The best / easiest way to subdivide a panel of a ceiling into parallel lines (each panel having these lines going in different directions)? See attached sketch.
I need to form a line/lines with thickness on the surface of a sphere as seen on the attached image. I also want to apply transforms to the line while keeping it stay on the surface. How can I do that?
Drawing Parrallel lines from one elipse to another?
I am drawing pipe and beams.
I use a variety of methods. Right now I just SNAP to the elipse, draw the lines at the angles and then hit the other elipse. Sometimes though the lines jump all around the elipse.
I'm trying to draw a line that is parallel to the one I've already drawn. It works fine (Osnap on) when I draw a whole new line and then draw a parallel line. But when I try to add a parallel extension to an old line, it doesn't work. The old line is located in another layer, but I tried to copy it to the same layer and it still doesn't work.
I need to divide thousands of lines into half, but AutoCAD divide command can only allow you to select one line at a time.Is there any way we can divide multiple lines at once.
The lines of hatch are together like a block,but it is not block,what is this kind of format?And is it possible to convert several parallel lines into 'hatch' ?
I am having a problem with parallel horizontal lines in my hi-res jpg files. They show up on screen much like an old-fashioned TV screen and in prints as black horizontal lines. I am working from big files (12,800 KB) and decent dimensions 1728 x 2600 at 300dpi, but still these lines persist. What am I doing wrong?
I need to divide a big region on lines intersections. imagine that you create a region around a chess table and break the region so you get each square as a new region.
I can't use array because the sub-regions aren't regular. I need this divided regions to export a DXF file to a Finite elements program.
When you create shapes that fits together, there appeares a thin line that also shows when you make a jpeg from it. I'm a vector contributor at iStock and making a preview jpg with all those white lines looks really ugly (see attachment).
Here is a simple solution. Copy your shapes on top of each other and the lines are gone. This way your work stays 100% vector. For work that hasn't to be 100% vector, you could make a bitmap copy and place it under your vector image.
if I have two lines which run roughly paralel, but sometimes vary in the distance between them, is there a quick method of having CAD draw a line which is central to the two?
Basically, like an offset, but it would need to offset the line at a distance that is central to the two lines, as and where it varies. IE, you couldnt choose 'offset' and then choose 'mid between two points' because the distance between the lines varies at points..
How do you draw parallel lines with a specific distance between them? I was gonna use this function for futuristic artwork. Do you have to use the grid for this or is there another way?
I need to divide thousands of lines into half, but AutoCAD divide command can only allow you to select one line at a time.Is there any way we can divide multiple lines at once.
Looking for the process to straighten the lines on an equirectangular panorama I have made with a series of images with a 15mm fisheye lens. I would like to create a true parallel with these files if possible.
I am drawing a diagram to describe a mathematical word problem. Since it is easier to visualize with a drawing, I want to draw it using the given dimensions. But angles used in the diagram are unknown and are not needed for the answer to be calculated, so the only way to draw this freehand is to guess at the angle resulting in the correct distances to be off.
Here is the word problem: There are two ladders, one 40 feet and the other 30 feet, each touching the base of one of two buildings and leaning against the other building. If the ladders cross 10 feet above the ground, how far apart are the buildings?
So for my drawing, being rather simple considering what AutoCAD can do, results in this:
Can AutoCAD calculate the angle needed to place a line of a given length between two parallel lines that are a distance apart less than the length of the line to place between them, having the endpoints of this line touching the parallel lines, fitting exactly?
For the word problem, the distance between the two parallel lines is what needs to be solved and the math is quite invloved, having to find the roots or solution of a quartic equation. (I have the solution figured out to be 26.03287754 feet)
What I am afraid of is that this would require to program an AutoLISP routine to create a new command that one can call from the command line. I see it using the the measure command with relative and absolute co-ordinates. This may be far from a "beginner" question. I can do this quite easily on a peice of paper: having two parallel lines drawn, take a ruler and placing the "0" mark on one line, then adjusting the angle until the desired length just reaches the opposite parallel line. I used to use this trick quite often when drafting with pencil and paper to divide a distance into a required number of even amounts, so this can't be that difficult to do with AutoCAD!
I need a easy way to create a lot of small regions, or divide a big region in lines intersections, or a fast way to pick points inside objects.
Its like that:
imagine that you do 100 horizontal lines and then 100 vertical lines. Now you have 10.000 squares. i need a fast way to make a region in each one of then.
So its too much trouble to pick points inside each one of then. i need to divide a big region or a fast way to create Plines or objects with the little squares. And i cant use array because they aren t regular squares.
Its something that i do often, its not a one time thing. This is necessary in structure analysis modeling, i export this dwg to a dxf file, that i use on a finite element program.
I have a block that has a portion that needs to rotate up to 90 degrees. The problem is that it has parallel lines that create a bowtie when rotating. I've tried everything with constraints to get this block to work, but I just can't keep it from creating a bowtie when rotating.
I have to put some trusts between two beam. It sounds easy but i'm unable to handle the divide and round off commands in the lisp. See attachement also.
To draw my trust between the 2 beams, what I normally do, is that I manually take the distance between the two points say it's 10 000 and wrote it down. Then I divide it by my max gap, say 1200, it is the max space between trust.
10 000/1200 = 8.333333 that's the result of how much trust and space between them that i'll need, 8 trusts, 9 spaces between the 2 beams. (That is what I'm unable to do in the lisp, tell it to round off 8.333 to 9 and use 9 for divide command)
What I manually do at this point to draw these trust is that I must create a temporarly line between the 2 beams, perpendicularly to these and divide it by 9.
It gives me 8 cross (or point) to draw my trusts. All this is long to do manually because I have many bay in building and I have to redo this operation for every the bay.
So, what I would like the lisp to ask is:
Specify distance between two beams (Between where and where) :
Specify the lenght of the trust :
Specify max gap: I would like to answer a number here, say like 1200 max
(The lisp should draw the lines on the current layer, color and linetype of the current layer and not draw a line at the beginning and at the end because that's where my Beams are. I hoped you understand, see attachement.
Should also have something that handle a ESCAPE hit or cancel, something like this:
Any way to build or download a linetype that can display as a thick dashed line surrounded by 2 parallel lines on either side of it?
We use them to denote underground stormwater pipes in our survey models.
Currently I need to manually set each line to a polyline, give it a global width, and then draw a DLINE of the same width from endpoint to endpoint. The down side is that not only is it laborious, I also have to set the Z values to zero, so we lose the elevation feature of the pipe in the model.
Ideally it would need to have enough functionality to alter the spacing of the dashes, and the width of the line.
So I have multiple objects in the scene, its a weapon comprised of several parts. All the parts are touching. Is it possible to select all the objects and create a single object of just the outside surface area? I know I can go through and connect them peice by peice using boolean but the polys are off so it starts to distort my objects when the peices connect. I dont want to just group the objects I only want the shell so I can use pepakura to flatten the single object out.
I am trying to do a simple retopo modelling. In many other soft you only need to turn on snapping to get your retopo model vertexes/edges following a surface of a hi-res reference object.
Seems I can't do so in Max because it tend to snap to faces of the same object I am working on.
Is it possible somehow to snap to faces of other objects only so the currently edited object faces would be completely ignored/excluded/invisible for snapping?
I'm trying to create a surface between 2 splines. See attached image. I normally do this in AutoCAD very easily but I I'm playing around with the Max modeling tools.
I have tried drawing a spline between them and using loft. But the loft surface does not go between the two splines.
I have tried drawing a spline between them, converted them to nurbs and tried a number of the nurb surface options such as 2 rail and ruled. But they both create a surface but the surface does not go the full length of the splines.
So I have a lofted surface (see image below) that I created with 2 curves. I created one curve, then duplicated it, moved it down the y axis, and lofted them together forming a shell looking object.
What I want to do now is fill in the "hole" in the middle. How would I go about doing that? I've been looking around but nothing has worked.
I'm trying to model a box like shape with ripples over it's surface. The box can have rounded corners and edges. The ripples need to flow over the 6 faces of the box. I want 2 or 3 sets of ripples, originating in different places, interacting with each other.
My modelling skills in Max are not great. I generally use Inventor for modelling and Max for lighting, materials, animation and rendering. I've followed loads of tutorials on ways of doing this, but haven't quite managed it yet.
My latest attempt has been to use the patchdeform tool. What I've done is
1) modelling a plane, with many segments 2) applied the ripple modifier to the plane 3) created a box with smoothed edges/corners 4) converted the box to a patch 5) tried to patchdeform the plane to the box - get 'illegal patch' error
The above work with a sphere rather than a box. I'm not convinced this is the best way to achieve what I want.
I've been working on creating a sword in 3D Max for the last couple of days and have run across a problem. At the base of the blade, it goes up straight for about an inch and then tapers out and up another half inch in a curve.From there, the blade tapers/curves back in, then out once more to create a thicker end of the blade, width wise. I need to know a simple way of doing those curves. A friend of mine suggested using quick loops, then individually scaling them to get the curving effect. That just seemed like it took too much time to me, and I thought there must be a simpler way. I tried adding a taper modifier to the selected area, but that didn't really seem to do much, except give the opposite effect that I wanted.
I am relatively new to the 3D modeling world and would like some tips and tricks on how to quickly model a staircase. I have posted a 3D pic of a particular one, that I done recently.
I would all-sow like to know how to model the bottom part of the stairs so that is is a continuous surface. Having trouble with modeling a curved surface and making it part of a solid...