Lightroom :: Original Capture Data Lost From Copy Images - Can This Be Regained

Sep 4, 2013

I am currently using Lightroom 4.4
Recently I have been asked for certain images taken in 2011. 

When searching for them I have discovered that the original capture information has been "gone missing / become lost". 

For clarity, the information I'm referring to is the ACTUAL capture date and time of the original image as appears in the raw file metadata.
This data no longer appears on ANY of the subsequent version of any image taken in that year whether PSD or Jpeg.From checks already carried out, the data remains on the original RAW files.
All other years are OK.How can I transfer the date & time of the original image capture from the raw file to subsequents copies (PSD / Jpegs etc)?  As literally hundreds of images are involved, is there a bulk routine that I can perform to synchronise this data?

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Lightroom :: Lost Ability To View Edited Images Alongside Original In Library

Oct 8, 2012

I have done but I am using lightroom 1.4. Previously, any pictures I edited would show as an edited file in the library now all that happens is the original image shows as the edited image.

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Lightroom :: Lost Original Photo File

Jul 28, 2013

The external hard drive with wedding photos was corrupted. I still see the thumbnail in program(LR4) but it will not let me do anything with it. How/where do I use the memory of thumbnail to make a new file so that I can save my marriage?

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Xara :: Copy / Paste Original Images And Converting To Reflections By Using Transparency Tool?

Jan 26, 2011

I am having problems trying to produce an image with reflections. I have been doing it in the past with Xara4. My procedure is to take a number of images, create copies of them, flip them then add transparency once they are in place as refelctions. These are all placed onto a dark background; reflections are stretching beyond the background at this stage. And in the past if I select all, then Arrange>Combine Shapes>Intersect Shapes then I can have the whole image without the transparent regions of the reflections. My plan is to have the background transparent and save all as a png to preserve the transparency on web. But it doesn't seem to happen in my latest attempts. Instead at the Intersect Shapes stage I get a tiny part of the background as my final image....

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Lightroom :: Is There A Way To Copy Capture Time From One Photo To Another

May 20, 2012

I'm recently re-scanning some photos that were originallly scanned quite a few years ago. Giving them the same name as the previous scanned (only with a _1 at the end), I import the newly scanned photo to the same folder (which is how I organize my photos), to be able do compare and later copy metadata from the original scan to the latter. As I haven't yet done any flagging or rating, most metadata will contain only keywords. But stored under "Metadata" in Library view, "Capture time" is also stored, but I cannot find it anyway among the "Copy Metadata" options. Is there something I have missed, or is there a work-around somewhere?

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Lightroom :: Data Is Lost When Converting To DNG

Apr 5, 2014

I was recently reading on a Nikon Forum where a writer stated that some data is lost when converting to DNG in Lightroom.

Every compression algorith is flawed if a single bit is lost and the original can not be recreated. Since the DNG converter must know about your camera model and it actually converts the NEF into an image before compressing the image, AND you can not, after converting to DNG convert back to original NEF, it is to me obvious that it is indeed a lossy compression, not just 'simple' data compression like zip, tar or whatever other type of data compression you want to compare with, which is truly lossless.
The Nikon lossless compression works entirely on data compression principle, preserving every bit and recreating every bit of data when you edit the raw image, and that can not be done once the image is converted to DNG. That is why many people, who use DNG, also preserve the original NEF, which in my opinion, is a totally pointless work flow. The only reason I can see to use DNG is the ability to share the image with somebody else who is not able to edit NEF, but I might as well use TIFF in that case.
The DNG converter must have knowledge of the camera model concerned, and be able to process the source raw image file, including key metadata to be able to convert and compress. A real lossless compression algorithm NEVER looks at the contents of the data because it is totally irrelevant for the converter to know what type of data you convert and try to compress, since it is based on mathematical patterns and statistics only.
I look at DNG like I look at PDF. A Word document, especially with photographs in it, can be converted to PDF and it may look like you have not lost anything, but yes, you have lost a lot actually and you can never ever recreate the original Word document with the same quality like you have had in your original.

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Lightroom :: Upgrading From 4.3 To 5 - All Existing GPS Data Are Lost?

Aug 6, 2013

After upgrading from LR4.3 to 5 all existing GPS data are lost. Also new RAW NEF photo's don't show the GPS data. The old files in 4.3 were .dng converted NEF files.All these data missing in thousands of photo's is frustrating to say the least.

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Lightroom :: Can't Associate Edited Copy Of File To Original

Aug 27, 2013

I have many files which I created by making a copy of the original and editing it.  I have the original file with no edit history.  The copy which shows the results of the editing is marked as a missing file and the edit history is greyed out. Both file share the same name with the exception that one is a copy.  Is there any way to re-link these files?  When I try to search for the missing file and point to the original, it tells me that the file is already linked to a file and can't be linked to a second file.

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Lightroom :: Cropping Virtual Copy Crops Original Image?

Apr 5, 2012

In LR 4, I have created a virtual copy for the purpose of cropping, but when I crop it in Develop, the original image is getting cropped as well.  Have I misunderstood something?
Mac OS X 10.6.8

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Settings Of Adjustment Brush From TIFF To Original Raw File

Jan 21, 2014

I have been working on a file in photoshop cs5 that had come from lightroom 5.3. This was then saved (automatically becomes tiff file in Lightroom). I then wanted to make some more adjustments to it in lightroom (using local adjustment clarity). I then tried to copy the settings of the adjustment brush  from the tiff to the original raw file. This is where it gets very strange. The adjustments are copied but they are rotated ccw by 90 degrees!  I can replicate this every time.

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Lightroom :: Changing Capture Time On Multiple Images?

Feb 27, 2012

The problem I have is that  my cameras internal clock drifted out and I need to adjust the capture time of a number of images by an odd amount i.e not an integer number of hours.
That is alter the capture time on multiple images by an amount such as -1h 25m 35s and they are RAW image files.

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Lightroom :: How To Change Capture Time For Multiple Images In 5.3

Feb 23, 2014

I have been using Lighroom for many years.
Now I have scanned my old dia pictures and want to change capture time for multiple images in lightroom 5.3. It works for one image whem I in library view use Metadata, Edit Capture Time... and set the date using "Adjust to a specificed date and time". If I try to change for more than one image by marking them and edit the capture time it fails. The pictures gets both different date and time.

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Lightroom :: Lost Images - How To Recover

Oct 5, 2012

I have many images (entire folders) with question marks and the statement  that the images or either offline or missing.  I know they are on the hard drive in raw format but I cannot reconnect them to edit them.What am I doing to cause this and I how to I recover them in Lightroom?

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Lightroom :: Lost Images In Upgrade To LR5?

Aug 6, 2013

When I upgraded I did not have my back up disc connected . Many of my images in LR4 did not show up in LR5 .

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Lightroom :: Copy Map Data To Metadata?

Jul 15, 2012

I have just completed the import of a large number of images into LR 4.1. The images all have GPS data and it was processed correctly. For many of the images, LR also correctly processed the 'sublocation' fields in the map module.
For example, LR completed the city, etc. as Oban, Scotland, United Kingdom. However, none of this information appears in the metadata - either within LR or reading the ITPC data after export as a jpg file. Only the GPS coordinates are retained.
If I am understanding the process and reading the data correctly, how would one use the location data that LR provides?
Is there a way to copy 'sublocation' to fields in the ITPC for the image? Could it be copied to the caption field?
If there is no way to record the location data, why would Adobe add it to LR?

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Photoshop :: Apply Same (color) Changes From Copy To Original Image Or Another Copy

Aug 26, 2013

For this example let's take in account that I have 2 identical in every aspect copies (meaning size and content at this point) of the very same image.

1st remains unedited,

2nd is edited only as far as concerning the image > adjustments menu through changing mostly channel mixer, selective color, saturation etc values and had an object attached to it atop of the original depiction before being edited as a whole.

What I want to do is to edit the 1st image, compare in some certain ways the colors of it I guess with the ones of the 2nd, match for instance where color hex value X (and horizontal/vertical X,Y coords - is it needed in order to be more precise and avoid mistakes?) (I guess again) from the 1st image is edited into color (or even additional settings atop of that?) hex value Z, do that automatically for all the combinations and immediately apply the same changes I applied from 2nd pic when unedited (and looked exactly like 1st pic) to the very same 2nd pic in start, TO the 1st pic in the present case. Also in order to do this "color matching" before applied or not I need to set out-seperate the area where I have added an additional object in the 2nd picture and fill it possibly with the original content from the 1st(can it be done in one move) in order for the process to be complete?

That means I turned the 2nd image into a combination of blue-green-red colour (and other) from orange-yellow-cyan (just an example) I want to do the very same to my 1st pic which is orange-yellow-cyan etc.

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Lightroom :: Previews Are Corrupting Original Images?

Nov 8, 2013

It happened a couple months ago, but I thought it was a bug, and now it's happened again, and now it's corrupting my original files. 
Here's what's happening, at least my actions thus far.  Lightroom 4 worked fine and dandy.  No issues whatsoever.  We then upgraded to LR5. 
Now, as I'm going in Library tab through images as it's seems to be pulling up an image it shows up with jagged edges and just looks -- corrupted.  So then I look at the file in Finder and now that image can't be opened up in Photoshop, Preview or any other application.  For some reason LR's previews are corrupting the ACTUAL, ORIGINAL images. 
Now back a month ago, it happened when it wasn't a big deal, I had the RAW original files backed up, but now, now it's corrupted at least two folders and the original RAW files can't be opened. Here's the summary:
-- As for corrupt cameras/disks -- I have files from Hasselblaad and from Canon doing this.  I have many different cards that were used in this. 
-- It's only when I opened up in Lighroom 5.  Otherwise files were fine.  JPEG conversions that were made from these images weeks ago were fine. 
-- It's happening to one out of every 5 pictures or so.   Which is A LOT OF PICTURES TO BE CORRUPTED. 
For the ones that I have backed up, now I have to go figure out which....rename them...etc.  AND HOPE AND PRAY this doesn't happen again. 
-- It says it can't open the file. 
And then when I go to finder, through lightroom, to RAW image it doesn't work to even bring it in Photoshop. 
SO it's corrupting my files so that Photoshop can't recognize them.  NOT all photos are being affected, just the folders I go to in Lighroom.  Any other files in lightroom (from same day/camera) are okay. 

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Lightroom :: Lost Images / Ratings And Edits In 4.1

Aug 2, 2012

On opening Lightroom 4.1 it appears to have reverted back to how it was a few months and so I lost all of the images I was working on. On reimporting them back into Lightroom, this was performed quickly as if perhaps they were remembered, however all ratings and edits remained lost. Do you know if it is possible to recover these?

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Lightroom :: Keyword Association With Images Lost

Dec 5, 2013

I removed Lightroom 5 previously installed from disc, and installed Lightroom 5 from the Cloud. The Keyword list is still displayed in the LHS panel, but the images have no Keywords associated with them. How can I re-instate the Keyword-image association? 

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Lightroom :: Possible To Recover Lost Images Through Thumbnails

Jan 17, 2013

Our vacation pictures were on IPAD2. I accessed them and thought I was uploading them when I imported them to Lightroom3. I made panoramas and all in photoshop too. My husband asked if the images had been uploaded and I said yes. So he did synched and the update on the IPAD effectively erasing all those images. Now I find that these awesome images were not synched or imported to the computer, but just to lightroom thumbnails. Heartbroken! I can still see the thumbnails in Lightroom... My card has been formated twice since then. I don't think I can recover them there. Is it possible that there is a program that can recover those images to .jpgs from the thumbnails?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Original Size JPEG Images To DVD

May 17, 2012

LR 3.6 has serious limitations causing what should be an easy task hours to trouble shoot. Exporting original size JPEG images to DVD should be a no brainer but the application was not built to handle MS OS 7 64bit. Choice is to upgrade to LR v 4 but will it work?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 - Lost Images / Got Message That Cannot Perform Import?

Feb 24, 2012

I tried to import (move) 2 images from desktop into Lr3.6, a jpeg and tiff but I got the message that cannot perform the imprt (paraphrasing).
problem is that now the images disappeared from the desktop and they are not in Lr either - thye are gone, not even in the trash.where the images might be? it's a Mac, 10.7.3

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Lightroom :: IPTC Metadata - Copy And Paste Data Within One Picture

Nov 26, 2012

So here's the problem: I am working for a photo journalist/traveling photographer moving his 8tb database into Lightroom 4.Now, for whatever reason, he wants the ISPC-metadata headline, the title, and the caption to be same for each picture. What I mean by that is not simply giving every picture the same exact name, but rather have a picture with the headline "Machu Pichu during Sunset" also have the title ""Machu Pichu during Sunset" and the caption "Machu Pichu during Sunset". So far I've done copy and paste between those boxes (I usually only have a headline) for every single picture, but as you might imagine, with 8tb, this will drive you absolutely insane. What I'd like is to have is some sort of Metadata preset telling Lightroom to just take the headline and copy and paste it to title and caption. Is there any way that is possible? This would really save me tons of completely redundant work.

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VideoStudio :: Lost Ability To Capture At Higher Quality

Aug 29, 2011

Capturing sd dv from a sony handycam using VS9 and a USB conection to pc. Few days ago all seemed to be ok was able to capture at 640x480 (I think) but now for some reason information section is showing 320x240 with a corresponding really poor quality preview. No matter what changes I try to make in the capture options or project properties etc it will not now allow me to capture at a higher quality. The options menus don't even show a higher quality available than 320x240. Tried at both AVI and Mpeg format capture settings but no change.

windows XP Home
ATI Radeon 1200 series
32 bit
1gig RAM
PAL region

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lost Drag And Capture Mouse Box?

Apr 24, 2012

In trying to get 2011 set up as close to the "classic" view as possible (20+ year, unhappy now, user) I seem to have lost the click, hold, drag capture visible box & function.

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Lightroom :: Can Create DNG Files While At Same Time Keeping The Original Camera RAW Images?

Oct 7, 2012

I wish to create DNG files for my existing Lightroom catalogue, but also wishe to retain the original camera RAW images. If this can be done, how I go about it as I seem only to be able to find an option for conversion to DNG only.

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Lightroom :: Restore Images / Videos Back To Original Location (and Names)

Feb 17, 2012

by mistake I imported (moved) several AVI and MPEG videos into a specific folder that I inteded to use as backup for one of my relatives.
Problem is that my original folders, where I stored these videos, along with specific names regarding genre and/or subject were left intact,  with nothing inside them.
I am trying to find a way to "revert" the import process and send those files back to where they belong.

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Lightroom :: Prompt Disappeared For RAWs Edit Original Or Edit A Copy?

Dec 16, 2013

I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2.  Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3.  RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy". 
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing.  The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.

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Photoshop :: After Editing Lost Original Photo In LR4?

Jul 28, 2013

I was under the impression that editing in PS from LR4 meant my original in LR4 was safe (ie: that after editing in PS, both the PS editied photo and the LR4 original would be side by side when LR4 was opened up)
However, my first foray into PS was earlier today, when I double-processed an image as instructed by Scott Kelby's book (the Adobe Photoshop CS6 book - page 52). The book covers PS (not Lightroom) and camera raw, but I thought that anything edited in PS and/or camera raw would leave my original untouched. Following Scott Kelby's instructions, I did some editing in LR4, then opened in PS as a smart object, then opened a 'New Smart Object via Copy' which I did further edits on, but this time in Camera Raw.
I now had 2 versions of the photo in PS. I then did a layer mask for the foreground object, and darkened the background of the sky etc behind it, so a sort of HDR with the 2 photos. I then followed his instructions to 'Flatten Image', and then to do a levels adjustment to brighten image.
Still following the instructions, to make the image more vibrant, I went to Mode, Lab Color, Apply Image. I chose the 'a' chanel, blending mode, then switched back to RGB Color
It didn't actually say to save file, but I just did a 'File Save in PS. The only photo in LR4 was now the PS edited one. I went to before/after comparison, but just had the finished photo with Lab Color adjustments as after photo, and before photo was the combined 2 photos after editing / layer masking, but no sign of my original.
I have been reading that you should 'copy' the original in PS, but have also read that this is not necessary if you have Lightroom, So I'm confused by this. This was the first time the book touched on photoshop, so I'm surprised there was no mentioned about saving the file. I now have about 4 photoshop books, and they all talk of camera raw workflow only

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Lightroom :: Exported JPG Images Has No EXIF Data

Jan 16, 2012

In Lightroom 3.6 (which I just upgraded to from 3.5), I noticed that when I export photos with the option "Minimize Embedded Metadata" CHECKED, the exported JPG images have no EXIF data at all.  This was not the case in 3.5. 

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Lightroom :: Missing GPS Data From Exported Images?

Mar 2, 2014

I'm now switching from Aperture to Lightroom. But now I've big troubles with my geotagged images (+40'000) I export my photos with a seperate XMP files. In Bridge is see the GPS-Tag but when I import the photos in Lightroom then the location isn't imported!
Why isn't the GPS-Coordination not included?

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