I'm doing a project where i am trying to make a house (like a simple one you would see in a real estate ad), but with the lines being squiggly. I applied the zigzag filter to the entire thing, and it looks alright, but the whole house is distorted, not the individual lines. I want to know if I can just make the individual lines have that zigzag look, like some one scribbled it lightly. Is there a way to do that, and if so, how?
Here's what I want: a filled rectangle in which the top and bottom line segments are straight, and the two side line segments are zigzag. I can't seem to find a good way to do that.
First thing I tried: Make a rectangle, then Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. That turns all segments of the rectangle zig zag, and I want the top and bottom to be straight.
Next: Draw four separate lines and join them to make a shape that I can fill. I can do that, right? Anyway, the problem: I draw a zigzag line, and a straight line and right angles. I select the endpoints with the pen tool (right?) to join them. When they join, either they both become straight or they both become zigzag. Which is not what I want either. Here's a picture of what I'm trying to do.
The other thing I noticed is that the Zig Zag effect doesn't give me additional anchor points (at least from what I can see), and doesn't give me anchor points where I want them. See in the above picture, where I have the left-hand line segment selected, the path is still straight so the anchor points don't line up with the zigzag line that is visible to me. Which means when I try to join the segments, they make funny shapes at the corner. Which is also annoying. This thread seemed to indicate that Zig Zag should give me additional anchor points at each corner: [URL]. Why don't I get that? Is it a CS4/CS5 issue?
I'm trying to make a curve that follows a path that changes direction. I've tried to carry the zigzag effect accross line using the compound path option, but the curve double in on themselves and don't make a continuous line.
Say I have a square or a polygon. I want to transform one of the sides from straight to a smooth curve. Is there a way to do this?
I have the pen tool and I'm tracing an object. I want to create one curved side then continue on with straight edges. However the tool insists on creating 2 or 3 curves at a time.
Is there a way to create a single isolated or part of a shape curve thats adjustable with both endpoints. It seems that curves I create often are missing adjustment levers at one of their endpoints making it harder to get the shape I want.
I want to take a color wheel and draw straight lines on top of it, and using the blending tool or some other tool, I'd want to be able to have those lines take on the colors from the color wheel underneath. Is there a way to do this, or a way to do something like it?
why is this happening, curved lines in Illustrator CS6 are not smooth. Running Ill-CS6 on Win7 machine.No matter how much you zoom in or out lines just don't look right.
How to make the lines on this image smooth. You will see in the picture that there is some really choppy lines on the headphones and how to properly fix it. I've tried so many times and can't do it.
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
For some reason, GIMP is putting straight lines off of any line I draw (paintbrush, ink or pencil) and while it's pretty cool, I'd like to be able to draw properly.
In both model and paper space, rectangles with corners filleted look fine. However, the filleted curved corners are not joined with straight lines once it's exported/plotted to PDF. I have to zoom in very closely to see this, so it won't be a big problem for actual printing. But I can't figure out why the lines are broken on PDF when they are well joined in both model and paper space.
I tried changing PDF quality, plot style, and anything I can think of, but to no avail.
I have been researching this for years with no satisfactory result. Is there an easy way to convert a path to even zig zag segments... the purpose is to create an swen or stitched effect in screen printed designs. I see this all this time in retail stores and can do it in a very time consuming manor I'd like to start advoiding. I'm tired of the dashed line effect and want the stiched VVVVVV look around corners and such. The problem is the uniform effect you get because the segments are not equal.
Drawing Parrallel lines from one elipse to another?
I am drawing pipe and beams.
I use a variety of methods. Right now I just SNAP to the elipse, draw the lines at the angles and then hit the other elipse. Sometimes though the lines jump all around the elipse.
I'm trying to draw a line that is parallel to the one I've already drawn. It works fine (Osnap on) when I draw a whole new line and then draw a parallel line. But when I try to add a parallel extension to an old line, it doesn't work. The old line is located in another layer, but I tried to copy it to the same layer and it still doesn't work.
Before using Inventor I used Mechanical Desktop 6 and found the sheet metal functions (AutoSm) to be fairly simple. Since switching over small tasks can now be a nightmare! The main problem I face is exporting flat patterns to dxf format. We use a CNC Turret punch so splined corners on parts are a no-no due to the number of hits required, AutoSM solved this with the 'Apply Smooth' function which created crisp corners suitable for punching. Is there any simlar function available on Inventor? At the minute I either have to apply multiple cut and extrusions to the flat pattern or else 2D modify the dxf file.
The lines of hatch are together like a block,but it is not block,what is this kind of format?And is it possible to convert several parallel lines into 'hatch' ?
I am having a problem with parallel horizontal lines in my hi-res jpg files. They show up on screen much like an old-fashioned TV screen and in prints as black horizontal lines. I am working from big files (12,800 KB) and decent dimensions 1728 x 2600 at 300dpi, but still these lines persist. What am I doing wrong?
When you create shapes that fits together, there appeares a thin line that also shows when you make a jpeg from it. I'm a vector contributor at iStock and making a preview jpg with all those white lines looks really ugly (see attachment).
Here is a simple solution. Copy your shapes on top of each other and the lines are gone. This way your work stays 100% vector. For work that hasn't to be 100% vector, you could make a bitmap copy and place it under your vector image.
The best / easiest way to subdivide a panel of a ceiling into parallel lines (each panel having these lines going in different directions)? See attached sketch.
if I have two lines which run roughly paralel, but sometimes vary in the distance between them, is there a quick method of having CAD draw a line which is central to the two?
Basically, like an offset, but it would need to offset the line at a distance that is central to the two lines, as and where it varies. IE, you couldnt choose 'offset' and then choose 'mid between two points' because the distance between the lines varies at points..
How do you draw parallel lines with a specific distance between them? I was gonna use this function for futuristic artwork. Do you have to use the grid for this or is there another way?
Looking for the process to straighten the lines on an equirectangular panorama I have made with a series of images with a 15mm fisheye lens. I would like to create a true parallel with these files if possible.