Lightroom :: Unable To View Pics In 4.4?

Jul 20, 2013

i can't view my pics in lr 4.4. they are sent in a .lrcat file. 130 images or so.....want to see'em. how to open the file so i can see the pics?

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Lightroom :: Unable To View Raw Files

Mar 23, 2013

I have lightroom 3.6. I just purchaesed a SDony alpha A99 camera and I am unable to view raw files in lightroom. What can be done

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Lightroom :: Unable To View Presets - Install Any New Ones?

Jul 24, 2012

My hard drive crashed - had to reload Lightroom 3.  Now, I am not able to view presets, or install any new ones? Under 'develop' - the "new preset" is grayed out and I am not able to add?I depend on this program!!!

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Lightroom :: Unable To View Images But All Other Data Is Present?

Dec 12, 2011

Importing images into lightroom 3.6 shows
1. The expected number of of frames .... but all are blank

2. The correct listing in the library index

3. The data for each image shown in the development mode ... as is the spectrum graph
 I am using an up to date version of Win 7.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Drag-n-drop From Grid View

Nov 14, 2011

I am unable to drag-n-drop from Grid View.Maybe I am not understanding correctly but I thought it should always be possible to grab an image in the Grid View and drop on a folder or collection on the left.

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Lightroom :: Unable To View Preview Files In Import Window

Mar 20, 2013

Lr 4.3 ACR 7.3 - unable to view preview files in the import window and/or raw files in the Library?
When will this camera be supported?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - Unable To Send Pics Via Adobe Email

Feb 25, 2013

When trying to email pics via Adobe email for the first time, they send you a "code" ( my words ) and ask you to email it back to them so it may be verified.. My problem is that the "code" to my email is never received. Where is it? We've tried checking if there is a blocker on my computer.

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Lightroom :: View Window Library - Add And Delete Items - Unable To See The Arrow?

Mar 23, 2013

The view of the window of my Library is not the way it used to be. I miss for instance the zoom, compare, 'spray' tool etc. Recently I could add and delete items, but now I don't see the arrow to do this(?) Here's an actual view of the bottom of the window: I use lr 4.4rc (the problem occured in 4.3)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Remove Hidden Line From View To Get Shaded View

Sep 23, 2013

I made  a drawing, but after using ilogic (ilogic is in drawing,assembly, part) in it, drawing view of a particular part is coming in hidden line, other are shaded as u can see in image.

Drawing view is associative, all edges shown, level of detail is master, view style is Hidden Line Removal with Shaded

Computer Config:

Inventor 2013
Intel Xeon CPU
2.67 GHZ
8 Gb ram
Windows 7 64 bit

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Lightroom :: Can't Export Few Pics In 5

Jul 5, 2013

I have a few photos that have been watermarked and someone has purchased them but for some reason the folders that the pics are in have a question mark, I can still see the photos in LR but I can't re export them without the watermark?

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Lightroom :: 5 - Getting Rid Of Master Pics And Clip Art

Feb 23, 2014

I just purchased Lightroom 5 after trial.  During trial I imported my IPhoto Library.  I have now deleted most of it to start over.  But in the process discovered that I have over 5800 master pics, clip art, etc.  How do I get rid of them from Lightroom? 

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Lightroom :: HD Containing Original Pics Changed Name?

Dec 18, 2013

The Hd containing the original pics changed name; how can I indicate it to LR5?

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Lightroom :: Can't See Newly Downloaded Pics

Jul 10, 2013

Ive been using lightroom for some time now and when I connect my cf card to the card reader lightroom starts and I select "import". I went to do the same as usual and it started up and I clicked import, the files started to download so I walked away. I came back an hour later and LR had frozen after the first few pictures. I gave it some time but then decided to cntrl alt dlt and end the task and tried to start over. It downloaded all of the images but they are not visible in LR. I can see all my previously downloaded images but not the new files. I can see the files and view them through my hard drive using the windows photo gallery viewer. I have checked for updates and my computer and LR are up to date, I also tried reinstalling LR and there is the same issue.

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Lightroom :: Importing Few Pics From Card Or From Desktop

Nov 7, 2013

I am having such a hard time only importing a few pics from my Card or from my desktop. Any easy way to import them because I am watching the videos and the tutorial does not look like my computer screen and I am seeing something different than what the woman is showing on her screen even though she shows it two different ways. 

Also, do I need the full version in order to use the presets because when I click on them nothing happens.  I am using the trial right now.

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Lightroom :: Slideshow Pics Won't Move Into Order?

Jul 5, 2012

I am ready to scream I am trying to make a slide show and my pictures wont move into order the directions say click and slide over and I just get a bubble looking thing on them and then a circle with a slash through it and they wont move.

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Lightroom :: Publishing A Map With Geotagged Pics Online?

Apr 9, 2013

publishing a map with geotagged pics online. how do i do it and is it possible?

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Lightroom :: Move Pics From IMac / LR4 To IPad

Jul 11, 2012

I know I can use Iphoto or Aperture and ICloud but can I do it somehow using LR4?

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Lightroom :: Upload Pics Larger Than 16 Mexapixels?

Jan 30, 2014

My camera takes pics at 18 megapixels and the software wont allow me to edit my pics!

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Lightroom :: Importing Pics From Fuji X-pro1?

May 5, 2012

I just unpacked my x-pro1 w/ 35mm lens. I am still reading through the manual and trying to learn the ins and out of this amazing camera. I set up the unit to take raw + L-jpg files. When I tried to import them from the card into LR the program didn't see the files. So I then copied the files to a folder on the desktop and tried again w/ no luck. I finally split the raw files from the jpgs put them in seperate folders and was able to import the jpgs into lightroom. I am storing the raw files in a safe and sound place until Adobe writes the code for the x-pro-1 raw files then I will import them on mass.

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Lightroom :: Remove Copyright Metadata From Imported Pics

Jan 7, 2013

customer service said repeatedly that it cannot be done.  I accidentally set it up when I first installed it and it is showing up in all my exported pics.  I only want to put in on select exported pics.  and, what if I want to change my copyright?

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Lightroom :: Import Set Of Photos - Subfolders To Be Dates For Pics

Aug 26, 2012

I would like to import a set photos  into Lightroom as say "New York 2012" as the folder name. In that folder I would like to then have the pictures in sub folders by the relevant dates (i.e. December 1, December 2, etc...). However, it seems like everytime I try to do an import this way, I would Get my "New York 2012" folder but then a sub folder of 2012 first, and only then the subfolders with the December 1, Decemeber 2 etc pictures. Is there anyway to eliminate that "2012" subfolder that is created. I mean I already know is 2012 because the title of the main folder is New York 2012...I just want the subfolders to be the dates for the pics themselevs right away rather than first having 2012 folder to click on. Is there anyway to do this with the import feature?

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Not Taking Advantage Of Cache When Rendering 1:1 Pics

Dec 10, 2011

I usually import my pictures and ask LR to generate standard previews at the same time, which is fine for a full screen preview.When going to loupe view and zooming, LR inevitably processes a 1:1 view. This is fine for me. However, after scrolling on other pictures and going back to the same exact picture which has already been 1:1 rendered, LR displays the 'Loading' message and actually proceed to another 1:1 rendering. It doesn't take advantage of the cache even though 1. dat files are present in the ACR cache directory 2. I flushed the cache and tried again 3. I set a higher limit (20 GB).I'm running LR 3.5 on Windows 7 x64.

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Lightroom :: How To Have LR Order Pics Rightly For Portfolio Review

Dec 1, 2011

tomorrow I'll have a portfolio review directly on my laptop where's installed LR3. I'll have no internet connection. I saved in a collection set of 4 series of photos that I'll present one by one as separate works, and all of them all togeher are been exported in a new separate catalog.
The photos are named with a custom model which is: data_workname_sequencenumber.DNG
The problem is that I'd like to present the pics in every series in a particular sort order that is NOT related to the star, flag, rate, label, date, filename or whatever other criteria that LR is usually able to sort by. And, far more important, I need to keep the pics in the entire catalog separated by series, I don't want to mess with the series (e.g. pictures of Paris must stay together, and so on, ... at the moment they follow in a filename or date order which does NOT correspond to the wanted order).
I will play the sequence manually full screen (Ctrl+F command) as the portfolio will be as one to one discussion.

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Lightroom :: How To Delete Pics From Ext Hard Drive Within Program

Feb 8, 2013

I  can't delete pics from disk.  Error say finder doesn not support the volume. Using ext. hard drive and not in collection. New macbook pro with LR 4.  Never experienced this problem on PC with LR 3.  It appears this is a problem for other users.

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Lightroom :: Importing Pics Into 5 All Of Sudden Super Slow?

Dec 20, 2013

In the blink of an eye, importing pics all of a sudden has become super slow.  It now takes 5x longer to importing off of memory card.  Also having issues with plugins I use for B&W & HDR.

Not certain what to do.  Seems Catalog got jacked up somehow and no clue what to do to remedy it. 

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Lightroom :: Book Module - More Pics On Cover Page?

Feb 3, 2013

How to put more pics on the cover page in the book module?

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Lightroom :: Aspect Ratio And Size - Exporting Pics To CD

Sep 27, 2012

I would like to export my pics to a CD so i can send them out to be printed in a lab. I'm confused with the aspect ratio when I crop them i know I have to lock the aspect but should I keep it on Original? Also i'm wondering when it comes to export them what size should I be placing if I want to print all sizes. like some 8x10 and some 4x6 and so on. I'm working with Lightroom 3.

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Lightroom :: Green Colorcast In Pics Viewed Via Apple Products

Jan 19, 2014

Basically the situation is that I have large number of originally RAW images (now jpegs) that look fine (to my eye) on my home computer but all take on a slight green tint when I view them through ios devices (e.g., my new macbook pro, ipad air, iphone).  Wondering what's causing the difference in tints.
Background: Shooting for 6 years, all with a Canon Rebel and shot in RAW, processed in Lightroom.When I export to harddrive or photo sharing site, I set Lightroom export color space to sRGB and then export as jpegs.My home PC monitor color space also set to sRGB.When I view those exported pics via something beside my home monitor (e.g. a plasma TV), the color balance seems fine. 

1.   Does the color space setting in the DSLR matter?   My understanding was that color settings in camera only influence jpegs from camera - - raw files carry no pre-set color space.

2.  Could my monitor be out of whack or do Apple screens somehow use a different color space?

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Import Photos / Change Names Then New Pics Not Recognized

Feb 4, 2013

Example: New card, 100 photos taken, imported w/ name changes to LR catalog, all is well. Then, another 100 photos taken, and when import attempted, the prog "sees" 200 photos as new, not the actual 100 new photos on the card. Yes, the bottom is checked to avoid duplicates.

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Lightroom :: When Importing Photos In LR4 / Import Function Doesn't See All Pics In Folder

Jun 15, 2012

I have a catalog with all photos imported from a trip I just got back from.  But when I compare the catalog to the actual photos in the folder, there are 104 pics missing from the catalog.  If I try to sync the catalog, it says 104 pics need to be imported, but the import process says there are no new photos.
I created a new catalog and tried to import the folder again, but its still missing the same 104 pictures.

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Lightroom :: Change View Options In Loupe View On Second Screen?

May 28, 2012

The loupe view on the second screen used to display information about the photo.  I double clicked on it and it disappeared and no matter what I do I can't seem to get it back.
On the primary screen this can be added/removed or changed in Library Module by selecting the menu view->view options... which gets you to a settings window where you can set what shows.  However, I cannot seem to find a similar thing for the second monitor.

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