Illustrator :: Can PDF Saved From CS6 Be Opened In CS5 With Layers Intact
Jun 4, 2013
I have a client who insists on receiving final files as PDFs saved as Illustrator Default with Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities ticked. This wasn't an issue until I upgraded to cs6. In cs6 I'm saving the native file as cs5, and then saving as PDF with the following options:
The client is able to open the PDF in cs5 but the layers are all flattened into a single layer. Is there way to Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities for any version other than cs6?
Is there a setting in AI CC 17 that prevents the layers from merging into 1 layer when opened in CS5? The pdf is saved as compatible with Acrobat 6 and the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" option is selected.
The layers are intact when the .pdf is opened in Acrobat. When the pdf is opened in CS5 I get an Illustrator error that states: ".pdf was generated by a newer version of Illustrator. Would you like to import this file? Some data loss may occur.". Once opened, the layers are all flattened into one layer.
is it possible to bring in a PDF and keep the layers intact?
I have received some artwork with a cutter guide on and with over 1,700 entities all on the same layer, some of which are the same colour as the cutter guide.
It would be a royal pain trying to select the cutter guide line by line!
Why my multi-layered psd and tif files saved with PS12 64 bit are opening flattened in PS7?
There's been some inconsistency.Initially all psd were flattened.Some tif copies i made were not...but most were still flattened when opened with PS7. Perhaps it is because i'm using the 64 bit version and my friend with PS7 is not.
I want to edit a photo from LR4 in photoshop. I will use PS to replace a green screen background with a new background. I want to take the layered photoshop file back into LR4 with the layers so I can do more editing if I need to.
I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
i've just been using the brush tool to draw and paint around with, and today when I tried to open up a saved project from last night, It came up all blurry and very undetailed compared to when i saved it. I think it might be the saved file was 16 bit, and maybe it's opening it up in 8 bit which is making it blurry? Or maybe my computer can't handle the 16bit and my resolution on the saved file was too high?
Also, I was wondering some recommended starting specs (like when I open a new window)
I have spent the entire day trying to solve this and I finally found a fix but not the cause. I have tried all the typical ways to sync/read/render to see the xmp data in LR.
After all of this I found the only way for me to see the xmp data is to open the xmp as a text document then save it go into lightroom read metadata and it shows up. This obviously isnt a workable solution for thousands of files so I need to find a cause.
So a little info. I'm using LR5 on a windows. I edit clients images then send them the xmp files with those edits. I have one client thats photos when imported do not show metadata or develop adjustments. This is the only solution I have found to see the info. I believe they are using LR 4 and a MAC.
Is it possible that the problem is the original files are saved on a mac then transfered to my windows machine.
Using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I'm noticing a color difference between an image I'm working on in PS and the final image - after it has been saved.
For example: working on a image of earth. The image on the web has very deep blues. but when I open it into PS, it looks very purple-ish and when I save it, the color is blue again.
Sometime the difference is slight, and other times it is definitely noticeable. Is there a setting I could adjust? One that would keep the image's true color?
Images opening from LR to PS6 are opened as CR2 files (canon) and then saved in PS - the resulting saved images are PSD files. These files are not added to the LR catalog without re-importing them. This behavior is different than it was in CS5 - in CS5 they are opened as PSD and immediately added to the LR catalog. I want the same bahavior in CS6. In LR I have set preferences to open files as PSD but they are not PSD until they are saved in PS.
Mac // CS5 // lion...I'm working on a business card in photoshop. I always save as .psd until the finished product, then save a front and a back as a .pdf.
I finished, saved my front and back as a .pdf everything is good. When I save the document as .psd again and close the file, the next time I reopen, it has 0 layers, everything is flattened. I've never had this happen before and am scared to close down the file I am working on for fear that it might not return.
I had this happen once already earlier today on a seperate business card. I knew I saved my final copy as a .psd and when I opened that .psd up again to find that there were no layers, but one flattened image. Is my PS corrupted? Or did I miss a simple check box somewhere?
This is the original document I'm working on. I saved 2 .pdf files from this .psd...For Good measure I save the .psd above as a "test" and then open it up in another window. Notice how the thumbnail has a curved triangle shape. Also the file size is only like 9 mb...very small for my normal size
Ok, so I open it up, and this is what I see. One flattened picture. No layer masks, layers...anything.
I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.
I frequently save layouts I do in Photoshop as PDF's. Lately I very often will discover the text does not display correctly in the PDF. One or two lines of text will display as white with a thin black outline, rather than as the basic solid black I'd specified.
I work on a Windows 7 machine with the current version of PS. The text is on layers when I save the file to PDF (from PS), but I do not include the layers in the PDF, so they should be flattening down.
I noticed a few weeks ago when it was also doing this that I updated the program a day later and the PDF's were not exhibiting this issue. But, now it's starting again.
I have a problem with the PSD file, size 228 MB. When electricity turned off, my computer shut down then I turned on it and opened the PSD again but there was only one locked layer filled in black and no other layers. I can not see other layers that was saved before. and here is red line on the top. How can I return my works back?
I was trying to save a large file as a Photoshop PDF and my program crashed. I was lucky enough to have saved this file in both a JPEG and PNG format onto my desktop but now once I move the files back into Elements, I have no history and no layers?
I am trying to open Lightroom 4 from my desktop and it keeps giving me this message:The Lightroom catalog named "Lightroom 4 Catalog" cannot be opened because another application already has it opened.
I recently created a file in Illustrator CS6 (Creative Cloud version), and saved it as PDF with illustrator editing capabilities preserved. It saved fine, but when I opened the file in Illustrator CS6 again for more editing today, it gave me an earlier version of the file instead of the latest version that I saved last night. However, the file opened correctly in Quick Look, Preview and Photoshop CS6. I've tried to make a copy of the file, and open the copy in a different folder, as well as deleting illustrator preferences.I don't want to spend another 1.5 hours to redo things that I've done.
Illustrator actually makes a file labelled "copy"everytime the particular file is opened. Each time it is opened, it makes another copy & tags a number on the end. It only happens with the occasional file, but once this happens, nothing will stop the problem. Selecting all & pasting into a new file does not work. There are no extra views. The artwork is originally copied from the customer file & pasted into a new document.
Mac Pro 2 x 2.4 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon/OS X 10.8.2/CS 6 Design Standard
I was trying different options in a path, and suddenly the brushes libraries appeared empty Then my laptop went crazy, even Internet speed went down drastically.
I have been opening my Illustrator vector images in Photoshop to save as JPGs today. All was working fine when all of a sudden I open in PShop, Now all I get is a transparent box. On both rasterized and non rasterized images. This is the latest trial AI/CC by the way. Restarted both programs.
I did a parallel line using White Arror Select> Copy> Object> Path > offset. I got the parallel lines but the ends are not opened. It was Mitre selected in the popup box. Here is the image:
I have simple line drawings in illustrator (outlines of clothes) that I wish to open in photoshop to add colour and effects to. When i have tried to copy and paste (as normal paste, smart object, pixels, path and shape layer) the quality is lost.
I have also tried to open or place the file in photoshop as a .psd, .ai , .pfd and still the quality is lost.I have saved with different resolution settings too, but it always loses quality when it is opened in photoshop.
Is there any way to have a clear line drawing like it is in illustrator in photoshop?
I've made a sketch in Photoshop Elements. The resolution was 743 by 663 pixels. I'm wanting to finish this in Illustrator, but when I open the same file (I have tried both PNG and PSD so far with the same results) in Illustrator, the image is extremely small, yet it says it is zoomed in 100%. In order for me to draw on this, it needs to be the same size that it looked like when it was opened in Photoshop. I understand the image is not actually resized, but the scale makes it appear smaller. And I also understand that illustrator's "pixels" measurments are incorrect (or so I have been told and observed).
I attempted simply rescaling the image myself with the select tool, but unfortunately I lose resolution and some of my sketch lines when I do this.
I'm not a master at any of these programs, so if you have an answer to how I could get the image scale to be "normal,".
Can’t save 24 x 36 ai version 9 file when opened in CS6, even when opened as an outline format. I was able to save the file when reduced to 8 x 11, once saved I resized it back to 24 x 36 but it still didn’t work.
CS6 "Unable to set maximum number of files to be opened." Just got the production bundle and installed everything on both my macs, everything works fine besdies illustrator which only works fine on one not at all on the other.
Since installing Creative Suite 5 in 2010 I have never been able to open Illustrator.All programs work but 'Ai'.I've tried re-installing it multiple times with no success.
The message that occours when trying to open the program is:'Unable to set maximum number of files to be opened'. And then it generates a 'Problem Report for CS5 Adobe Illustrator'.