Lightroom :: Select Multiple Files In Import Grid View In LR4?
May 5, 2012
So far the only way I have discovered is to laboriously click the checkbox on each image I want to import. It seems that one should be able to select a range with one click (e.g. holding down Shift and then clicking the last image in the range) or by using a context (right-click) menu. No dice.
having just purchased version 4.1 a few days ago. I've imported about 2,500 RAW image files into the program and am learning the ropes for developing and organizing them.
The problem I'm having is that much of the time I'm unable to select photos in the grid view. When I place the mouse pointer over a square in the grid containing a photo, I expect it to "light up" and display the icons for flagging/rotating/rating the photo. In practice, this doesn't happen most of the time and grid squares that won't "light up" cannot be selected. As I move the mouse around the grid, the occasional grid square will act as expected but most of the others will not. The behavior seems random -- a grid square that acts properly one moment may not respond the next time I mouse over it, and other grid squares that were unresponsive may now act as expected.
I've tried pausing over the image for an extended period of time in case this is a performance issue, but if a grid square doesn't light up when I first put the mouse pointer over it then leaving the pointer on it won't get it to respond. If I move the pointer elsewhere on the grid and then bring it back, the square may or may not react.
I'm currently trying to catelogue shots but I can't seem to assign keywords to multiple images when not in grid view -We're shooting fine linen so need a large preview to see the style in the shot - the largest thumb isn't big enough in many instances.
I run a HP DV6 Laptop with Core I7 and Windows 7. While editing my photos my computer appeared to over heat (which is a recurring issue that I'm working to resolve) during mid-post production. Upon restarting my computer, and when I accessed the same photos, I got a very lengthy loading icon when I clicked on a photo under the "Develop" tab. This problem recurred and in attempt to resolve the problem I decided to delete the library and re-import the files. Upon re-import, I cannot view all the photos in the library grid view. I'm not sure if my files are now corrupt from the sudden crash or is it just a data issue with LR?
I've attached a screen shot of what the problem library looks like...
Out of the blue, when I re-import Photoshopped files back into LR3, they fail to appear in Grid View. But they DO APPEAR in the 'Import' screen, grayed out, as normal. So why is LR suddenly not showing them in Grid View.Here's a screenshot of the import window that clearly shows the image that does NOT appear in Grid View. Notice that image# 2012_3_4-Edit.tif resides immediately next to it's original 2012_3_4.tif file. It obviously is part of the catalog, LR knows it's there but it does not appear in the Grid. I really need a solution to this because I've build my workflow around moving files around with LR and this is a major setback for me now.
i select a folder of files to import but i cant import t hem, the button isnt active.
it says i already have these photos imported. if so how do i edit or see them.
i uninstalled and re-installed the software and it seeme dto start from scratch, in that when i import the folder the photos appear in the develop area to choose from.
however next time i open the application i cant see them and import doesnt work unless i uninstall again.
I just installed Lightroom 5, and I can't seem to select the middle grid photos. There are also times when I can't select the outer grid photos or can't scroll within the grid. It is almost like the program isn't recognizing that my cursor is hovering over the photo. This doesn't seem to be effecting the selecting of photos in the horizontal strip at the bottom of the page. I'm using a macbook pro; it has the most recent OS.
in photoshop elements 12 i try to select multiple people to view in organize but can only select one person at a time. if I try to select two or more people to see their pictures, I get nothing. I try to use CTL-click, but that does not work
After selecting the first image, I cannot select the subsequent images I want to include in the the multiple image views available in PSE. How to override the PSE and choose the images I want in the multiple views?
I’m not sure where the problem lies but when I view images in Lightroom 3.6 in the Grid View they are out of focus. If I view a single image in the Loupe View it’s fine. This doesn’t happen in any other application I run. My PC has an ASUS GTX 550 Ti graphic card
Today I was browsing through my images library and I noticed that some of the images are dimmed. By dimmed, I mean that they appear desaturated... as though LR4 is trying to tell me something about the image... but I don't know what.
If I click on the image I can edit it. It appears normal when it is the "current image" (bright colors again). But as soon as I make another image the "current image" the other image goes back to the dimmed look.
Being able to see the keywords assigned to each photo in grid view would be incredibly useful to me for managing my photos and videos as I add new keywords. Just seeing the "this photo has keywords" tag does not work. I need to see the actual keywords, without having to click on each individual photo to see them.
I am having trouble finding the location I need to prevent LR 5 from moving around my grid screen after using the paint brush tool or any tool to change it's rating. I would like to focus on tagging/organizing my rated files as my priorty but without my screen shifting to the image that's changed... if it would just dissaper to the proper loaction I would be much happier than having to scroll back down to where I left off.
I have been using LR since version 2 and since upgrading to LR5 I can't find a way to view the jpeg files next to the raw file. in grid view it just shows RAW + JPEG on a single photo but I want to split them so I can see the jpeg type. I changed my preferences to 'treat jpegs as separate files' but what do I do with all the files I already imported and corrected?
I am using LR 4.2 (on Mac) and have been using LR since 2.0. Yesterday all the badges on all my photos disappeared in Grid View. I didn't change any prefernce settings, or update that I am aware of. When I go to View > Grid View Styles> Show Badges, that option is checked, however it is grayed out. On the Mac that usually indicates it is not a viable option.
I've restarted the program but the problem remains. how to bring back badges?
I am organizing my photos, and used a plug-in that keyworded all my duplicates and put them in a Smart Collection. I would like to see the folder path for each duplicate photo within the details of the grid. That is, without having to r-click and choose "show in explorer" for each photo.
I am unable to drag-n-drop from Grid View.Maybe I am not understanding correctly but I thought it should always be possible to grab an image in the Grid View and drop on a folder or collection on the left.
I have Flickr and 500px set up in Publish Services of Lightroom 5.2. I can send photos to both sites OK. The "problem" is once I move from the "Flickr" highlighted bar to 500px both Bars are illuminated. The Flickr bar does not seem to release focus and I can no longer return to the Flickr Grid view. However, if I then double click the Flickr Bar and enter "Edit photoset" then add, say, a "space" to the Photoset name, press edit then the focus is released and the "Grid View" will return when I next click on the Flickr Bar.
When I am in Survey View and hit the Z key, some of the previews are blurry. The same thing happens in Grid View. However, in Loupe View, the images are fine when I the 'Z' key. Using Survey View would make things go faster when making my picks.
I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.
Why is the thumbnail border for some images a different color in grid view? Please see the attached image. I can't figure out why the image on the left is a lighter gray than the two in the middle. The far right image is lighter because it is selected.
This is a recent development. I publish photos to Flickr, Smugmug, etc., and today, I cannot see any of them in the grid view. They DO show up in the filmstrip, but they don't show up in the grid. So, I cannot select, nor can I publish newly added photos.