I am having problems with the free style tools, brush tool, lasso tool, etc. when I open Photoshop everything works fine but as soon as I press any key, the brush tool makes just one dot instead of a line, I can't slide any adjustment bars, like to make opacity from 0% to 100% or change diameter of the brush, any movement in the mouse is like I just made a single click, I wait around 10 minutes and everything is ok again.
My settings for the Healing Brush Tool are as follows:
Size = 19 pxHardness = 50%Spacing = 15%Mode = NormalSource = SampledI used "ALT-Left Click" to select my "Source".
Here's my problem: Once I have selected my Source, I go to the area of the picture I want to modify and Left-Click and start to drag to cover the area I want to modify. Once I reach my end point, I release my mouse button. In doing so, the area I just modified returns to its original look before I modified it.
I have tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to work
- Shape dynamics, brush customization not working properly
New brush selected - the settings are strange.,Large spacing, scattering on by default Shape dynamics not responding in settings, only responds by clicking the "Always Use Pressure For Size" button Eraser not working on pen Updated CC, Updated Wacom Drivers, Restarted Computers.
Photoshop CS6 worked fine (still on my computer), but CC is just a nightmare with the Wacom brush settings.
Detail Smart Brush use to have the same brightness as Smart Brush as in Bright Eyes, Whiten Teeth, etc. Now when I use Smart Brush, I get the same brightness as always, but when I try to use the Detail Brush, it is darker than Smart Brush. It used to be that I could go over an area as many times as I wanted without an accumulation of brightness with the Detail Brush. Now if I go over an area I already went over, it lightens it more. Have I done something to cause this? How can I get it back to the way it was before (and the way I can still use Elements 11 which I did not uninstall). I tried Sign Out, uninstall and making a new install but the problem was there again. Is it possible that this was updated by Adobe and intentionally changed?
I use the wind tool a lot and here recently it's been blowing into my layer instead of away from it. No matter what kind of layer I present it always blows into it.
For some bizarre reason, no matter what tool I select in the tool bar the only icon that will show up on the canvas is the hand tool, I can't change it and consequently I can't do anything but move the image around.
I have installed all the updates and patches, I have tried everything I can think of to solve it and get back to work but no other tools will work.
Ever since I've installed CS6 my Text tool has not been working properly AT ALL. a Number of problems
1. I cant resize using the 00.pt at all. If I switch from 72 to 48 (or any other number) it will stay the same 2. manually rezising also causes issues, I don't get a full preview of the text even after sized. its cut off at 50%-75% height 3. the bounding box doesn't even go outside the entire object. its usually about 20% of the height 4. it often needs to "load" I've NEVER seen this before.
I used the liquify tool on a selected area of a picture and it worked fine. Well, now when I select my area and try to use it, it just slightly warps the area and does nothing else. The liquify screen and options never come up. I think it's just repeating what I did in liquify the last time I used it instead of giving me the option to do what I need to do. It just won't let me do ANYTHING with the tool other than the warping(what I think is the "repeating" of the previous uses effects) everything else in photoshop is working fine for me, this is the only problem I'm having. Before this, it would just crash when I tried to open liquify but I fixed that by changing the video codecs/plugins to the ones that work with it so that is no longer a problem, it doesn't freeze or anything. So why is it just repeating what I did last time?
why my ellipse tool doesnt work. I used it the other day ( to draw a cirlce, obviously!). I had set the shape to be a fixed size (675 by 700 pixels) and clicked on the canvas to create the shape. This worked fine but when i went to use it again it wouldnt work. It allows me to select the tool and when i click and drag on the canvas a new layer is created but no image appears. I've tried the obviuos; putting the layer on top of all the others, checking the settings (opacity etc) but nothing seems to work.
So everything is fine until I use the select tool, and then free transform a part of the image. Then my brush and eraser stop working until I save and restart the program.
the move and scale tools have decided to stop working. Although I can still move things around, I can't move them up and down, not to mention that the tools themselves don't show up.
My Gradient Tool no longer shows the Gradient Tool Annotator over a selected object. Did I turn something off that I don't know about? Recently updated my CS5 version to try and fix but no luck.
photoshop has decided to immobilize the lock transparent pixels and more importantly the lock image pixels, therefore not allowing me to paint.
Im trying to use the brush tool with the curves layer to brush away bits i don't want to edit in the layer. the brush tool comes up in the history box but nothing is happening on the image.
Im pretty sure i need to unlock the lock image pixels button but have not idea how or why this has happened in the first place.
My history brush tool doesn't seem to work! I am doing it just as I used to use it, so I definently know how to use it. Yes, I am using it on the desired layer. I don't know why, for these past few days, it hasn't been working like it used to!
i am trying to use the brush tool but it is stuck as a cross and it will not go to a circle when you try to resize it, i know i am doing something wrong but can not work it out ,
For some reason, my brush tool randomly stops working, even the preview thumbnail won't show a brush stroke. Also, my eraser has been acting up, first only adding black, then erasing layer and I can't set it to white. I have PS Elements 10.
I've been using adjustment layers (curves) and creating a dark / light layer, and then using a brush with opacity of say 30-50% to paint onto the mask to show dark / light in selected areas of an image.
Until yesterday this was working fine. Now however, my brush is appearing pixelated, and scattered about like an airbrush or spray paint. Rather than all the brush being smooth. Even at 100% opacity, not all of the pixels are altered, instead there are clearly visible (when zoomed in) pixels which are lightened / darkened, and some which have been totally unaffected, which leads to a horrible pixelated effect.
Am I the only one having trouble with the brush tool using a touchscreen running Windows 8? The touch feature doesn't work at all, and the mouse is intermittent, at best.
I have cannot paint in black to conceal on a layer mask. I have "NORMAL" mode set and the foreground color is set to black. When I paint or use the gradient tool in "normal" mode with black it paints to transparent.Before the upgrade it was normal. I have this problem on both CS6 apps pc-and-laptop.
As pointed out in the thread subject line, both the clone stamp tool and healing brush are not working for me in Photo Elements 7.When I am attempting to use it, I get the message: "Could not use clone stamp tool because the area to clone has not been defined". Well, this is not the case since I did define it with command Alt + left mouse click.
Background:Photo Elements 7 is installed in Windows XP Professional SP3. The latter runs as a virtual O/S with Sun VirtualBox on host SuSE Linux 11.1 (Gnome).
The brush tool is no longer working - when I select on any of the brush tools, spray, Art burhs, spray , line, marker etc, they will not work. When I select the drop down nothing is listed. Additionally, none of the other tools in the box, Effect Tool, Image Sprayer too ect, do not work as well. Did I select something to turn off the tool?
I've tried to uninstall and re-install and that did not work.
At work I use mac and a wacom tablet. The lines when i use a brush are very smooth.The problem I am having is occuring on my PC at home. For some reason the brush edges are not smooth (even when i draw a staight line).
In the image attached, you can see the yellow lines done at work (using mac and wacom) and the white lines on my home PC (windows and Huion tablet).Do you think its a settings issue? My home computer has 4Gb of ram and an Nvidia graphics card.
CS6 (Design & Web Premium)! Beautiful interface with terrific power. Just updateded from CS4.
When I'm retouching with a tool (like the clone tool) consecutively (maybe 7-12 times), I get a "bink" sound, as if the tool has locked up. I can't use hot keys (keyboard short cuts) to undo, resize or resample without getting this "bink" sound. I've clicked on the "move" tool then select the cloning tool (with my mouse) but that only works for 1 more spot.
The "bink" continues for any other hot key (keyboard short cut) operation. I don't want to purge history until I'm completely finished. Quitting / relauncing PS clears this but only until I use the tool consecutively a few times again. What is causing that and how do I fix it?
I'm a power user with 300 images to retouch on a very tight deadline. Eeeeep.Keyboard short cuts are my salvation.
I am trying to create an animated GIF banner. The banner consist of 2 text layers and several pictures. The text layers remain fixed, only the pictures change.
I have 8 frames and each frame should have following visibility: background, textlayer 1 and 2, [picture] layer X and Xcopy (b.t.w. each picture layer and the belonging copy layer have the same picture and properties).
Now when I change the visibility from frame 1: background, textlayer 1 and 2,layer 2 and 2copy to frame 2: background, textlayer 1 and 2, layer 3 and 3copy and so forth, the visibility of one of the layers in the other frames changes automatically. Photoshop changes one of the visible layers in frame one to layer three and dismisses the chosen layer 2.
I tried merging the X and Xcopy layers, that caused one of the layers not being visible any more leaving me with half the picture. Linking the layers had no effect wht so ever.how I can prevent photoshop from changing the frames i.e. fixing the visibility of each frame?