While working on a drawing today I realized that when I modified dimension styles ... arrow size, text size, spacing, etc. , upon closing the modify style window the changes I'd made automatically took effect on the screen. In other words I did not have to use the dimension update command to make the changes appear in dimensions already in the drawing. All the dimensions changed to show the changes automatically. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen this before.
I went to another drawing and the updates did not automatically occur. I inserted part of the old drawing into the current drawing and made dimension style changes again. The changes updated automatically in the new content but not on the content inserted from the old drawing.
I'm using the magic wand to select an area I want to replace, then use the patch tool to find pixels to replace it with. It looks good in the preview but when I let go of the mouse, it seems to try and blend what used to be in the selection with the new pixels, rather than just replacing them like I want.
I read where your supposed to include some pixels outside of the area as well so I expanded the selection, but it still does too much blending.
I don't know what combination of keys I inadvertently pressed, but now when I am in standard screen mode and press Ctrl+ to zoom and enlarge my window, the window actually shrinks to a skinny rectangle (while the image gets larger inside it). The window will expand vertically, but not horizontally. Very annoying! Anyone have a clue how this happened, and how to change it back to normal?
I've noticed a quirk in X3 Organizer space. With file tree open on the LEFT, and sub-folders open (or expanded), clicking an image thumbnail and dropping on a subfolder (to move it there) causes the sub-folder tree to close up. In order to browse the subfolders again, the user must click the + symbol to expand the subfolder tree. This happens every time. The subfolder tree structure should NOT roll-up after dropping an image on a subfolder.
I'm using autocad LT 2010 and need to send the drawings to someone using autocad 2004, how do i save the drawing so they can open and print with 2004. i was told that theres an option under save as but its not coming up on my version.
I have 106 files that I have to save as version 2004 for a contractor. They have been able to open all of the converted files except one. I have run an audit and found nothing. I have purged everything and still no luck.
I am doing some tooling drawings for my company. I am using AutoCad LT 2008. When I email my drawings, I have to convert them to Autocad 2004 so the tooling company can open the drawings. They then convert it to Mega Cad 4.8 to import it into their system. My problem is that any text in my drawings does not show up for them in either programs. I have tried several different fonts, but nothing works. This is causing time consuming problems for both of us.
I have a surveyor requesting that we convert our Autocad 2012 Civil 3D files to Autocad 2004 so they can use them to produce as-built drawings. Is that possible? The drawings include profiles and cross sections.
When I right click on a viewport I no longer get the menu that includes the lock/unlock choice, or anything else. I can select the viewport but I have no control over it. Also when I select objects the layer information is not displayed. Until today I did not have this problem. I'm thinking it might be a settings issue, because if I open this file up on another computer I can control viewport as usual. The only think I can think of that I may have done different is I was experimenting with rotation of view ports.
How to make my own toolbar buttons for ACAD 2004 yet am having trouble figuring out what I would write as the macro command for the operation in the button creation dialog box for a specific operation.
There will be 3 buttons. One for .XX, one .XXX, one .XXXX precision edit of an existing dimension. IOW, if I have a 2 place precision dimension and wish it to be 4 place, I'll click the '.XXXX button' then click the dimension and it will change to 4 place. In addition, I'd like for it to update immediately for multiple dimension picks if possible just like 'match properties'.
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
Any way to move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
how to get AutoCad 2004 to snap to an IsoCircle tangent correctly without having to do it twice? Hope I've explained that correctly. If I try to join two IsoCircles with a line AutoCad doesn't pick the correct tangent straight away, but if you carry on and create the line anyway, then delete it and create it again it works.
I have a drawing that was sent to me using Autodesk inventor 8 but I want to add it to a drawing I have already started in Mechanical Desktop 2004 is there any way to export the drawing into a format that can be opened by Mechanical Desktop 2004?
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
I recently purchased Adobe CS 2004 for my new Mac. I have been downloading some plugins for it and I dont know how to install them. the same thing happend to me when I had PS 7 for Mac.
I have done a find and replace and I am trying to capture the search results bu I cannot find any "save or export" options. Does anyone know how to copy this information?
I need to know how to dimension to a theoretical sharp on bent flanges. In an .idw it wont snap to the sharp and when a schetch is created for one it does not dimension between them only one or the other.
Is autocad 2012 capable of dimensioning a solid object in model space horizontally vertically and diagonally say across the opposite corners of a cube, or along the hip of a roof? What am I missing here, I am using the full version of autocad for exactly this feature but am still unable.
When I am typing out text and get to a fraction is allows me to stack it diagonally so the 1/4" looks nicer. When i dimension, however, it does not seem to stack the fractions the same way. I took a look at the Format - Dimension setting and did not see the option in there to change it. I would like to have the fractions stack diagonally like they do regular text.
When I am doing the details for a drawing I need to show the point at which a dimension on the elevations precisely starts but instead of the actual dimension I need a description such as "Frame Height", "Rough Opening", "Offset From Columnline", etc. I have always entered "T" after I set my two points for a dimension to replace the dimension with text. On my detail sheets there are a lot more of these than actual dimensions.