I just migrated from 2006 to 2012... I was able to get my old custom tool palettes into 2012 by opening the Content Browser and idropping them. However I noticed that these palettes are not 'refreshable' like they used to be. In the Palette Properties it says *This palette is not shared from a catalog*... after doing a search of that message in these forums I found this thread: [URL]....
I followed David's instructions:
1. Created a new Palette Group
2. Created a new palette in that Group
3. i-dropped tools from my custom catalog in the Content Browser onto that new palette.
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
Any way to move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
We are now running AutoCAD 2012 on our network. We had a third party come in a long time ago and write us a custom macro that generates specsheets for our product. The problem is it was written for AutoCAD 2004.
move that code from 2004 to 2012 somewhat easily. If not easily, at least tell me that it is possible without having to rewrite the entire macro.
I want to transfer or copy the tool palettes (walls, doors, FFE) from one profile to another. I have all my tool bars, set in one profile correctly, but all the tool palettes are in another profile.
Is there a way to copy these tools into another profile? Even if I over-right another palette?
I use ACA 2012 on two seperate computers and would like to be able to have all my custom tool palettes, blocks, customizations, etc.. to migrate to both computers. I.e. I add a new tool to a tool palette on one computer and then when I'm working on second computer that new tool appears in palette in correct location. I would think the easist way to do this would to be to share the location of the tool palettes, customization files, etc.. at a common place (network share) but am unable to find all the files and settings to do this.
I have a custom tool palette all made up, it has three palette sets and 8-12 palettes per set.
Now, is it necessary to add the palette sets and palettes to the content browser before sharing the .atc file around the office? Also, once added to the content browser, I cannot change the properties of a block e.g. scale, layer, rotation prompt etc..
I am running Windows 7 32 bit. I have Autodesk Architecture 2012 installed. When I try to run a simple wall tool from my tool pallette, I get the following error;
Unable to Execute the tool. Possible causes are:
- The tool is not registered properly. Please check your installation.
- The tool is from another application and is incompatible with the current application.
I recently had my entire computer wiped clean, upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7, and reinstalled Arch 2012, so no other versions have been on this system. All of my basic drafting functions work fine.
I found an old thread about using Regedit to change the registry of the tool palettes, but that simply made my tool palette empty. I just installed this, so I don't understand why I would need to reinstall.
So I am trying to create a TP that has a few commands on it... the problem is I dont know where to start in order to make everything available to the others on my network...
I have created a new GROUP, dragged a palette into that group, made my commands, and they work on my PC... but how do I get them all so everone can see them. Exporting the "command tool samples" and importing it as "My layers" works, but the name is still command tool samples and breaks the actual command tool samples...
I've made some custom tool palettes that are on the network. I just have them pathed in the options, and set up as a group for users to access. Civil 3D is real sluggish when it comes to using these, and switching between the tabs, and trying to load them up. But Vanilla AutoCAD loads them and switches between tabs no problem. Is there a variable specific to C3D that needs to change to make it work more like it does in Vanilla AutoCAD?
tool palettes from a directory called ACAD2008 to ACAD2012. Tool palettes can't find the associated blocks because the support path still points to the ACAD200 Directory.
Is there a way to "globally" change the associated path? There are too many blocks to think about changing each one manually.
How do I migrate my Custom Tool Palettes and Custom Toolbars from Civil 3D 2012 to Civil 3D 2014?
What files do I need to create or copy to transfer to 2014?
My Custom Tool Palette consists of Block Symbols, Border Sheets, Scales and Seals, Lisp Routines etc.
My Custom Toolbar is just a number of standard cad commands I've put together in my toolbar like Revision Cloud, Layer Isolate, Match Properties, Attach Image, etc.
Do I need to export out my cui file, do I need to create a Profile file, do I need to setup the same directory structure naming and copy my files into those same directory names?
Or is there some easy hidden Magic Button in Civil 3D that you click on and it does the rest?
Since I'm so darn clever I decided I could "save as" a 2009C3d-32bit drawing to 2011C3D-64bit. This drawing was working just peachy for a while. There are no data links. The drawing contained 2009 surface and point groups. I imported some Pipe styles created in 2011. Created 800' of profile,and my pipe network. When I was closing the drawing I got a lot of errors wanting to know if I wanted to save changes to VBA-pipes. Seemed like a good idea at the time so I said Yes. This morning I opened the drawing and it's there but the surface from 2009 no longer has it's Definition data. The point group is gone, breaklines are gone. I needed to remove one lousy bad point out of my surface. The points in the drawing now have three copies and one has the elevation in the point description and you can't fix it. The 3 labels are all tied together and if you erase one they all disappear. I am going to wing it from here and get this puppy out of the office with a little old fashioned autocad. This is my question. Should I have just started a new drawing in 2011, clipped all my old line work and text from the 2009, imported the points and rebuilt my surface? Did I do something wrong and there was some way I should have been able to make this work? I was running 2009 and 2011 on my computer but had to remove 2009 last week. It no longer like livng with his better looking brother "2011" and I had to put him out. I have numerous small projects created in 2009 so this will happen again.
I have 2009 and downloaded the 2012 trial (selecting 32bit as my OS). I'm trying to use a plugin and 2009 is too old, so if it works in 2012 I'll just upgrade. However during install it never gives me an option to install the 32bit/64bit version of 2012. It just auto-detects the OS and installs the 64bit.
how to get it to install the 32bit version? I tried the plugin with the 64bit and it doesn't work. I'm not sure if it's because 2012 is too new or if 64bit doesn't work for the plugin. The plugin is the Flare3D Max plugin if it matters.
I am trying to install Photoshop CS6 on my Windows 8 64-bit PC. While in the loader option I chose both 64 and 32 bit installations, I only get 64-bit to install and work properly, and the Program Files (x86) protoshop cs6 folder stays empty.
I tried to reinstall 32-bit alone, uninstall and full reinstall, I also checked for security permissions in Program files (x86)/Adobe and in Common files which seem OK, Administrators, Creator Owner and System have the desired Full control permissions and finally I apllied the latest adobe_creative_suite_cleaner_tool fix on all products and tried reinstall, to no avail.
The error I always get upon finishing installation is the below:
Exit Code: 6 see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF024, DW063 ...
When I installed the downloaded Photoshop CS6 software, the application offered to install BOTH 64bit AND 32bit versions. Never seen that before, usually software looks at system and installs the correct version (or you choose before downloading).
I have Windows 7 64bit system. Is there a reason to install BOTH? Is there a problem to have both installed?
We have this very cool tool that automatically creates a custom sheet property (IndexNo) and indexes all sheets in the active sheet set. Unfortunately, it doesn't run in 2012 and the guy that wrote the application no longer works for us.
my new installed CC sometimes starts in 64bit and sometimes in 32bit version (according to system info) It works fine but my pluggins dont work at both versions. so sometimes they are availeble, somtimes not. And thats not oke! I use win7-64bit.
Photoshop itself is and always has been very robust, but Bridge gets persnickety sometimes, reporting low memory or just hanging, and when it hangs it really hangs... Today it was not responding and so I went into Task Manager (Win 7 Pro 64 bit) to end the process. I noticed that is is listed as a 32 bit program (Photoshop.exe is not). Is this normal?
I have installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of CS5 in my Win7 system. Did that because some plugins does not run on 64-bit.Now I wanted to trial CS6 and so do not wish to have too many versions on my pc.
I want to uninstall ONLY the 32-bit CS5. When I go to either my Uninstaller software or the "Program & Features" of Control Panel, I could only see one icon/program for PS- not 2 (one for 32-bit & 64-bit respectively).
How do I uninstall only the 32bit without affecting the 64bit version?
I am getting Error Code -6 with both the 64 and 32 bit installers. They install correctly but fail when I run Xara. I uninstalled and used CCcleaner in the middle, and rebooted, and deleted the folder in programdata. I am using Windows 8, Norton IS 2013. XD Pro is running fine.
I removed my nVidia Display drivers in safe mode and reinstalled, the problem persist. I reset my PS settings... same problem.It works only in Photoshop 32bits.
Most of the posts I have seen about this related to mac and I am on a Windows 7 machine. Required for importing video as layers (or as least Photoshop told me so)
I've recently encountered an error using Max 2010 Design where, a file that I've been working on or have worked on in the past suddenly ceases to open while using Max 64 bit. The file will continue to be openable in Max 32bit, but opening it in 64bit causes instant crashing. I've tried installing the service pack, installing new video card drivers - neither of which fixed the problem.
I really don't know where to look for answers at this point, and do not have free reign of my work machine to request a reinstall / reimaging of my hard drive. I need a solution that I can bring to the IT department that fixes the issue as simply and quickly as possible.