AutoCad :: How To Draw A Line That Is Parallel To Building Wall
Nov 28, 2012I have forgotten how to draw a line that is parallel to a building wall which is not either horizontal or vertical.
View 9 RepliesI have forgotten how to draw a line that is parallel to a building wall which is not either horizontal or vertical.
View 9 Repliesin autocad we use offset commend to draw a parallel line to another line what we should we use in Chief Architect x2
View 1 Replies View RelatedDrawing Parrallel lines from one elipse to another?
I am drawing pipe and beams.
I use a variety of methods. Right now I just SNAP to the elipse, draw the lines at the angles and then hit the other elipse. Sometimes though the lines jump all around the elipse.
I am new to AutoCAD and have been sent a 3D architectural model. I need to find the dimensions of some beams. The measure tool seems only to measure from point to point, and I need to measure from one side (or edge) of the beam to the other. The beams are not along the axes and the ends are not at right angles so there are no points that correspond to the height and width.
In Sketchup, I can easily measure from one line to any parallel line. How can I do this in AutoCAD?
i'd like to learn how to draw a simple building with a vertical walled hole next to it.
I already have a ground surface, hole surface, and the grading surfaces for backfilling the sides of the hole and some ramps to get in and out of the hole. The building floor and roof need to slope towards the hole.
I'd like to end up with an isometric view with shaded walls and roof. The only 3d command I have used is presspull and it seemed useful. Is there a thread here that explains the most efficient ways to change views, draw a building, and shade vertical walls.
I am using Civil 3D 2010.
How do you draw parallel lines with a specific distance between them? I was gonna use this function for futuristic artwork. Do you have to use the grid for this or is there another way?
PS. is there a plugin maybe?
What I have is a shape files that contains the road centreline of a city I am working on. And that shape files also have a data of its road name etc.
I know how to do it as FDO (using map connect). But what I require is an autocad text entity.
I can save the map as a drawing. But what I only want is just a number of road names and they are not adjacent or near to each other so map filtering is not recommended.
So what I did, I add the shape files using map import command and added the road name data. And then, I used the command Annotation and do the "define annotation" and "insert annotation". From here, I am doing fine. I created a text/block annotation that will extract the road name on the imported centreline on the line I just selected.
Now, my problem is, all the text are in just one direction (in my case they are all horizontal). I tried playing the "rotation expression" but still without luck.
how or what "rotation expression" should I use to make the text parallel/along the centreline.
How to get the “text” or “block” parallel to a particular line?there is more than one way to alight the text with a particular line but wondering if there might be more powerful tools to do so.
“Rotate” and “Align” are possible commands to align the text with particular line. Parallel constrain is another option to do so but will make the drawing “busy” with additional parameter.
Equally, what if I need to make a block parallel to a particular line? In this case, the “parallel constrain” doesn’t work! Just I may take the advantage of “rotate” and “align”..What I wanted to know if there is a more brilliant way to get the“text” or “block” PARALLEL to a particular line with a smart tool.
if I have two lines which run roughly paralel, but sometimes vary in the distance between them, is there a quick method of having CAD draw a line which is central to the two?
Basically, like an offset, but it would need to offset the line at a distance that is central to the two lines, as and where it varies. IE, you couldnt choose 'offset' and then choose 'mid between two points' because the distance between the lines varies at points..
I am drawing a diagram to describe a mathematical word problem. Since it is easier to visualize with a drawing, I want to draw it using the given dimensions. But angles used in the diagram are unknown and are not needed for the answer to be calculated, so the only way to draw this freehand is to guess at the angle resulting in the correct distances to be off.
Here is the word problem: There are two ladders, one 40 feet and the other 30 feet, each touching the base of one of two buildings and leaning against the other building. If the ladders cross 10 feet above the ground, how far apart are the buildings?
So for my drawing, being rather simple considering what AutoCAD can do, results in this:
Can AutoCAD calculate the angle needed to place a line of a given length between two parallel lines that are a distance apart less than the length of the line to place between them, having the endpoints of this line touching the parallel lines, fitting exactly?
For the word problem, the distance between the two parallel lines is what needs to be solved and the math is quite invloved, having to find the roots or solution of a quartic equation. (I have the solution figured out to be 26.03287754 feet)
What I am afraid of is that this would require to program an AutoLISP routine to create a new command that one can call from the command line. I see it using the the measure command with relative and absolute co-ordinates. This may be far from a "beginner" question. I can do this quite easily on a peice of paper: having two parallel lines drawn, take a ruler and placing the "0" mark on one line, then adjusting the angle until the desired length just reaches the opposite parallel line. I used to use this trick quite often when drafting with pencil and paper to divide a distance into a required number of even amounts, so this can't be that difficult to do with AutoCAD!
what's the best way to draw pipe, say 20" dia with .594 wall thickness in 3d?
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You know how you have a line/thread of Dims going across all the walls of a building?
Well, sometimes I need to adjust the placement of the line, and then I need to go back and select every-single-little-dimension in that line. Isn't there a way to bind them all together, so that they can move as one continuous line of Dims?
(When I make them, I make the first Dim with the Linear Dim tool and then do Continue to make the rest of the thread).
I need to dimension between the face of a wall and non parallel wall opposite it. The non parallel wall turns a 90 degree corner, and it is at this corner that I want to measure perpendicular to my first wall.
1. Is there a way to dimension between non-parallel walls? When you place the dimension you click on the wall at the location you want to dimension, so I don't see why Revit can't place the dimension at that point. That dimension would be particular to that one point along the non-parallel wall.
2. I got around this by placing a reference plane and dimensioning to that, but I'd rather not do this because then if I hide the reference plane, my dimension disappears.
Is there another work around or am I missing a tool I don't know about?
Any way to build or download a linetype that can display as a thick dashed line surrounded by 2 parallel lines on either side of it?
We use them to denote underground stormwater pipes in our survey models.
Currently I need to manually set each line to a polyline, give it a global width, and then draw a DLINE of the same width from endpoint to endpoint. The down side is that not only is it laborious, I also have to set the Z values to zero, so we lose the elevation feature of the pipe in the model.
Ideally it would need to have enough functionality to alter the spacing of the dashes, and the width of the line.
I would like to create something similar to this[URL]...It seems to be multiple outlines of the star
Do you know a technique to do that with Photoshop or Illustrator ?
I did a parallel line using White Arror Select> Copy> Object> Path > offset. I got the parallel lines but the ends are not opened. It was Mitre selected in the popup box. Here is the image:
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI don’t know if there is some way to draw, or somehow to say to AutoCad that it let me to input measurements from line but not from main base pint.
For example in Revit I can make angular dimension between lines and then apply any angle that I want, maybe AutoCad has such tool?
I was drawing a lot of lines with the pointer that stuck at the end of the line and after that it stuck at the beginning of the other line (i hope you understand what i mean). I don't know what i pressed but now this function is not active and is very difficult to draw the lines.
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I use CS5 and have now a small arrow on my line segment tool (as shown in the picutres):
Ever since that when i click shift, it just allows me to draw vertical lines, rather than vertical or horizontal.
by default revit shows roof plan in the Site plan view.
Is it possible to show site plan that one line would represent building contour? Also is it possible to cast shadows of all the building if the first floor is selected?
i was trying to make site plan from the fist floor, but since i gave intense topography ground is being cut and i need full topography. i am using 2013 revit.
My boss wants me to make the most outside line of a walltype to be the heaviest pen. If I go to the properties of the wall and changethe boundary it changes the boundary of the item in the wall, each boundary independentfrom the other. Such as a wall made of the following: BRICK, AIR SPACE, SHEATHING,STUD AND GYPSUM BOARD. In this wall theexterior face of the brick and gypsum board need to be heavy.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I (try to ) use Pencil and Brush tools, (cross-hatching), some lines get erased/replaced by the lines drawn close to them. It must have something to do with the preferences, but I am not sure what to change/adjust.
View 2 Replies View Related1. if i draw a line using the line tool.. can i curve it to say 40 degrees like i can with the text function?
2. So ya that one was easy.. hows bout when i want to cut something out ACCURATELY, the pen function, right? (according to a friend)when i make all those little boxes and select the area i want to cut, all that gets copied are the outer lines, which i presume is what ive just drawn.. how do i cut the area inside this?
3. and finally maybe a slightly less easy one- In Paint, when you cut out an object and paste it, you can select for the white of the image to become transparent so you can paste over what you have already.. is thee a feature in PS for this?
At the top of the clock, how do you draw the curved lines, which say radius of 4.