When I try to use the smudge tool in gimp (2.6.2). I click on it and I try to smudge the image. But gimp seems to ignore the tool. So I decided to play with the Opacity, Rate and even the scale. No luck.
So then I thought, ok maybe the changes are to small for me to see. So I decided to zoom all the way in and try the smudge tool. No change at all.
The odd thing is it is a single layer image. I just tried an experiment, I opened the photo I wanted to smudge with clicked on the tool and tried blending the area. Then I closed it, it didn't ask me if i wanted to save the "changes" I just made.
The smudge tool does not have an circular with an line across it saying I cant use it. Here is the image I am trying to fix up .
when i try to use either of them, instead of getting a SINGLE disc the same color as my sample point i get a blotch, containing MORE THAN ONE smudged discs. see example below. i didn't want mickey mouse ears, i wanted ONE disc.
I've got a little problem with Smudge tool. you may notice hard edged corners around smudge tool strokes this only appears then you use image sampled brush with scattering for a smudge tool bug also disappear if you set the strength of smudge effect to 100% or if you use default round brush. bug appears only in Adobe Photoshop CS6, in previous version everything was Ok. Â i run Ps under Windows 7 version of Photoshop is 13.0.1 x64
I got used to PS CS4 before buying CS6 for my graphism classes and the smudge tool was standing still when using it (Keeping the same shape). Â Now on CS6, when I use the smudge tool, the brush is changing at every swipes I do. Is there a way to keep it like in CS4 ?
where the smudge tool is (the picture of the hand) i am using photoshop cs 2, but i cant find this darn brush. Its supposed to trail off, i am trying to smudge a dot into a fade away, i am actually trying to make tracer bullets, but i cant find this smudge tool anywhere.
In Photoshop CS5 and under, the smudge tool at 100% Strength would drag pixels without smudging/blurring/mixing, creating this cool painting effect. Customizing the smudge tool with a bit of a textured brush shape and some scattering, with 100% smudging Strength would create this amazing painterly effect, but now in Photoshop CS6 the 100% strength does not work. In fact, it works much worse than 99%. Â As you can see, at 99% strength, the smudge does less blurring, and more dragging, which is almost as close as Photoshop CS5's 100% smudging strength( it hardly ever blurred or mixed, 100% would only drag in CS5)100% on CS6 does considerably worse dragging, and alot of blurring, and seems to only be a step above 90%, which blurs and mixes more.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if this was an intentional edit to the smudging tool. The smudging tool in the past was completely fine, and now I can't use my smudging tool presets because they do not create the same effects they did when I created them back in CS5.
I was playing around with my workspace adding some Macros in a custom command bar and saw that you can select The Illustrator Workspace. So I clicked it and noticed a Smudge Brush Tool.
Looked all over for it but couldn't find it anywhere. Here is a screen of what I'm looking for:
Whenever I use the smudge tool, PS freezes and I have to close it. This is ONLY when I smudge. When I do anything else the program runs fine.
Then after it freezes a couple times, when I try to reopen it, I get a system error message saying there's a hardware problem and I can't fix the error . . .
but the next day I open PS and it runs fine! Only everything has been reset as if I just installed the program for the first time! Then I'll start working on a picture and as soon as I smudge it freezes.
my computer runs on 1.66Ghz, 1.99 GB of Ram. Is this a problem?
I have a problem with my smudge tool. Every time I try to smudge around with a shape, it seems to draw a rectangulair box around the shape, and when you smudge out of those boxes white edges appear around the smudge.
I've recently switched to a new computer but am still using PS 6.0 with all setting the same (I think). Formerly the smudge tool removed color from the working layer revealing the layer below (i.e., the working layer was transparent to the layer below). Now, when I use the smudge tool, black is revealed under any color removed with the smudge tool.
I'm trying to paint some white hair on a picture I'm doing at the moment. I've created a custom brush that is just hard random pixels on a 10x10 block. There are no dynamics switched on in the brush engine and spacing is set at 1%.
I'm using this brush, as is my want, with the Smudge tool. Unfortunately it seems to have aquired a 'judder' It's hard o explain but it's totally annoying I want it to be smooth. Here's a screen grab so you can see what I mean.
when I'm trying to stroke a path with smudge tool, it works fine until I select simulate pressure in dialog box. it's strange because I saw it working fine. my friend use all the time. the only difference is he uses a macintosh and I use a windows. but as I see it, there is no way that different OS can be a reason for a problem.
I am not quite sure what happened, but now my smudge brush (I have CS version) will not smudge, it only colors. I'm not quite sure how to fix it short of reinstalling photoshop again, and I'd rather not do that if I don't have to.
I was coloring skin textures on a drawing using a spatter brush with flow at 25%. Then i switched over to the blur tool to smooth it out. it was ok.. but not quite what i was looking for, so i switched to the smudge tool. Using that tool with the "sample all layers" box checked, made it look really nice-- so i drew some freckles on the face and the smudge tool really blended them into the skin without making them look blotchy.  So here's the problem: I clicked on the "finger paint" box to see what other effect it would give but it seemed to pick the foreground colors and smear it across the drawing. I didn't like it so i unchecked the box. it was still smearing across the drawing. so i checked and unchecked again... nothing. I searched the internet and all i could find was if any weird behavior arises and persists, restart Photoshop, and while its booting up, hold Ctrl, Alt & Shift to clean out the Preferences. So i did. Same thing.  How to get this tool to function as it was initially. The smudge tool seems to be 'stuck' on the "finger paint" option or feature no matter if the box is checked or unchecked.
I created a smudged brush stroke using several stokes with the same paint brush on one layer. I would like to change the color of the smudge but the bucket fill keeps filling each stroke. Is there a way to make all of those strokes one image now? So I can bucket fill with one click?
I'm new at this and trying to remove arm hair from this image using the smudge tool (30%, normal), it worked except the arm looks too blured now. How do I bring back some texture ?
I was wondering if anyone knew what is wrong with my smudge tool. When I go to use it and apply it to my image, it takes a while to show the affect. Everything else in my photoshop works fine. Oh yeah, I use PS CS if that makes any difference.
There's a smudge of chocolate or something right above my head (the kid on the left). The yellow/red marks are from when my brother tried to scratch it off with his fingernail and exposed the background. How do I get this to look presentable?
After pasting in a PNG, and it's made into a Floating Selection layer, she wanted to scale it down using the Scale tool. So she clicked and dragged till she got the right size, but upon clicking on Scale (in the little dialog that pops up with the Scale tool), the dialog box vanishe ... and the layer went back to its original size. She tried multiple times and got the same problem.
I even got her to click on "Cancel" rather than Scale in case it was a traslation error, like the translator mixed up the Scale and Cancel buttons, but nope.
This tool lets you extract foreground from the active layer, using the SIOX method. To create a selection, set roughly foreground you want to extract. Select as little of the background as possible. As soon as you're finished (the selection is closed) the rest of the image goes dark. Now draw the line trough the foreground, going through all colours that will be used for extraction. Then after releasing the mouse-button, only the actual foreground is selected.
The blur tool does not seem to be working like I thought it would work. I am using version 2.8.4.
When blurring a section of a digital painting or photo, it goes to a certain point and then does not seem to blur anymore regardless of how much I keep painting over the area with the tool.
When I apply a gaussian blur filter to the entire image, I can get much more blur to occur by choosing a large blur radius.
I would think my continuous painting with the blur tool would be the same as choosing larger fill radii in the gaussian blur filter. But, as I said the tool stops blurring anymore after a few strokes over an area.
I have tried changing all the different settings - Rate=100, Opacity=100, change the size and style of brush, etc.
I have a created a workaround for the problem by doing something similar to the trick for sharpening that is mentioned in the Blur Tool documentation:
-Duplicate the image layer a few times. -Go to the duplicate layers and apply different levels of blur. -Choose the Clone Tool. -Select 'Image' and 'Registered' from the Clone Tool's control window. -Activate the Clone Tool on the layer that has the amount of blur desired. -Switch to the original layer and begin painting the blur with Opacity set to about 60 and use brush dynamics where pressure controls opacity.
This seems to work okay. But, it is a lot of extra steps to get the blur to go further than the Blur Tool allows.
It would be nice to have a blur radius setting in the Blur Tool's control window. Could that work?
I am using GIMP 2.8.2 on Ubuntu 12.10.The clone tool seems broken. It can not recognize the CTRL+left click. Ihave tried with setting different key, which also does not work.
It always says "Ctrl-click to set a new clone source"
Recently when I click on an image/layer to rescale (like I have done hundreds of times) the height figure resets to 1 px. When I try to increase it back to the original figure, nothing happens apart from weird lines that appear below the image. It started yesterday, after I was in the middle of a project and Gimp crashed (which it has never done before). It does not matter how many new projects I start, after a while the scale tool stops working.
Simply press 'b' for the bezier select tool, and click where you want a line to begin, and click again where you want the line to end. Now, you can move the line around until you get it perfect by clicking on the dot on either end and dragging it with the mouse. Isn't that neat! You can even click on the middle of the line and bend it! Try it! You can draw any shape with it.
If you make a mess, just press ctrl + z and undo your last changes. The GIMP remembers a very long list of changes, so you can go backwards step by step.
When you are happy with your line, or lines. just click 'Edit' --> 'Stroke path'. A box will open to allow you top choose settings for exactly how you want your line stroked. You can just leave it the way it is, or you can make GIMP do almost anything with your line. GIMP will remember your previous settings too, and offer you the same settings for the next line. When the box mentioned above pops up, I choose my desired settings and hit the "Stroke" button, absolutely nothing happens. No matter how thick I tell it to make the line, no line ever appears.
there's a way to setup a keyboard shortcut to adjust pressure and rate for airbrush and smudge tools? I swear I've been up and down the whole shortcuts list... and perhaps I'm just missing something...