AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Access Autodesk Symbols 2000 On CD
Feb 11, 2013
In AutoCad 2000 there was a design center that showed my symbols on the CD. Now I have 2010 and can't acess my symbols on the CD. I can't run the installl on the CD because I don't have admin rights.
We have been using Autocad 2000 32 bitfor many years and just recently upgraded the laptop with windows 7 64 bit and upgraded to Autocad 2010 64 bit. We cannot view the autocad 2000 drawings in the new autocad, it keeps freezing. I understand its a compatibility issue. How can we convert the drawings? I did download TrueView but it only gives me the latest option to convert to as 2007.
I have recently acquired AutoCAD 2012, I have a book called "AutoCAD 2000 Bible", and I was wondering if the contents of this book (based on AutoCAD 2000) can guide me through AutoCAD 2012 as well.
I have created a template file but whenever I open and display data in AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 it does not apply to the opened data from Oracle 10g. Infact, it change every time I open the data from database!
Using the symbol in AutoDesk Map 3D 2012. Also note that my database is Oracle 10g.
I am trying to type in notes or commands into AutoCAD and sometimes the wrong symbols appear.
I'm trying to type in 3'-6" and instead this show up 3è-6È. If this starts to happen, it will keep happening until I log out of my computer and log back in.
I have already checked my keyboard settings and it is set in English (Canada). This only happens in AutoCAD. Microsoft Office and all my other programs don't have this issue.
I'm using ACAD 2012 3D. I want to color in some letters and symbols, but whenever I do they get muffled away by the material I selected for my object.
Here's a render prt scn: [URL]....
As you can see the black arrow is partially yellow, which I do not want. The problem doesn't only happen after rendering, but in my model space as well. I tried all kind of things to get it all black. Hatch, make a solid out of it, different layer, draworder, apply other materials, but nothing seems to work. What goes for the arrow goes for all the words in gray/white too.
In case you wonder, I've made an effect pedal for guitar.
I am running ACAD Mech 2012. Our LA office has ACAD LT. Every single letter, line, symbol, etc is made up of a bunch of different pieces. I found that the word SPARE was made up of 46 pieces! I have attached a portion of the drawing. I have never seen anything like this and I can't even imagine how this could be made or changed into this.
We are using Autocad 2012 & some of our users can not put Degree, Diameter, Plus/Minus Symbols in their drawings.%%P, %%D, %%C does not work in single line or M-Text. The symbols work In dimensions.
When using TEXT or DTEXT I can add centerline, 1/4, or 1/2 symbols while using the ROMANS font.
It would make sense to me that when I am using MTEXT, this should apply. However when I try to insert the symbols this is what happens: My text style stays the same, but the font gets changed to ISOCPEUR and symbols have a bold type appearance.
When working in a drawing, I don't see a selection for weld symbols in Annotate - Symbols. Are they not available in LT? Is there something I need to do to activate them?
I just want to import some media (and do a conform) via the network. I can see everything, but it won't connect. I also don't get any error messages. I already restarted all components and they all show a green status. I don't know what else to do....
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
Is there a way to access the timeline within CFX ( much like in Flame ) ? I see the timing button but this doesn't seem to have the same control as a timeline for a specific clip.
Also, is there a way other then "explode one" or "explode all" to go within a CFX within a CFX ( pre comp ) ? i.e. a setup that is then put within the BG of action.
I work all across the country with different architects and engineers on a contract basis. Typically I create a custom menu that reflects each clients colors, symbols, layering ect. But now I have just upgraded to Acad 2012 and don't know how to create a custom menu in 2012 for each client. Is it even possible? What I have found is the customize button but when I modify a command for a specific client it makes the same change for all clients, as all that I was doing was modifying a workspace, and only modifying the command. What I have done in the past is to take the Acad.mns and copy it and rename it client-name-Acad.mns and make the necessary changes that the clients standards required. Can I still do something like that?
As soon as i try to open the default canon folder containing 5d footage, software crashes (spinning wheel, then app exited abnormally message).
I try re-starting wiretap gateway, wiretap server, and stone+wire thru Service Monitor then restarting smoke but that sometimes solves the issue and sometimes it doesnt. And sometimes i see checkerboards.
I tried solving the problem by running smoke with airport on or off but with similar results.I did some search here and gathered that it could be due to a number of reasons (IP address, local host etc) but I dont quite fully understand everything.
I don't have my mac pro networked via any Ethernet cable or anything and don't want to have to keep airport on unless i need to be online.
I’ve just stumbled across a way to acess the old desktop tools and as an old Smoke on Linux user hope that Autodesk keeps it there.
This is what I did.... Loaded a project, went to keyboard shortcuts and set a short cut for repeat (used to duplicate frames). Now hit the shortcut and you should see all the old desktop tools.
As an aside, why is Change Timecode/Keycode, convert rate in the retired tab?
I think there should be a 'edit cfx' menu when we right -click the clip in timeline. This is very handy to get fast access to the cfx. Yes i can click the small cfx icon/button and RMB - edit cfx , or i can double click the cfx button itself, but this only work when the cfx button is visible. Also there should be a hotkey for this.
I've been trying to export via the Wiretap Central, but when I try to open the IFFFS folder I get an error message: Unable to access the volume stonefs1: the given volume does not have a corresponding hardware partition.
I added the Layer group (On / Off Freeze Lock / Unlock and Layer name) to the Quick Access Toolbar. I only see the first part name of the layer. Is there a way to stretch this part of the group in the QAT tool bar so I can see the more of the layer name? The partial name and layer color may be a sufficient clue as to the whole layer name over time. Would be nice to see the whole name until then.
I Recently installed AutoCAD 2010. When i Tried to draw a line or circle,etc. It just gets stops responding for some time and displays the following error "FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xf02e682ah Exception at f02e682ah".
In previous version of AutoCAd 2008 (or earlier) the images dialog to edit the images (i.e., brightness, sharpness, etc, it has been a long time and I forgot what they were, but they were there and with many options) was obvious, versatile, and very easily found then, but I could not find it in AutoCAD 2012.
Instance 1. I have lost the Quick Access Toolbar located above the ribbon to the of the right of the application menu button. I can no longer save a drawing and no longer undo or redo any commands that I need to edit while creating a drawing.
Instance 2. I created a drawing saved it and then later came back to it. Went to Veiw tab then clicked the Tile Vertically button. My drawing on one half of the screen and a blank one on the other half. I X out of the screen and started the drawing once again and the drawing area is now labled Drawing1.dwg with a blue square border around the drawing area. With no split screen. I would like to get back to the original drawing area without the blue border going around it titled Drawing1.dwg. I was trying to use the move command to get my drawing into the empty space next to it.
I have configured a client workspace with a customised quick access toolbar and I am using acaddoc.lsp to ensure it is loaded when ACAD is fired up, the problem is, despite forcing the GUI to change wksps by:
(command "wscurrent" "Autocad classic") (princ)
(command "wscurrent" "Barclays Net 2012") (princ)
I can see the swap happening but the quick access bar is missing. If I manually select the current wksp from the switching tool it appears I don't even need to change to a different wksp and on restart it remains visible, it is only occurring on first use.