AutoCAD VB :: Transferring Custom Macro From 2004 To 2012
Aug 12, 2013
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
Any way to move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
We previously switched from 2010 to 2012, i transferred our pipe catalog with custom pipes. I though i did it right, but when i started editing pipes that were started in 2010 the pipe sizes were automatically changing to the wrong size after edit.
We are about to upgrade from c3d 2012 to 2013, i don't want this to happen again. proper way to transfer our customized pipe catalog?
I have been using AutoCAD 2006. Our company is switching to AutoCAD 2012 LT. I want to be able to add my custom toolbar buttons from the 2006 to the 2012 LT custom Ribbon Tabs & Panels. I have figured out how to make the custom ribbon, tab and panel. I just haven’t figured out what I need to do to get the old stuff to where I can add them to the panels.
I have custom 2006 buttons with and without flyouts.
We're about to roll out LT 2012 now the SP1 is out, normally I would run round and change the default options by hand (template locations, support file paths etc..) Is there any way I can do this in a macro, or some other way, which means I don't have to go to 100 PC's?
i recently upgraded to 2.8 from 2.6 and i'm having a tough time importing my brushes. i've tried creating a custom folder in the 'brushes' folder and exporting them there. i've tried a simple drag and drop. nothing seems to work. am i missing something or is what i'm trying to do impossible?
I need a macro to auto label, with DIMLINEAR, the lines for Rafters with the lenghts. I have the Dimension Styles set up for each roof pitch, but need a macro to auto label the line instead of clicking each line individually. Also, I can't find a ROUNDUP feature in the Dimension Styles. I've got it to round to the nearest 2' but it won't go up....if it's 11' it goes to 10'...I need it to go to 12'.
In CorelDraw X3 we had named our custom color tabs for easy cross checking before processing the files. When we bring these files in to X6 it is not holding the same file name that we put in place on X3. This information shows up in the bottom right had corner of your Coreldraw page.
How the custom naming looks in X3
How the custom naming looks in X6
We need the file to tell us the Dates#1 DD1111 as all the information. We have thousands of x3 file that this will affect for checking purposes.
I'm trying to create a macro which will attach a custom sketched symbol with a leader to some specific parts in a view. By modifying some sample code I managed to create a macro which will attach the sketched symbol to the currently selected edge (see code below). However I would like to select the view and let the code cycle trough all the parts and check the filename or a custom iProperty. If the filename has a certain pattern or a specific custom iProperty exists it should add the sketched symbol. I don't really see how I should do this, I can get a reference to the selected view and as far as I can see I can use the referencedfiledescripter to open the assembly and cycle through the occurences. However I don't see how I can use this to add the sketched symbol to the occurence in the drawing view.
' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' Set a reference to the active sheet. Dim oActiveSheet As Sheet Set oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet ' Set a reference to the drawing curve segment. ' This assumes that a drwaing curve is selected. [Code] ......
My company have some custom menus and some some lisps that are related to it.
to install the menus in r14 first we opel tools/options/Files then we add the custom folders under the Support File Search path then we load the menu and open the Display screen menu and after all the commands can used under the screen menu.
this also work under acad 2000 but cannot find a solution under 2010
I need to be able to automatically number pages with a preset. Coreldraw can already do what I need using the PageNumbering macro but I have to enter the individual settings for each template every time. I simply want the included PageNumbering macro but with the option to save 5 presets. If possible I would like the option of saving the presets to a file that can be shared with other workstations so I don't have to manually recreate.
I have recently upgraded to ver 2012 from ver 2000. I have numerous macros that were written for the older version that I need to utilize in ver 2012. I manually recreated them in the new version by typing in the commands from ver 2000. As I expected I am getting errors when I try to run these macros in Ver 2012. The mlayer command, for example, does not work. I am pretty sure I need to use the -layer command and have tried this but I still get errors. While I am relatively proficient in ver 2000 I am having some trouble finding commands in ver 2012 that match the old version. Below is an example of a macro from ver 2000 as well as my attempt to rewrite it in ver 2012.
I just started working for a new employer as a 2012 AUTCAD Tech: they have only used old school DTEXT for everything (what a pain compared to multi-text "MTEXT").
Problem: I converted several single line Dtext to Mtext (.075 test height) paragraphs but can not achieve the same spacing they have been using (.225) because .025 is not an availalbe increment in the parapgrah & line spacing selection. Is there a way or a LISP that will allow me to add custom spacing choices to the Line/Paragraph spacing default list?
Then I can upgrade so much and work faster, yet maintain the standard spacing already set via snap grid settings.
I'd like to create a new Menu which will contain few custom tools (ie. place text with particular font type, scale and justification)..I tried to import my customized menu from AutoCAD 2007 but that wasn't successful.
We have this very cool tool that automatically creates a custom sheet property (IndexNo) and indexes all sheets in the active sheet set. Unfortunately, it doesn't run in 2012 and the guy that wrote the application no longer works for us.
I have a client who has a customized workstation in 2012 and is trying to move to 2014. We have gotten most of it done but theyaretryingtoloadacustomlipsroutineanditkeepsfailing.
I just migrated from 2006 to 2012... I was able to get my old custom tool palettes into 2012 by opening the Content Browser and idropping them. However I noticed that these palettes are not 'refreshable' like they used to be. In the Palette Properties it says *This palette is not shared from a catalog*... after doing a search of that message in these forums I found this thread: [URL]....
I followed David's instructions:
1. Created a new Palette Group
2. Created a new palette in that Group
3. i-dropped tools from my custom catalog in the Content Browser onto that new palette.
While working on a drawing today I realized that when I modified dimension styles ... arrow size, text size, spacing, etc. , upon closing the modify style window the changes I'd made automatically took effect on the screen. In other words I did not have to use the dimension update command to make the changes appear in dimensions already in the drawing. All the dimensions changed to show the changes automatically. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen this before.
I went to another drawing and the updates did not automatically occur. I inserted part of the old drawing into the current drawing and made dimension style changes again. The changes updated automatically in the new content but not on the content inserted from the old drawing.
I'm using autocad LT 2010 and need to send the drawings to someone using autocad 2004, how do i save the drawing so they can open and print with 2004. i was told that theres an option under save as but its not coming up on my version.
I have 106 files that I have to save as version 2004 for a contractor. They have been able to open all of the converted files except one. I have run an audit and found nothing. I have purged everything and still no luck.
I am doing some tooling drawings for my company. I am using AutoCad LT 2008. When I email my drawings, I have to convert them to Autocad 2004 so the tooling company can open the drawings. They then convert it to Mega Cad 4.8 to import it into their system. My problem is that any text in my drawings does not show up for them in either programs. I have tried several different fonts, but nothing works. This is causing time consuming problems for both of us.