Maya Modeling :: Move / Scale Entire Item - Objects Move Separately
Dec 9, 2012
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
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Feb 6, 2011
I'm having this issue where when I select an object in the outline and want to move it say, to another group or reorder the objects, it changes my mouse to circle with a line through it and won't me do anything.
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Jun 10, 2011
I know there is a way to change the size of the arrows, I already did it and made them bigger and I forget how to make them small again...
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Dec 1, 2013
So, when in object mode, I can manually input numbers to translate, rotate, and scale an object - either in the channel box, or in the attribute editor.
But what about subobjects (components) like verts, faces, and edges?
Sure I can move em around with the manipulator, but where can I manually enter in precise numbers?
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Jul 17, 2013
Recently I renamed a folder that contained a Maya project. Here's a simple file structure to show what I mean:
I renamed this:
OLDname > mayaProject > scenes >
…to this:
NEWname > mayaProject > scenes >
The mayaProject (and all it's subfolders: scenes, assets, etc.) was created in Maya, and the OLDname folder was where I kept it and the other files related to the project.
After renaming that folder, when I double clicked the file to launch Maya, I received this error:
// Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to pv_performAction
When I relaunched Maya by its icon and used the File > Open Scene… option, I received this error:
// Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to performFileAction does not match number of parameters in procedure definition.
In both cases, Maya opened a blank Untitled file, instead of my file. When I changed the name of that folder back to OLDname, the file opened properly.
My question is, how can I rename or move this folder and still preserve the file hierarchy that Maya needs to open the file?
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Sep 12, 2012
I'm new to Maya, so this is likely something I'm just missing or that I've done without realizing it, however...
I've created a scene with a few polygonal objects. As an example, imagine a house with plants around it and a cloud above. The plants are spaced evenly along a curve, and the cloud is also made using a Paint Effect with a Modifier around it to control it's shape using slight forces, etc.
However, when it's done and I select the entire group of objects to drag to a different position, weird things happen. The plants seem to move much more quickly in that direction, so that soon they're no longer positioned where they should be at the base of the house, and the clouds move in the opposite direction from where I'm dragging (i.e. down not up). What I'll call the 'normal' polygonal objects (e.g. the house, car, etc.) all move fine, but I cannot figure out how to fix the other items so everything maintains its relative position, or lock the whole scene together to move as a group.
I've tried to combine them, and even 'parent' everything to the house, but I suspect I've changed something like a control handle position or rotated something that now moves opposite the normal xyz directions.
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Jun 5, 2011
I'm creating a face, but what I want is to have whatever happens on the right to happen on the left, instead of clicking each point to move the edges. I tried just cutting the face in half and duplicating, but I don't know how to flip second copy.
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm sure I have accidently set some mode that does this, but when I select a face and do a move function, the entire object moves instead of just that 1 face.
The entire object turns yellow when selected, or yellow/red depending on the size/shape.
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Aug 20, 2013
We are just trying out Maya on the OSX Platform.
In the tutorial that we are going through, we are asked to select 2 curves, center the pivot point, and then hit the 'Insert' key to allow us to move the pivot point, and then holding down the 'C' key we should be able to move the pivot point along the curve.
Looking around we found that if you hit the 'fn + left arrow' keys you are meant to get the same as using the 'insert' key on the PC, but this is not right, and also when you try to hold down the 'C' key it does not allow the pivot point to be constrained to the curve.
So where is the 'Insert' key on the Mac?
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Aug 10, 2013
when i use my move tool n select my reference image the image don't move but the i think camera or shape of image moves , i want to move my reference image.
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Jun 26, 2013
How I can move pivot that camera rotate around?
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Apr 8, 2011
so in the texture editor. as far as i know we can only move the verts around (with F12). we can select edges, to see where they relate on the mesh, but we can't move them. is there any way to move edges of the layout??
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Nov 17, 2012
I am trying to model the following simple structure:
I made this example by creating a new polygonal cylinder, rotating the top edges that are to the right of the x-axis and repositioning the affected vertices afterwards, but doing it that way just doesnt feel right, it seems too unclean to me.
I would like the affected vertices to only move on a given axis when rotating the edges, so I dont need to reposition them after the rotate operation. I tried to illustrate what I mean in the following screenshot:
The edges I want to rotate are marked in red, the vertices that are supposed to only move on the y-axis are marked in green. The arrows indicate the desired movement.
Is this way of rotating an edge possible with the rotate tool or something?
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Dec 20, 2013
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
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May 9, 2011
I have a subdivided plane that I wish to scale horizontally to match another objects dimensions. In cinema 4d I can check an objects width and then just put that number into the other object width input.
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Jul 8, 2013
We are just trying out Maya 2014 and seem to have found a little problem that we cannot seem to work around!
If we say have two object and we select one of them, if we then try to move that object along one axis, it moves a very small amount and then selects the other object, but neither move any more, if we unselect the second object and then try to move it again the same thing happens.
We are using a Wacom Tablet as the main pointing device and all three butttons are set right, and we have also tried a mouse and this does the same. We do have a 3Dconnexion Space Pilot Pro also connected but this has been disconnected to see if this caused the issue somehow but without it connected the issues is still aparent.
Works fine on 2013 no issues at all, but the problem just seems to effect the move tool in Maya 2014.
I have checked that soft selection is disabled and it is? maybe I have inadvertedly hit a shortcut sequence to switch something on or off, but cannot find anything else amiss.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have several pillars that I want to scale down to the same size, but I don't want to have to scale them individually or reposition them once I'm done. Is there any way to scale them all without making them move along the axis being scaled? (I should have made them instances of each other. My only problem there is that I couldn't reposition one pillar without moving the others. for future reference, is there a way to temporarily break the instance relationship so on can be edited?)
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Apr 15, 2011
When I insert an image as an OLE object, I cannot move it, scale it or anything? Am I missing something?
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May 5, 2011
I´d like to know how to move/displace multiple objects (in this case bricks) like it is done in this animation (at approx. 0:15 sec) [URL].I tried to reconstruct the effect using bigger bricks and tangent constraints, which worked kinda ok but I had to constrain every single brick manually which was rather time consuming and definitely not the approach they must have had used. Is there a way to achieve similar effect (pref. without scripting)?
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May 24, 2002
Any lisp routine where you can select objects and do a global rotate, scale, etc. from each object's insertion point ?
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Mar 16, 2012
Heres the issue;
I created my main corridor which is a 4 lane arterial with ditching on both sides targeted to my prelim surface. On my main corridor i have several intersections and approaches which i created intersections for and set the targets so they are correct, i also created secondary roads for all intersections. Now that it is visually correct there is a few things i would like to do.
1) Combine all intersections to my main corridor and create surface for adjusted volumes.
2) Raise combined corridor and intersections to adjust cuts / fills so that all attached intersection and adjacent corridors adjust with the main corridor.
Do i have to go to my main corridor profile and move each curve and tangent separately, then check all other profiles and intersection to insure everything has been adjusted?
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Oct 2, 2012
I've created a collage using Microsoft Picture It! by cutting images out of photographs and layering them. Can I open this file in Photoshop Elements and be able to move the layered images around separately?
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Oct 14, 2013
I've created a button with a gradient overlay, but when I click and drag the button, the gradient overlay stays put, it won't move with the button. Is there an option I'm overlooking to anchor the gradient with the item I've created? I've never seen this before. I'm on Photoshop CC 14.0 on a Mac.
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Mar 10, 2013
I am using PS elements 10, I need to move a person from one photo onto another photo. I did this with PS6 but not having much luck with 10.
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Sep 3, 2012
I have my 14,000 items arranged into multiple folders on an external drive. I would like to move the entire set of folders onto my hard drive. When I tried to move the files, the individual files, not the folders, were moved to one folder on the hard drive. Is there a way to move the entire set of folders?
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Jan 14, 2014
The project I am working on includes revit data produced from a point cloud. The file I was given has two levels. The first level is fine however; the second level is set 1 foot too high. When I adjust the level elevation (drop it down by 1 foot), all of the elements associated with level two move with it. What I want to do is move the level line without adjusting the associated revit items.
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Jun 21, 2013
All I am trying to do is move an anchor from one location to another using vbscript. I have searched everywhere and scoured the scripting references but I have not been able to figure this out as of yet.
I am able to select anchor points without an issue....moving those points seems to be a problem.
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Feb 15, 2012
Drawing started in LDD a few years ago. It was on a local coordinate system of 1000,1000.
The drawing has since been migrated to C3D2012. Now we have data in UTM coordinates that we need to match to the old data. Actually, we want to shift/rotate the entire original set of data to match the new UTM data, so we can continue in UTM for all future data collection.
So, I went through and turned all layers on, Thawed them and unlocked them. I made sure all points were visable, etc. Then I tried to move the original data (I also tried the align command, etc., with the same results) and found a glitch. After I moved the data, I found that there was some points and survey figures as well as a cooridore, that had not moved. The vast majority of the drawing had moved as expected, but the afore mentioned data would not move.
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Dec 26, 2010
I have read various answers regarding upgrading to new PC's using newer versions of PSE. All solutions seem to differ slightly. Any good path to follow for upgrading from PSE 4 on old windows XP PC to PSE 9 on a new Win 7 PC
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Mar 2, 2014
The window with elements running in partially off the screen and the title bar is not visible. I have tried a number of things but I can not move or resize so that the complete window is visible. I am run elements 12 on a mac air
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Dec 1, 2006
I try to select and move a layer using the Move Tool, another layer is immediately selected and moved instead.
Also, if I have layers inside a folder and try to move one of those layers, the entire folder is selected and all layers within that folder move.
I have not grouped any layers together.
I'm using Mac OS 10.4.8 with PS 9.0.1
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