GIMP :: How To Restore Layers Or Previously Saved Version Of Saved XCF Image
May 2, 2012
I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
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Feb 17, 2013
I was trying to save a large file as a Photoshop PDF and my program crashed. I was lucky enough to have saved this file in both a JPEG and PNG format onto my desktop but now once I move the files back into Elements, I have no history and no layers?
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Mar 4, 2011
i only saved a png version of the file (no xcf or any file with history).if you click on this link you can see the before (top) and after (bottom) versions of the logo: URL....
What filter (or combination of filters it may have been?)
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Sep 26, 2011
When loading a previously saved item the preview shows the "complete job lot" however when you load the item it does not load the full drawing and is missing approx 3 hrs of work.
how to load the full document, I have tried the recovery manager which only loads the part document
Below is a picture of the preview working fine
Below is a picture of CAD not loading the full document up
Autocad 2012 not all document.jpg
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Sep 10, 2012
So I spent 4 days working on a profile last week. And this morning I opened it up and accidentally erased the alignment, saved and closed the drawing (I must have thought it was in another drawing, and I wasn't paying attention).
Now the profile is gone and I'm wondering if I can open up a drawing that was saved before I did this mix up. I checked my autosave path, but the path doesn't exist. So I don't know where it's be autosaving to.
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Dec 29, 2010
I use AutoCAD 2005, and I've made project logs which contain mtext for logging work I do each day, and tables for logging Revisions and prints and whatnot related to the project. I've noticed, especially since adding the tables to the log template, that sometimes I cannot select the mtext, but if I go to paperspace and doubleclick in a viewport, I can select it, and once I do that, and move the text and then move it back, I can go back to modelspace and select it just fine. Right now I have one particular project log dwg file that does this every time I open it, and if I save the drawing in modelspace, the next time I open it, I have the problem in modelspace, but if I save it in paperspace, it's the other way around and I can select it in modelspace. Does this have something to do with a bug in the tables? The problems seemed to have started once I implemented the tables. I've also noticed that when I layiso defpoints, I can't select anything on defpoints; I'm not sure if that's related or not.
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Nov 27, 2011
How do you delete saved image files from Gimp once you are finished with them ?
My 'Document History' is so cluttered with unwanted files they are now appearing on my Desktop ! I have used edit - clear ... but the files remain as a blank transparency & I cannot find a way to remove them entirely.
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Jun 28, 2012
Windows XP, Gimp v2.6.1.1
I have created a pic in Gimp with layers. When I save it to my desktop (layers merged), it does not appear either on the desktop or in Windows Explorer. If I try to save it again, it flags it as already existing. When I try to open the file in Gimp, it does appear on the desktop and can be opened; however, the file icons are grayed out. I'm assuming the grayed out icon means something.
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May 25, 2012
I recently upgraded my laptops to Fedora 17 and Linux Mint 13, which now come with Gimp 2.8. After discovering that Save and Save as are moved to Export to and Export, I tried saving the default export settings for JPG. I usually set the Quality to 80 and make some other adjustments. However, the defaults always revert back no matter how many times I press the Save Defaults button.
Also, is there any way to make Gimp always use the previously selected settings? It seems that even though I set the defaults, with some images I open, edit and attempt to export, it tries to adjust the quality settings again. I just want to always have the defaults I have set for exporting jpg files without having to click an extra button or keyboard shortcut every time I save a file.
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Mar 3, 2013
I'm running version 2.8.2 of GIMP on Kubuntu 12.10. I do not remember which version I was running before this one, but it was possible to press ALT + ENTER to open a properties dialog where one could enter / modify a description for the opened image. ALT + ENTER does nothing in this new version, but I think that I should enter the File -> Properties dialog to do this, right? The dialog is different and it is in a different menu now, but it seems here is where we should enter / edit image metadata. However, nothing that I fill in this dialog is saved. I enter the title, author, description, etc., but when I click OK the info is discarded without warning. If I go back to the File -> Properties dialog right after confirming the data I had just entered, the dialog is blank again.Is this a bug or am I looking for the enter / edit metadata functionality in the wrong place?
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May 31, 2011
I have been trying to save an image at 1200 dpi. The image turns solid black.
I had this problem once before (months ago). I know it has something to do with the Resource Consumption settings (i.e. Edit -> Preferences -> Environment - > Resource Consumption).
I got it figured out before but I reloaded Gimp on my computer so the settings went back to default. It has something to do with increasing the cache size or the total new image size or something. I can't remember.
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Mar 20, 2014
I removed color info and reset to greyscale, yet I still get a pink hue when I save as a pdf.
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Jul 15, 2013
I'm trying to customise my drawing templates to keep them up to date and also include accountability.I seem to be having trouble in including the name of the person who has last saved the model, and the date the model was last saved.
Manually including this information isn't ideal as people will forget, and it makes it harder to trace revisions.I can't see anywhere on the iProperties where the 'Last saved by' feature is available, but I thought maybe the information could be pulled from the username from the application options?
The last saved date should be easy, as there is a modified date in the model's iproperties; however, I cannot pull this information.I have used other cad packages in the past and this was never an issue. With all the customisation of Inventor, I thought this would be relatively straight forward.
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Mar 12, 2013
When a raw file badge shows that the file has been changed, I use Metadata Save to File & for the large majority of my images, the badge goes away and Metadata Status Changed does not show the file. For some of my files, however, the Save to File command doesn't work properly. If I am only displaying files with changes, the file briefly disappears, then returns. Even if I go to Windows Explorer and delete the xmp file, then again Save metadata to file, it pops up again with the badge saying it needs to be saved. I'm using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit on Windows 7.
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Apr 3, 2013
How can I check with which autocad version a drawing is saved?
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Nov 19, 2012
C3D2012 SP2.1
What I have is a nice production drawing, that has NEVER even been opened in C3D2013. I JUST finished adding labels for some new pipes and structures that are in an Xref. I saved the drawing and closed it to work on a different project while plotting. In SSM, I select the sheets to Publish, the first 4 plot without issue, then I get a CER without a Fatal Error...I can still work on the nbow current appears that SSM crashed while loading the aforementioned sheet I had been working on.I close everything down, restart C3D2012, open the same drawing I had just labeled, says it needs to be recovered, so I let it finish loading (I've found that stopping the load will almost always cause C3D to hang indefinitely), close that drawing, then run recover, finds 2 errors, allow to fix, am greeted with the message box "This drawing has been saved by a newer version of C3D. All C3D commands are disabled in this drawing."
Wait a dang minute, SSM crashes and somehow (the save time is still the same as when i manually saved it in 2012) saves it as a C3D2013 file...even though it is still opening as a 2010dwg format file? Opening the file in Notepad even shows it was last saved in 2012.
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Nov 7, 2011
One of our users, lets call him USER1, has recently received the following message when attempting to save an assembly:
"A later version of this file has been saved by USER1. Saving the file would overwrite changes which is not allowed. If you wish to preserve your changes, use the Save Copy As command."
To get to this error message, our user opens an IDW, then the IAM linked to that drawing. Changes made in the IAM are changing bolt lengths, adding fasteners from content center, things like that. After saving inside the IAM this message appears. There are multiple users on our network; but only this user is working the assembly in question when the message appears?
what makes this message appear, and how it can be avoided?
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Jul 18, 2013
When I edit a picture and save the result (using either "save" or "save as" and making sure there are ticks in "Save in Elements Organiser" and "Save in version set with original"), the edited copy is often (perhaps 3 times out of 4) treated not as a new version but as a new file. When I close the edit, I am told that there is a new file in a watched folder. When I accept this, I am offered any tags which were applied to the original (which works a bit) but then have to find my way to the edited file and the original, and manually make them into a set. It adds a couple of minutes to each edit. I am using Photoshop 11 on a Windows 8 laptop with a 1000GB hard disc (with about 100GB free). My catalog is quite big- about 70,000 items. I am a long-time Elements user (since the original?). This problem is fairly new (ie months not years)- certainly since I moved to V11. This is independent of the format of the original (in my case, RAW or jpeg) or the edited file (in my case usually jpeg).
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Dec 1, 2012
I am running cs6 on both PC and Mac. On my pc if I save a Photoshop file on it as a save as, it does not open the file immediately. I have to close the original file, find the file then open it. Very time consuming and also confusing if you are working fast. On my Mac if i save a document in Photoshop, doing a save as, it saves the doc, and opens it right there and you just continue to work.
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Feb 1, 2012
The computer at work is saving the 'old version' files in the parent folder instead of the old versions sub-folder. Where is the setting for changing this?
IV 2012 Pro Suite
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Apr 15, 2013
Is there a way to change the saved version when running a titleblock update?
Even though my save preference is set 2010, anything saved during a titleblock update is in 2013.
Noticed this in 2013 & 2014
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Nov 20, 2011
I just want to know how will I open a drawing file if its saved on an older version and I am using a latest version of autocad.
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May 1, 2010
With the sad fact that we have to save files into older versions of Corel for other people to open in their Corel Draw, is there an easy way to check an existing CDR file to see which version it is saved in? File-Document Properties DOES NOT seem to do it, although that would be a great place to have it.
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Jan 21, 2013
why few of the drawings processed in Autocad 2004 version and saved in autocad 2000 cannot be opened in different Autocad version such as 2012
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Jun 13, 2013
Recently upgraded from PSE 7 to PSE 11.
Now I'm unable to open .tga files I created/saved in PSE 7.
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Jun 3, 2012
I created a Web Gallery and forgot to update the folder name for the FTP server.
How can I update the saved gallery? If you change module and double click again on the saved gallery icon, the changes are lost.
Here is what I get via right click:
How do you solve this without the need to delete and save the gallery again?
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Sep 14, 2012
Mac // CS5 // lion...I'm working on a business card in photoshop. I always save as .psd until the finished product, then save a front and a back as a .pdf.
I finished, saved my front and back as a .pdf everything is good. When I save the document as .psd again and close the file, the next time I reopen, it has 0 layers, everything is flattened. I've never had this happen before and am scared to close down the file I am working on for fear that it might not return.
I had this happen once already earlier today on a seperate business card. I knew I saved my final copy as a .psd and when I opened that .psd up again to find that there were no layers, but one flattened image. Is my PS corrupted? Or did I miss a simple check box somewhere?
This is the original document I'm working on. I saved 2 .pdf files from this .psd...For Good measure I save the .psd above as a "test" and then open it up in another window. Notice how the thumbnail has a curved triangle shape. Also the file size is only like 9 mb...very small for my normal size
Ok, so I open it up, and this is what I see. One flattened picture. No layer masks, layers...anything.
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Nov 21, 2012
I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.
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May 6, 2013
I frequently save layouts I do in Photoshop as PDF's. Lately I very often will discover the text does not display correctly in the PDF. One or two lines of text will display as white with a thin black outline, rather than as the basic solid black I'd specified.
I work on a Windows 7 machine with the current version of PS. The text is on layers when I save the file to PDF (from PS), but I do not include the layers in the PDF, so they should be flattening down.
I noticed a few weeks ago when it was also doing this that I updated the program a day later and the PDF's were not exhibiting this issue. But, now it's starting again.
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Oct 20, 2012
I accidentally saved my PS file with merged layers, then quit. I can't believe I did that! Is there any way to reverse it?
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Jun 4, 2013
I have a client who insists on receiving final files as PDFs saved as Illustrator Default with Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities ticked. This wasn't an issue until I upgraded to cs6. In cs6 I'm saving the native file as cs5, and then saving as PDF with the following options:
The client is able to open the PDF in cs5 but the layers are all flattened into a single layer. Is there way to Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities for any version other than cs6?
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