Lightroom :: Unable To View Preview Files In Import Window
Mar 20, 2013Lr 4.3 ACR 7.3 - unable to view preview files in the import window and/or raw files in the Library?
When will this camera be supported?
Lr 4.3 ACR 7.3 - unable to view preview files in the import window and/or raw files in the Library?
When will this camera be supported?
Preview works, but no Import from any SD or CF and even HD! Try internal and external card readers and create a new catalogue, no results. All files from cards or transfered to HD will open properly in PS!
LR 5.3; CR 8.3; PS 14.2
I cannot import files from an epson scanner V750 pro. The screen reads unable to read preview. I am scanning B/W negatives using 16 bit Grayscale and tiff image format?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe view of the window of my Library is not the way it used to be. I miss for instance the zoom, compare, 'spray' tool etc. Recently I could add and delete items, but now I don't see the arrow to do this(?) Here's an actual view of the bottom of the window: I use lr 4.4rc (the problem occured in 4.3)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am an amateur photographer. I just purchased a brand new NIKON D3300 took a few pictures, signed up for the Adobe annual Photographers Creative Cloud annual program and my first task to have Lightroom import a few test photos fails and I have no clue why my raw + jpgs can't be imported. at the outset In Lightroom I also got a "Preview unavailable for this file" message for every image file when I pointed to the memory card I had connected to my computer:
The files are not recognized by the raw format support in Lightroom. (35)
I've also attached a screen shot. I would really like to use Lightroom and all the Adobe products but I have no clue why it won't work with my NIKON test pictures.
I have lightroom 3.6. I just purchaesed a SDony alpha A99 camera and I am unable to view raw files in lightroom. What can be done
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble importing .CR2 files into lightroom 3.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am unable to import NEF files into the new Lightroom 5.3, I recieve the following error message: "The files are not recognized by the raw format support in Lightroom. (251)" and then each .NEF file is listed separately. I am using the latest and most updated Lightroom software and a Nikon 3300. I get this message if I try to import directly from the SD card or if I try to import from the desktop (after copying the SD card contents onto my desktop). I also am unable to import directly from the camera. I'm using a promaster performance 32GG SD card that I formated in the Nikon 3300 before I started shooting. I took three pictures that were just JPGs on the card and these improt okay using any mechanism. All the other photos were taking RAW+JPG.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am using a MacBook Pro and Lightroom 4.4.
When importing I use the "Copy as DNG" feature and that works just fine for the RAW impages.
I then switch to the "Copy" feature to copy some JPG imsages taken with another camera and they are not copied. The information in the window is "Cound not copy a file to the requested location" and lists all files I tried to import. If I copy the files manually into the folders/locations that Lightroom should have done, the "Add" fearire works just fine.
I am just puzzled as to why Lightroom cannot copy the files to the folders that are there and add the image to the catalog on its own. Converting RAW to DNG works fine so what needs to be done to allow Copy to do the same thing.
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
Running Windows XP 64, Lightroom 3.3.
I am unable to import NEF files from a d7000 into LR 4.3, but can import them into LR 3.6 without issue. What do I need to change in LR 4? It's running on a Mac and latest updates are installed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis has been on-going since the introduction of LR 4 and it continues to be an issue with the release of 4.2. Prior to LR 4 I was able to import and view my AVCHD files w/out a problem.
When will the importing issue with AVCHD movie files finally be resolved?
I was import some file off my Nikon D600, then I changed destination subfolder and sudden LR4.4 won't import my D600 NEF raw files. The more I use this product the more dis-enchanted I become with it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am unable to import .CR2 files from Canon 5D Mark 11 and 1D Mark IV on Mac OS 10.9 ??
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm unable to import raw image files from 5DMKII after upgrading to LR 4.4. Using an iMac OS 10.6.8. No error message, importing just stops after a few files have been imported. First it imported 2 files, then 9, then 11, before it stalls. No error message or pinwheel icon. I tried re-installing 4.4 twice with no change. My laptop, a Macbook Pro same system, running LR 4.3 can successfully import the same files using the same card reader and cable.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to figure this out for over a week since I got my D800 and am not making any progress. I am using LightRoom 4.1 and Adobe Camera Raw 7.1 on a Mac OS X v10.6.8.
I read that I need ACR 6.7 in order to recognize the D800 NEF files, but I don't know how to remove 7.1. I tried deleting ACR from my .library folder and reinstalling 6.7 but it still says it's 7.1 when I open up LR4.1 again. Also, I only have Photoshop CS5 and I read that 7.1 supports the D800 NEF files in CS6 only.
On a probably unrelated note, I bought the educational version of LR4 and when I go back to my email that contained the download link, it shows a blank page on "My Orders" even though I've purchased this and other educational versions from Adobe in the last few years. I got the LR4.1 download file and reinstalled after removing the release candidate I was checking out, but wasn't prompted for my registration code that was in my purchase email.
So far the only way I have discovered is to laboriously click the checkbox on each image I want to import. It seems that one should be able to select a range with one click (e.g. holding down Shift and then clicking the last image in the range) or by using a context (right-click) menu. No dice.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy cant I import my Nikon D800E NEF files in LR 4.3 - just started recently -I have been doing the same thing for months and never had a problem. "unable to copy a file to location"
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have lightroom 5.3 running on Windows 7 64-bit. I am unble to import AVCHD video files from my Sony DSCRX-100. I am not sure why, as lightroom 5 supports this video format.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't see the drawing on a preview view when I am trying to open some existing drawing with Autocad Civil 3D 2013.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm attaching data to objects (attached data) and I'm unable to get the table option to open in a new window. I tried Field and the value is already set to 1. I'm using Map 3D 2012 .
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny alternative browser maybe to view/preview giant sized .psb files? I am now working on files from 5 - 20 GB each, 30 - 50,000 pixels, and am stuck using Bridge to go thru them, which takes forever to create thumbnails, and is often unreliable, as every now and then Bridge will just refuse to create a thumbnail for a certain image or 2 and drives me crazy.
Am currently using CS3.
Yes I know this is an older version, I just wish there was a more efficient way to preview large files. PS obviously generates a flattened image preview every time u save, but the previews Bridge uses are fairly low res to my eye, yet it still takes ridiculously long to load each one, which I dont understand if during the save that preview image should be 'in' the file anyway.
During the import of RAW files of my Nikon D5100 no previews are shown, a thumpnail with the text "Preview not available" shows instead. Importing the RAW files is not a problem, once they are imported, the prevews are shown in the Library. I would like to make a first selection during import but without the previews this is not possible. I am working with Lightroom 3.6
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought Lightroom 5.2 but I'm not able to preview or import any files from my Synology NAS (4.3 software version) where I keep all my photos.
I see the filestructure and the files but I don't see a preview version of the file and when I import I get "The files appear to be unsupported or damaged".
When I look at files to import on the local harddrive, I see previews of the files so it seems to work there.
I have no problem displaying the NAS photos using OS X Finder. I assume there is some general setting that is wrong because out of 15000 photos I could not import any, only imported 5 short iPhone movies that accidently happened to be stored in the photo file structure.
I get 'preview unavailable for this file' when attempting to import files from my Panasonic Lumix DMC LX3 - even though the same images show up fine on import preview for Lightroom 3?
I have Lightroom 3 AND 4 on my machine at the minute, running OSX Lion on Mac, and if I have the same card in the same card reader - I see soem unimported file previews with 3, but not with 4! What the hell - older version seems to work better than the new one!!
So I want to import some pics and this statement comes up, " Preview unavailable for this file" see attached. I imported the pics once and then realized that I did not batch name them like I always do. So I deleted them from LR then renamed them in Bridge, then tried to important them again, it is a no go. So I have LR 4.1, I use Mac book pro, Mac os x version 10.7.4. I am pulling these pics off of my external Hard drive, I have never run into this problem before when I was using LR3.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI noted after importing my images from my disk f(to Lr5) that some floral images were missing.Luckily they were on my backup disk so i moved these floral images from my backup disk to the proper floral folder in my int. disk f. Now how do i import these new images that are located in their particular floral folder which are indeed there.Also how do you set up these new files to do a preview setup. did try to import these new images,but lightroom would not let me do it because it grayed out the images telling me that we noted some duplicate images here. Yes, i did see a few dups of these images in the floral file. If i deleted these dups under its proper folder in disk f shouldn't lr5 let me continue the import?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow do I change the preview setting after import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen importing directly from camera into Light room, after ticking 'Preview' only a blank grey image with file number is displayed and no image
View 2 Replies View Relatedfor some reason I get the message 'preview unavailable for this file' for about 50% of the photos in the import module of LR4.1. This only seems to be an issue upon import since the files still import as usual and I do not encounter any further issues after the import with developing etc. It's not a huge problem for me but still quite anoying as I am not able to review my photos before actually importing them.
Here are some further details:I am shooting with a Nikon D300s, all photos are in NEF-format, I use USB-mini USB connection between computer and camera. The problem occurs on both my Macbook Pro Retina 2012 and my iMac Mid-2010. The problem only occurs with LR4, I didn't have any problems with LR3.
I just installed Ulead VideoStudio 10 on Windows 7 and am having problem viewing .avi files even the sample ones with the installation, also the audio is not working. everything works fine on Windows XP. Is there a patch or Ulead VideoStudio 10 is not compatible with Windows 7?
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