Water main pipe network profile labels for structures do not attach to the structure properly in C3D 2014 (this same label style works fine in all previous versions of the software, through the 2013 release). The labels come into the drawing at a northing of 0 rather than attaching to the structure itself. However, if you grip edit and reset the labels, they reset to their correct attachment point. Additionally, if you attempt to grip edit the profile labels with Ortho mode on, it moves the label back to a northing of 0. I've created a new block for the structure, but that does not resolve the issue.
I've included a link to a Chronicle video that demonstrates the label behavior. [URL] .......
I have a pipe network created that is shown in multiple drawings. I created labels for the structures showing Rims and Inverts. How to put the Rim info on a different layer than the Invert info? Right now the label has 3 different components...I feel like there has to be a way to put each component on different layers...
I need to make a structure label that defines the "PIPE FALL" for each incoming pipe. By "PIPE FALL", I mean the elevation difference between the bottom of the structure and the incoming pipe invert elevation.
Actually, I thought it was going to be pretty simple, just by doing:
Settings > Pipe Network > Right Click > Edit Feature Settings > Default Profile Label Placement, gets you to this point:
Does the highlighted line only apply at the time that the label is placed? I have multiple sewers to label and I want to each set of labels at a different elevation. Changing this default will have NO effect on existing labels?
I am working on an existing Pipe Network. I have a location where I have already placed a pipe and filled in the correct parameters for this pipe. But I realize now that there is a concrete headwall near the end of the pipe. So I was trying to insert the structure at the midpoint of a line I have created for OSNAP reasons so it would create the structure at the specified location. The problem is when I move the structure to create at this location, the "Break Pipe Marker" goes away and only shows when I am at a different location along the pipe. So I wanted to see if there was a command or feature to use to tell the software I want to place this structure at a specified location along this one section of pipe.
I wanted to see what my options were. I know I can grab one end of the pipe and move it to the location and then add the structure and pipe from there. But I did this insertion under different circumstances and it broke the pipe into 2 sections while still keeping the same and adding a (1) after it, which is pretty useful when reading printouts and showing that this is actually one pipe instead of 2 pipes.
I am using a structure table as a workaroumnd to get a dynamic point tab;e that also shows station offset. It shows Name, N, E, Elev, Sta, OS
I want the elevation shown in the table to be the elevation that was pulled from the specified surface when I set the structures, PLUS 2 inches.
I tried making them all Null Structures, but I am unable to edit the height of the structure - it wants to be 1.467 and won't change.
I am not even sure what i am doing since I don't use pipe stuff all that often.
My machine is hung on the Edit Networks part dialog, which I *think* is where I was trying set the height of a structure.
I tried creating a new structure and it wants half a million parameters for a simple cylinder, even though the ONLY thing I care about is the insertion point and adding 2 inches for the table.
C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M LDT/C3D user since release 12
Is there ever a reason the option to add pipes or structures to an existing network would be grayed out? A colleague of mine called a week ago and wanted to add a manhole to the end of a pipe network where he had a clean out.
I didn't see his drawing but over the phone he tells me the button to add pipes and structures was grayed out. It wasn't giving him the option to add both or either or.
I'm working in Civil 2012 and I'm putting in existing SD. I put in 2 DI's and a MH all on the same network (there is only one in my drawing) and I go to put in pipes and I click to connect to the first DI and then I'm kicked out of the command. What do I do?
I'm working with a structure profile label style and it seems like the only way to anchor the position of the label is based on offsets from the structure itself... Any way to position the label based on the top of the profile view, so that I could make all of my labels horizontally aligned above the profile view?
I have a pipe network, all the structures and pipes are connected properly. When I use the grip to move my structure, it will not move. I have to move both pipes then the manhole to relocate my structure. Shouldn't I be able to move the manhole and the pipes come with it? Instead I am having to make 3 grip edits and then reconnect the structures and pipes.
The PLS I work under inquired if the pipe and structure tables provided in our construction plans are able to be exported to excel. The only way I know how is to use the reports manage. The problem is, the provided Pipes reports don't contain all the data we are looking for. How do I modify, or create a new, Pipe report? It seems like it should be really easy to export the data to excel..
I'm trying to find out what could be the cause of sturcture styles in a Pipe Network Design Drawing resetting to default styles when I Data Shortcut the design into my Sheet? (I.e. I've got gate valves, fh's, and plugs in my design file, but when I data shortcut them into my sheet they are all come in as null structures) Not Cool!
I'm using the same template that contains all the same parts/styles for both design and sheet.
I've been using pipe network in Civil 3D for some time now and all I can say is I can't wait for them to rewrite it!
I've had acouple of problems with some of the default parts for the UKIE template which I have managed to fix manually but there is stil one problem I can't seem to solve. For some reason my type E manholes show up in plan and section but don't show at all in object viewer. I've even tried to create a new drawing and place a new network but again the same thing happens.
I've tried going into part builder, validating it and saving it, reload the catalog etc. just incase.
Civil 3D 2012. One structure in my pipe network is not following along when the network is data-referenced in to other plan drawings. The structure is present in the source drawing, and included in the network, along with the pipes that are connected to it. All other structures and pipes are operating fine.
I have a pipe network that I am showing in a drainage plan. I want to show the Structure table in paper space. It seems I can only creaate the table in model spcae. I'm ok with that. I made a viewport in my paper space tab to see the table but it keps scaling to full size regardless of what the viewport scale is set to. The table is too big to fit in my drawing. I tried making a smaller viewport but the table keeps scaling to be actuall paper size. How can i get it to stop scaling so I can shrink it to fit on my sheet?
If Civil3D can't do it can I export the tbale to a data linked Spread Sheet then import that (and link it) to my paper space tab so that I can control the size of the table?
I would like to know if it is possible to display the pipe inlet/outlet elevation in my structure label. It seems like it is not possible.It is possible to use the inlet/outlet elevation of the pipe in my pipe label however I would like to display it in my structure.
i'm trying to label pipe networks in my section views. i hit the 'entire network section' option and it just labels 1 pipe in 1 section. i would think it would label the 1 pipe in every section or every pipe in 1 section. is this how it's supposed to work? is there a workaround?
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
I have a pipe network and a profile for it. Some of the structures have 2 inlet pipes. The pipe system more of less goes down a road, so every now and then there is a cross pipe into a structure. I have masking turned on under the structure style->profile setting. I want to see the cross pipe, so I found on here that all I need to do is under structure style->view direction (profile)->make Structure Pipe Outlines visible. I did that and still no cross pipe shows up. If I turn the masking off it is there.
I would like to add a wipeout to this structure label so I don't see the profile view grid lines. I want the wipeout to be the exact width and height of the label. I have tried numerous edits but can't seem to get it. What is the easiest/best way to add this wipeout?
Every structure for my Sanitary pipe network is showing up properly in the profile view except the last 2. They're showing as rectangles when they should have the cone on top. I've checked the properties of the correct ones and the incorrect ones and they're the same style. I looked at the parts and I couldn't see anything wrong with them. In the screenshot you can see that the 3 manholes on the left are the correct kind with the cone whereas the 2 on the right are just rectangles.
I've been having a problem with a pipe structure not showing up in a profile view. I have a single pipe network with everything (pipes and other structures) showing up in the profile when I select them, right-click, and click on "Draw Parts in Profile". Like I said, this works for all the other pipes and structures in the profile except one. When I select the structure individually and try to draw it into the profile, it still won't work. A friend told me to make sure that the structure is within the surface, and it is.
I have a network that I showed in a profile view and, to creat my proposed pipes network I simply copied the pipes and structures and used network split.
Now I have two networks, but when I project those pipes and structures into a profile they are not visible.
If I check the profile view properties and look at the pipe networks tab, all the pipes are shown as drawn.
If I have a pipe that spans between two profile views, is there a way to label the pipe in each profile view with only the lineal feet that is showing in that profile view?
I have a storm water pipe network and a sanitary pipe network. In the profile view I am displaying both networks. My question is in the profile view the storm pipes are in "front/foreground" of the sanitary pipes. Is there a way to "trim" out the sanitary pipe profile lines where they pass behind the storm sewer.
Kind of like a display order so looking at the profile I can tell which pipe and in foreground and which are in the back ground.
I have an existing pipe network and a proposed pipe network. When I label a structure in my profile view, how do I combine the different network information? (Or do you usually have one network for both proposed and existing?)
For example, I have an existing pipe that will remain, but I will replace the structure and connect it to new pipes. On my label, I want to label proposed structure, pipes, and existing pipe using italics.
Some of our structure styles for null structures are set to display as a block in profile. When we label these null structures in profile, the label dimension line extends to down to zero, way off the profile view. When I change the style to display the boundary of the null, the label pops back into place, but when I change the style back to a block, it will drop back to zero. I just upgraded to 2014 and this did not occur in 2010-2013. I've upgraded a drawing with existing profiles and also created a new pipe network and the results are the same. What changed in 2014 that would cause this?