Photoshop :: All Of A Sudden When Save PSD There Are No Layers?
Nov 13, 2013
All of a sudden when I save a psd there are no layers when I returned thist AM on any of the saves I made yesterday. They appear to be all merged layer saved as a psd. I have also been having a problem that when I try to save as - say a jpeg the above option such as iff (which is above jpg on the list) will come up instead, so I have to type in the jpg command. This anamoly starts on BMP.
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Jan 25, 2013
Everything was peachy until yesterday evening – now (morning after) I started my computer, and suddenly 'Save for web' doesn't work anymore. When choosing 'Save for web' in the menu, the 'Save for web' window opens just fine, but no matter which settings I choose or change, as soon as I click the save-button, I get the following error: 'Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occured.'
I have not changed any settings since yesterday, I did not update either Photoshop or the system, and I tried restarting both Photoshop and the computer several times – no effect. I deleted Photoshops prefs, again no effect.
I'm on a MacPro, 10.8.2, with Photoshop Extended 13.0.4 (as part of CS6 Premium), x64..I also have CS4, CS5 and CS 5.5 on this machine, and just tested Photoshop 5.1 (12.1), and here 'Save for web' works just fine.
I have a lot of work to do (involving 'Save for web'), and I can do that in an older version of Photoshop, but I shouldn't have to fall back on that, after having payed for and installed CS6.
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Oct 16, 2013
I am loosing all my layers effects when I merge all the layers together to save the image in the tif format!
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Nov 21, 2011
I have been using photoshop for a long time now. Yesterday I tried to create a .png that originally contained two layers. Layer 1 was a fill with it's opacity set to 75% and Layer 2 was a centered image.
In the past I have been able to save this as a .png and retain the opacity of Layer 1. For some reason now when I save this the opacity is not being saved. I tried going into "Save for Web" and using the png-24, I even looked at the preview of the saved image which clearly showed a semi-transparent Layer 1. But the final saved .png always has an opaque fill. WTH? This has never been an issue before.
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Oct 10, 2012
So my PS CS4 had never lagged before, it was all running perfectly, all functions are going quickly. I was using the newest driver for wacom intuos 3, but with using a new driver, I had a weird pressure problem. It would only work with an older driver, so I uninstalled the newest driver and changed it into the older driver. But it won't work unless I trash photoshop prefernces (the ctrl alt shift thing) ...
Suddenly everything just turns laggy, although no pressure problem.. brush lag, text tool lag, everything, even moving the canvas window lags. I don't know how to return the old preferences, i tried increasing virtual memory from 4k to 6k mb, but no change. In performance tab I changed memory usage from 70% to 80% no change too.
I would like to try and change back to the newer wacom tablet, but i never found a solution to the newer driver pressure problem, everyone in some other forum suggested to trash photoshop preferences and change to older driver.. Ages ago, I did this in my computer, and it's running good, but recently I want to do it in my laptop, and it lags.
I'm using windows 7, 64bit.
RAM 8gb,
E and C drive are more than 100GB available.
photoshop version 11.0
openGL turned off (or on, no difference)
I tried uninstalling photoshop but no luck. I tried updating GeForce driver to the latest version, no luck too. (I'm using gtx 420m)
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Feb 4, 2009
I'm going to describe this as best as I can: I have Design Premium CS3 installed for a couple of days now on my new Vista64 Home Premium, and it was working perfectly until today. I installed: Illustrator, Indesign, Dreamweaver, Photoshop CS3, Acrobat 8 out of the complete package. Suddenlty today, Photoshop will hang when I try to open it.
Not even the intro screen appears, but the process can be seen in the task manager (processes tab), still open, but with a particular memory size: 4740 k (it doesn't change or nothing). CPU usage is at 00. It won't show in the application manager. The thing is, all the rest of the apps I installed work perfectly. Only PS is giving me this trouble. Code:
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Apr 9, 2009
I don't know what combination of keys I inadvertently pressed, but now when I am in standard screen mode and press Ctrl+ to zoom and enlarge my window, the window actually shrinks to a skinny rectangle (while the image gets larger inside it). The window will expand vertically, but not horizontally. Very annoying! Anyone have a clue how this happened, and how to change it back to normal?
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Apr 24, 2012
I have image.psd file with base1, base2, base3, base4, base5 layers and
variation1, variation2,, variation80 layers.
I need to export images and save them as
imagebase1variation1.jpg, , imagebase1variation80.jpg
and the same for each base layer + each variation layer. What is the most efficient way to do that in Photoshop CS5? (And I need to repeat this task for the rest of my 200 .psd images!)
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Apr 23, 2012
For many years, I've been able to stretch bitmaps with a simple, repeating style (eg. a single block of colour, some lines etc, nothing complex) whenever needed, with no problem. This I do by first selecting the part of the simple bitmap I wish to stretch with the marquee, then using scale (apple + t) to stretch it either horizontally and vertically. End result, the bitmap is extended, looks solid,sharp, all is good.
Lately, and consistently, i've discovered a fresh hell in that this no longer works. When I repeat the process above, all looks good, marquee, stretch... then the second I commit the transform, part of the bitmap beginning where I stretched from gains a feathered/opacity effect. For years, solid, now it's gaining a feathered section highlighting where I made the transform.
Something must have changed (it's not the version of PS) in my settings, which i've hit or shortcut-ed by accident.
The only way I can "fix" the process is by ensuring I only marquee the last 1 pixel strip (either horizontally or vertically) and stretching just that. This works fine, like it used to, but is time consuming and driving me insane. I cannot fathom why it's creating this weird feathered effect when I'm stretching a solid bitmap, when I know it didn't used to.
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Nov 14, 2012
All of a sudden, Elements 10 doesn't recognize my scanner. Why?
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Mar 11, 2013
One minute it was fine so I know I must have hit something, but I can't fix it. When I hit enter while adding text it will not skip a space, it goes back to the original start point and types over the existing text.
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Oct 19, 2012
My menu line on Organizer is sudden off. How can I get it back?
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Aug 22, 2012
I touched up photos using layers. I went to save and it would only let me save as a PSD. The PSD format does not work for my application. How can I save it as a JPEG. The picture is going to be used on a Multiple listing Service. The photo will open in PS. Not even Finder on my Mac will open it.
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Apr 9, 2012
I'm using Photoshop CS5 for Mac, and when I try to save files as TGA or GIF, the Layers option is not available and the result is a flattened, single layer.
• Files I am working with are 8bit RGB.
• Photoshop is set to 32bit, not 64bit.
• There are no extra channels other than RGB.
• Switching files to indexed color doesn't work because it asks to merge all layers.
• I can open Gif files containing layers, but I can't then Save or Save As with layers.
Below is the save dialog box as it appears when i try to save a Gif or TGA.
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Aug 25, 2012
how to make an action that can export individual layers within a PS document and rename each layers in the process.
I have set up a 320 x 180px canvas and have 'Placed' in about 20 images that all need to be exported with the Save for Web option.
Problem is, when I set the action to Save for Web and choose the destination, Photoshop names my newly exported image as the document's title (for example, 320x180_Canvas.jpg). But as soon as I try to make it move on to the next layer, it will automatically replace the first exported image with the new one, renaming it the same way, and so on and so on for the next 2 layers...
So essentially, I can only export one layer at a time - unless I make an action to Save for Web for individual documents and not layers (so instead of having one document with 20 layers, I have 20 documents with one layer)...
I must be missing a crucial point here.
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Jul 31, 2007
I have .psd with with 21 layers i want each layer be saved as indephendant image
way to automate this - save each layer as standalone file (.jpg),
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Oct 19, 2013
I am unable to save a completed project as a jpg file even after carefully merging the layers. The only way I can do that appears to be to use Save for Web - and I do not want to compress the images as web images. Also, in Elements 9 I could open a PSE file in layers and continue to edit - in 12 I cannot do that. I'm really very discouraged and wish I had my Elements 9 back.
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Aug 11, 2012
I'm using Photoshop CS5 Extended 64bit (12.0.4) on Win7 Professional (64 bit) and recently have had an issue using my Cintiq 12WX tablet in that using the brush with the tablet (whether I'm using the tablet as the monitor, or my laptop as the monitor) causes Photoshop to crash, usually within the first 30 seconds of usage. This has become so regular that I expect it to crash and no longer can trust it to use, but at the same time I depend on its use to get work done, so an expedient solution is absolutely necessary.
Does not crash if I use brush with a mouse, but that's not exactly a solution either, as you can imagine. I have been using this tablet with this Photoshop for a long time without incident, and I can think of no changes to the system I've made in the period when this began happening.
All drivers for the Cintiq are current.The entirety of the crash report reads as follows:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Photoshop.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4d9d8f8e
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Dec 31, 2012
I'm saving animation frames to individual PNG files. I have each image on a single layer in one group. Is there any way I can batch save all of them as individual PNGs? Right now I'm saving them one by one and it's tedious with over 100 frames.
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Dec 18, 2012
I tried to set up a save as action and simply turn on and off the layers im saving and press play. Should be simple BUT it keeps overwriting the original saved file
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Dec 22, 2013
After months of saving GIFs just fine, Elements 11 has stopped working properly. I've tried uninstalling, resetting preferences, and reducing the file size, but when trying to save a GIF, all I get is a frozen screen that says "Export: Save for Web and Devices". The screen looks like it's trying to save, but never does. I've made much larger GIFs with no trouble at all, but I can't even make one with 5 frames now.
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Jan 15, 2014
My tool options bar at the bottom of the screen all of a sudden disappeared. I need to change the font size. How do I get the tool options bar back?
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Jul 31, 2013
I am having this problem for months now and reinstalled my computer multiple times to fix it but everytime within 2 or 3 weeks my 3Ds Max will start to stutter again. Sometimes a lot, sometimes horibbly a lot, but always to much to work.
I have almost no services running besides the standard services. I have no new updates, program's or other stuff installed or changed anything to my computer.
Last night it was working just fine, now it will stutter so much, it is horrible to work with.
I am using 3Ds Max 2013 64-bit. I have NO plugins installed or anything else. It is near impossible to work with this stuttering and lag i.e. when I hover over the "3d control in the top right of the viewport" it takes seconds for it to light up and respond to my mouse movement.
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Nov 16, 2013
Basically I am making a new pattern of stars, so I created a 1000 by 1000 document, filled with black, added noise, then added an adjustment layer to thin out the noise and make it look like stars in space. It looks great!
How to save it without the effect changing. I tried flattening the image, and it messed up how I wanted it to look. I tried merging visible, that didn't work. I tried just saving it as a PNG, like I do with all my projects, but that didn't work. And defining a pattern did the exact same thing. I just want to have what I physically see on the screen save as is so I can use it with other things.
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Nov 14, 2011
On Import LR 3.5 crashes - no updates recently, was fine?
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Nov 27, 2013
I Keep having this reoccuring problem today - white lines keep appearing attatched to certain & all layers in photoshop files that I have, the only solution that seems to get rid of them is to put a mask on the layer and mask the line away, these are appearing on text, smart objects & rastersized layers.
They were not there when I previously saved the file and they should not be there now, I then went to open another file I had and white lines started to appear on the files. This is really frustrating because some of the website documents have alot of layers. I have attatched an example below, they only appear to be 1 pixel and can range up to 2500pixels wide and they overlap making the line look thicker sometimes.
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May 11, 2013
Been using GIMP (2. for a while now, it's been nearly a year on this PC (Windows 7 64 bit, relatively recent hardware, 8 Gb of RAM, etc.) and it's worked smoothly up until a couple of days ago when it stopped working as intended all of a sudden for some reason.
Whether I use my Wacom tablet or the mouse none of the tools that normally allow you to draw (pencil, brush, airbrush, etc.) work anymore (cropping, distorting the image and the likes work fine though), doesn't matter if it's a brand new document or an old file. The funny thing is that when I go to the "Edit" menu it'll allow me to rollback and undo whatever I did with the aforementioned tools, even though there's no trace of it on the empty canvas itself.I tried to uninstall and install the software back but it didn't do the trick.
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Mar 12, 2014
Today when i started LR it acted like it was the first time again. it asked me for my country, serial number and registration info again. Once it started I found that all of my preferences, identity plate settings and things like that are gone. All of my photos are still there but something changed.
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Sep 10, 2013
I have used X5 to build a slideshow, but this is the first time I tried using video. The source are mpg's created with the Sony Motion Picture Browser (taken with a DCR SR42 Handy Cam). I added title screens between my video segments. I then used the create disc link in section 3 to create a menu (linked to the titles I added previously). I then told it to make an ISO file. It reached ~ 85% of the title conversion (24% total) and the PC shut down. Not a crash, no errors, just shut down. I turn the PC back on and it boots up like normal, No unexpected shutdown screens, no safe mode, just normal boot up. I have downloaded and installed service packs 1 & 2. I was making a 16x9 video with standard ( not Dolby) audio.
This is a wedding video for a couple I know. I was able to burn a DVD from Sony software, but it is unedited video.
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Mar 8, 2013
my Gimp is all of a sudden crashing on a frequent basis!!!! it could just be sitting there and I could be away from the computer and it crashes, I could just save or export the image and it crashes, I could just do one thing after opening an image and it crashes!!! it is crashing at RANDOM and WITHOUT explanation FREQUENTLY!!! I need fixing this frequent crashing issue!!!! I have NOT installed ANY new plug-ins or anything!!!
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Oct 2, 2013
Colour picker disappear all of the sudden?
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