This is an AutoCAD 2011 related question about being unable to see under properties objects that I have attached to polylines in AutoCAD Map3D.
I have created an map3d .dwg that the polylines and points have attributes attached (objects). However, when I access the same file in plain AutoCAD nothing appears under properties.
Is is a format, import settings tweak or simply it can not be done?
I'm attaching data to objects (attached data) and I'm unable to get the table option to open in a new window. I tried Field and the value is already set to 1. I'm using Map 3D 2012 .
I have installed CS6 trial version and an unable to view opened images (jpg, psd). Bottom of screen sayd "waiting for Bridge CS 6". What do I need to view my images?
I exported images in JPEG format. To get a quick view, (TV Toshiba) I loaded several images on a USB key . To my suprise I could not see the photo edited with Gimp .
I made a test. I made the same action (crop) on the same images with different retouching programs. Than I exported the images in JPEG, loaded on USB key, to see them on TV screen . The software I tested
I've recently installed X4 (running it on Windows 7) and for some reason when I open the scrapbook I can't preview any of the thumbnails - they just appear as a generic symbol (see below). How do I change this so that I can view the thumbnails properly?
I've also changed the settings so that once a bitmap has been inserted, I should be able to double-click to open the bitmap in Photo paint - but this doesn't work either!
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
In Lightroom 3.6 (which I just upgraded to from 3.5), I noticed that when I export photos with the option "Minimize Embedded Metadata" CHECKED, the exported JPG images have no EXIF data at all. This was not the case in 3.5.
I'm now switching from Aperture to Lightroom. But now I've big troubles with my geotagged images (+40'000) I export my photos with a seperate XMP files. In Bridge is see the GPS-Tag but when I import the photos in Lightroom then the location isn't imported!
My hard drive crashed - had to reload Lightroom 3. Now, I am not able to view presets, or install any new ones? Under 'develop' - the "new preset" is grayed out and I am not able to add?I depend on this program!!!
i have created a data band in profile view that should show a created profiles elevation, but some of the the data fields are missing irregulary. Also in the data band that shoud show the diferenece betven the tow profiles - EG and the new profile the data is missing. The EG profiles data and the surface are ok all is shown.
i've managed to fill my mack up with images as i imported all my photos to the MAC HDD rather than an external HDD,,,school boy error : (but i am new to lightroom) as there's 30,000+ is there a way of moving them with out having to reload them to the new HDD? i only found out my mistake when the computer was running on 1% memory.
Im shooting Nikon D5100 and D3200 cameras. Im recording GPS data with a Nikon GP1. Im shooting jpg FINE and LARGE 6016 x 4000; 24.1M. I need to be able to batch and individual edit the images which Im able to do but after exporting them my GPS data is gone. Im running an iMac with the latest software and LR 5.
I am unable to drag-n-drop from Grid View.Maybe I am not understanding correctly but I thought it should always be possible to grab an image in the Grid View and drop on a folder or collection on the left.
Using LR 3, my finished JPG files, exported from RAW, still show a transparent grey area after image straightening/crop is applied. The problem only occurs once images are uploaded via FTP and viewed in Fotostation software.
I just switched from lightroom 3 to lightroom 4 a few months ago, and besides lightroom 4 BEING INCREDIBLY SLOWER it was fine. Until today, when suddenly, CTRL-Z applies a random preset. And I cannot get my original image back. Even putting all the sliders back manually, I can't get my original image back.
the basic column in the develop section of lightroom is not there, I tried the advice to right click (ctrl button on my computer) on one of the headings, but nothing showed up.
I've tried this several times, but it doesn't work. Lightroom CC will import metadata and even star ratings, but it won't import the color label data assigned to the images from within Bridge. How can I get that information to be imported?
In other words, working in Bridge CC I assigned star ratings and color labels to a folder full of JPG files. When I import those files into Lightroom CC, the images, metadata and the star ratings are imported, but no color label data was imported. None of the images have color labels when viewed in LR. They still retain the color labels when I view the files in Bridge CC, but they don't appear in LR.
Recently I have been asked for certain images taken in 2011.
When searching for them I have discovered that the original capture information has been "gone missing / become lost".
For clarity, the information I'm referring to is the ACTUAL capture date and time of the original image as appears in the raw file metadata.
This data no longer appears on ANY of the subsequent version of any image taken in that year whether PSD or Jpeg.From checks already carried out, the data remains on the original RAW files.
All other years are OK.How can I transfer the date & time of the original image capture from the raw file to subsequents copies (PSD / Jpegs etc)? As literally hundreds of images are involved, is there a bulk routine that I can perform to synchronise this data?
I am trying to use Lightroom and whilst it imports images successfully, I cannot view them at all. I do not have the '?' so this isn't a problem but I don't know what else it can be. I am using 4.1 but currently downloading 4.2 (very painful, almost impossible in Indonesia), but I would imagine this shouldn't be an issue either.
The view of the window of my Library is not the way it used to be. I miss for instance the zoom, compare, 'spray' tool etc. Recently I could add and delete items, but now I don't see the arrow to do this(?) Here's an actual view of the bottom of the window: I use lr 4.4rc (the problem occured in 4.3)