I installed the CS6 a few days ago and this problem is there sinds then.hkank you for an answer,
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