AutoCad :: Macro Commands From Version 2000 To Version 2012?
Nov 15, 2013
I have recently upgraded to ver 2012 from ver 2000. I have numerous macros that were written for the older version that I need to utilize in ver 2012. I manually recreated them in the new version by typing in the commands from ver 2000. As I expected I am getting errors when I try to run these macros in Ver 2012. The mlayer command, for example, does not work. I am pretty sure I need to use the -layer command and have tried this but I still get errors. While I am relatively proficient in ver 2000 I am having some trouble finding commands in ver 2012 that match the old version. Below is an example of a macro from ver 2000 as well as my attempt to rewrite it in ver 2012.
I'm just trying to put together a macro that will automate saving a selected group of objects to an AI file, however, I need it to be Compatible with version 8.
I've followed code from older posts to the forum and have successfully exported out a PNG file... I'm hoping to just alter that... here is what I have so far:
is there anyway of opening old files from previous edition of autocad on the newer version, have a file from a few years ago and it wont open now on the new one?
I have the 2013 AutoCAD Student Version and I want to transfer my file to the AutoCAD 30-Day Proffessional version, Can I do this by easily Copying and Pasting the drawing from version to version?
Can a 32 bit version of AutoCAD 2012 be installed on a 64 bit machine with windows 7 and a 64 bit version of AutoCAD 2012 on it? It is a network machine.
When I I convert a 2012 dwg into a 2007 format whether using true view or "saving as" 2007 from an open drawing, some of the graphics disappear. How do I convert withour losing these graphics?
I am using Autocad LT 2012 on Windows XP at my office computer. I Save a file in an earlier version e.g. 2004 or 2007 and email to home computer, Autocad LT 2008 on Windows Vista. The file will not open. Message is that the file has been created by a later version. THis has not been my experience with earlier versions.
Wiped my whole computer clean, reinstalled Windows 7, Can't reinstall Autocad 2012 student version.
Installation failed and this is the line from the log:
2013/8/1:13:30:28 carol HENRY Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable (x86): D:3rdPartyx86VCRedist2008SP1vcredist_x86.exe /q 2013/8/1:13:30:48 carol
error messages that say I can't use various functions because the file has objects from a newer version. I have ACA 2012 and the file is from ACA 2013.
Isn't there a way to convert or eliminate these 'objects' so I can use these files 'normally' in 2012 ACA?
I have an Nvidia Quadro FX1500 graphics card on XP64. Getting the correct video driver for ACA is critical as we all know. I did a search of the Adesk web site and one page told me to use version 259.57, while another page told me to use version 265.70.
The page telling me to use the newer driver was under the certified hardware page, where ACA is not a choice in the product used, only acad.The page telling me to use the older version was under the ACA support page.Then I go to the Nvidia web site and they tell me to use the 191.00 version.I'vehad a look nside the hardware XML installed with 2012 and te supported driver version is 6.14.0012.6570.
Having trouble with AutoCAD 2012 when saving to earlier versions? I can't save it down to any other version except for 2012, without the system crashing completely.
Also, from time to time we get the crash when editing MText.
In our office we use autocad 2007 but in our architect office send us drawing on autocad 2012 version drawings we converted all drawings 2012 to 2007 autocad version with drawing true viewer... n than we work smartly..... but when i send drawings..architects office draftsmans open my autocad 2007 version drawings on autocad 2012 version and than show recovery message.. and than drawing close...
The company I am working for has the old 2000 version of AutoCad. They send me drawings with blocks and attributes. But when I start working on them the system will lock up and not let me do anything else. I can maybe get two or three commands in then it will lock up. It doesn't even let me send a C.E.R. (customer error report) I have downloaded all of the service packs and the hot fixes but the problem persists. I don't where to go from here. My co worker thinks it may be a memory problem but I doubt it.
I installed the retina display-optimized update to my purchased (non-Creative Cloud) version of Photoshop Design Standard (via the Adobe Updater app that pops up in my menu bar only when updates are available), but now when Photoshop launches, I get Photoshop Extended (and it's a trial version). Is this a known issue? Will I need to reinstall Photoshop?
I downloaded and paid for the upgrade version of CorelDraw X6 because I have X3,X4 and X5. I have installed it already but I went to reinstall on my desktop PC as I wiped my hard drive back to factory state, CorelDRAW no longer gives the upgrade option.
On start up it gives the following message ( see below ) as a 30 day trial.
I updated CS4 (student version) to CS5.5 commercial version. The brushes, patterns, shapes and styles I had installed in the CS4 Photoshop version were not loaded into the new version. I no longer have the original files of these assets (or customizations).
I am opening a file from 2004 and I am using AutoCAD Arch 2012. When I open the file everything is there, but the doors do not cut through the walls. The doors are still there but are not "anchored". Is there a way to fix this easily? I also lost everything out of my door schedule. I know I will get my schedule back when the doors get anchored back to the wall.
Copied the printer configuration (pc3 and pmp) from AutoCAD 2013 to AutoCAD 2012. Plot the same drawing with that same printer configuration. With AutoCAD 2013, it plots out fine - page orientation landscape. In 2012, it plots out wrong. The orientation of the drawing is correct, but the paper is changed to portrait?
The plot setting are exactly the same in both versions.
After the installation of Photoshop Elements 11 and Premiere Elements 11 on my new system, the catalogs of version 10 do not appear for the conversion to version 11; my 2 catalogs are installed on a LACIE-2BIG NAS system.
Elements Organizer Version principale : 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
Yesterday, I mistakenly opened up the version 3 icon and put in several hours worth of image work, metadata changes, and created a couple of collections.
1. What will be the easiest way for me to update the changes to my version 4 catalog without undoing work that I have done in that from the last couple of weeks?
I am the only one using C3D 2012 in our office and the other users are complaining that they cannot insert blocks or paste clipboard content into drawings that I have saved from C3D 2012. This is true whether I use "C3D as AutoCAD" or the full C3D functionality. I understand that the newer C3D objects are not compatible with the older version but to my knowledge there are no C3D objects included in the drawings in question.
C3D 2009 users can wblock the drawing contents from the Model tab and each Layout tab, and reassemble those parts. Then they are able to insert blocks and paste content again. It is a very inconvenient solution and we only use it when the situation is critical. It also breaks sheet view linkage to our Sheet Sets when we do the wblock fix.
I've asked the others to try using Design Center or Windows paste (CTRL+V) and see if that works the next time they encounter the problem. I don't have C3D 2009 installed or I would have tested these ideas already. The others will not install C3D 2012 and so far the owner's will not force them to.
i am trying to open a revit 2012 file in to revit 2013 but it is showing me an error thar says: There is a circular chain of references among the highlighted elements. and then this message: Data in this file is currupt and needs to be manually recoverd. but I can perfectly open the same file in revit 2012..