AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Global Scale Factor Or Current Object Scale In Specific Paper Space
Apr 10, 2013
I have trouble figuring out dash lines. If i change global scale factor or current object scale in a spedific paper space,
the other page will be affected...
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Mar 14, 2013
How to set-up the drawing so I don't have to change the ltscale between model space and paper space in order to get dashed lines to read? What is the ideal global scale factor for an architectural drawing in model space?
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Apr 13, 2012
I have just updated to Autocad 2013. While working on existing drawings (previously created in V2012), I am having issues with the SCALE command. Most times, but not always, when I add a line or block, with a base point on an existing line or object and try to scale it, I get an "extremely small scale factor ignored" message, although I did not get a chance to enter a scale factor. While it appears most times, but not always, if I draw a new line in empty space on that same drawing, I am able to use the SCALE command without problems. I also have the same issue when trying to scale an existing line or block, most times but not always.
Here is a copy of the command line while I am trying to make it work:
Command: l
Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: 100
Specify next point or [Undo]:
Command: sc
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
Specify base point:
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]:
Extremely small scale factor ignored.
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects:
Specify base point:
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]:
Extremely small scale factor ignored.
If you notice, it does not give me the chance to enter a scale factor. As soon as I pick the base point, it skips over to the error message, yet displays the scale factor prompt with a blank factor. I'm experiencing this issue on various files (not all but most), so I don't think it is a corrupt file. Why I get this and if I can correct it?
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Dec 3, 2013
I’ve got a series of third party drawings that are quite intricate, with a series of nested blocks, some of which cannot be exploded.
The issue i have is that they have been drawn with a global scale factor of 1. Our office works with a global scale factor of 10.
Is there a quick and easy way to make the global scale factor 10, but then somehow retain the scale of the third party drawing lines so they retain their look?
Trying to avoid either just drawing with a global scale factor of 1 (which is a pain as all our blocks are set up for global scale factor of 10) or going into each of the bound xrefs and making all line scales 0.1 (mammoth task given the amount of drawings and all the nested/unexplodable blocks).
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Apr 9, 2013
I have a drawing with the model space set at 3/16" scale. I've never worked like this before (I obviously always scale in layout space). However, I need to get this drawing back to normal scale so I can work on it.
How to use the scale factor on this to get model space from 3/16" to 1:1.
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Jun 27, 2013
When I open a new drawing in my AutoCAD 2013 that I just recently installed last week, I encounter a problem that I am not familiar with from previus versions of AutoCAD I have worked on. First of all, the units default to decimal, and I want them to default to architectural, with feet and inches. I have to type UNITS in the command line every time I open a new drawing in order to adjust this. I have AutoCAD for Architecture 2012 on another computer, and the program automatically defaults to architectural units upon opening up. Just to let you know, the program I am having this difficulty with is part of a package called Autodesk Building Design Suite 2013. I was under the impression that it included AutoCAd for Architecture, but I think it has only standard AutoCAD.
The scale of the objects I draw vs. the scale of the drawing field is very out of proportion. What I mean is, when I open a new drawing and draw a 30' -0" line, the line appears so long on the screen that I cannot see the whole object, even if I zoom out to the maximum. I should be able to see the object in it's entirety. In fact, when I draw a line that is only 12" long, even when the zoom is all the way out, the line looks huge in length. I have tried adjusting the units to the architectural/inches setting of course, and I have tried adjusting the scale in model space from 1:1 to 1/4'=1'-0", but nothing is working.
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Jul 8, 2004
I am having some problems getting the hang of applying the drawing scale to my assignment. I understand the scale factor that is applicable to the printing only and that AutoCAD doesn't care about the units used...but something is not clicking here and I'm sure it is pretty simple. My assignment requires me to draw 3 simple structures at 1/8" scale on 11X17 paper. Each house is 20' long with 10' walls and each is done in absolute, relative, and polar. I actually completed the work with all 3 formats without specifying the scale or paper size, just to get familiar with the commands. But now that I am trying to set the dimensions correctly, I cannot replicate my work because I'm getting lost in the way things are defined. I am using AutoCAD 2005, also have a 2002 version to which I can defer.
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Feb 8, 2012
I need to have users plot to DWF from paper space so they can retain their customized layers colors etc, on that specific paper space tab, as well as the view via viewport that they like most.
I then am mixing this with FDO data generated out of Model space. Unfortunately, when using the EXPORTLAYOUT command, the data is coped into Model space but seems to retain it's paper space coordinates. I had hoped this function would behave like CHSPACE and copy everything from paper to model space in the same scale.
Is there a way for me to achieve this?
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Feb 3, 2012
I have an issue with linetype scale. I have a certain part of my drawing with dash lines at a linetype scale of 1000. In Model space it is fine but when I change to Paper Space the lines become solid. I have tried increasing the linetype scale in Model space to compensate for the scale in Paper space but the lines are still solid.
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Sep 16, 2011
In our office cutlines are made up of polylines. When I use this in an annotative drawing I cannot get the polyline to change with the scale factor. Is there a way to make the polyline annotative?
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Mar 5, 2013
When some off our users move the dimensions in paperspace or the drawing in modelspace,
only some off the dimensions would see the viewports scale factor, and multiply itself by that, from my knowledge this happens when you uses the power dimensioning in Mechanical, and the the annotative tick box is selected, but for some reason one particular user he uses normal annotations when dimensioning, where there is no annotative functionally but the dimension still behave as mentioned.
Product design suite standard 2013
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Jul 13, 2012
I set up my paper space to A1 size so i have plenty of room to dimention. However, if i measure what AutoCAD has set up as 'A1' then it is 3.2cm x 2.2cm, the atual size of A1 paper is 59cm x 84cm. If i were to print this page on A1 paper it still comes out the right size on A1. I know it doesnt sound too serious but i would like the paper space in the right scale so i can have my text set to the right hight and my bubble reference boxes the right size for when it is printed. (it also does this on all paper sizes, im just using A1 today)
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Mar 18, 2013
I am trying to setup some pre-made paperspace layouts with legends and details. These will not change from project to project so by doing this ahead of time it can save time provided we can get the line types to display correctly!
How we do things now is we set the global scale factor, GSF, to suit the drawing scale of our floor plan. This is typically 1/4", 3/6" or 1/8" if were working in Imperial units.
The issue in doing this is that when we change the GSF the line types drawn in model space do not display correctly. We could go in and adjust everything manually on each project but this is laborious and time consuming.
Is there a way to set up sheets in paperspace so that they will always display the same regardless of the GSF?
I am using AutoCAD LT 2011.
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Jun 30, 2013
I do most of my stuff on A3 and have my paper space sheets set up for this no problems. When I have my drawing in paper space i usually set the scale to what I want. Now, when I am still in paper space with my correct scale, I want to change to model space and move or position the drawing exactly where I want it on my sheet , without it going out of scale. I have a very sensitive middle button on the mouse, and when I hold it down to move the drawing around, it goes out of scale I want to lock the scale first before moving the drawing around.
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Nov 9, 2012
Working in acad2011, I have a 3D model and i did flatshot. The obscured lines I chose to be - - - - - (ISO02W100). Now i have to annotate and get my paper layout rdy for printing.
1. Is there a way of scaling lines that make up my flatshot image in model space?
2. How can i scale the lines in paper space?
The - - - - - lines just don't seem right in my paper space.
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Mar 2, 2012
I have a drawing in model space the i drew to scale of 1'=1' and I went to paper scape to put the drawing in my title block using Viewports. highlighted the viewport and went to properties to give the drawing a scale so it would maximize the Viewport area, on my 22"x34" paper. but under the standard scale 1/64"=1' is too big and 1/128"=1' is too small. the simple solution is zoom extents but then in my title block i have to put NTS. I would like to add to the standard scale or be able to set the customer scale to a whole number. EX. 1:1000 or 1:150, etc. etc.
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Aug 3, 2013
How to make the drawings on scale on paper space.
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Feb 23, 2012
I'm using 2004lt- I have current .dwg in modelspace and set up to plot in PS@ 3/23"-1'-0". I'd like to create a second set of PS tabs to plot portions at 1/4"-1'-0" on the same border when needed.
In its a single viewport in MS and PS the current scale is 1:1 but if i change it to 1/4"-1',etc the plot preview appears wrong
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Sep 24, 2012
I'm using mm, and i want to create a custom scale which is not in the list of my standard scale in the viewport properties. If i want 1/200 for example and this is not in the list how do i set the custom scale?
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Apr 20, 2012
I want to create a simple scale bar in a paper space layout, that is dynamically linked to the scale of the viewport.
I've searched and come across a few dynamic scale bars on the web and a few forum discussions, but I just can't work out how to create my own from scratch...
Civil3D 2013 (infrastructure suite)
Self-built i7-3930K, 16Gb RAM, P9X79 m/board
SSD(system), HDD(data), GTX680, Win7Pro64
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Aug 15, 2012
Setting the scale in a view port in paper space? 2010
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Oct 12, 2012
I feel like I have a vague memory of once learning how to click on an object in a viewport and being able to click a button or use a command to switch that object to paper space (so that it appears the same size). I'm trying to avoid having to go through the steps to scale down the object once I get it in paper space).
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Jan 28, 2013
I am trying to scale a 3D object in the XY plane only, however the gizmo only lets me scale uniformly on all planes. I am trying to shrink the diameter of the cylinder without changing its height. The Set Constraint option (via RMC on the gizmo) only allows for XYZ, all other planes and axes are grayed out and not available.
how to scale a single face of a 3D object, such as the top of this cylinder? Say, if I wanted to scale the top to make it more conical, for example.
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Sep 17, 2012
I'm drawing something much larger than the paper so I would like to chose paper size A(8.5x11) set the scale then print it out on A(8.5x11) paper. For example: my desk is approximately 65inch x 30inch and I want to draw and print it on A(8.5x11) paper. I want it to print with the drawing being accurate to do I do this?
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Apr 10, 2013
I would like to find a lisp that changes the scale of something that has an annotative scale and deletes all other scales in the object scale list. Often i have many different scales of existing dimensions or objects. i waste a lot of time opening the annotation object scale dialogue box, selecting add, finding my scale and deleting the old scale.
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Nov 18, 2011
I need to change the hatch size (not the pattern scale or space, juste the hatch size).
Exemple : I have a circle, and a hatch inside the circle. The radius of the circle is 10, so the radius of the hatch is 10 too.
What i want to do is to make the hatch smaller (or bigger) like this : Circle radius : 10, Hatch Radius 5 (or 15).
My first idea was to recreate a new circle with radius 5, and a new hatch inside and then erase the second circle. It works, but not very effective in my case.
So, it's why i came here to ask if there is any solutions to make this faster, easier, without having to recrate another hatch, another circle...
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Mar 17, 2011
I recieved a dwg file from an architect (away on vacation and can't reach to ask). I'm working on a kitchen layout and the scale is off by a factor of 12. My symbols are much too large and if I draw a 36" line it comes out to be 36'.
I've gone into Format-Dimension Style and don't see what to correct in this area. Obvioulsy I can expand the drawn item by a scale of 12 to make my blocks fit but obviously screws up the dimensions...
And yes, we're still running AutoCAD 2000
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Nov 22, 2013
I am trying to insert a block into a file in Acad 2014 and it comes in too large. If I insert the same block into the same file using Acad 2012 it comes in at the correct scale. Doesn't seem to matter if insunits is 0 or 1, or insunitsdefsource or insunitsdeftarget are also 0 or 1.
There must be some variable or variables I'm missing.
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Apr 19, 2013
I have a block that i would like to scale based on the plot scale when plotting.
We set up our drawings full size and occasionally we want to plot them at half size. We do this by setting the plot scale to 1:2 (custom) in the plotting dialog. We have a few blocks that we want to print at the same size on paper, essentially become twice as big.
Is there is a way to fix the size or just set a few scale states and have them automatically adjust based on the plot scale (not drawing/annotative scale)?
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Sep 6, 2013
AutoCAD 2013 2D - when scrolling the viewport scale list, the viewport zooms with each scale instantly.
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Jan 8, 2013
how to scale out these drawings. I have a CAD drawing using metric scale. This drawing has multiple title blocks. and each title block has its own scale. 1:500, 1:50, 1:150, 1:75. Now I make a block out of each title block and scale them out to find out if they plot out on the same sheet, and they do. Now, I still can't find out the scale factor to print them out to scale. I tried using using the scale shown in for each drawing for example 1:500 and it is super small when I do a print preview.
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