AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 Drawings Not Opening In 2014?
Dec 11, 2013
I'm having an issue with my cad files that were done with Civil 3D 2012. When we made the jump to Civil 3D 2014 all my drawings seem to be corrupt. Now I have pipe networks in my base file. I have tired recovering and recoverall but no luck. I can send the CAD file.
I am running the new auto cad civil 3d 2014, downloaded from the design suite premium. I have left all of the programs installed (as a I saw that a few people chose to uninstall several of the programs). I am running auto cad on an @xi workstation, 4.1ghz processor, 16gb corsair vengence heatspred ram, 240gb ssd operating drive, 2tb storage raid 0 configuration storage drives, NVIDIA K2000 graphics card. It took me a while to configure the graphics settings within auto cad due to the high resolution, text is being portayed as small in some cases, commands are huge in others.
I am still adjusting all of those, however my real problem is that when I open certain drawings the program immediatly goes to not responding, and when I am working back and forth and trying to open multiple drawings it does the same. Just opening the program off of my desktop on a cold-start up takes maybe 15 seconds to be fully functional, the same with certain drawings. However others just seem to not want to be opened. This occurs with drawings large and small. Some large drawings open perfectly while some small ones crash, and vice versa. What could be the cause of this?
- Installed pspro_cad_fp_10.0.39.3 update for PSP Server and for PSP Clients.
And now, some drawings we can not open in Inventor 2012. Inventor crashes!
But some drawings we are lucky to be able to open and work with.
Drawings have the same template.
If the drawing is locked (read only) then inventor 2012 can open it without a crash.
If I drag&drop drawing out from PSP onto my Desktop, Inventor 2012 can open drawing without problems.
So we are not able to work with some drawings in Inventor 2012 and PSP 2011.
As the first and quick (and 100%) solution - rollback to Inventor 2010 can cost us about 5 man-days of work. (Because we have done some work in Inventor 2012 allready and will not be able to work with this in Inventor 2010)
my laptop has been stolen and I had to buy a new PC...The new one is a windows 8, therfore, I had to install revit 2014....the problem is that I have been working on a graduate class project using revit 2012, and now revit 2014 will not open the files I built on revit 2012...I have only 10 days to rebuild what I have been working on for 3 months!!! there any way to open a revit 2012 on 2014 or at least convert it to work on 2014.
I open two different drawings, I'll call X and Y. I make X current. Using the setting tabs of the prospector I go to Y drawing and click the plus and open the styles i want to insert into X drawing. So for example I open <General <Label Styles <Note Elevation and drag that style into my X drawing. I go and look at my X drawing <General <Label Styles <Note and see that Elevation is not there.
I have tried using AeccImportStylesAndSettings and also I'm running the sincpac which has an import civil styles function that does not work either. I went to a co-workers machine and he can get the styles import function to work just fine.
why I may not be able to get this to work? I even tried to create a new layout from template and still could not get beyond the styles that are default to my current drawing. My only option is to create the styles manually and that is, well, not an option.
We just recieved 2014 C3D upgrade from 2012. I opened a 2012 dwg and saved in the 2013 file format. now when i attempt to open the drawing in 2014, C3D freezes while loading the drawing. It can't seem to get past "reading triangles from file". Weird thing is i can open a copy of the original 2012 DWG and work for minutes or hours in 2014 saving many times along the way and if i close the DWG and attemp to re-open, it freezes up everytime. I have done this same procedure with other DWG's and don't have any issues.
heres the problem we had created a slope style in 2012 15% - 25% and 25% - 100%. done this many times with no problems. so we upgrade and open the file in 2014 now there is a large white area that c3d is filling in.
I just recently had to install 2009 from map 2008. When I open drawings last worked on and saved in 2008 and open them in civil 3d 2009, I get drawings that freeze up upon opening. Some will eventually open, showing errors. Others will never open and just freeze up.
URL....I have a jpg file that I needed to apply some transparency to and saved it as a png file. I now want to delete the jpg file but it's being referenced in several drawings, but I don't know which ones. Is there a way to reverse the function of Reference Manager, ie find all the drawing files that reference my jpg file?
We have recently upgrading from 2012 to 2014. Several of our jobs are not reading the surface when we open the drawing. We have to force the sync of the surface and then the grades display.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 HP Z620 Workstation 64-bit Duel Intel Xeon E5-2620 @ 2.00 GHz Ram: 48 GB
We have a pipe part list that we have based of our own catolgue and it work fined in our template in 2012 and how we have upgraded to 2014 part of the list does not appear in the drop down selector see the screen capture attached? and figured out what caused it.
I defined alignments and a surface in Civil 3d, then reopened the same drawing in Autocad 2012 to amend some line work (just because I like drafting in this better). When I next needed to do an inquiry off the surface, I opened the drawing in C3D, but all the alignments and my surfaces were gone! Why doesn't C3D retain alignments/surfaces after you've opened a drawing in Autocad 2012? Would you recommend keeping a separate C3D base drawing for the design work, and another for the drafting? and just xref-ing between the two?
AutoCAD LT 2014...Any way to turn off the bar near the top that shows what drawings I have open? I like to use a clean looking CAD screen and this is an entire line of stuff I don't need to see. Yes, I'm still using the AutoCAD LT classic workspace (modified of course).
Autocad LT 2014 works fine when one dwg is open, but after opening a second dwg autocad becomes 'selectively sluggish'. By 'sluggish' I mean panning and zooming are choppy, and switching between paperspace layouts is painfully slow. By 'selective' I mean that the program is slow only when working on the second drawing; I can toggle over to the first dwg that was opened and normal functionality resumes. These are not big files, there are not underlays or xrefs or crazy hatches/dynamic blocks/etc. It happens when working locally or off of the file server.
The only way I can have two drawings open and work normally is to open two instances of Autocad LT 2014 and have a drawing open in each -- then, I can switch back and forth as usual, with normal speeds.
I am running ACAD 2012 & Civil3d 2012 and would like to install ACAD 2014 to start playing around with the software. Are there issues with running both versions on the same computer?
we've just migrated to the 2014 release of the inventor suite and use vault basic. With the 2014 version of inventor the program immediately crashes when attempting to open an autocad dwg. Inventor dwg files open fine. We never experienced this issue in our previous release. We only use the dwg format and because the preview is not always available it often happens that we open an autocad dwg in inventor and vice versa. Crash is reproduced on multiple maches.
We are using AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD 2012 on the same drawings. It is slowing the drawings down in AutoCAD 2011. There is at least one person that only has AutoCAD 2012 on their machine.
Yesterday inventor worked fine, I made 3 new parts.But today when I wanted to put these parts together in an assembly and I try opening a new file, inventor crashes?
I still can open projects, but can't create a new project.
PS. I'm using Inventor 2014 Student Version with service pack 1 on Windows 8.1
Every once and a while when I open up a dwg, autocad will load with what looks like two viewports in my model space tab. The bottom viewport is not clickable and the top viewport is very thin and is the one I am able to move around in. I would like to get this to stop.
One of our customer has inventor 2013 and I am working with inventor 2014.
I would like to know if there is anyway for my customer once my job is done to be able to load the Sub assembly with his software and be able to work with it ?
They told me Inventor fusion is not an easy tool and would prefered to use inventor files.
I am having an odd issue with the windows default for opening files for Inventor. I previously had the full Autodesk 2013 software suite. A couple of months ago I did the upgrade and installed the Autodesk 2014 software suite.
My issue is now when attempting to open files the default is to open them in Inventor 2013 (still installed on my machine).
I went through the windows default programs options and browsed/selected the Inventor 2014 .exe application. However, this does not add the 2014 application to the list as it seems 2013 over rides it.
I tried to manually changing .ipt/.iam/.stp etc. file types from Inventor 2013 to Inventor 2014, yet am still unable to have the 2014 application added to the potential list of default programs to open with.
One solution would appear to be to un-install the 2013 suite, is there any other way to fix this problem? It is nothing crucial, yet very annoying.
another way that I can get the default program altered to use Inventor 2014? I have attached pictures showing my steps of attemping to change the file association for a .stp file. However, this does not work. I even brought this issue to my company's IT perssonnel and they were unsure.
I have a coworker who opens an Inventor 2014 (Inventor .dwg) drawing in AutoCAD Mech 2014 and only the views show. No annotations, titleblock, or border. If I open the same drawing in my AutoCAD Mech 2014, the drawing appears correct. Both have service pack 1 applied to Inventor and AutoCAD 2014...
I have a client who has a customized workstation in 2012 and is trying to move to 2014. We have gotten most of it done but theyaretryingtoloadacustomlipsroutineanditkeepsfailing.
I have upgraded from 2012 to 2014 but there is a smaller list of visual styles for the Ilogc form. I used to set all forms to "iMaginary" but his is not an option in 2014. Is there a way to copy the form visual style from 2012 to 2014?
most times i have to work on multiple drawings. i open these drawings all at once, but due to their size, it takes some time to open all the files. It would be nice if autocad would stay in the background while opening rather than forcing itself to be the focused programs after each file is opened. this really destroys the ability to multitask and honestly just seems arrogant at this point...
I modified a routine that processed xref names & paths w/in a set of folders. Thie original version would open each drawing & do its thing. THis would take about 20 minutes (aprroximately 90 files). I modified it to work w/o opening each drawing. This still takes about 20 minutes.
I would have though that not avtually opeing each drawing would dramitically decrease the overall time required to run this routine.
Every drawing I created using LT 2009 opens now with "Open Drawings - Errors Found" window telling me the drawing has xxx numbe of errors and asking me whether to continue or close and recover. Why is it doing this?
Autodesk Inventor 2014 randomly stopped opening. This is on Windows 7 64-bit. I tried repair and reinstall. No error message is give. This issue persists across reboots.