Illustrator :: Parallel Line Ends Not Opened?
Oct 16, 2013
I did a parallel line using White Arror Select> Copy> Object> Path > offset. I got the parallel lines but the ends are not opened. It was Mitre selected in the popup box. Here is the image:
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Sep 12, 2013
I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line.
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Sep 14, 2011
in autocad we use offset commend to draw a parallel line to another line what we should we use in Chief Architect x2
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Jun 22, 2012
I am new to AutoCAD and have been sent a 3D architectural model. I need to find the dimensions of some beams. The measure tool seems only to measure from point to point, and I need to measure from one side (or edge) of the beam to the other. The beams are not along the axes and the ends are not at right angles so there are no points that correspond to the height and width.
In Sketchup, I can easily measure from one line to any parallel line. How can I do this in AutoCAD?
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Oct 24, 2007
I've been trying to make lines like these to no luck:
I'm aware this can be achieved with the pen tool. Path stroked with a brush with some settings altered. Most likely Fade.
This is where I am so far:
I cant get BOTH ends to fade.
A long path wont get fully stroked since the fade happens too soon.
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Mar 20, 2007
I am now using AutoCAD 2007 and I am a new AutoCAD user. How can I draw a vector or a line with one or two arrow ends in AutoCAD ? It is really simple to do that in MS Word
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Dec 27, 2012
Is it possible to draw a line with fixed ends. I want to draw a line, representing a pipe, which connects two tanks. Whenever I move one of the tanks I'd like the line automatically to adjust its coresponding end in such a way that the line aways will start from the one tank and end on the other. Is it possible that?
Another question, is there some option, such that whenever two line cross each other, one of the line automatically to go over the other. By this I want to show on the drawing that the two lines are not connected. Something like the following "sketch"
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Jul 23, 2012
I'm starting to draw a line and I want it to end above a point so that the next line I draw will be perpendicular to the first line and will end at the point. E.g., in the attached picture, I'm starting to draw the orange line and want it to end above the top-right corner of the rectangle.
How can I do that?.
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Sep 26, 2013
I need to dimension between the face of a wall and non parallel wall opposite it. The non parallel wall turns a 90 degree corner, and it is at this corner that I want to measure perpendicular to my first wall.
1. Is there a way to dimension between non-parallel walls? When you place the dimension you click on the wall at the location you want to dimension, so I don't see why Revit can't place the dimension at that point. That dimension would be particular to that one point along the non-parallel wall.
2. I got around this by placing a reference plane and dimensioning to that, but I'd rather not do this because then if I hide the reference plane, my dimension disappears.
Is there another work around or am I missing a tool I don't know about?
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Nov 2, 2012
I want to make a lintype where line starts with a point and ends with the point and in between is continuous line. Space from points to line should be 1 or 0.5 units depending on the scale I want to plot my drawing in.
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May 25, 2013
I would like to create something similar to this[URL]...It seems to be multiple outlines of the star
Do you know a technique to do that with Photoshop or Illustrator ?
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Feb 2, 2011
What I have is a shape files that contains the road centreline of a city I am working on. And that shape files also have a data of its road name etc.
I know how to do it as FDO (using map connect). But what I require is an autocad text entity.
I can save the map as a drawing. But what I only want is just a number of road names and they are not adjacent or near to each other so map filtering is not recommended.
So what I did, I add the shape files using map import command and added the road name data. And then, I used the command Annotation and do the "define annotation" and "insert annotation". From here, I am doing fine. I created a text/block annotation that will extract the road name on the imported centreline on the line I just selected.
Now, my problem is, all the text are in just one direction (in my case they are all horizontal). I tried playing the "rotation expression" but still without luck.
how or what "rotation expression" should I use to make the text parallel/along the centreline.
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Apr 2, 2012
How to get the “text” or “block” parallel to a particular line?there is more than one way to alight the text with a particular line but wondering if there might be more powerful tools to do so.
“Rotate” and “Align” are possible commands to align the text with particular line. Parallel constrain is another option to do so but will make the drawing “busy” with additional parameter.
Equally, what if I need to make a block parallel to a particular line? In this case, the “parallel constrain” doesn’t work! Just I may take the advantage of “rotate” and “align”..What I wanted to know if there is a more brilliant way to get the“text” or “block” PARALLEL to a particular line with a smart tool.
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Dec 14, 2011
if I have two lines which run roughly paralel, but sometimes vary in the distance between them, is there a quick method of having CAD draw a line which is central to the two?
Basically, like an offset, but it would need to offset the line at a distance that is central to the two lines, as and where it varies. IE, you couldnt choose 'offset' and then choose 'mid between two points' because the distance between the lines varies at points..
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Nov 28, 2012
I have forgotten how to draw a line that is parallel to a building wall which is not either horizontal or vertical.
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Jun 23, 2012
I am drawing a diagram to describe a mathematical word problem. Since it is easier to visualize with a drawing, I want to draw it using the given dimensions. But angles used in the diagram are unknown and are not needed for the answer to be calculated, so the only way to draw this freehand is to guess at the angle resulting in the correct distances to be off.
Here is the word problem: There are two ladders, one 40 feet and the other 30 feet, each touching the base of one of two buildings and leaning against the other building. If the ladders cross 10 feet above the ground, how far apart are the buildings?
So for my drawing, being rather simple considering what AutoCAD can do, results in this:
Can AutoCAD calculate the angle needed to place a line of a given length between two parallel lines that are a distance apart less than the length of the line to place between them, having the endpoints of this line touching the parallel lines, fitting exactly?
For the word problem, the distance between the two parallel lines is what needs to be solved and the math is quite invloved, having to find the roots or solution of a quartic equation. (I have the solution figured out to be 26.03287754 feet)
What I am afraid of is that this would require to program an AutoLISP routine to create a new command that one can call from the command line. I see it using the the measure command with relative and absolute co-ordinates. This may be far from a "beginner" question. I can do this quite easily on a peice of paper: having two parallel lines drawn, take a ruler and placing the "0" mark on one line, then adjusting the angle until the desired length just reaches the opposite parallel line. I used to use this trick quite often when drafting with pencil and paper to divide a distance into a required number of even amounts, so this can't be that difficult to do with AutoCAD!
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Dec 4, 2009
Any way to build or download a linetype that can display as a thick dashed line surrounded by 2 parallel lines on either side of it?
We use them to denote underground stormwater pipes in our survey models.
Currently I need to manually set each line to a polyline, give it a global width, and then draw a DLINE of the same width from endpoint to endpoint. The down side is that not only is it laborious, I also have to set the Z values to zero, so we lose the elevation feature of the pipe in the model.
Ideally it would need to have enough functionality to alter the spacing of the dashes, and the width of the line.
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May 28, 2012
I'm using Illustrator CS5 - I've been trying to figure out a way to slant the ends of the lines all at once, or to create them to begin with. I've searched for a method to do this until my eyes gave out (including youtube how to's). What I've been doing is creating the lines, drawing guides, expanding the lines, then dragging each endcap anchor point to intersect with the guide and this is taking a bit longer than I would like. Is there a quicker way to get the lines in the top image to look like those in the bottom image? specifically the slant on the endcaps?
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Mar 2, 2013
How can I draw in two parallel lines in CS4?
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Jan 31, 2013
I'm trying to match the style of an illustration done by someone outside my company; all the lines taper at both the ends like an actual brush stroke, but when I used the brush tools I have to change the angle to get the tapered look - is there a trick to this? It's not efficient to have to stop and change the angle of the tool for every stroke -
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Jan 14, 2013
Reducing the Roundness of a calligraphic brush to 0% seems to create 'flat' ends to a stroke, but, on closer inspection, the ends are not perfectly flat/straight.
The line seems to start and end with a slight 'S' curve; it's less visible when the stroke has a different bearing, but I need it to be gone - is this possible? I'm trying to create a calligraphic brush with perfectly flat ends.
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Dec 11, 2013
I auto traced a piece of artwork (a large bunch of leaves) & the strokes are made up of 2 paths.
Is there a quick way to reduce the paths to a single path
Or is it necessary to delete each leaf's secondary path manually
Is there something I should be doing differently when auto tracing.
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Nov 19, 2011
why my section is not parallel with my section line. I did constrain my section line in the section line sketch.
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Mar 20, 2013
I draw a set of straight parallel lines and then apply a smooth zigzag.
Here’s what happens:
Of course if I zigzag a single line and then multiply it everything is in order.
But why can’t Illie cope with multiple lines?
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Jun 9, 2012
I am trying to open Lightroom 4 from my desktop and it keeps giving me this message:The Lightroom catalog named "Lightroom 4 Catalog" cannot be opened because another application already has it opened.
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Feb 18, 2014
Is there a setting in AI CC 17 that prevents the layers from merging into 1 layer when opened in CS5? The pdf is saved as compatible with Acrobat 6 and the "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" option is selected.
The layers are intact when the .pdf is opened in Acrobat. When the pdf is opened in CS5 I get an Illustrator error that states: ".pdf was generated by a newer version of Illustrator. Would you like to import this file? Some data loss may occur.". Once opened, the layers are all flattened into one layer.
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Apr 29, 2013
I recently created a file in Illustrator CS6 (Creative Cloud version), and saved it as PDF with illustrator editing capabilities preserved. It saved fine, but when I opened the file in Illustrator CS6 again for more editing today, it gave me an earlier version of the file instead of the latest version that I saved last night. However, the file opened correctly in Quick Look, Preview and Photoshop CS6. I've tried to make a copy of the file, and open the copy in a different folder, as well as deleting illustrator preferences.I don't want to spend another 1.5 hours to redo things that I've done.
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Jul 11, 2013
Is there any function or script that auto-adjust tracking so text on a path meets the exact end of the path/bracket?
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Mar 11, 2013
Illustrator actually makes a file labelled "copy"everytime the particular file is opened. Each time it is opened, it makes another copy & tags a number on the end. It only happens with the occasional file, but once this happens, nothing will stop the problem. Selecting all & pasting into a new file does not work. There are no extra views. The artwork is originally copied from the customer file & pasted into a new document.
Mac Pro 2 x 2.4 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon/OS X 10.8.2/CS 6 Design Standard
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Sep 6, 2013
I was trying different options in a path, and suddenly the brushes libraries appeared empty Then my laptop went crazy, even Internet speed went down drastically.
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Feb 20, 2014
I have been opening my Illustrator vector images in Photoshop to save as JPGs today. All was working fine when all of a sudden I open in PShop, Now all I get is a transparent box. On both rasterized and non rasterized images. This is the latest trial AI/CC by the way. Restarted both programs.
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