Lightroom :: 4.3 Brush Crashing Constantly?
Feb 3, 2013
How to fix the adjustment brush from crashing? I'm using Mac OSX 10.7. Lightroom 4.3 As soon as I click the brush to start editing Lightroom crashes. Once every 10-15 tries it MIGHT work. I'm getting extremely frustrated as it's hard to make a living when your tools won't work.
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Apr 8, 2012
I'm trying to synchronize my folders, and LR4 is consistently crashing when it attempts to display the "Import Results" window. This is on Win7 Pro, using LR4 64-bit. A portion of the pix being imported are successfully stored in the catalog, and the remainder are not. When I restart LR and attempt to synchronize again, the process repeats: find the new pictures (the ones that weren't stored in the previous attempt), start importing them, reach apparent 100%, start to display "Import Results" window and immediately crash.
I'd like to reach the point at which no pix remain to be imported.Â
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Mar 1, 2013
it seems PS CS6 has a crashing problem and no one seems to have a solid cause. That's happening to me so I thought I would post the crash report to see.
I've heard that font conflicts can ometimes cause this, but it happens no matter what I'm doing....font, no font, large files, small files, etc.
I'm on an iMac
Version 10.6.8
3.4 GHz Intel i7
164 GB free on desktop HD
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Aug 5, 2009
I am running Vista 32 on a 15" MacBook Pro through Bootcamp.I installed CS4 and available updates, and even updated my video driver -- i am using an Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT.My problem is that Photoshop crashes frequently during such benign tasks as dragging guides, creating new layers, etc, thus rendering the software unusable. I've searched everywhere for known issues, followed the troubleshooting steps on Adobe's OpenGL and GPU support pages but nothing's seemed to work.
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Dec 1, 2012
I was creating a digital scrapbook page this morning, and as I went to save, CS6 crashed without warning (as it does 50% of the time for me when I have a project I am working on). Usually, I go to save, or open a new file to work with and the whole program just shuts off on me without a word. It is simply there one second and gone the next. If I am lucky, it has recovered something of what I have done in the past 10 minutes. HOWEVER today, it crashed, and when I opened it back up, it recovered half of what I had done and immediately crashed again, giving me this error message:
Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
 Application Name:   Photoshop.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp:   5022da9d
 Fault Module Name:   ntdll.dll
 Fault Module Version:   6.1.7601.17725
 Fault Module Timestamp:   4ec4aa8e
 Exception Code:   c0000005
 Exception Offset:   0000000000027b11
 OS Version:   6.1.7601.
 Locale ID:   1033
 Additional Information 1:   9e05
 Additional Information 2:   9e057b49cc84a2b32beb0976b9fa1666
 Additional Information 3:   9357
 Additional Information 4:   9357da59a0d0124ba1ff6db7da3265ac
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This is the first time I have had this happen with an error message. Usually it just closes up altogether and I have to reopen and redo my projects from wherever the last save point was. I have my recovery set to 10 minutes because I seem to lose my files so often when trying to save. This is getting a bit ridiculous and I did NOT have this problem even one time with the CS6 Beta.Â
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Feb 16, 2009
A major part of my workflow on CS2 involved cutting and pasting files, renaming files and deleting files in Bridge.
Now with my new installation of CS4 everytime I try to move anything Bridge will quit! I'm also having problems after deleting NEF files in ACR when returming to Bridge as they do not remove theirselves every time. Navigating out a folder then back in sometimes works, other times it causes a crash.
Any advice? I can't even revert back to CS2 as my Nikon D3 files don't work on it!
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Oct 2, 2012
Everytime I use Photoshop CS4 (11.0.2) on my MacBook Pro with Retina display (OS X 10.8.2, 2.6GHz Intel Core i7), the software randomly keeps on crashing without warning. There is no specific thing that I do that makes it crash. I just edit an image like I usually do on Photoshop such as moving objects, creating new layers, and clicking on different sets of tools and the program crashes.
I haven't done much work on it recently but I sometimes also had trouble saving Photoshop files. I don't remember exactly but whenever I save, a error message pops up and tells me that I cannot save the file; saving with a different file name works but I have to constantly make "file1.psd, file2.psd, file3.psd" to aviod the error message.
I haven't tried out my other CS4 Web Preimium softwares on my new MacBook yet and don't have the install disk for it right now since I forgot to bring it with me to study abroad so I can't try reinstalling it.
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Oct 24, 2013
We have our AutoCAD2013 freezing for at least 4 times a day, on all 5 Computers.
I want to do that Customer Error Reporting thing, but no Window appears after the Crash, and I haven`t found it in the options yet.
The Computers are 3 x Fujitsu Esprimo P900 with an additional Graphic Card.
Intel Core i3, 3.3 GHz and 6 to 8 GB Ram.
2x is Windows 7 64bit and one is 32bit with 4GB RAM.
And the other two are Fujitsu Celsius M470 with 3.46GHz and 8GB RAM. NVIDIA Quadro 6000.
All Patches and Updates of AutoCAD2013 are installed. Why it crashes, why the CER doesn't appear?!
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Sep 13, 2011
This happens almost evertime I go to a .ipn to update changes and save. It freezes w/ no cahnce of coming back. Two other things that is troubling me about the .ipn is that sometimes it will rearange itself w/ all the parts at 0,0,0 and or won't let me ballon any parts. After closing the file and opening it again it either does the same exact thing or takes the balloons but throws the pick points of into space......
Inventor 2010 SP4
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Dell Precision T3500: Xeon W3550 @ 3.07GHz
Quadro 600
12GB ram
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Oct 26, 2008
I am having a very strange issues with CS2 at the moment, out of nowhere the program seems to be crashing every hour or so. Sometimes the menues will just stop working (while the tools work fine) other times it will crash to desktop with the following error in the event viewer:
Faulting application photoshop.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, fault address 0x0000120e.
(googled this without much luck, closest i got was a virus but this is a clean install and i have already ran a hijackthis scan, avg and adaware scan which all came back clean).
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Aug 5, 2013
I've found recently that Photoshop (CS5) is lagging or completely crashing when I use any of my brushes. I'm doing a painting in one document at the moment and it's near on impossible because every time I make a brush stroke it takes 10 seconds or so to recover. And now it's got to the point where I'm trying to smudge things but every time I make a stroke it crashes PS completely.
I've turned off Enable GL drawing and I've made sure I don't have too many programs running in the background on my computer, and I'm unsure what else to try. (I have Windows 8, if that's relevant).
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Apr 18, 2013
my 2 year old photoshop cs4 has been always inexplicably crashing the moment I would try to use a 70 pxl brush... I learnt to work around it, but just yesterday another similar problem kicked in, when using the short keys to widen or narrow the width of the brush, the moment it hits 30 pxls photoshop crashes too. I can't work like that. I hit option-command-shift to open the program to reset, nothing. I reinstalled the whole cs4 several times, nothing. I downloaded, installed the updates for the program.
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Aug 10, 2013
After two days I finally got my images into Lightroom.
But everytime I go to a folder, Lightroom rebuilds the thumbnails, even if I have just been to that folder. As I scroll down the thumbnails, Lightroom lags as I see thumbnails appear and come into focus again, even afer I have been in that folder several times. I have NOT changed the size of the thumbnails.
My hard drive is constatly grinding when in Lightroom. Also, most of these images are JPGs and not RAW.
PC Specs:
Windows 7i5 Processor, 6GB RAM
1GB HDD, .5GB free
Lightroom settings:
JPEG Preview: Medilum size
Embed Fast Lad Data is checked
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Sep 27, 2013
I am attempting to use the blob brush for the first time, but I can't seem to save my files; the programs crashes on save.Â
Seems very strange! I am working with CS 5 on Windows 7. i have successfully saved files that don't use the blob brush. I haven't done an exhaustive investigation into similar scenarios that might also cause a crash at save. I tested a few stable files, including renaming them. When I introduce the blob brush, the file crashes at save.
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Apr 17, 2012
running win7 pro..had to move to this to support canon 5dmkiii raw files...tried everything to figure it out but just dies
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Mar 17, 2013
I am trying out the free trial of LR4. My OS is Windows 7. The program is constantly freezing up and posting "Not Responding" at the top of my screen. I really dolike the program and would like to purchase it at the end of the trial, but only if the "Not Responding" stops.
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Apr 21, 2013
Going back to look for photos in LR is very tedious due to this error. I fully expect this error to occur multiple times while locating a past photo. I have to do it in steps by closing LR often, and reopening it so I don't have to start at the beginning of the search when this error occurs. LR does not write a current position to disk until closed (it should write current), which means it forgets where I was after this error. Â
My photos are in directories by year/date. Expanding a year to find a photo is like fully expecting this error to occur. My preferred import arrangement is year/date (to minimize the length of any one physical file list based in the way I shoot). I don't know if it's the arrangement, but this errors a LOT. I am on V4.4, and this error has been occurring for as long as I can remember. The product testers are obviously not running into this error since it isn't getting fixed. I don't think they test the left pane very well for the various directory schemes that a user can come up with.
My catalog previews were recently rebuilt. The catalog is around 5gb and contains all my photos. I am using SSDs for the LR user files, catalog, raw cache, and previews. Only the actual photos are on spinners.
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Jun 11, 2013
When I use the Adjustment brush it turns the brush line red.... even is I change the exposure, tint, saturation, color...etc
I cant seem to undone it... even if i restart program
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May 19, 2013
I use a Nikon D800. When I import files from the camera using Nikon Transfer 2, and at the same time try to import files into LR 4.4, LR 4.4 crashes. If I use Bridge to browse files under the same circumstances, it works fine.
I run Windows 8 Pro 64bit. All drivers are upto date as are all software versions. Firmware on the camera is also up to date.
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Nov 14, 2011
On Import LR 3.5 crashes - no updates recently, was fine?
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Jun 17, 2013
Whenever i make multiple selections it crashes.
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Jun 14, 2013
I recently installe LR5 beta and imediately had a problem where it started crashing during cropping. I went back to LR4 & that too started crashing. I bought LR5 & now am trying to sort some shots out but it keeps locking up my mac.
Running on OSX 10.8.4
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May 18, 2012
Lightroom 4 is regularly crashing when I Export and choose a folder in which to save the files. I'm using Windows 64 bit. Basically, it freezes and I get an error message "Lightroom has stopped working, Windows in looking for a solution" (which it doesn't seem to have found, yet.)
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Jan 27, 2014
After getting a bit of a nagging from the in laws I got round to cataloguing the last few months photos to upload the pics of the kids.
When I go to upload to flickr it will publish two images then crash and the cycle repeats - having a few hundreds to upload there is no way on earth I'm going to babysit Lightroom while it does this.
I'm using jFlickr and have the most up to date version - although I was reluctant to mention this as I half suspect my issue will now be shelved using this as a get out - but frankly Adobe's offering is poor and presumes you've just started with Flickr.
The OS is Windows 8.1 64bit - LR 5.3 (same results on 5.1 and 5.2)
From the event logs I have the following errors:
Faulting process ID: 0x1b04
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf1b6ba0c459e7
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2lightroom.exe
Faulting module path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2AgKernel.dll
 Faulting process ID: 0x19d8
Faulting application start time: 0x01cf1b6f99a5a630
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3lightroom.exe
It them repeats through one of these three for each failure.
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Nov 4, 2012
MBP Late 2011 running OS X 10.8.2
16 GB ram
300GB+ free
I last printed about a week ago. Trying to print now results in an immediate crash. Tried multiple photos from different cameras and different catalogs. Different printers including printing to pdf all crash immediately. Repaired disk permissions. Reinstalled the app. Reinstalled Mountain Lion, uninstalled (to trash, empty trash, shut down and reinstall, no dice).
Can print from MS Word no problem. Photoshop Elements 9 prints photos just fine.
Crashes in a variety of low to mid thirties thread (lowest I have seen is 28, highest is 35) but I have not checked every crash report for the thread number.
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Jul 8, 2013
And yes, I already did the ui.dll exchange... now it also blacks out randomly when moving around the interface. Not always the same but it will certainly do it after a few clicks... won't continue working with it WAY too risky. Needless to say every other program runs smoothly, for a long time no app crashed in my system... back to LR4... I must say that Win 7 resists very well all this... I haven't had a blue screen in ages...
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Oct 23, 2011
After upgrading to3.5, my scanned images from negatives (tiff dng files created in Vuescan 9) crash the program as soon as I make an adjustment in the lens corrections panel. This was not an issue before I upgraded from 3.4.1. Worse, the scanned images that I edited with the lens corrections panel before upgrading crash the program as soon as I try to bring them into the develop module.
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Jul 19, 2012
yes I did get a error message but it was too long to copy here.I've paid good money for Lightroom. I'M spending a lot of time using it and perfecting my stuff. If it crashes all the time, what's the point? I am about my work and I don't feel very much respected by this version of Lightroom.I'm using the most recent version, 4.1 .
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Dec 23, 2012
So I have a number of watermark presets saved in the Watermark Editor. They are graphical ones that I made in LR3.6. Now in LR4 most of them don't work. They don't show up when I try to apply them on Export, and when I go into the Watermark Editor and try to select the preset the Editor shuts down. I cannot delete the presets, I cannot do anything with them. It just crashes.
I found that I can and have been able to create new presets using the same graphical element in the Watermark Editor. But since I cannot look at the original presets I don't know if they are the same way I set them up originally. So how do I clean this list of presets up? Can it be cleaned up? I don't want to be dealing with a list of more than 20 presets all of the time.
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Jun 19, 2013
My lightroom 5 is crashing whenever i select multiple files.
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May 24, 2013
Llightroom 4.4 crashes everytime I try to playback video causing the app to close. The video loads fine, I can see the thumbnail, but when I hit play I hear audio for a few seconds, the video doesn't typically play or plays for only 1 second then the app crashes. Video files play fine in quicktime or Windows media. This happened in 4.3 as well so not related to the upgrade to 4.4. Here is what is logged in the Windows error log.
Windows 7 64 bit
Application Error
Faulting application name: lightroom.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x514b016c
Faulting module name: MSVCR100.dll, version: 10.0.30319.1, time stamp: 0x4ba220dc
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000000000003c250
Faulting process id: 0x13d4
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce58f418edb142
Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4lightroom.exe
Faulting module path: C:Windowssystem32MSVCR100.dll
Report Id: 843f731f-c4e7-11e2-a017-00214f56581f
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