I've imported a PSD to animate in action. I need the grey blade area to be transparent and show the background image. As I change the transparency in the Axis node, the grey area gets darker and lighter in color but does not show the background image through.
Im struggling with the correct use of symbol / symbol items in applescript. I can successfully list the symbols used on the page, but I cannot select them. How I can select all the items on the page that are Symbol Items of symbols named "Apples" but not oranges? After that I hope to replace the instances matching the height or width of the items whichever is greater with a 3rd item name. Javascript is always an option as well but I had the same difficulty.
Is there a way to taper an image/surface in action?
To explain: for my project I am taking hi res stock photography, separating out the mid, fore and backgrounds saving as individual layers then bringing into action.
With my current image there is a sea and sky. To make the illusion of 3d scenes I am angling the surfaces down there natural line of perpective to add depth so that when I slowly track the camera from right to left there appears to be depth and parallax.
For this example I am tilting the sea from being perpendicular to the camera to being tilted right back. When I do this the top of the picture which is now further away from the camera eye appears smaller. To compensate for this I would like to 'taper' the object. I know I can set the surface to being bicubic but then I have to work with bezier handles as moving the vertices bends it all around.
Is there either a way to make the handles have no beziers or is there a simple taper tool I can use?
I got single clip in desktop and it got an alpha embedded. If i drag that clip into the cfx , the clip will be interpreted correctly where alpha will be recognized. The problem in action is when i drag into action schematic, the alpha is ignored Smoke should know if there's alpha embedded then by default it should use it. ANother problem is when in media list , i add new media then click the clip twice (to grab F and M from the same clip), the result : i got blank alpha. Again it should load the alpha while there's alpha embedded . I think , this should become the dafault behaviour to deal with alpha. Although loading this clip in cfx schematic will solve the problem, i think the action still need to be fixed.
Also it should be cool feature if i can drag the clip from library and drop it in media list , and it will replace the media of the selected item in media list.
When I use Paint module with Graphics menu, I get bad edges randomly on the image in action. The default setting of Anti-aliasing in paint module is 4 now, and I have tried to change the value from 4 to 1, 1 to 4. the only differences are the amount of, position of bad edges.
I also tried to check the "Divide" function in the media-list, but it gets from specific colour to white. I only want to take the bad edges away from the image.
I am about to jump from node locked to network license. Partly to avoid the anoying reactivation pain but especially to get some use from the included Burn license.
The specifications says CentOS 5.3 - should i take that very seriously or go for the latest version 5?
My main usage of Desktop paint is partially sharpening important parts of the picture that the focus puller unfortunately missed. I would love to see sharpening added to the tools in CFX Paint. Blur is there already, should not be the hardest thing to implement.
I'm curious why the 'resize' node can only have 1 input ? why it's not designed to have rgb and alpha ? Currently i have trouble when resizing image (w/ alpha) in cfx since i have to use 2 resize nodes. when i need to edit , then i have to re-edit both or using delete/duplicate method.
in cfx schematic , i got an action network, i set this action so it can output the comp and also the matte (the node got 2 output indicator : yellow and blue). Now if i right click and choose 'create cfx' , i will get a new cfx node , but i only output the final comp , there's no matte. In the pref, activate the 'generate alpha' will only output either white or black. Is this feature not avalable yet ?
can i collect multiple nodes and collapsed them into a single node (group) and export it as a single new node (custom node ) where then i can add or expose/hide any original parameter as well as creating my custom (new) parameter or button where the button will be controlled by expression (python or similar) to do custom task. It's like in Sidefx houdini and foundry Nuke (pure node based app). can i do this in smoke.
I have been looking for a while for a way to deactivate or disable a node in CFX. I know there is a way to disable nodes in Action by hiding them. Is there a way to do this in CFX? It would be handy to turn on and off a node in a CFX tree to see its effect on the whole tree.
I'm exporting a simple fbx scene making sure to use the 2010 fbx version but when i import it into smoke through the import node only one node shows in the action schematic which reads 'fbx scene'.
Also it isn't showing the mesh properly, more like bounding boxes...
I have a paint node with several sources for revealing. I´d like to see these sources for example to set the slip within paint. The documentation says F1 F1 but that doesn´t work. Is this a bug or are there alternative ways of seeing that source?
I keep on getting errors like PIPELINE: Unsupported input resolution mix in node "gmask" when entering the MK via action.For example, I have one clip that I work on inside the MK of action. And when I simply exchange the clip for a different one (same size, same bit depth), the screen turns blank and I get those error messages.
How to do it ? in cfx , alt-ctrl-drag will work fine, but not in mk. I'm using fcp hotkey so i can't use alt-cmd as it's used to zoom by default. Using fcp hotkey has the same problem ? i created couple new user but they don't work.
In the mk the final output has to be sent to the 'result' node. The weird thing why this node has 3 input ( fg , bg ,matte ) ? the single stream of the matte should make it work. Is there any good explaination ? In what condition we need to connect all the output ? if i connect the fg to other image/clip then when we go back to action, the fg of the related layer will be replaced. But why we want to replace the fg using mk?
Anytime I drag a Cc node from the bin to the CFX schematic it disappears for about 6 seconds and I get the spinning beach ball and the system freezes for that period. It then appears on the schematic and can be used.
In a text node, I really need to activate a virtual keyboard to put accents in words??
I am Brazilian and my language has several words with accents (á, à, é, ê, ç ....) every time I need to type something into smoke I will really going to have to keep typing a few letters, go for a virtual keyboard, select a special character, disable the virtual keyboard to type back ....
I set up a sequence that is HD, but I have source material that is 2K (2560x1440). When I try to insert or overwrite said source clip to the sequence, it should insert and automatically add a resize node. Instead, it changes the sequence size to match the source size. Bug?
Also, I can't seem to find a way to resize the output of my connectFX node to match the sequence size. For example, lets say I want to comp a bunch of shots that are 2K in action, and then output an HD sequence matching my sequence size. How is this done? I have changed the comp size in action and linked that to the connectfx node, but it just puts the smaller comp size in a black box which is the size of the source material (in this case, 2K).