CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Convert (open) File Created In Trial Version
Mar 5, 2011
I have a file that was created in the online trial version of Corel Draw. How can I open it in my full version of X5? I'm getting an "invalid format" error message.
I downloaded and paid for the upgrade version of CorelDraw X6 because I have X3,X4 and X5. I have installed it already but I went to reinstall on my desktop PC as I wiped my hard drive back to factory state, CorelDRAW no longer gives the upgrade option.
On start up it gives the following message ( see below ) as a 30 day trial.
I use Corel X5 and I don't have any problem.One of my suppliers use version X3.When I save files for this supplier, I saved them in version X3 format. But when he open the file, some graphics are missing.
I can't see where the problem come from. When I re-open the version X3 file with Corel X5, the file look fine and everything is there.The supplier keep saying that the problem is on my side. I asked him to upgrade to X5 as I think it should solve the problem.
I have a logo that was done for me but I would like to open it in Corel to do some tweaking but it won't open the ai or eps version of the file. I tried to post the file but its too big, If you can look at it send me a email at Hornnumb2 at Comcast dot Net and I will send it to you.
I'm trying to import into Coreldraw X3 files which were emailed to me by an Adobe CS4 user:
(they are attached via a wetransfer link because as I found out the file size limit here is 256k and I cannot compress the files down to that size.) After reading several of the threads here, I'm not any smarter. I've tried various settings to import the .pdf, and regardless of which option I choose, I get a file corrupted error - it looks like the pdf version output to from Illustrator is flat out not supported by coreldraw. it opens fine in foxit reader, which tells me it's pdf 1.5 version.the .eps imports as a group of 542 objects but I cannot see any of these objects in the Object Manager docker.
I saved a book a friend of mine worked on using coreldraw 12 on a cd and tried to open it in X6 but it won't open. I think My sys. Os is a 32 bit, I have a trial version of x6 on this comp. and full version 12 on another. When I ok convert to bitmap Error message says invalid file format.
How to recover a brochure that I created. Now I can view it in the preview but whenever I try and open the file it stops about 30% - 40% through opening and then crashes Corel and shuts the program down. Now I have tried to import the file as well but the same thing happens. I don't want to have to redraw the entire brochure. The file is about 186MB.
With the sad fact that we have to save files into older versions of Corel for other people to open in their Corel Draw, is there an easy way to check an existing CDR file to see which version it is saved in? File-Document Properties DOES NOT seem to do it, although that would be a great place to have it.
Can you download a Google Docs Drawing file as a file.svg type And then import it to CorelDraw and convert it to a bunch of CorelDraw vector based lines that can be modified like any other CorelDraw line drawing?
BTW, this is a drawing of a character and is simply b&w lines & shapes on a white background.Line widths vary in the original and we want to be able to modify them even more using all the tools in CorelDraw.
I was able to open the .svg file with CorelDraw but when attempting to 'Edit' a line in the drawing I couldn't change the line width... so it isn't behaving like a CorelDraw vector drawing.
I have been sent a file that when I try to open it, it says I don't have enough Ram. However, I have files far larger than this one (1.01 MB) which all open with no problems.
can my PS6 open files produced in later versions of PS?
Q When I import an EPS file into CorelDRAW, and print to a non-PostScript printer, the output appears pixelated and unclear. Why?
A An EPS file is a Postscript (PS) file and meant to be printed to a PostScript printer. When printed to a non-PostScript printer, it will only print the file header which is a low resolution preview of the actual file. If you wish to print the actual contents of the EPS file to a non-PostScript printer, import the file it into CorelDRAW using the PostScript Interpreted (PS, PRN, EPS) filter.So, apparently it can be done, but when I try to import this file into my Coreldraw, there is no option to import with that type of filter that I can see. Is this something that is missing in v12? If v12 wont do it, is there any other way to import this file without it coming in all pixellated? Or is there another way to convert the file into a format such as .plt?
I have been using Corel since 1989. I simply downloaded a pic from Corel gallery and even removed C15 many times still no joy. All hundreds of files are effected..
I made a file in coreldraw x6 and unintentionally opened in corel X5. Obviously it didn't open. But apart from that, the file neither opens in corel x6 now!!!!
It seems it cant be opened or something like that. But anyway it still sizes 2,94MB, so I am hopeful to recover it.It was a lot of work for me wasted. I tried to convert it to x5 format in URL....
When I want to flick from one file to another in X5 draw the tab to bring up the second file is hidden behind the open one, is there a way or a short cut to save me having to minimise my open file to see the tab to maximise the second?
I have one logo designed in Corel draw X5 and sent the file to the printer company ,they have corel draw12 on their PC and they are not able to open the design as it come as a blank page in corel draw12 .. how to open the same in corel draw 12..
I'm running Coreldra X4 on a windows vista machine. Lately I started having a courious problem with Coreldraw x4. When a try to open a cdr file before opening CDX4 i get an error message saying that the file dos not exist. after this CDX4 crashes.
On the other side if I open CDX4 and then try to open the very same cdr file everything is ok.
I have just discovered after installing CorelDraw X6 update 3, that opening previous files containing cloned objects results in:
I should add that this is far more than a minor irritation. We have thousands of files with cloned objects which need to be accessed and modified over the next few weeks - it will be devastating if there is no quick workaround or fix.
Any project I save cannot be opened later. When I try to open .cdr or template file I get the message ''CorelDRAW X6 (64-Bit) has stopped working. A problem...etc...please close the program''
I noticed that this first happened in projects that had text on them but now I can't open any .cdr file.
My system specs:
Intel Core i7 2600 3,40 GHz RAM 16GB DD3 ATI Sapphire 6870 1G VRAM SSD OCZ 120GB Sata III Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
i have saves different versions of images and designs ( jpegs mainly) with the 30 day trial version of photoshop but they cant be downloaded or emailed ?
I used the trail version of 15 to create files. I found a good deal on 14 and bought that. However none of my 15 files will open in 14. Is there a way to change the property of the 15 file to make it open in 14?
I have recently upgraded to X6 from X3. After design work I would export the file to jpeg for client approval. I used Apple Mail 5.2 to attach the jpeg file but my problem is the client cannot open the file. It just turns out blank with a little cross. I cannot figure out what is the problem during the export process. I have no problem at all with X3.