AutoCAD Architecture :: Migrating Custom Profile / Setting From 2012 To 2014

Jun 10, 2013

I have a client who has a customized workstation in 2012 and is trying to move to 2014. We have gotten most of it done but theyaretryingtoloadacustomlipsroutineanditkeepsfailing.

Image attached.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Migrating Custom CC Library From 2013 To 2014

May 28, 2013

I have upgraded to Inventor 2014 and I'm having trouble transferring my custom content center library (local machine, no server).  My understanding was that I copy the .idcl and .idz files from the old folder to the 2014 folder, open the projects dialog box, configure content center libraries button, and use the update tool button.

However, in the configure libraries dialog box my custom library doesn't even show up in the list along with my ANSI, ISO, "My Library", etc. Restarting Inventor didn't work.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Get Old Custom Tool Palettes Into 2012 By Opening Content Browser

Feb 7, 2012

I just migrated from 2006 to 2012... I was able to get my old custom tool palettes into 2012 by opening the Content Browser and idropping them.  However I noticed that these palettes are not 'refreshable' like they used to be.  In the Palette Properties it says *This palette is not shared from a catalog*... after doing a search of that message in these forums I found this thread: [URL]....

I followed David's instructions:

1. Created a new Palette Group

2. Created a new palette in that Group

3. i-dropped tools from my custom catalog in the Content Browser onto that new palette.

Still there is no 'refresh' option...???

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Create Door Style Using Custom Made Profile For Jamb

Sep 17, 2012

In my previous post of the same subject, I managed to create a door style using a custom made profile for the jamb .However I have been having a lot of problems trying to make the door leaf sit properly between the jambs. Attached is what I'm trying to achieve - is that possible in ACA? (BTW this was done in Revit)..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 Migrating Data Shortcuts - Will Be Saved In 2009 Format

Nov 14, 2013

We've recently upgraded a large project from Civil 3D 2012 to Civil 3D 2014 and for the most part things have migrated well.

On this project as well as others that have been migrated, I've been noticing this and similar messages re: modified in a previous version when the dref's synchronize:

"FG-STREET A was modified in a previous version of the software. Changes in the current were overwritten when the data reference was synchronized."

The steps we used for converting this project in order are:

Set Data shortcuts working folder.
Migrate Survey Database.
Open/save base drawing containing survey & EG surface.
Open/save all C3d source dwgs before opening any plan sheets.
Open/save all C3d plan sheets.

Because of the warning message I thought I'd try the "Migrating Data Shortcuts" following the instructions.

Use the stand-alone Data Shortcuts Editor to save one or more data shortcuts to a specified folder. If the shortcuts were created with a previous version of AutoCAD Civil 3D, they will be updated to the current format in this process.

When following the steps in the Data Shortcuts Editor, when I get to step 5, select the folder & choose Saveas, I see the following message that they will be saved in 2009 format?

Isn't that a downgrade? How these modified in a previous version messages?

I'm still trying to figure out if they are a benign message or if they are something I should be concerned with. 95% of the shortcuts on the project sync normally & seem to work fine other than an occasional disappearing profile in the sheet profiles.

C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit

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3ds Max :: Migrating 2011 Settings To 2012?

Jan 31, 2012

I'm finally getting around to using 2012 and would like to know the correct way to migrate my 2011 custom settings. I seem to recall some one here saying that you can't just copy them over or you risk messing up Max. I have heavily customized 2011 and wouldn't want to have to start from scratch.

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3ds Max :: Migrating 2012 GUI Settings To 2013?

Apr 12, 2012

When I upgraded to Max 2013, the installer created a completely separate 2013 instance, and did not upgrade or replace my existing Max 2012.

So now that I have 2013, how do I migrate my GUI settings from 2012 without having to go through all of the screens and tool bars from scratch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mass Properties Changes To Zero When Migrating Parts To 2013 - Custom Parameter

Feb 28, 2013

I am having trouble with mass prop exporting to sheemetal parts. It did work for 2012 now its not happening iv2013. service pak 1.1

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AutoCAD LT :: Add Custom 2006 Buttons To 2012 Custom Ribbon And Panel?

Mar 12, 2012

I have been using AutoCAD 2006.  Our company is switching to AutoCAD 2012 LT.  I want to be able to add my custom toolbar buttons from the 2006 to the 2012 LT custom Ribbon Tabs & Panels.  I have figured out how to make the custom ribbon, tab and panel.  I just haven’t figured out what I need to do to get the old stuff to where I can add them to the panels.

I have custom 2006 buttons with and without flyouts. 

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Lightroom :: Enable Profile Corrections Auto Setting Doesn't Find X100s Profile In 4.4

Mar 27, 2014

In Development module in LR4.4, viewing a Fuji X100s raw file (converted on import to DNG) I tick the box for "Enable Profile Corrections" under "Lens Corrections," and select "Auto" from the "Setup" menu. I would have thought that LR would pick up the X100s profile, but no, nothing happens. If I choose "Fujifilm" from the "Make" dropdown, I can find the X100 (not X100s) profile manually. The profile's probably pretty similar, but still, I'm wondering why my install of 4.4 doesn't have the X100s profile in place?
While I'm at it, I'll ask this too -- I recently bought the new Nikkor 35mm 1.8G ED (the new full frame 35mm Nikon lens, not the trusty 35mm 1.8DX) and there's no profile for that lens in my LR4.4 either.
Finally, I note that when I choose "Check for Updates" from the "Help" menu in LR, I'm told there are no updates available.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Raised Decking Profile / Create A Profile / Wall Style

Oct 9, 2011

I want to create a profile/wall style or what ever you want to call it for a raised deck flooring for external decking. I am looking at the decking material only. Not concerned about the timber framing sub floor material.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Transferring Tool Palettes From One Profile To Another Profile

Feb 7, 2012

I want to transfer or copy the tool palettes (walls, doors, FFE) from one profile to another. I have all my tool bars, set in one profile correctly, but all the tool palettes are in another profile.

Is there a way to copy these tools into another profile? Even if I over-right another palette?

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Photoshop :: How To Add Custom Working Space Profile To Profile List In CS6

Jan 28, 2013

How do you add a custom working space profile to the profile list in CS6.

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Illustrator :: How To Save Custom Artboard Setup With Custom Document Profile

Nov 1, 2012

Is there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 To 2014 DWG Won't Open

Sep 27, 2013

We just recieved 2014 C3D upgrade from 2012.  I opened a 2012 dwg and saved in the 2013 file format.  now when i attempt to open the drawing in 2014, C3D freezes while loading the drawing.  It can't seem to get past "reading triangles from file".  Weird thing is i can open a copy of the original 2012 DWG and work for minutes or hours in 2014 saving many times along the way and if i close the DWG and attemp to re-open, it freezes up everytime.  I have done this same procedure with other DWG's and don't have any issues.

C3D 2014
Intel Xeon 3.07 GHz
15 GB Ram
Win 7-64 bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 Drawings Not Opening In 2014?

Dec 11, 2013

I'm having an issue with my cad files that were done with Civil 3D 2012. When we made the jump to Civil 3D 2014 all my drawings seem to be corrupt. Now I have pipe networks in my base file. I have tired recovering and recoverall but no luck. I can send the CAD file.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can 2014 And 2012 Be Installed On Same Computer

Dec 11, 2013

I am running ACAD 2012 & Civil3d 2012 and would like to install ACAD 2014 to start playing around with the software. Are there issues with running both versions on the same computer?

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AutoCAD LT :: Setting Options In A Macro For 2012

Oct 31, 2011

We're about to roll out LT 2012 now the SP1 is out, normally I would run round and change the default options by hand (template locations, support file paths etc..) Is there any way I can do this in a macro, or some other way, which means I don't have to go to 100 PC's?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 Profile Import Crash

Sep 19, 2013

We use 2012 primarily, and I finally installed 2014 on 2 different machines. Both work ok until I load the 2012 profiles. Then, AutoCAD wont even start after you close and re-open. We use a lot of custom lisps and menus that i need loaded into 2014. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 - Custom PGP Won't Load?

Mar 28, 2013

I just installed AutoCAD 2014, but it's not pulling my custom .pgp file, even though the folder that file is in is first in my support path. 

System specifications: AutoCAD 2014 64-bit SP1, Windows 7 64-bit SP1, Intel Core i7-2600K, AMD FirePro V4900
16GB RAM, Crucial M4 SSD, 3 Dell Monitors (2 30" 2560x1600 & 1 20" 1200x1600)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 -> 2014 Change Is Surface Display?

Jan 2, 2014

heres the problem we had created a slope style in 2012 15% - 25% and 25% - 100%. done this many times with no problems. so we upgrade and open the file in 2014 now there is a large white area that c3d is filling in.

Win 7 pro 12gb
NVIDIA Quadro 2000
LDD 2009
IDS 2014

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AutoCAD LT :: Setting Up Custom Menus?

Aug 28, 2013

I'm working for a new company and have not used AutoCad in some time.  We want to be able to "drop in" existing drawings through the use of customized drop drop menus.  Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows how to customize the drop down menus and link them to files? 

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AutoCad :: Plant 3D 2012 - Setting Up And Producing ISOs

Nov 4, 2011

Trying to set up Plant 3D so i can produce iso drawings. We have our pipe routed and tagged. When we select a pipe line that consist of only five or 6 parts (pipe, elbows, etc) it breaks the isos up into that amound of drawings files.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Band Style Setting?

Aug 26, 2013

In the Band Style_A pdf you can see the location of my elevation labels, they are below the bottom line of my profile view grid. In the Band Style_B pdf the labels are showing up in the proper location (above the bottom line of the profile view grid). To move the labels to the proper location I changed the "Gap" setting from 12.5 to -24. Is there a way to change this setting in my "style" rather than have to go make this change to the style every time I use it in a profile?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To Copy Form Visual Style From 2012 To 2014

Oct 28, 2013

I have upgraded from 2012 to 2014 but there is a smaller list of visual styles for the Ilogc form. I used to set all forms to "iMaginary" but his is not an option in 2014. Is there a way to copy the form visual style from 2012 to 2014?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - Sketch Setting For View From ISO To Normal?

Oct 27, 2011

Is there any way to stop the flipping of the solid/sketch view from iso to normal?

its annoying to make changes to a sketch and constantly have to re orient the part after finishing a sketch, I dont want the solid model to return to iso view after sketching, is there a setting for this?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 - Setting Layer Manager Display?

Aug 28, 2012

It happens when you turn on layer manager to adjust each layer settings such as name, line type or color and etc.  

Problem is that each layer row disappears and each time it happens, only solution I know is to restart the computer. See the attached image. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Resetting 2012 To Its Original Or Default Setting

Feb 2, 2012

I just installed the 2012 version, and I clicked the "Migrate Custom Setting" where my old setting from 2010 was generated. How can I reverse this or resetting it up to its original/ default when you first time to open the CAD2012?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 - Pipe Network Structure Profile Label

Jul 30, 2013

Water main pipe network profile labels for structures do not attach to the structure properly in C3D 2014 (this same label style works fine in all previous versions of the software, through the 2013 release). The labels come into the drawing at a northing of 0 rather than attaching to the structure itself. However, if you grip edit and reset the labels, they reset to their correct attachment point. Additionally, if you attempt to grip edit the profile labels with Ortho mode on, it moves the label back to a northing of 0. I've created a new block for the structure, but that does not resolve the issue.

I've included a link to a Chronicle video that demonstrates the label behavior. [URL] .......

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2014 Null Structure Labels In Profile Drop To Zero

Aug 20, 2013

Some of our structure styles for null structures are set to display as a block in profile.  When we label these null structures in profile, the label dimension line extends to down to zero, way off the profile view.   When I change the style to display the boundary of the null, the label pops back into place, but when I change the style back to a block, it will drop back to zero.  I just upgraded to 2014 and this did not occur in 2010-2013.  I've upgraded a drawing with existing profiles and also created a new pipe network and the results are the same.  What changed in 2014 that would cause this?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2014 - No Canvas Selected?

May 6, 2013

It seems that after I start customizing by adding Trusted locations etc with add-on programs, my start up looks like this...

No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.
No canvas exists. Please click New Canvas.

And then opens normally.

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