AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Base Structure Profile Label Location On Top Of Profile View
Nov 4, 2013
I'm working with a structure profile label style and it seems like the only way to anchor the position of the label is based on offsets from the structure itself... Any way to position the label based on the top of the profile view, so that I could make all of my labels horizontally aligned above the profile view?
I would like to add a wipeout to this structure label so I don't see the profile view grid lines. I want the wipeout to be the exact width and height of the label. I have tried numerous edits but can't seem to get it. What is the easiest/best way to add this wipeout?
Water main pipe network profile labels for structures do not attach to the structure properly in C3D 2014 (this same label style works fine in all previous versions of the software, through the 2013 release). The labels come into the drawing at a northing of 0 rather than attaching to the structure itself. However, if you grip edit and reset the labels, they reset to their correct attachment point. Additionally, if you attempt to grip edit the profile labels with Ortho mode on, it moves the label back to a northing of 0. I've created a new block for the structure, but that does not resolve the issue.
I've included a link to a Chronicle video that demonstrates the label behavior. [URL] .......
where to change the text height and color for the lower band where the stations are. Also, how do I get the exist grade and proposed grade to show at the specified stations vertically like LDD used to do it.
Second, how do i mask the pipe in the manholes on the profile. Right now i can see the pipe inside the manhole. I clicked "enable masking" under the structure properties but no luck.
Every structure for my Sanitary pipe network is showing up properly in the profile view except the last 2. They're showing as rectangles when they should have the cone on top. I've checked the properties of the correct ones and the incorrect ones and they're the same style. I looked at the parts and I couldn't see anything wrong with them. In the screenshot you can see that the 3 manholes on the left are the correct kind with the cone whereas the 2 on the right are just rectangles.
I've been having a problem with a pipe structure not showing up in a profile view. I have a single pipe network with everything (pipes and other structures) showing up in the profile when I select them, right-click, and click on "Draw Parts in Profile". Like I said, this works for all the other pipes and structures in the profile except one. When I select the structure individually and try to draw it into the profile, it still won't work. A friend told me to make sure that the structure is within the surface, and it is.
I have an alignment label that I normally use to show the PVI's of a profile in the plan view.
This is a little unusual, but in a specific case I wanted to design my profile at one alignment, but show it at another. I designed my swale profile in the pathway profile view and then superimposed the swale profile on the swale profile view. I then went back to the swale alignment to add these labels.
It's a no-go AFAICT. The only profile available for me to select for these labels is the original ground profile from the surface.
Is it possible for a civil 3d structure to be displayed correctly in profile view when the alignment does not pass through the insertion point of the structure. See the attached screen capture.
The rectangular structure is a storage tank and there will be a pipe coming in on one end and the exit pipe will be on the adjacent side at the far end, just as the alignment shows - but the structure doesn't show correctly, or now how I expected.
I have a regular AutoCAD line in a profile view and wondered if there is a way of labeling the grade of the line. I'd think I could use and expression to calculate it. But I don't know how to automatically adjust for the vertical exaggeration without having to have a separate expression for all possible situations.
File 1: with a Profile View => Units set to Meters and Scale set to 1:100 File 2: Units set to Milimeters, Model Space Scale set to 1:100 (same as File 1), Viewport Scale set to 1:100 , Plot style scale set to 1:1
Now I want to X-Ref the "File 1" into "File 2" but when I do that, Civ3D scales all the Profile Labels to huge size. I understand, it has to do with different units (meters and millimeters) set in both file... but thats the way I want this to be...
Please note, in File 2: Model Space scale 1:100 is different than Viewport Scale 1:100, because Model Space scale 1:100 is coming from "File 1" which is set to Meters.
I even tried to keep both Model Space Scale and Viewport Scale same in "File 2" but that didn' work either.
What can I do to show intersection information in a profile label?I mean, supose I have two roads (A and B)... what should I do to show in the road A vertical profile the name and the station of road B in the properly position of this A profile? URL....
I'm attempting to create a profile view and then modify the label by overriding the text components. Unfortunately the profile view bands don't populate the labels until after my command is complete making it not possible to modify them in one command. Is there a way to update the band to have it show the labels?
I tried moving a Profile View and even though I selected everything at once and selected a base point and destination point, the Profile View Station and Elevation labels moved with a different offset than the Profile View itself. ?
I have yet to produce a profile. I created a polyline and turned it into an alignment.
Looking at alignment Sample(3), I see that it is not superimposed over your surface. The polylines are, but the alignment is not. That will disallow creation of a surface profile.
Is the sample5 an alignment that sits on the surface? how come there is still no profile?
Attached are survey points that created the surface of a road embankment portion that caved-in. The road is very near a reservoir shoreline.
1. How can a surface profile be produce? I/'ve use line to change it into an alignement and then create a proile , then a profile view. But the the surface profile is missing.
2.the points having higher elevation are the top edge( road level) of the cave-n . A few few shots were take before the shorline elevations.
3. What the best way to come up with the rock volume to fill the cave-in given this surveying points., Also the shoreline elevation will be lowered some more while work is being done since the fill is not allowed to fall in the reservoir.
I have an issue with a profile referenced into a plan sheet that is shifted when I view it in the plan sheet viewport. The profile stationing is correct in the profile dwg file and in the plan sheet dwg it is referenced into. But when I switch from model space to paper space in my layout sheet (the file the profile dwg is referenced into) the profile moves to the wrong station within my profile view in paper space.
The profile start station is 0+00, but it shifts to -1+00 within the viewport of my layout sheet.
The scales are the same between the dwg files (50) and the Annotation scale matches the dwg scales.
I am a C3D newbie who used ground survey points (Serrano_EG_surface) that generated a Civil 3D surface. The white line is consist of arc segments that I turned into polylines and then into individual CL alignments. The first alignment ,which has its left and right offsets do not generate the profile view that I needed to be created. There was a prompt asking for a profile to choose, but I don't know where in the drawing or in the propector panel to click on.
1. Are the ground survey points good enough so that any alignments over the those areas can provide me a surface profile, a design profile, cross sections every 50 feet, so that I can submit a preliminary drawing for environmental permitting. ?
2. When I check the object browser, the aligments preceding each other are not in the same elevation it seems. Do I have to to transform each of the polylines first into a 3d polyline and then an alignment so that I can create a profile.
3. Eventually , I wish to connect all these alignments to model a 1.5 mile rural road (more like an access road to a water reservoir).
4. What's a best techniques to keep track of modeling a road.This question pertains to e.g the object browser as one of the useful aid. I've also used the inquiry tool but not used it for its full potential.
C3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).
However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.
I'm trying to label my Profile label stations as raw stations, 20~20 meters, and I'm not being able to adapt the format to STATION 0, STATION 2, without any plus zeros or +, or -, or commas, or anything, as following in the image.
I would like to have the leader arrow attached to the rim of the structure in profile view. Now they are attached along the side of the structure well below the rim. This is for the dragged labels. How can I adjust the arrowhead attachment point?
What are some workflows people are using for creating P&P sheets?
I have a project that is 8 miles long so I created all the profile views (18) in one base map drawing using the plan production tool and then they are xrefed into my individual sheets.
I'm finding that doing a save or regen take approx. 30 seconds each time. That seems unusually slow to me.
I asked my reseller about it, and their comment was "We wouldn't recommend that many profile views in one drawing".
I assumed (maybe falsely) that if the plan production tool allowed it, then it should work.
I have a pipe network and a profile for it. Some of the structures have 2 inlet pipes. The pipe system more of less goes down a road, so every now and then there is a cross pipe into a structure. I have masking turned on under the structure style->profile setting. I want to see the cross pipe, so I found on here that all I need to do is under structure style->view direction (profile)->make Structure Pipe Outlines visible. I did that and still no cross pipe shows up. If I turn the masking off it is there.
I would like to delete the horizontal line (white line) from our sanitary profile structure. I have outlined it with a yellow cloud. I want to permanently delete it from our style. I can access the style in the Prospector but cannot figure out how to edit the block to delete the line in question.
profile structure doesn't update when changed. First, the rim to sump value will not change with sump defined by depth and trying to change the sump depth (going deeper and no rules exist). Second, change to define sump by elevation and the sump elevation changes and the grip changes to the correct elevation, but the part outline doesn't change. I've read where the part catalogue location should be updated. I did.
Any way to label my structures in profile with a vertical line that shows the structure ID, Station number, invert data, etc. all on an adjustable length line. Ive got it worked out for how to show it on a fixed length line, but the problem is when you have multiple structures in close proximity the labels tend to overlap. Dragging the labels upward pull the leader line compnent with them and they do not remain anchored to the structure. When I say leader, I am not referring to the dragged state as that creates a leade with a landing at an angle. What I really want is a line component that stay perfectly vertical and remains anchored to the structure insertion point even though I drag the text of the label upward. Is there a way to do this? Seaching the internet and reviewing ym texts has yet to yield an answer.