Drawing started in LDD a few years ago. It was on a local coordinate system of 1000,1000.
The drawing has since been migrated to C3D2012. Now we have data in UTM coordinates that we need to match to the old data. Actually, we want to shift/rotate the entire original set of data to match the new UTM data, so we can continue in UTM for all future data collection.
So, I went through and turned all layers on, Thawed them and unlocked them. I made sure all points were visable, etc. Then I tried to move the original data (I also tried the align command, etc., with the same results) and found a glitch. After I moved the data, I found that there was some points and survey figures as well as a cooridore, that had not moved. The vast majority of the drawing had moved as expected, but the afore mentioned data would not move.
How do you rotate or move just one or two points in civil 3d? The surveyor used Translate Survey Database and moved all the points, but 4 of them were not included. What is the difference between translate and just the autocad command move and rotate?
Created L200 Annotative text in C3d drawing w/ SP1, INSTALLED SP2, working in dwg now I can not move, rotate or erase the text that is annotative (the two scale symbols) appear at every piece of text. I tried making in the STYLE text box toggling on and off "Annotative Text" does not work. Also did -purge Regapps, still can not edit text.
So I have a survey of a roadway that was created 15 years ago and was converted into autocad civil 3d 2012. No problems there, however, I am going through the survey and rotating the COGO points (ie Traffic Signs, Utility Poles) and the text to be parallel to the roadway. I am in UCS World and have no problems rotating the points and text to what I want. THe problem starts when I rotate the drawing using UCS 3P so that I am looking at a portion of the roadway that is parallel to my computer screen. Now the text and orientation of the signs etc are no longer parallel to the roadway and did not rotate when I rotated the entire project.
Now I was under the impression the points were to rotate automatically to what I set them as, ie parallel to the roadway. I'm sure this is an easy fix or I am not understanding something.
I want to have my profile and alignment to be in the same orientation on paper space. I have VPROTATEASSOC set to 1. I am not sure if I am using UCS and MVSETUP correctly. All information will work.
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
After I have rotated an entire floor plan drawing 180 degrees, the texts and room names have also been rotated upside down.What is the solution to the problem so that the texts/room names will not be upside down after I rotated the drawing 180 degrees?
Is it possible to rotate the point labels when working with point files from an elevation Survey in Ciivil 3D? When activating the labels visibility they are horizontal, but when I rotate the drawing to a side view I am can´t see them.
So far I was working with Autocad (importing a dxf). Is there a way to rotate at the same time all the points labels, wich in this case are just text items?
I was trying to rotate the entire model to align with the grid of another building. I need to do that in order to export to Navisworks easily without any adjustment.
After I select the entire model in 3d view, and going back to the plan view, the rotate tool is ghosted. What's the reason of it? See attached file.
I have modeled a building that's a typical shoe box (rectangular shape building).
When I searched the address in Google earth, the true north of the site is not perpendicular to the building: it's angled.
When I chose "Acquire from Google earth" at the Site level, it gave me exactly what I saw in Google earth.
My question is:
I have finished the model of the building in Revit which doesn't align with what I acquired from Google earth. How do you align the model to the Google earth image? Do you have to literally rotate the entire building to align the Google earth image?
Also is there a difference between Google earth and Google earth pro for this task?
the same file that i'm trying to plot has it's own template that i want to use, but it's attached to a different layer. so when i try to move or rotate the template, it moves the other objects. They all have colors but aren't connected to the same layers of their colors. how do I isolate the layers so i can make it's own layer and manipulate it on it's own?
I have my 14,000 items arranged into multiple folders on an external drive. I would like to move the entire set of folders onto my hard drive. When I tried to move the files, the individual files, not the folders, were moved to one folder on the hard drive. Is there a way to move the entire set of folders?
I thought there was a way to insert an image (tif) to model space, and adjust it like you would any line or polygon. Apparently this is not the case. When I attach an image, where I place it is permanent and I can't even select it.
The mayaProject (and all it's subfolders: scenes, assets, etc.) was created in Maya, and the OLDname folder was where I kept it and the other files related to the project.
After renaming that folder, when I double clicked the Project01.ma file to launch Maya, I received this error: // Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to pv_performAction
When I relaunched Maya by its icon and used the File > Open Scene… option, I received this error: // Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to performFileAction does not match number of parameters in procedure definition.
In both cases, Maya opened a blank Untitled file, instead of my Project01.ma file. When I changed the name of that folder back to OLDname, the Project01.ma file opened properly.
My question is, how can I rename or move this folder and still preserve the file hierarchy that Maya needs to open the Project01.ma file?
I have read various answers regarding upgrading to new PC's using newer versions of PSE. All solutions seem to differ slightly. Any good path to follow for upgrading from PSE 4 on old windows XP PC to PSE 9 on a new Win 7 PC
The window with elements running in partially off the screen and the title bar is not visible. I have tried a number of things but I can not move or resize so that the complete window is visible. I am run elements 12 on a mac air
Just recently I got a chance to try out Autocad 2012. I modeled up an assembly. I then wblocked my individual details into separate files for detailing. I used the new drawing view tool to create my isometric views. The issue I am having is the outer most edges of my views is not being shown all the time. If I zoom in the edges appear, but when you zoom out to view the entire drawing, the edges are no longer visible. It is like the border around the view that the drawing view tool creates is not offset far enough. How to use the new drawing view tool?
I'm working on a drawing that was created by somebody else where certain lines have an elevation that is not 0. This means lenght calculations etc. dont work. Is there a way I can select all and make all elevations 0?
So I have this drawing, which has been annihilated by many different people. One area of concern (among many) is the drawing units...some objects are in inches, some in Millimeters, some in feet, etc...
Is there a way to change the entire drawing to inches, so if I select an object...any object, properties will have it in inches. Or, if I get area of an object, it will read in square inches?
I would like to reuse the existing sketch on the other part. Usually I did it without problems. But now after I have pasted the existing sketch I cannot move or rotate it. While moving or rotating Inventor usually prompts for braking some constraints for this action. But nevertheless it does not allow me to move or rotate. It says something about "constraint settings for sketch edit tools" -- cannot get any hint of that in a whole phrase nor in part [URL] what else Inventor wants so I can reuse my sketches??
I use Acad and Turbocad selectively. I can't find a way to enable Acad to have object handlers to move and rotate objects. Is there a setting that I can enable to turn this feature on in Acad? I like this feature in Turbocad, but like to have in Acad.
My move tool does not work other than selecting the entire page. It does not let me to select anything inside the page or drag and select anything inside the page.
I would like to consolidate all of my image files onto one hard drive by copying them from multiple drives to one large new one. The desired result is that I would have my library on that new drive, with all the links making sense to LR, but leaving the original files on those original drives as an archival back up. I know how to MOVE the files within LR, but I can't figure out how to COPY them. If the image files were not already in the catalog, I would just import them using "copy and add to catalog." Worst case, I suppose I could move all of the files to the new drive and then export copies to the old drives, but that seems very time consuming. I have more than 3TB of files.
I have a number of lines that will not fillet because they are non-coplaner. Is there a way to globally edit all the lines in a drawing to set the Z coordinate to zero rather than having to choose each line?
I want to move my entire photo collection from the 'C' Drive to a network drive that I recently installed. As a followup, I also want to access (add, enhance etc.) the same collection then with a laptop that also has Photoshop Elements V10 installed.