6 months ago I purchased a new computer with Windows 7 Home Premium. I reinstalled Paint Shop Pro X4 but have not used it much since then. Recently I wanted to print some photos and I was very disappointed that the results were VERY red. I have a Canon MP600 printer that I have used for several years with very good results. With my old computer (on Win XP) the difference between the monitor and printer was minimal. I am not familiar with the technical jargon relating to color management and relied on the operating system to do a satisfactory job. I only use PSP as a hobby and am not as picky as most photographers but this was very disappointing. I also tried printing some graphics as might be used in a brochure and the colors were too red. I cleaned the print heads as per the Canon instructions and all 5 ink cartridges are full. I might also mention that grayscale images print looking similar to sepia although they are grayscale on the monitor.
don't get too technical as I don't really understand this whole "color management" thing.
I set lightroom 3 to monitor the folder that my Eye Fi card feeds to but I couldn't see how to do this without also setting the "move to" setting...is there a way to do this to just have Light room recognize when new pics come in and not move them?
I store all my photos in the directories under the public pictures folder, (C:Users Public Pictures) rather than in my pictures folder in my documents. I do this so that all the users on the system can get to the pictures.
I'm having problems getting Paint Shop Pro to recognize the folder correctly. I have added the c:users public pictures folder to the organizer using the Browse More Folders action and it shows up. However, the Smart Collections don't see any of the files in the folders under this dir.
My overall goal here is to be able to use the timeline feature on all my photos at once, so I want to get all of the photos into the All Pictures smart collection.
I have a folder where all of my photo and graphic files are stored. It does not show in either the collections or the computer pages of the navigation window. I've tried the "add folder to collection page" shown on the online help site but It doesn't work. How do I add the folder?
How do I get X4 to open with the same folder tree view I closed with? Like the first picture below. It always opens like the second photo, forcing me to drill down on the folder where I store most of my photos.
I already have "keep last view" checked in preferences. This was discussed in the link below for X3, but doesn't work with X4. [URL] .....
if you have ten or twenty sets of HDR pictures in some particular folder, that the dialog could remember what folder you've been in all day, instead of moving you back to My Pictures each and every time? I spend half my workflow effort on repeating the same folder navigation steps over and over.
And why do I have to browse from there at all, instead of being able to select pictures in the organizer, or drag-and-dropping them?
Even when I load one picture that doesn't fit with the others, and try to exclude it... the only thing that works is to re-browse. Otherwise the Align button remains unavailable. Likewise if you adjust the sliders a bit wrong and hit okay... to try other settings, it's back to the folder navigation again.
Can I delete this folder thumbs I found in C:UsersAdminAppDataLocalCorel PaintShop Pro14.0 and the one for X3..there is a lot of rubbish in there..and what about the cache.I thought they cleared when the program closed.
I've noticed a quirk in X3 Organizer space. With file tree open on the LEFT, and sub-folders open (or expanded), clicking an image thumbnail and dropping on a subfolder (to move it there) causes the sub-folder tree to close up. In order to browse the subfolders again, the user must click the + symbol to expand the subfolder tree. This happens every time. The subfolder tree structure should NOT roll-up after dropping an image on a subfolder.
I've downloaded new jpg picture files twice over the last 2 months. When I open PSPro X5 in MANAGE mode the new file folders names show on the folder tree but no picture files show in the Organizer photo tray when the folder is selected. Folders on tree before the 2 latest display pictures okay. I have no ability to select photos to edit from the MANAGE mode in those latest folders. Folders and photos appear normally in EXPLORER.
I just purchased Corel PaintShop Pro x4 today.At the beginning of installation, a box pops up and says: "The feature you are trying to use is on a netwok resource that is unavailable.
Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package "vcredist.msi" in the box below."
Nothing works when I change the destination folder, and when I finally click "cancel" another box pops up saying: "Error 1714. The older version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Reditributable cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group."
I created a folder on my flash drive. I'm trying to use Batch Process to copy the files to the drive. I'm not adding a script. The name of the new folder comes up in the dialogue box, but when I click on the start button I get a notice that the file already exits and do I want to overwrite it. I click on yes. All the photos are then copied, but when I go to the new folder in my flash drive it's empty.
I'm following the instructions in Diane Koers book on PSP X4.
Also, I can't seem to use Batch Process to save my JPEGs and TIFFs. Is it possible to do this.
I purchased and installed version PSPX4 in Jan. 2012, and started noticing, what appears to be, a duplicate copy of the same file with an Asian type file format in the Recent Doc folder. When I attempt to do a weekly scan of my system for spyware, malware, etc. and weekly clean up of my registry, temp files and other files taking up space, one of my programs finds files listed in the registry under the Recent Doc folder that it cannot clean as the format is not recognized. Even though the properties of the file link the file back to the folder the .jpg file is stored in, there really isn't a file with that format. This is just a reference, and very annoying.
Recent Doc folder showing reference to a duplicate image after copy and pasting as a new image.
I am a licensed user of PaintShop Pro X3 with all current updates installed. Yesterday I purchased the ultimate bonus pack online ( Winzip,Painter Essentials, User Guide,KTP and Photolooks) from Corel.The photo looks plugin installed with no problem. The Corel KPT Collection (PSPPX3_KPT_01 set up file) would not install giving me the following error message"The path to the language folder could not be resolved, setup cannot continue".I use Win 7 64 bit
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
I can't get my monitor calibration to suit everybody. Some people have told me that my pictures are too bright. Others say that they are too dim
So I am looking for a monitor calibrator which will automatically set brightness and contrast. Contrary to popular opinion, I am not concerned with color accuracy. My experience has been that the ICC IEC 61966-2.1 profile will give pleasing color results even if not always accurate. As best as I recall, my Huey (now lost) asked me to set brightness and contrast.
Why can't I drop a clip in the Program Monitor from the Source Monitor in Premiere? When I try to move a clip from the Source to the Program Monitor, a hand displays with the "circle with a line through it" symbol.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
How can I go to see next image from the folder list in situatiom when I opened some picture, and looking at it? There is no arow for "next image"? As i see, I must open all pictures from sam folder, and then I can use ctrl-tab to go to see any picture from the folder list.
I often need to take a CD of images (JPEG /TIFF / PNG etc.) for a website and I need to create thumbnails of each for a web gallery.
Typically I will see between 20 and 50 images at a time and it is very laborious to manually load into photopaint, resize, save-as with a tn_ prefix etc. and I was hoping for a way to automate this.
I have some Tif files and jpeg files that are 600dpi and 400dpi. I scanned these images with my Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F scanner. Can i use my version of PSPP X3 Ultimate to change the dpi value? Is this stuck? I wanted to be able to get the 600 and 400 dpi image files (I have some 300dpi's too) down to the 100-250 range if I needed to. I see there are different export options and compression in PSPPX3Ultimate, but I'm not sure if this will do what I want.
I want to export as Tif and Jpeg again.
Are there any good third party photo and or video editors that I can batch edit this with? It's ok to mention pay programs and I'd prefer good quality freeware if there is such a thing. I am sure that my Corel program can do the trick though. I just don't know how and don't want to rescan multiple dpi's every single time. I only need the archives and then get the smaller dpi when needed.