Paint Shop Pro :: Quirk In X3 Organizer - Folder Tree Closes?
Oct 22, 2011
I've noticed a quirk in X3 Organizer space. With file tree open on the LEFT, and sub-folders open (or expanded), clicking an image thumbnail and dropping on a subfolder (to move it there) causes the sub-folder tree to close up. In order to browse the subfolders again, the user must click the + symbol to expand the subfolder tree. This happens every time. The subfolder tree structure should NOT roll-up after dropping an image on a subfolder.
I've downloaded new jpg picture files twice over the last 2 months. When I open PSPro X5 in MANAGE mode the new file folders names show on the folder tree but no picture files show in the Organizer photo tray when the folder is selected. Folders on tree before the 2 latest display pictures okay. I have no ability to select photos to edit from the MANAGE mode in those latest folders. Folders and photos appear normally in EXPLORER.
Well I've got a problem when I work with layers, when I want to merge the layers, PSP closes everytime. If I register my work before merging the layers, it's ok.
If I work in Edit mode all the time I can open as many pictures as I like from the Organizer and have them all open at the same time. If I return to the Organizer and open another image, the ones already open are not affected. However if I go to the Manager tab (which only seems to be the Organizer on a separate page) to select an image I have to close any and all items already open in the editor. Surely this cannot be intended behaviour. In X3 it was possible to open images in the Organizer which was on a separate page and then return to it and open others without the original ones closing so why can't we do this in X4? The Manager does allow multiple images to be selected and opened at the same time but these are still closed if at any time you return to the Manager.
Update: I have now read a few posts about this problem and indeed it is not possible to switch between Edit and Manage modes without closing any images you have open for editing. The general feeling seems to be that this is not a problem as the Organizer (File manager) is available in Edit mode anyway so there is no need to go to the Manage tab. However I would disagree with this as some of my folders contain large numbers of images and it is much easier to browse through them using Manager in thumbnail mode as you can see far more images at once than with the Organizer in Edit mode. Also I find that Organizer gets in the way in Edit mode and would much prefer to switch back and forth to the Manager as was possible in X3.
Even if this problem does not affect everyone it is still difficult to understand why Corel would insist that images in the Editor are closed before switching to Manage mode. I cannot personally think of one reason why this would be preferable. Additionally the Organizer in Edit mode does not appear to have any way of resizing the thumbnails to optimize the number viewable at any one time.
I've recently reinstalled Windows and PSP. In the organizer, the cataloging doesn't seem to be working - at least from a tag standpoint.
My photos have tags on them and windows explorer sees all the tags but the tag list that is in the organizer only sees ones that I update with existing tags or add new tags to them. It does not seem to catalog the existing tags on photos.
On the Manage page. Either in Thumbnail mode or Preview Mode I get no images.In Organiser at the bottom all I get is a row of light grey boxes with a X in it and the filename beneath but no picture.
I have associated all file types with PSP although that should not be necessary to get a thumbnail image as I tried the trial version before buying version X4 and it worked as expected.
Is there a tool missing from Organizer? A "create new folder" tool button?
Also when returning to organizer, the program doesn't remember where in the folder it was browsing and opens at the TOP of the list. Can Organizer stay running in the background? It can be slow on older machines. Good thing for fast RAM and CPU.
All my pictures are in folders by date, not by events...! How can I create virtual folders (like albums in PSP) to group photos from same occasion but from different folders?
It has to do with the organizer. I use my desktop for dropping photos too temporarily then delete them. My organizer is always left viewing that at the bottom of the X4 UI. When I delete those photos it still shows their placeholder when I hope X4 again and it freezes. As if its trying to find them and can't so it just stops. I can obviously work around that... somehow I'm sure. But anyway to stop it form doing that? ( I tested it by putting back all the photos it was trying to find. Opened right up without any hesitation.)
I use PSP X2 ultimate. I cannot find the palette mode organizer. I am having to use the document organizer which I do not like as well. I have tried the "View" tab and I have the organizer on and I have also switched to "Palette Organizer" but the only one that works is the "Document Organizer" I tried the Palette tab in the upper right corner and have it detonated to organizer and that doesn't work either. is my palette organizer gone?
The organizer has suddenly become unstable. When I try and open PSPX3, the organizer shows the spinning blue circle, and that just stays there forever. At the top of the program it says "not responding". I have to force the program closed. I've had PSPX3 for about six months, haven't had any problems before.
Is there something like a main thumbnail catalog file that can be deleted, so that that PXPX3 will rescan the hard drive. It acts like that catalog has become corrupt.
I haven't installed any patches in the last six months, and I can't tell you what version I have, because the program won't open.
I recently installed PaintShop Pro X6 and started playing with it. Somehow I ended up with a bunch of pictures in my Organizer Palette. (I don't know how.) How do I empty it? I opened some pictures after these initial ones were in there and they DIDN'T show up in the Organizer Palette.
While working with some photos taken this summer, I noticed a strange issue where Organizer is sorting pictures by Date (using Date Created/Oldest) and showing a few pictures at the top under the correct date section (for example July 19th 2011), but then breaks to a new date section indicating July 28th 2011, in which the rest of the pictures in the folder are displaying - even though these pictures are still all from July 19th.
I've attached a link to a screenshot to make it clearer to understand: [URL]
In Manage, when I drag photos to a Tab I created in my Organizer Palette it always opens that tab rather than staying on the screen where I'm browsing pics and choosing. Is there a way to make it stop jumping to that Tab when I drag something to it? X4.
I have found, that when setting up the Organizer in the Edit workspace, which then has a number of images displayed, if I close PSP, and remove an image using Windows Explorer in the folder that the Organizer had displayed, that when restarting PSP, it freezes immediately after loading.
As I have the Edit workspace set to open first, and because the Organizer was displayed when closed down, it tries to open it with the missing images displayed as gray boxes, and every option in the program locked.
Because it locks immediately, it doesn't allow any changes to fix this problem. The only way to close it is the windows task manager, End Process. So consequently, the only way to access the program is to either uninstall and re-install, or find the original image with the same file name and copy it back to that folder, so that it matches what PSP has displayed for that folder.
Not sure this is a bug, that PSP, when loading, doesn't recognize the changes within the folder it is displaying by the Organizer, or a problem that has a fix?
I generally have ½ a dozen graphics minimized in the full editor where they dock from the bottom left by default. When switching to the Organizer and back to Full Editor the minimized graphics have moved to a position relative to the top of the Organizer’s lower view panel. This generally leaves the minimized graphic’s behind the currently open graphic.
I see no way to lock the minimized graphics and the only work around is to manually dock them at the top of the Full Editor’s workspace, which is a time consuming hassle.
The organizer in my PSPX5 U only shows video files, AVI, MOV, etc. I will not display JPG or other still image formats. I also have VideoStudio X5 U installed. I removed PSPX4 where the organizer worked properly. I cannot find a setting to disable or activate a file extension other than in the Preferences, where there is no mention of a video format.
I am using a Nikon D7000 and shooting in RAW format. Recently, I took some time exposures of Niagara Falls at night, to capture the colors and the lighting on the falls.
When I view the files in the media tray, everything looks alright. However, if I select a photograph to look at more closely, , some sort of automatic brightness adjustment is taking place which brightens my foreground and washes out the color on the main part of my image. This process changes the histogram of the photo. When I move to Express Lab or Full Editor and choose "Smart Photo Fix", and reset various settings to "Original", it doesn't bring the photo back to its original appearance, so clearly there are other settings that have been automatically adjusted as well.
I've looked into the Preferences menus, but can't find anything that will turn off this automatic adjustment process.
Is there a way to have the thumbnail display on the bottom of the Organizer screen use a vertical scroll bar on the far right instead of the horizontal scroll bar below? Or, can I enlarge the size of the thumbnail display area without enlarging the size of the thumbnails? (Which means, I suppose, being able to specify what size I want the thumbnails displayed.)
I store all my photos in the directories under the public pictures folder, (C:Users Public Pictures) rather than in my pictures folder in my documents. I do this so that all the users on the system can get to the pictures.
I'm having problems getting Paint Shop Pro to recognize the folder correctly. I have added the c:users public pictures folder to the organizer using the Browse More Folders action and it shows up. However, the Smart Collections don't see any of the files in the folders under this dir.
My overall goal here is to be able to use the timeline feature on all my photos at once, so I want to get all of the photos into the All Pictures smart collection.
I have a folder where all of my photo and graphic files are stored. It does not show in either the collections or the computer pages of the navigation window. I've tried the "add folder to collection page" shown on the online help site but It doesn't work. How do I add the folder?
How do I get X4 to open with the same folder tree view I closed with? Like the first picture below. It always opens like the second photo, forcing me to drill down on the folder where I store most of my photos.
I already have "keep last view" checked in preferences. This was discussed in the link below for X3, but doesn't work with X4. [URL] .....
if you have ten or twenty sets of HDR pictures in some particular folder, that the dialog could remember what folder you've been in all day, instead of moving you back to My Pictures each and every time? I spend half my workflow effort on repeating the same folder navigation steps over and over.
And why do I have to browse from there at all, instead of being able to select pictures in the organizer, or drag-and-dropping them?
Even when I load one picture that doesn't fit with the others, and try to exclude it... the only thing that works is to re-browse. Otherwise the Align button remains unavailable. Likewise if you adjust the sliders a bit wrong and hit okay... to try other settings, it's back to the folder navigation again.
Can I delete this folder thumbs I found in C:UsersAdminAppDataLocalCorel PaintShop Pro14.0 and the one for X3..there is a lot of rubbish in there..and what about the cache.I thought they cleared when the program closed.
I just purchased Corel PaintShop Pro x4 today.At the beginning of installation, a box pops up and says: "The feature you are trying to use is on a netwok resource that is unavailable.
Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package "vcredist.msi" in the box below."
Nothing works when I change the destination folder, and when I finally click "cancel" another box pops up saying: "Error 1714. The older version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Reditributable cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group."
I created a folder on my flash drive. I'm trying to use Batch Process to copy the files to the drive. I'm not adding a script. The name of the new folder comes up in the dialogue box, but when I click on the start button I get a notice that the file already exits and do I want to overwrite it. I click on yes. All the photos are then copied, but when I go to the new folder in my flash drive it's empty.
I'm following the instructions in Diane Koers book on PSP X4.
Also, I can't seem to use Batch Process to save my JPEGs and TIFFs. Is it possible to do this.