AutoCAD 2010 :: 2004 Version And Saved In 2000 Cannot Be Opened In 2012
Jan 21, 2013why few of the drawings processed in Autocad 2004 version and saved in autocad 2000 cannot be opened in different Autocad version such as 2012
View 6 Replieswhy few of the drawings processed in Autocad 2004 version and saved in autocad 2000 cannot be opened in different Autocad version such as 2012
View 6 RepliesI have recently upgraded to ver 2012 from ver 2000. I have numerous macros that were written for the older version that I need to utilize in ver 2012. I manually recreated them in the new version by typing in the commands from ver 2000. As I expected I am getting errors when I try to run these macros in Ver 2012. The mlayer command, for example, does not work. I am pretty sure I need to use the -layer command and have tried this but I still get errors. While I am relatively proficient in ver 2000 I am having some trouble finding commands in ver 2012 that match the old version. Below is an example of a macro from ver 2000 as well as my attempt to rewrite it in ver 2012.
^C^C(mlayer "notes" "cyan" nil) -insert;B6;insert;;;;$S=NUMB0
my rewrite:
^C^C(-layer;m;"notes" "cyan" nil) -insert;B6;insert;;;;$S=NUMB0
I have 106 files that I have to save as version 2004 for a contractor. They have been able to open all of the converted files except one. I have run an audit and found nothing. I have purged everything and still no luck.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
I have recently acquired AutoCAD 2012, I have a book called "AutoCAD 2000 Bible", and I was wondering if the contents of this book (based on AutoCAD 2000) can guide me through AutoCAD 2012 as well.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a little problem with autocad 2012. When I open a dwg in autocad 2012 some hatch turns solid, but same dwg is fine in autocad 2011 or previous versions. What is interesting if I am in autocad 2012 and i click on the hatch and change something on the properties and i click enter it turns normal to what it should be. So i click on the hatch again change back the whatever it was previously and hit enter. I regen everything and its still fine. So basically i did nothing to it and its fixed. So this might be bug I am not sure. So after all this, i save the dwg and exit. I re-open the dwg again in autocad 2012 the hatch is back to solid. What is very interesting in autocad 2011 everyhing is fine no hatch problems at all. I attached two pdfs as to what it should looks like when its correct hatch and what it looks like when i open it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a surveyor requesting that we convert our Autocad 2012 Civil 3D files to Autocad 2004 so they can use them to produce as-built drawings. Is that possible? The drawings include profiles and cross sections.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I I convert a 2012 dwg into a 2007 format whether using true view or "saving as" 2007 from an open drawing, some of the graphics disappear. How do I convert withour losing these graphics?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWiped my whole computer clean, reinstalled Windows 7, Can't reinstall Autocad 2012 student version.
Installation failed and this is the line from the log:
2013/8/1:13:30:28 carol HENRY Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable (x86): D:3rdPartyx86VCRedist2008SP1vcredist_x86.exe /q
2013/8/1:13:30:48 carol
Having trouble with AutoCAD 2012 when saving to earlier versions? I can't save it down to any other version except for 2012, without the system crashing completely.
Also, from time to time we get the crash when editing MText.
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
Any way to move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
Is it possible to open an AutoCAD LT 2000 drawing in AutoCAD 2012?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to upgrade from LT2000 to LT2012, will I be able to read all my files created in LT2000?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a plug-in or other step that will allow me to work with JPEG-2000 images using my Elements 2.0 software?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
I'm using autocad LT 2010 and need to send the drawings to someone using autocad 2004, how do i save the drawing so they can open and print with 2004. i was told that theres an option under save as but its not coming up on my version.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe have been using Autocad 2000 32 bitfor many years and just recently upgraded the laptop with windows 7 64 bit and upgraded to Autocad 2010 64 bit. We cannot view the autocad 2000 drawings in the new autocad, it keeps freezing. I understand its a compatibility issue. How can we convert the drawings? I did download TrueView but it only gives me the latest option to convert to as 2007.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I transfer 3d polylines from civil 3d 2010 to 2004?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn AutoCad 2000 there was a design center that showed my symbols on the CD. Now I have 2010 and can't acess my symbols on the CD. I can't run the installl on the CD because I don't have admin rights.
View 2 Replies View Relatedif there's a way for my PSD file, which I created and saved in Elements, to be opened in CS2?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi've just been using the brush tool to draw and paint around with, and today when I tried to open up a saved project from last night, It came up all blurry and very undetailed compared to when i saved it. I think it might be the saved file was 16 bit, and maybe it's opening it up in 8 bit which is making it blurry? Or maybe my computer can't handle the 16bit and my resolution on the saved file was too high?
Also, I was wondering some recommended starting specs (like when I open a new window)
I have a client who insists on receiving final files as PDFs saved as Illustrator Default with Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities ticked. This wasn't an issue until I upgraded to cs6. In cs6 I'm saving the native file as cs5, and then saving as PDF with the following options:
The client is able to open the PDF in cs5 but the layers are all flattened into a single layer. Is there way to Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities for any version other than cs6?
I have spent the entire day trying to solve this and I finally found a fix but not the cause. I have tried all the typical ways to sync/read/render to see the xmp data in LR.
After all of this I found the only way for me to see the xmp data is to open the xmp as a text document then save it go into lightroom read metadata and it shows up. This obviously isnt a workable solution for thousands of files so I need to find a cause.
So a little info. I'm using LR5 on a windows. I edit clients images then send them the xmp files with those edits. I have one client thats photos when imported do not show metadata or develop adjustments. This is the only solution I have found to see the info. I believe they are using LR 4 and a MAC.
Is it possible that the problem is the original files are saved on a mac then transfered to my windows machine.
Using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I'm noticing a color difference between an image I'm working on in PS and the final image - after it has been saved.
For example: working on a image of earth. The image on the web has very deep blues. but when I open it into PS, it looks very purple-ish and when I save it, the color is blue again.
Sometime the difference is slight, and other times it is definitely noticeable. Is there a setting I could adjust? One that would keep the image's true color?
I recently created a file in Illustrator CS6 (Creative Cloud version), and saved it as PDF with illustrator editing capabilities preserved. It saved fine, but when I opened the file in Illustrator CS6 again for more editing today, it gave me an earlier version of the file instead of the latest version that I saved last night. However, the file opened correctly in Quick Look, Preview and Photoshop CS6. I've tried to make a copy of the file, and open the copy in a different folder, as well as deleting illustrator preferences.I don't want to spend another 1.5 hours to redo things that I've done.
View 1 Replies View RelatedImages opening from LR to PS6 are opened as CR2 files (canon) and then saved in PS - the resulting saved images are PSD files. These files are not added to the LR catalog without re-importing them. This behavior is different than it was in CS5 - in CS5 they are opened as PSD and immediately added to the LR catalog. I want the same bahavior in CS6. In LR I have set preferences to open files as PSD but they are not PSD until they are saved in PS.
View 9 Replies View RelatedCan’t save 24 x 36 ai version 9 file when opened in CS6, even when opened as an outline format. I was able to save the file when reduced to 8 x 11, once saved I resized it back to 24 x 36 but it still didn’t work.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I check with which autocad version a drawing is saved?
View 8 Replies View RelatedC3D2012 SP2.1
What I have is a nice production drawing, that has NEVER even been opened in C3D2013. I JUST finished adding labels for some new pipes and structures that are in an Xref. I saved the drawing and closed it to work on a different project while plotting. In SSM, I select the sheets to Publish, the first 4 plot without issue, then I get a CER without a Fatal Error...I can still work on the nbow current appears that SSM crashed while loading the aforementioned sheet I had been working on.I close everything down, restart C3D2012, open the same drawing I had just labeled, says it needs to be recovered, so I let it finish loading (I've found that stopping the load will almost always cause C3D to hang indefinitely), close that drawing, then run recover, finds 2 errors, allow to fix, am greeted with the message box "This drawing has been saved by a newer version of C3D. All C3D commands are disabled in this drawing."
Wait a dang minute, SSM crashes and somehow (the save time is still the same as when i manually saved it in 2012) saves it as a C3D2013 file...even though it is still opening as a 2010dwg format file? Opening the file in Notepad even shows it was last saved in 2012.
One of our users, lets call him USER1, has recently received the following message when attempting to save an assembly:
"A later version of this file has been saved by USER1. Saving the file would overwrite changes which is not allowed. If you wish to preserve your changes, use the Save Copy As command."
To get to this error message, our user opens an IDW, then the IAM linked to that drawing. Changes made in the IAM are changing bolt lengths, adding fasteners from content center, things like that. After saving inside the IAM this message appears. There are multiple users on our network; but only this user is working the assembly in question when the message appears?
what makes this message appear, and how it can be avoided?
The computer at work is saving the 'old version' files in the parent folder instead of the old versions sub-folder. Where is the setting for changing this?
IV 2012 Pro Suite