AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Missing Data From Profile View Vertical Geometry Data Bands?
Sep 9, 2011
i have created a data band in profile view that should show a created profiles elevation, but some of the the data fields are missing irregulary. Also in the data band that shoud show the diferenece betven the tow profiles - EG and the new profile the data is missing. The EG profiles data and the surface are ok all is shown.
I want to show the information on the attached document in the drawing also attached in civl 3d. The final outcome layout of band data i want is titled wanted outcome and the drawing is preliminary vertical long section.
I'm using C3D 2012. I created a profile view for a straight horizontal alignment. The band label for the horizontal won't appear for this particular straight aligment. I have a few other alignments that has curves in it and the profile view displays the labels fine.
I tried to create a new straight alignment again, create a profile view but I get the same results.I also tried it on a new drawing using the NCS metric template with same results.
I can think of (if this is a bug) is to extend my alignment by say 0.1m and add a new IP at the correct alignment end, mask that on plan and end my profile view to the right length.
In order to have a data band at the bottom of my profile label the station and invert of my sewer pipe I just created a profile along the pipe and then have a data band in my profile that labels that profile. I have that profile style set to not plot so this way I can leave it on all the time. This is all fine and well. I have labels every 100' that label the station and invert elevation but at times I want to label miscellaneous locations along my pipe such as a bend or something. How do I add an addition data band label to achieve this? Everything I have found only lets me have these labels at a specified increment set in the band style.
I have profiles in viewports were the data from the bands are shifting to a point above my bands. The profiles are correct in model space but not in paperspace, when I return to a layout tab. If I go into the viewport and regen then the data will temporarily go back to its correct location. If I switch between layouts the data shift. If I try to select the band data the pick point are above the bands, where they default to. This affect not one band but all bands associated with that profile;elevations, stations, pipe data. This wasn't an issue at first it just started happening to the drawing. The drawings were fine and I plotted out a check set to review and when I go back to fix a couple of things this started happening.
I have three profiles all set to 1:5. Two viewports are 1:500 and a third is 1:250, three different layouts. The 1:250 profile only affect the pipe data only and not the elev or the stations data. I have attached a screen shot showing the same profile in two viewports the left one shows the new default position of the band data and the right one is a regenerated viewport showing were the data should be.
I have 2 different surfaces (Existing Ground & Proposed Pipe Invert) that I want to have the elevations shown for in a profile data band, but I want them to show at the design profile's PVIs (Proposed Road). Is it possible to set up a data band style that samples at one profile's geometry points but displays the elevations from these points from a different profile? My workaround is to set the data bands to all sample from the design profile first and label over the design profile's data band but I'm hoping for a cleaner solution. Attached is an image showing the profile view in question.
I have many section views of a road where I want to calculate ground volumes. I have a curb in a section view and I want that Civil showed me just an elevation at the top of the curb and at the top of the road cover. Is it possible to do that? And also distances: I want that Civil just show me a distance from the center of a road to a curb and from a curb to the edge of the road.
Im currently having problems with my profiles showing vertical curve data on a superimposed profile. The data shows on the normal profile however when i superimpose it to another profile i cant get the program to show it.
I have a drawing that contains an alignment and 2 profiles (existing and proposed). Call this File A.
I created data shortcuts for these 3 objects and reference them in many drawings.
Last week File A was having some problems, it was inexplicably large and seemed to have some corruption I couldn't fix. So I created a new drawing, call it File B, and promoted the alignment and profiles into it.
I used Data Shortcut Editor to point the data shortcuts to File B. In drawings that already referenced these objects they look like the they are coming through just fine.
The problem is that I can't see the profiles listed in the Data Shortcuts section of prospector. The shortcuts folder selected is correct, the xml file is there, it points to File B. The alignment is listed and I can create that reference in a new drawing. I also can't find anything wrong with File B.
I've just installed Civil3D, 64-bit on windows 7(running on bootcamp) and am trying to insert a georeferenced raster image but have encountered some issues.
1. "Home tab>>Data panel>>>insert An Image" - The data panel is missing and it's also not found in "customize palettes"
2. Trying the data connect route does not work either: Display manager>>>Data>>>Connect To Data - There is no 'Data' option and I cannot connect to Data.
I am creating a data band for Finished Ground. I have created a Top surface from my corridor and have sampled that as well as my original ground. I am trying to add data bands to an existing cross section view. When adding data bands for the cross section, I first go to the Section View Properties, add the data band, in this case, "FG Elevations", In the "Section1" column, I pick the Corridor surface that was sampled.
The data band does not display data. I know the data band works, because I picked the original ground as the "Section1" and it gave me the elevation.
I have noticed that under the "Sections" tab of the Section View Properties, and in the "Type" column, the original ground surface has a different symbol than the corridor surface. I have also noticed that if I have only the "Draw" boxes for the sampled corridor surfaces in the section view checked, nothing is drawn the section view. The corridor surfaces seem like they are not really there. Am I not able to retrieve data band data from a corridor surface?? If this is the case how do I go about making the corridor top surface something I can get data from?
We are doing a waterline, approximately 5 miles worth, and I was curious how to add the data bands to the minor stationing as well. We want to show EG elevations every 25' but so far I'm unable to find a way to make it show. The major stations are fine, I'm just not seeing the "switch" to get the minor ones on as well.
I'm having difficulty adding bands to a profile view in Civil 3D 2013 in that the bands appear to be come corrupt in not showing the data (the check box to show is unselected, even if I set it to show) and when I go into the UI and turn the bands to show the bands don't show the information correctly.
Alignment align = profileView.AlignmentId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as Alignment; Profile prof = profObjId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as Profile; if (!profileView.IsWriteEnabled) profileView.UpgradeOpen(); profileView.StyleId = profViewStyleObjId;ProfileViewBandItemCollection bottomBandItems =
I did a grading, created surface with it and draw a profile view. Everything seems to be good, except with the vertical geometry band. I need to fix slope and length only at break point, means PI (blue line), but aligment has created more PI with each surface tringular line at intersection (us i note). Is there any why to specify PI only at a break points?
I can erase PI manually on static profile view mode, but i desire to do it in dynamic mode..., in case when conditions changes.
How I have come to this question is through the process of trying to realistically show a hydrant in profile view. First off it it possible to create a completely vertical pipe in C3D? Also if you can, is it possible to show that in profile view? Basically, what I am trying to avoid is representing a fire hydrant pipe by creating some sort of custom cyclinder part in partbuilder. I have done this, but do not like the results.
Civil 3D 2013 SP2 | Win 7 64-bit SP1 Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz, 8GB Ram | ATI Radeon HD 5450
i have an issue in with my created sheets that does not show vertical alignment data. everything on the bands shows up nicely but the lines, curves and labels profile are missin.
see the attached image. you can notice from the image that there is no a signle data..
1. I had trouble with profile view of the alignment line shown. What step am i missing? Are there things that is turned off?
2. How can I best come up with the right volume to fill.
3. Do I need to learn the grading tools? or could i get buy with a section profile from the alignment. ( it is not even an alignment yet)
4. How to I render a rock fill in this cave-in.
The attached aerial image , has survey or cogo points that are imported to surface, to become surface points. . So I wanted to create a surface profile below and an outline of fill above it. Iideally the side profile would look like a trapezoid, where the base is the surface proile and top would be the design embankment.
But the reason , a surveying crew went down and took shots at the shoreline and a couple shots around the cave-in walls (higher elevation on the cave-in wall cannot be surveyed, although I coud have used a laser , did not) is so that a more accurate volume of the cave in can be obtained. I tried to label how far the road edge is from edge of the cave-in . Norice the higher elevations are the top edge around the cave in area.
The ouline for the embankment will be a mild slope then breaks to a more steep slope. like 4 :1 , then 1.5:1
When we are producing cross sections through our surfaces, the chainages are every 10m, and the level at these chainages. This is fine in some cases, but when you have batter slopes, you want a level at the top of slope, and bottom of slope. How do you get the chainages at these areas. I have attached a sample image, showing a dashed line where I want a chainage and level in the bands. Is there a way to do this?
EDIT: The attached section is produced from an alignment through the surfaces,
I want to create a live instance of an existing FG-Profile that I somebody else did into our master profile drawing. Is there an easy way to do this? I don't want to data reference it in.
I tried exporting the FG-Profile information into a .txt file and then use the "create a profile from file", but for whatever reason C3D didn't like my profile info was giving me an error message.
When I try to reference an object in the Data Shortcuts menu, when I right-click the a profile in Prospector under Data Shortcuts, the option to "Create Reference..." is grayed out, and I am unable to reference that profile into the drawing I am working on. It works fine on other profiles that are being referenced from the same drawing.
I have tried:
1. Re-creating the alignment and profile data shortcut in the drawing being referenced 2. Creating a reference in my drawing to the alignment, which actually works. However, it still does not allow me to "create reference" for the profile. 3. Refreshing the data shortcuts. 4. Synchronizing the alignment referenced in the drawing.
Nothing seems to work. My only other option is to move the C3D profiles from the referenced drawing to the drawing I am working in. Is there a way to do this?
I do know that tere is supposed to be an algorithm in C3D that will recognise when two geometry points are coincident on a profile view...that is, say a profile vertical geometry point happens to occur on a major station (for example).
I have never seen this actually work. When I have this situation, the labels stagger and I get two columns of identical data on my PV.
I know I can remove individual labels bY CTRL+select and eIther erase or turn visibility to false, but I would rather that C3D figured it out for me and removed the duplicate data.
I have a master shape file that contains parcel ID, owner, tax info., etc. I have another file ( access 2003 -open to better file format suggestions-) which contains parcel ID and a "yes" or " no" entry for whether or not the parcel needs a new water meter. All I want to do is add the water meter information into the other shape file. This would create one shape file with one table with all the information that I need.
Ultimately I will use the information to do a map query and find out spatially where i need new water meters.
Right now i have the master shape file connected though the “Connect to Data” feature. I also have the new data added to the drawing though the Data sources------>attach under the “Map Explorer” Task pane. I attached access file (ver. 2003 .mdb) which has two columns “Parcel ID” and “Meter”.
I right click on the shape file under the display manager and select”Create a Join;” however my water meter table is not listed as an option. Will this not work?
Plan B - I tried to Create and connect to the access file as an ODBC connection. Followed this guy’s directions to a T [URL]. But when i populate my table under the fdo connection the column headings exist ( “parcel ID” and “Meter”) but the actual data is missing. Am I missing something important?
Note: I am running c3d 2012 on a Win 7 64 Bit machine. I also removed office 32 bit apps and installed 64 bit apps to see if that would solve the problem. No go.