Lightroom :: 3.5 Crashing All Of A Sudden?
Nov 14, 2011On Import LR 3.5 crashes - no updates recently, was fine?
View 1 RepliesOn Import LR 3.5 crashes - no updates recently, was fine?
View 1 Repliesmy Gimp is all of a sudden crashing on a frequent basis!!!! it could just be sitting there and I could be away from the computer and it crashes, I could just save or export the image and it crashes, I could just do one thing after opening an image and it crashes!!! it is crashing at RANDOM and WITHOUT explanation FREQUENTLY!!! I need fixing this frequent crashing issue!!!! I have NOT installed ANY new plug-ins or anything!!!
View 3 Replies View RelatedToday when i started LR it acted like it was the first time again. it asked me for my country, serial number and registration info again. Once it started I found that all of my preferences, identity plate settings and things like that are gone. All of my photos are still there but something changed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden LR4 will not import my images from camera card, whereas I-Photo has no problem. I get the message " Some import operations were not performed. the following files were not imported because they could not be read (all images on the card are listed). I have re-downloaded LR 4 and restarted my mac (OSX 10.8.5). LR also will not let me import the same images from I-Photo , it gives the same message as when using the camera card..
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the blink of an eye, importing pics all of a sudden has become super slow. It now takes 5x longer to importing off of memory card. Also having issues with plugins I use for B&W & HDR.
Not certain what to do. Seems Catalog got jacked up somehow and no clue what to do to remedy it.
This evening I wanted to import a series of images from my card reader using LR (just updated to 5.2 from the 5.2RC); I have ~240 images to import. I always have LR set to convert to DNG on import, and also to save a backup of the original raw file (NEF) onto a separate HDD at the same time. LR has always been pretty fast to carry out this process: normally just a few minutes are required for that amount of images (not including rendering previews once the DNGs are imported). However, today it's suddenly become painfully slow - as I type this, it's so far managed to import a mere 58 images, having so far taken about an hour and twenty minutes! Each image is being added one at a time, with a long pause before the next one clocks up in the 'current import' folder. I've never seen such slow performance with LR before.
I wonder if this is a bug connected to the final release of 5.2? I doubt it, as I would have expected to have heard about this by now, but you never know...
I have recently - in the past few days - set up a number (at least 80) of new smart collections that pick up raw images taken at specific focal lengths, as well as another set picking up specific apertures used for each raw shot in the catalogue (unlike the majority of my pre-existing smart collections, these new collections are purely there for interest really - nice to see which focal lengths are the most used for example - but don't serve as an aid to any specific workflow). In short, I've greatly increased the number of smart collections running in my catalogue. Would having a significant number of smart collections slow down the image ingestion process? For example, is LR updating individual smart collections on the fly as images are imported, and thus having to pick through each collection in order to complete the import (I'd always assumed that this would all be added to a central index in the catalogue that the smart collections feed from, but perhaps there are multiple indexes, one for each smart collection)?
I guess the other possible cause could be a corrupt catalogue, although both the catalogue integrity check and optimisation complete without a hitch and everything else seems to be fine.
I'm on Win7 x64, running the LR catalogue and previews from an SSD (with images stored on a separate HDD), with an i7 3770K CPU, 16GB RAM, and an AMD 5850 Radeon graphics card.
I am having this problem for months now and reinstalled my computer multiple times to fix it but everytime within 2 or 3 weeks my 3Ds Max will start to stutter again. Sometimes a lot, sometimes horibbly a lot, but always to much to work.
I have almost no services running besides the standard services. I have no new updates, program's or other stuff installed or changed anything to my computer.
Last night it was working just fine, now it will stutter so much, it is horrible to work with.
I am using 3Ds Max 2013 64-bit. I have NO plugins installed or anything else. It is near impossible to work with this stuttering and lag i.e. when I hover over the "3d control in the top right of the viewport" it takes seconds for it to light up and respond to my mouse movement.
I use a Nikon D800. When I import files from the camera using Nikon Transfer 2, and at the same time try to import files into LR 4.4, LR 4.4 crashes. If I use Bridge to browse files under the same circumstances, it works fine.
I run Windows 8 Pro 64bit. All drivers are upto date as are all software versions. Firmware on the camera is also up to date.
Whenever i make multiple selections it crashes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently installe LR5 beta and imediately had a problem where it started crashing during cropping. I went back to LR4 & that too started crashing. I bought LR5 & now am trying to sort some shots out but it keeps locking up my mac.
Running on OSX 10.8.4
Lightroom 4 is regularly crashing when I Export and choose a folder in which to save the files. I'm using Windows 64 bit. Basically, it freezes and I get an error message "Lightroom has stopped working, Windows in looking for a solution" (which it doesn't seem to have found, yet.)
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter getting a bit of a nagging from the in laws I got round to cataloguing the last few months photos to upload the pics of the kids.
When I go to upload to flickr it will publish two images then crash and the cycle repeats - having a few hundreds to upload there is no way on earth I'm going to babysit Lightroom while it does this.
I'm using jFlickr and have the most up to date version - although I was reluctant to mention this as I half suspect my issue will now be shelved using this as a get out - but frankly Adobe's offering is poor and presumes you've just started with Flickr.
The OS is Windows 8.1 64bit - LR 5.3 (same results on 5.1 and 5.2)
From the event logs I have the following errors:
Faulting process ID: 0x1b04
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf1b6ba0c459e7
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2lightroom.exe
Faulting module path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2AgKernel.dll
Faulting process ID: 0x19d8
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf1b6f99a5a630
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3lightroom.exe
It them repeats through one of these three for each failure.
MBP Late 2011 running OS X 10.8.2
16 GB ram
300GB+ free
I last printed about a week ago. Trying to print now results in an immediate crash. Tried multiple photos from different cameras and different catalogs. Different printers including printing to pdf all crash immediately. Repaired disk permissions. Reinstalled the app. Reinstalled Mountain Lion, uninstalled (to trash, empty trash, shut down and reinstall, no dice).
Can print from MS Word no problem. Photoshop Elements 9 prints photos just fine.
Crashes in a variety of low to mid thirties thread (lowest I have seen is 28, highest is 35) but I have not checked every crash report for the thread number.
And yes, I already did the ui.dll exchange... now it also blacks out randomly when moving around the interface. Not always the same but it will certainly do it after a few clicks... won't continue working with it WAY too risky. Needless to say every other program runs smoothly, for a long time no app crashed in my system... back to LR4... I must say that Win 7 resists very well all this... I haven't had a blue screen in ages...
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to fix the adjustment brush from crashing? I'm using Mac OSX 10.7. Lightroom 4.3 As soon as I click the brush to start editing Lightroom crashes. Once every 10-15 tries it MIGHT work. I'm getting extremely frustrated as it's hard to make a living when your tools won't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter upgrading to3.5, my scanned images from negatives (tiff dng files created in Vuescan 9) crash the program as soon as I make an adjustment in the lens corrections panel. This was not an issue before I upgraded from 3.4.1. Worse, the scanned images that I edited with the lens corrections panel before upgrading crash the program as soon as I try to bring them into the develop module.
View 3 Replies View Relatedyes I did get a error message but it was too long to copy here.I've paid good money for Lightroom. I'M spending a lot of time using it and perfecting my stuff. If it crashes all the time, what's the point? I am about my work and I don't feel very much respected by this version of Lightroom.I'm using the most recent version, 4.1 .
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I have a number of watermark presets saved in the Watermark Editor. They are graphical ones that I made in LR3.6. Now in LR4 most of them don't work. They don't show up when I try to apply them on Export, and when I go into the Watermark Editor and try to select the preset the Editor shuts down. I cannot delete the presets, I cannot do anything with them. It just crashes.
I found that I can and have been able to create new presets using the same graphical element in the Watermark Editor. But since I cannot look at the original presets I don't know if they are the same way I set them up originally. So how do I clean this list of presets up? Can it be cleaned up? I don't want to be dealing with a list of more than 20 presets all of the time.
All of a sudden when I save a psd there are no layers when I returned thist AM on any of the saves I made yesterday. They appear to be all merged layer saved as a psd. I have also been having a problem that when I try to save as - say a jpeg the above option such as iff (which is above jpg on the list) will come up instead, so I have to type in the jpg command. This anamoly starts on BMP.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEverything was peachy until yesterday evening – now (morning after) I started my computer, and suddenly 'Save for web' doesn't work anymore. When choosing 'Save for web' in the menu, the 'Save for web' window opens just fine, but no matter which settings I choose or change, as soon as I click the save-button, I get the following error: 'Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occured.'
I have not changed any settings since yesterday, I did not update either Photoshop or the system, and I tried restarting both Photoshop and the computer several times – no effect. I deleted Photoshops prefs, again no effect.
I'm on a MacPro, 10.8.2, with Photoshop Extended 13.0.4 (as part of CS6 Premium), x64..I also have CS4, CS5 and CS 5.5 on this machine, and just tested Photoshop 5.1 (12.1), and here 'Save for web' works just fine.
I have a lot of work to do (involving 'Save for web'), and I can do that in an older version of Photoshop, but I shouldn't have to fall back on that, after having payed for and installed CS6.
I have been using photoshop for a long time now. Yesterday I tried to create a .png that originally contained two layers. Layer 1 was a fill with it's opacity set to 75% and Layer 2 was a centered image.
In the past I have been able to save this as a .png and retain the opacity of Layer 1. For some reason now when I save this the opacity is not being saved. I tried going into "Save for Web" and using the png-24, I even looked at the preview of the saved image which clearly showed a semi-transparent Layer 1. But the final saved .png always has an opaque fill. WTH? This has never been an issue before.
Been using GIMP (2. for a while now, it's been nearly a year on this PC (Windows 7 64 bit, relatively recent hardware, 8 Gb of RAM, etc.) and it's worked smoothly up until a couple of days ago when it stopped working as intended all of a sudden for some reason.
Whether I use my Wacom tablet or the mouse none of the tools that normally allow you to draw (pencil, brush, airbrush, etc.) work anymore (cropping, distorting the image and the likes work fine though), doesn't matter if it's a brand new document or an old file. The funny thing is that when I go to the "Edit" menu it'll allow me to rollback and undo whatever I did with the aforementioned tools, even though there's no trace of it on the empty canvas itself.I tried to uninstall and install the software back but it didn't do the trick.
My lightroom 5 is crashing whenever i select multiple files.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo my PS CS4 had never lagged before, it was all running perfectly, all functions are going quickly. I was using the newest driver for wacom intuos 3, but with using a new driver, I had a weird pressure problem. It would only work with an older driver, so I uninstalled the newest driver and changed it into the older driver. But it won't work unless I trash photoshop prefernces (the ctrl alt shift thing) ...
Suddenly everything just turns laggy, although no pressure problem.. brush lag, text tool lag, everything, even moving the canvas window lags. I don't know how to return the old preferences, i tried increasing virtual memory from 4k to 6k mb, but no change. In performance tab I changed memory usage from 70% to 80% no change too.
I would like to try and change back to the newer wacom tablet, but i never found a solution to the newer driver pressure problem, everyone in some other forum suggested to trash photoshop preferences and change to older driver.. Ages ago, I did this in my computer, and it's running good, but recently I want to do it in my laptop, and it lags.
I'm using windows 7, 64bit.
RAM 8gb,
E and C drive are more than 100GB available.
photoshop version 11.0
openGL turned off (or on, no difference)
I tried uninstalling photoshop but no luck. I tried updating GeForce driver to the latest version, no luck too. (I'm using gtx 420m)
I have used X5 to build a slideshow, but this is the first time I tried using video. The source are mpg's created with the Sony Motion Picture Browser (taken with a DCR SR42 Handy Cam). I added title screens between my video segments. I then used the create disc link in section 3 to create a menu (linked to the titles I added previously). I then told it to make an ISO file. It reached ~ 85% of the title conversion (24% total) and the PC shut down. Not a crash, no errors, just shut down. I turn the PC back on and it boots up like normal, No unexpected shutdown screens, no safe mode, just normal boot up. I have downloaded and installed service packs 1 & 2. I was making a 16x9 video with standard ( not Dolby) audio.
This is a wedding video for a couple I know. I was able to burn a DVD from Sony software, but it is unedited video.
I'm going to describe this as best as I can: I have Design Premium CS3 installed for a couple of days now on my new Vista64 Home Premium, and it was working perfectly until today. I installed: Illustrator, Indesign, Dreamweaver, Photoshop CS3, Acrobat 8 out of the complete package. Suddenlty today, Photoshop will hang when I try to open it.
Not even the intro screen appears, but the process can be seen in the task manager (processes tab), still open, but with a particular memory size: 4740 k (it doesn't change or nothing). CPU usage is at 00. It won't show in the application manager. The thing is, all the rest of the apps I installed work perfectly. Only PS is giving me this trouble. Code:
I don't know what combination of keys I inadvertently pressed, but now when I am in standard screen mode and press Ctrl+ to zoom and enlarge my window, the window actually shrinks to a skinny rectangle (while the image gets larger inside it). The window will expand vertically, but not horizontally. Very annoying! Anyone have a clue how this happened, and how to change it back to normal?
View 1 Replies View RelatedColour picker disappear all of the sudden?
View 4 Replies View Relatedall of a sudden Hortizontal Flip does not work in Premiere Pro but verticla flip does - how can I fix this? has worked just fine in prior edits of the same project - just happening today...
View 3 Replies View RelatedLlightroom 4.4 crashes everytime I try to playback video causing the app to close. The video loads fine, I can see the thumbnail, but when I hit play I hear audio for a few seconds, the video doesn't typically play or plays for only 1 second then the app crashes. Video files play fine in quicktime or Windows media. This happened in 4.3 as well so not related to the upgrade to 4.4. Here is what is logged in the Windows error log.
Windows 7 64 bit
Application Error
Faulting application name: lightroom.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x514b016c
Faulting module name: MSVCR100.dll, version: 10.0.30319.1, time stamp: 0x4ba220dc
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000003c250
Faulting process id: 0x13d4
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce58f418edb142
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4lightroom.exe
Faulting module path: C:Windowssystem32MSVCR100.dll
Report Id: 843f731f-c4e7-11e2-a017-00214f56581f
I'm flagging jpegs that I took at several races this weekend. There are several thousand images that I'm trying to go quickly through. What is causing the crashes.
Intel i7 CPU 950 @ 3.07GHz with 6GB RAM and HHD with 89GB free memory - planning on doubling memory