Lightroom :: Importing Pics Into 5 All Of Sudden Super Slow?

Dec 20, 2013

In the blink of an eye, importing pics all of a sudden has become super slow.  It now takes 5x longer to importing off of memory card.  Also having issues with plugins I use for B&W & HDR.

Not certain what to do.  Seems Catalog got jacked up somehow and no clue what to do to remedy it. 

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Lightroom :: Sudden Ultra-slow Importing In 5.2 - Possibly Smart Collection Related?

Sep 20, 2013

This evening I wanted to import a series of images from my card reader using LR (just updated to 5.2 from the 5.2RC); I have ~240 images to import. I always have LR set to convert to DNG on import, and also to save a backup of the original raw file (NEF) onto a separate HDD at the same time. LR has always been pretty fast to carry out this process: normally just a few minutes are required for that amount of images (not including rendering previews once the DNGs are imported). However, today it's suddenly become painfully slow - as I type this, it's so far managed to import a mere 58 images, having so far taken about an hour and twenty minutes! Each image is being added one at a time, with a long pause before the next one clocks up in the 'current import' folder. I've never seen such slow performance with LR before.
I wonder if this is a bug connected to the final release of 5.2? I doubt it, as I would have expected to have heard about this by now, but you never know...
I have recently - in the past few days - set up a number (at least 80) of new smart collections that pick up raw images taken at specific focal lengths, as well as another set picking up specific apertures used for each raw shot in the catalogue (unlike the majority of my pre-existing smart collections, these new collections are purely there for interest really - nice to see which focal lengths are the most used for example - but don't serve as an aid to any specific workflow). In short, I've greatly increased the number of smart collections running in my catalogue. Would having a significant number of smart collections slow down the image ingestion process? For example, is LR updating individual smart collections on the fly as images are imported, and thus having to pick through each collection in order to complete the import (I'd always assumed that this would all be added to a central index in the catalogue that the smart collections feed from, but perhaps there are multiple indexes, one for each smart collection)?
I guess the other possible cause could be a corrupt catalogue, although both the catalogue integrity check and optimisation complete without a hitch and everything else seems to be fine.
I'm on Win7 x64, running the LR catalogue and previews from an SSD (with images stored on a separate HDD), with an i7 3770K CPU, 16GB RAM, and an AMD 5850 Radeon graphics card.

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Lightroom :: Importing Few Pics From Card Or From Desktop

Nov 7, 2013

I am having such a hard time only importing a few pics from my Card or from my desktop. Any easy way to import them because I am watching the videos and the tutorial does not look like my computer screen and I am seeing something different than what the woman is showing on her screen even though she shows it two different ways. 

Also, do I need the full version in order to use the presets because when I click on them nothing happens.  I am using the trial right now.

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Lightroom :: Importing Pics From Fuji X-pro1?

May 5, 2012

I just unpacked my x-pro1 w/ 35mm lens. I am still reading through the manual and trying to learn the ins and out of this amazing camera. I set up the unit to take raw + L-jpg files. When I tried to import them from the card into LR the program didn't see the files. So I then copied the files to a folder on the desktop and tried again w/ no luck. I finally split the raw files from the jpgs put them in seperate folders and was able to import the jpgs into lightroom. I am storing the raw files in a safe and sound place until Adobe writes the code for the x-pro-1 raw files then I will import them on mass.

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Lightroom :: When Importing Photos In LR4 / Import Function Doesn't See All Pics In Folder

Jun 15, 2012

I have a catalog with all photos imported from a trip I just got back from.  But when I compare the catalog to the actual photos in the folder, there are 104 pics missing from the catalog.  If I try to sync the catalog, it says 104 pics need to be imported, but the import process says there are no new photos.
I created a new catalog and tried to import the folder again, but its still missing the same 104 pictures.

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InDesign :: Screen Refresh Excruciatingly Slow All Of Sudden

Mar 17, 2014

Must have been something I installed earlier in the day or late last night because the way InDesign CC nows redraws the screen is painfully slow. It's true that an Upgrade has been applied this morning through the CreativeCloud panel? I'm on Windows 8.1 running 9.2 x64. This Dell XPS8700 machine has never disappointed. 16 gig of RAM, fast Nvidia video card, 7200 RPM hard drive. It's just zippy! But now, I don't know what could be wrong? I don't have other processes running in the background. I checked to make sure I have the latest drivers for my video card. I tried trashing the Prefs file. The only thing I have not tried is to restart the system?
Other than that, I suppose it's always possible to uninstall and re-install InDesign CC?

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Lightroom :: 4 RC2 Is Slow On Importing Files?

Apr 30, 2012

I have just upgraded to LR 4 RC2 and found that it took two hours!! to import NEF files from my Lexar 400X 8Gb CF UDMA card....I did several trials and it seems that the problem appears when I set some keywords before starting the import procedure. When I put no keywords at all, Import  runs as fast as with the previous version of LR4..

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3ds Max :: How To Render A Super Slow Motion Animation

Jan 30, 2012

I have an animation of a wine glass breaking. I simulated it using mass FX and particle flow. I will import it to After Effects, add finishing touches and render out a super slow mo clip like you would see on Discovery HD or Time Warp. In essence, I want it to look like it was shot on a high speed camera.

I tried a test render out of max at 960 fps and importing into AE at 25fps but the results aren't quite white I want.

My question is, what frame rate do I render the animation out inside 3ds max and what frame rate do I import/interpret it in After Effects?

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AutoCad :: Super Slow Printing With Images

Mar 5, 2012

The company I purchased AutoCAD 2012 Electrical from had no answers and referred me to Autodesk. Autodesk has told me I have to just live with it because they have no plans to fix the problem, even though they recognize the issue. So I turn to the largest user group I currently have access to.

When I print a drawing, regardless of page size, that contains and image, I have to wait upwards of 10 minutes before the printer sees the drawing and begins to print. The clients I work with use quite a few drawings that contain images and I have days where all I am doing is printing jobs because I have to wait so long.

I have tried to change the print drivers. The printers I use are HP Laser M5035. I connect to them through a network however I have tried to connect to them directly with the same results. The only thing I have found to speed up the proccess, which i find to be rediculous, is to print the job to PDF and then print the PDF to the printer.

I have had the AutoCAD retailer's technicians as well as the Autodesk technicians log into my computer remotely to fix this issue and both recognized the same issue but after a month of trouble shooting I am still at square one.

Before I upgraded to AutoCAD 2012E I had AutoCAD 2009E and printing drawings with images was not nearly as bad. If I did not have to have AutoCAD 2012E I would revert back but this is not an option.

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Illustrator :: CC Is In Overprint Mode Super Slow

Aug 22, 2013

When i turn on overprint mode illustrator redraw is super slow. I made real siple file with two boxes from what one is overprinted.When i turn on overprint mode and try to move one of the box it will take time to redraw it on the new place and there is no drag view at all.

I need to use overprint mode quite often and its not an option right now with so slow redraw. Do i need to go back to use sc5?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Best Setup For Super Slow Motion

Dec 17, 2011

i have a red file to 120 fps and convert a Pro Ress File. i want a more slow!

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Maya :: Time Slider Running Super Slow When Scrub Through Animation

Mar 13, 2012

For some reason when I scrub through my animation, it runs really slow. And it has nothing to do with my computer itself. It is the particular file. I tested this by opening up one of my others (i saved in iterations) and they all scrub just fine. All I was doing was animating with a rig, so there isnt any extra polygons or whatever. And on top of that, it worked just fine before I exited the program earlier, I even playblasted it and everything, and then I looked at the playblast later and decided I wanted to change something, reopened the file, and the timeline has been chugging ever since. I tried opening and closing maya already.

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Photoshop Elements :: When Importing Pics Into Organizer File Order Is Jumbled

Sep 1, 2013

I take high school sports photos using a Canon 7D camera, that can take about 9 pictures per second, which is great for capturing events.  I've noticed with several versions of Photoshop Elements (9 &11), on Win 7 Pro 32 AND Win 7 Pro 64 versions (on multiple computers) that when I use Get Photos & Videos|From Camera or Card Reader, then in the photo downloader dialog box, use the Rename Files option, that my picture files get renamed in jumbled fashion.  Not all pictures are jumbled, but many.  If I have files on my Canon such as DIG001.jpg, DIG002.jpg, DIG003.jpg, DIG004.jpg, they may be renamed as RenameFilename001.jpg (which is acutally DIG001.jpg), RenameFilename002.jpg (which is actually DIG003.jpg), RenameFilename003.jpg (which is actually DIG002.jpg), RenameFilename004.jpg (which is actually DIG004.jpg) - in this case original picture files 2 & 3 have been reversed.  This is very confusing when reviewing a photo sequence that is renamed into an out of chronological order sequence (i.e. ball is hiked, ball is caught by receiver, ball is kicked, receiver runs with caught ball). 
I have also confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the Canon 7D camera by taking high speed pictures of a video which is displaying video frame numbers.  I can confirm that the files as stored in the camera are in the direct chronological order as taken (i. e. 001, 002, 003, 004, etc.).  When I then download these pictures from the camera using Photoshop Elements 11, they are not all in chronological order (some are, some aren't).
I don't know if this is a bug in the program or there is something else I need to do to assure the pictures are imported in exact chronological order (as taken by the camera).

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Crashing All Of A Sudden?

Nov 14, 2011

On Import LR 3.5 crashes - no updates recently, was fine?

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Lightroom :: Preferences Lost All Of Sudden

Mar 12, 2014

Today when i started LR it acted like it was the first time again. it asked me for my country, serial number and registration info again. Once it started I found that all of my preferences, identity plate settings and things like that are gone. All of my photos are still there but something changed.

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Lightroom :: All Of A Sudden LR4 Will Not Import Images From Camera Card

Feb 15, 2014

All of a sudden LR4 will not import my images from camera card, whereas I-Photo has no problem. I get the message " Some import operations were not performed. the following files were not imported because they could not be read (all images on the card are listed). I have re-downloaded LR 4 and restarted my mac (OSX 10.8.5). LR also will not let me import the same images from I-Photo , it gives the same message as when using the camera card..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Works Slow And Crashes When Importing Drawings From Revit

Nov 26, 2013

I am facing problems with my autocad when i import Revit drawing to it. The file start working extremely slow, and crashes often.

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Lightroom :: How To Create Super Extremely Simple Image Gallery

Feb 12, 2014

I would like to be able to create an extremely simple image gallery using Ligtroom 5.3.
All attempts to use "Web" module prove to be quite oversophisticated. Here is my point:
1) I have let's say 15 images selected and ready to export (OK)

2) I would like to export these files to ftp to a prespecified directory (OK)

3) I would like lightroom to get me a ready to use html file which will contain all full-size images with descriptions below the pictures (no links to intermediary pictures)
This would simpify 1000 times my workflow with updating pictures to FTP and then adding some text to publish it on my blog.
I even bought LR/Blog plugin, but it doesn't do the trick - even though I can freely generete html code, it keeps applying some weird prefixes to filenames and is not that universal in general

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Photoshop :: Images From Canon 5D Mark III Not Appearing Super Sharp In CS6 Or Lightroom 4

Aug 16, 2013

I have a brand new Macbook Pro with Retina Display and am running CS6, shooting with a Mark III in full resolution raw format.  Focus is on in camera but when I open the images in Photoshop, they do not appear super sharp when zoomed in.

Is this a display issue or a program issue or something else?  In the past I can usually get the images so sharp that I can see every pore and hair. 

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Lightroom :: Can't Export Few Pics In 5

Jul 5, 2013

I have a few photos that have been watermarked and someone has purchased them but for some reason the folders that the pics are in have a question mark, I can still see the photos in LR but I can't re export them without the watermark?

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Lightroom :: 5 - Getting Rid Of Master Pics And Clip Art

Feb 23, 2014

I just purchased Lightroom 5 after trial.  During trial I imported my IPhoto Library.  I have now deleted most of it to start over.  But in the process discovered that I have over 5800 master pics, clip art, etc.  How do I get rid of them from Lightroom? 

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Lightroom :: HD Containing Original Pics Changed Name?

Dec 18, 2013

The Hd containing the original pics changed name; how can I indicate it to LR5?

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Lightroom :: Unable To View Pics In 4.4?

Jul 20, 2013

i can't view my pics in lr 4.4. they are sent in a .lrcat file. 130 images or so.....want to see'em. how to open the file so i can see the pics?

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Lightroom :: Can't See Newly Downloaded Pics

Jul 10, 2013

Ive been using lightroom for some time now and when I connect my cf card to the card reader lightroom starts and I select "import". I went to do the same as usual and it started up and I clicked import, the files started to download so I walked away. I came back an hour later and LR had frozen after the first few pictures. I gave it some time but then decided to cntrl alt dlt and end the task and tried to start over. It downloaded all of the images but they are not visible in LR. I can see all my previously downloaded images but not the new files. I can see the files and view them through my hard drive using the windows photo gallery viewer. I have checked for updates and my computer and LR are up to date, I also tried reinstalling LR and there is the same issue.

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Lightroom :: Slideshow Pics Won't Move Into Order?

Jul 5, 2012

I am ready to scream I am trying to make a slide show and my pictures wont move into order the directions say click and slide over and I just get a bubble looking thing on them and then a circle with a slash through it and they wont move.

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Lightroom :: Publishing A Map With Geotagged Pics Online?

Apr 9, 2013

publishing a map with geotagged pics online. how do i do it and is it possible?

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Lightroom :: Move Pics From IMac / LR4 To IPad

Jul 11, 2012

I know I can use Iphoto or Aperture and ICloud but can I do it somehow using LR4?

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Lightroom :: Upload Pics Larger Than 16 Mexapixels?

Jan 30, 2014

My camera takes pics at 18 megapixels and the software wont allow me to edit my pics!

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Lightroom :: Remove Copyright Metadata From Imported Pics

Jan 7, 2013

customer service said repeatedly that it cannot be done.  I accidentally set it up when I first installed it and it is showing up in all my exported pics.  I only want to put in on select exported pics.  and, what if I want to change my copyright?

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Lightroom :: Import Set Of Photos - Subfolders To Be Dates For Pics

Aug 26, 2012

I would like to import a set photos  into Lightroom as say "New York 2012" as the folder name. In that folder I would like to then have the pictures in sub folders by the relevant dates (i.e. December 1, December 2, etc...). However, it seems like everytime I try to do an import this way, I would Get my "New York 2012" folder but then a sub folder of 2012 first, and only then the subfolders with the December 1, Decemeber 2 etc pictures. Is there anyway to eliminate that "2012" subfolder that is created. I mean I already know is 2012 because the title of the main folder is New York 2012...I just want the subfolders to be the dates for the pics themselevs right away rather than first having 2012 folder to click on. Is there anyway to do this with the import feature?

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Not Taking Advantage Of Cache When Rendering 1:1 Pics

Dec 10, 2011

I usually import my pictures and ask LR to generate standard previews at the same time, which is fine for a full screen preview.When going to loupe view and zooming, LR inevitably processes a 1:1 view. This is fine for me. However, after scrolling on other pictures and going back to the same exact picture which has already been 1:1 rendered, LR displays the 'Loading' message and actually proceed to another 1:1 rendering. It doesn't take advantage of the cache even though 1. dat files are present in the ACR cache directory 2. I flushed the cache and tried again 3. I set a higher limit (20 GB).I'm running LR 3.5 on Windows 7 x64.

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