CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Download Upgrade Version Reverts To Trial Version
May 27, 2012
I downloaded and paid for the upgrade version of CorelDraw X6 because I have X3,X4 and X5. I have installed it already but I went to reinstall on my desktop PC as I wiped my hard drive back to factory state, CorelDRAW no longer gives the upgrade option.
On start up it gives the following message ( see below ) as a 30 day trial.
I have a file that was created in the online trial version of Corel Draw. How can I open it in my full version of X5? I'm getting an "invalid format" error message.
When Photoshop finally finishes downloading, I open it up and all I can see it this: And this had occurred several times now and I do not know what to do...
I have tried to download the trial version of PS CC repeatedly. The downloads were unsuccessful but the download window says I am up to date and will not let me try again. How do I work around this?
I have another problem now, I have purchased from Adobe the upgrade for CS6 but when I try to download it says I do not have the correct version of Internet Explorer and yet IE is telling me I have version 10 - I also have windows 8 and since Adobe doesnt like IE I have downloaded Mozilla but I am still unable to download.
I installed the retina display-optimized update to my purchased (non-Creative Cloud) version of Photoshop Design Standard (via the Adobe Updater app that pops up in my menu bar only when updates are available), but now when Photoshop launches, I get Photoshop Extended (and it's a trial version). Is this a known issue? Will I need to reinstall Photoshop?
I use Corel X5 and I don't have any problem.One of my suppliers use version X3.When I save files for this supplier, I saved them in version X3 format. But when he open the file, some graphics are missing.
I can't see where the problem come from. When I re-open the version X3 file with Corel X5, the file look fine and everything is there.The supplier keep saying that the problem is on my side. I asked him to upgrade to X5 as I think it should solve the problem.
I am using Corel X5 and need to save back to version 10 or 12. Even though I change the settings when I "save as" the file remains an X5. Unfortunately the engraving company I use cannot open the X5.
I'm trying to import into Coreldraw X3 files which were emailed to me by an Adobe CS4 user:
(they are attached via a wetransfer link because as I found out the file size limit here is 256k and I cannot compress the files down to that size.) After reading several of the threads here, I'm not any smarter. I've tried various settings to import the .pdf, and regardless of which option I choose, I get a file corrupted error - it looks like the pdf version output to from Illustrator is flat out not supported by coreldraw. it opens fine in foxit reader, which tells me it's pdf 1.5 version.the .eps imports as a group of 542 objects but I cannot see any of these objects in the Object Manager docker.
I have a logo that was done for me but I would like to open it in Corel to do some tweaking but it won't open the ai or eps version of the file. I tried to post the file but its too big, If you can look at it send me a email at Hornnumb2 at Comcast dot Net and I will send it to you.
I saved a book a friend of mine worked on using coreldraw 12 on a cd and tried to open it in X6 but it won't open. I think My sys. Os is a 32 bit, I have a trial version of x6 on this comp. and full version 12 on another. When I ok convert to bitmap Error message says invalid file format.
I work at a design company and we just updated my system with version 6. I was previously working on 5 but when I pull items off of our server that were saved from my computer in version 5 it pops up a quick preview and then "Corel draw has stopped unexpectedly" However I can't just work from 5 because that's the reason why we upgraded my system to begin with. It was crashing out every 10 minutes (literally)
There's obviously a glitch here and it's starting to overwhelm me. We're on deadlines and I can't have my system crashing out. I need to be productive!
I have a a ton of images I need down saved from Version X5 to X3. Is there any way to batch save CDR's and CSL's to a lower version besides opening up every one and saving?
i'm running on WIndows XP X64 SP3 AMD ATHLON II 64 - Mem 4Gb), i had install .net framework 4 and i've tried to install Corel Draw X6 64 bit on my system but the screen always shown the warning message "your system has been not modified, the processor in your computer does not meet the minimum system requirement". Is it because of Windows XP x64 or the processor?
With the sad fact that we have to save files into older versions of Corel for other people to open in their Corel Draw, is there an easy way to check an existing CDR file to see which version it is saved in? File-Document Properties DOES NOT seem to do it, although that would be a great place to have it.
I adjusted the clock on my computer and when I opened up Adobe today it told me that the trial has expired when it is not due for expiration for another 30 days.
I was about to download the trial version of CS4 and noticed that the download was the extended version, even though I had clicked on the link for the standard version.
My question is, do you get a choice as to which version you install? I have no interest in the extended version and want to try out the standard version only. Don't really want to have to figure out which features are in standard and which in extended.
I previously downloaded a trial version of PS6 after it expired I purchased and installed PS6 via disks. When I now try to run PS6 the trial version popup appears and states trial version expired. I reenter my license number which causes PS6 to work for a few days (if that) then I have to re-do this process. what files I need to remove to prevent this from happening.
Installed Photoshop CC as "try it", trial version but I do not have 3D capabilities and do not have alternate file address for my 3rd party plug-ins as I did in Photoshop CS6. Is this normal for the trial version?
I want to download a trial version of CS6 not the extended version. If I want to buy it I don't want the extended version to be on my computer. I can only find a link on Adobe to the extended version.
So, I just downloaded the trial version of Photoshop CS5 and its currently running the 64 bit version. I want to be able to make gifs so I need the 32 bit version. I've been scrolling through the forum and it seems that the sol given doesn't work since I have the trial version.
I have installed Photoshop CC trial version and have Photoshop CS6 Extended Licensed Version also installed, now I want to remove Photoshop CC Trial version, is the best option to remove both versions and should I use this tool to remove them [URL]........ I assume I don't need to deactivate Photoshop CS6 Extended as I will be reinstalling again on the same PC.
im trying to install the trial version of cs4 extended on adobe but, when i do i get this error, Problems occurred while accessing your file system. Verify that your file system is accessibleand has enough free disk space... i have 440gb free so i dont think thats a problem
I downloaded the free trial version for Photoshop CS3 on my computer ( windows vista), it completed installation and a folder wsas placed on my desktop for Abobe CS3 but when i click on it nothing happens, it opens up a window with several folders like Setup and Winbootstraper. How do I get this free trial to start working?
asked to install the trial version of Photoshop CS4. I noticed this was buggy from the start as it crahes at random moments but especially when I try to save as gif.
When the full version of Adobe Web Premium was bought, I installed it but left the trial version of photoshop on, thinking it will overright the trial version, however I had to upgrade seperately. All other programs work fine but Photoshop is still crashing in the same manner as before.