Maya Modeling :: Can't Move Objects Within Outline
Feb 6, 2011
I'm having this issue where when I select an object in the outline and want to move it say, to another group or reorder the objects, it changes my mouse to circle with a line through it and won't me do anything.
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
So, when in object mode, I can manually input numbers to translate, rotate, and scale an object - either in the channel box, or in the attribute editor.
But what about subobjects (components) like verts, faces, and edges?
Sure I can move em around with the manipulator, but where can I manually enter in precise numbers?
I'm creating a face, but what I want is to have whatever happens on the right to happen on the left, instead of clicking each point to move the edges. I tried just cutting the face in half and duplicating, but I don't know how to flip second copy.
I'm sure I have accidently set some mode that does this, but when I select a face and do a move function, the entire object moves instead of just that 1 face.
The entire object turns yellow when selected, or yellow/red depending on the size/shape.
In the tutorial that we are going through, we are asked to select 2 curves, center the pivot point, and then hit the 'Insert' key to allow us to move the pivot point, and then holding down the 'C' key we should be able to move the pivot point along the curve.
Looking around we found that if you hit the 'fn + left arrow' keys you are meant to get the same as using the 'insert' key on the PC, but this is not right, and also when you try to hold down the 'C' key it does not allow the pivot point to be constrained to the curve.
when i use my move tool n select my reference image the image don't move but the i think camera or shape of image moves , i want to move my reference image.
so in the texture editor. as far as i know we can only move the verts around (with F12). we can select edges, to see where they relate on the mesh, but we can't move them. is there any way to move edges of the layout??
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
i'm trying to close a gap between 2 objects to prepair it for 3d printing (a halo ODST recon helmet for halloween). i had found a bunch of papercraft models but those won't print properly as they are on my replicator so i'm trying to make the pieces thicker so they have real substance. i've attached what i've got so far.
as you can see, there is a gap between the inside and outside of the object that needs to be closed.
i've tried "fill hole" but that fills the entire space which is unacceptable. bridging is no better.
i've never taken classes for maya and don't have much money for books. What is the procedure to properly close that gap,
I am trying to model the following simple structure:
I made this example by creating a new polygonal cylinder, rotating the top edges that are to the right of the x-axis and repositioning the affected vertices afterwards, but doing it that way just doesnt feel right, it seems too unclean to me.
I would like the affected vertices to only move on a given axis when rotating the edges, so I dont need to reposition them after the rotate operation. I tried to illustrate what I mean in the following screenshot:
The edges I want to rotate are marked in red, the vertices that are supposed to only move on the y-axis are marked in green. The arrows indicate the desired movement.
Is this way of rotating an edge possible with the rotate tool or something?
My rotate tool in maya seems to be "locked" i can't freely rotate whenever i left click hold the center and it only rotates where my viewport is looking at so if im at the X axis I can't rotate the Z axis. Tried setting my preferences to default and nothing. I've also set my rotate tool to default.
Whenever I move my camera say to the Z axis the Z handle gets selected and same when I move the camera to the X axis.
I'm trying to import a part from solidworks. I've tried opening the .SLDPRT file, converting to IGES (203 and 214), and STEP. All give the same result.
See below pictures - the Maya import has "dingleberries" where there should be a flat surface (i.e. some of the tubes extend when they shouldn't). I know imports are rarely perfect, and that's OK as long as I know how to clean things up. How can I trim off the extra surfaces that appeared after the import? I'd just use an extruded cut in SolidWorks, but I'm in a strange land with Maya.
I have a problem with selecting multiple objects!!! Everywhere it says that you have to hold shift and select the objects you wish but when I do this it selects all the objects in between! How can I change this?
I have a Guitarfretboard that is build of 3 groups.(as in the pic)
What i want to do is create kind of a "stairway to heaven". So i would need to deform the whole group and make twirls and ups and downs, like a railcoaster.
The best way that i found to do that is to set a lattice on the group. But then when I deform the lattice points the single groups wont hold together anymore and start to seperate and mess up.
I need merge many objects in one for export to fbx. If I delete any of polySurface objects, mesh lowpolyHouse crushes. If I stay it, than it all export to fbx file, problem is that I need mesh object only.
I am having both objects disappear after a Boolean Union (I am going to try creating just two random objects - a cube and a sphere - and seeing if the operation works with them).
One thing that I have thought is that the resolution of the mesh might be srewing up the operation (The sizes of the polygons in the two objects is pretty different).
So that might be a factor (when I am in Mudbox, I could try not subdividing the smaller objects as much as the larger one, so that the polygons are the same size).
How I can check if an object is within a polygon face on the y axis?
On another note, would it be possible to get a world coordinates of the U or V vectors of a vertex? I had been trying to calculate it from two vertices that has around the same V values, but in some cases they don’t exist.
i'm having a lot of troubles with a free rig i downloaded at creativecrash [URL]. I'll keep it short as i have quite a lot of things to explain: I animated my shot, and everything was ok. Now i have to shade/light/render my shot using vray, trying to create brand new vray materials; I started from my robot-character. Here comes the problems: - I can't select the polygon geometry(i asked the rigger, and he said the geometry were imported as references at rigging time). There are no geometry layers in reference or template, then there must be somthing else causing me the problem. I can access to the object via hypershade, i can click on the shape node and i can see the geometry selected, but then, when i try to access faces, i can't select them!in no way. This means i can't create selections for materials, and so i can't shade as i liked. I tried to selecte faces using the select by materials feature in the hypershade (as the character has some pre created basic materials)but again, i'm not free to assign materials where i want, and i just can use the pre-existing face selections and work on those, but it's not enough for me. [URL]
I have a subdivided plane that I wish to scale horizontally to match another objects dimensions. In cinema 4d I can check an objects width and then just put that number into the other object width input.
This is probably just me not being up to speed yet, but once I combine a set of polygons, is there an easy way to still change the attributes of the original individual objects?
Prior to combining them, each object appears in the Outliner individually and I can select it there and change its attributes...color, etc. But I need to lock them together to keep their relative positions, and combining them does that perfectly. But afterward, the individual list in the Outliner doesn't seem to work anymore...the 'polysurface1' that was created has all the attributes crammed together, and having to scroll through all the tabs is a pain in the neck. Isn't there some way to combine objects and still readily change the colors or other attributes of the separate parts? Or, as I originally wondered about, is there an easier way to hold them in position without combining them?
We are just trying out Maya 2014 and seem to have found a little problem that we cannot seem to work around!
If we say have two object and we select one of them, if we then try to move that object along one axis, it moves a very small amount and then selects the other object, but neither move any more, if we unselect the second object and then try to move it again the same thing happens.
We are using a Wacom Tablet as the main pointing device and all three butttons are set right, and we have also tried a mouse and this does the same. We do have a 3Dconnexion Space Pilot Pro also connected but this has been disconnected to see if this caused the issue somehow but without it connected the issues is still aparent.
Works fine on 2013 no issues at all, but the problem just seems to effect the move tool in Maya 2014.
I have checked that soft selection is disabled and it is? maybe I have inadvertedly hit a shortcut sequence to switch something on or off, but cannot find anything else amiss.
I'm new to Maya, so this is likely something I'm just missing or that I've done without realizing it, however...
I've created a scene with a few polygonal objects. As an example, imagine a house with plants around it and a cloud above. The plants are spaced evenly along a curve, and the cloud is also made using a Paint Effect with a Modifier around it to control it's shape using slight forces, etc.
However, when it's done and I select the entire group of objects to drag to a different position, weird things happen. The plants seem to move much more quickly in that direction, so that soon they're no longer positioned where they should be at the base of the house, and the clouds move in the opposite direction from where I'm dragging (i.e. down not up). What I'll call the 'normal' polygonal objects (e.g. the house, car, etc.) all move fine, but I cannot figure out how to fix the other items so everything maintains its relative position, or lock the whole scene together to move as a group.
I've tried to combine them, and even 'parent' everything to the house, but I suspect I've changed something like a control handle position or rotated something that now moves opposite the normal xyz directions.
unable to select objects after creating them in view port ..i am not able to select them in view port i can only select them either by SELECT ALL or from outliner or Hierarcy
I´d like to know how to move/displace multiple objects (in this case bricks) like it is done in this animation (at approx. 0:15 sec) [URL].I tried to reconstruct the effect using bigger bricks and tangent constraints, which worked kinda ok but I had to constrain every single brick manually which was rather time consuming and definitely not the approach they must have had used. Is there a way to achieve similar effect (pref. without scripting)?
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
Why is maya 2012 and 2013 displaying shader group nodes in my outliner?
I have display only dag nodes checked! SG nodes are DG objects! I do not want them listed in my outliner they are just cluttering the outliner!
I have spent over an hour searching for how to make them stop being displayed and it's really starting to piss me off that something so simple is turning into an entire day of effort.
I am getting sick ans tired of having to wipe my Maya folder because some obscure option gets turned on and then there is no logical place to find out how to undo it! Every time I have to wipe my Maya folder costs me hours to rebuild my custom settings!