Photoshop :: Stretching Bitmaps All Of Sudden Feathering Parts?
Apr 23, 2012
For many years, I've been able to stretch bitmaps with a simple, repeating style (eg. a single block of colour, some lines etc, nothing complex) whenever needed, with no problem. This I do by first selecting the part of the simple bitmap I wish to stretch with the marquee, then using scale (apple + t) to stretch it either horizontally and vertically. End result, the bitmap is extended, looks solid,sharp, all is good.
Lately, and consistently, i've discovered a fresh hell in that this no longer works. When I repeat the process above, all looks good, marquee, stretch... then the second I commit the transform, part of the bitmap beginning where I stretched from gains a feathered/opacity effect. For years, solid, now it's gaining a feathered section highlighting where I made the transform.
Something must have changed (it's not the version of PS) in my settings, which i've hit or shortcut-ed by accident.
The only way I can "fix" the process is by ensuring I only marquee the last 1 pixel strip (either horizontally or vertically) and stretching just that. This works fine, like it used to, but is time consuming and driving me insane. I cannot fathom why it's creating this weird feathered effect when I'm stretching a solid bitmap, when I know it didn't used to.
I am trying to vignette a posterised photo so that the edge of the pic gradually bleeds off into white. Ive made a new layer and used 100 pixel feathering. The only problem is that the feathered edge shows distinct banding lines particulasrly in smooth areas such as sky.
I considered trying gradient but as I see it , gradients cannot be applied to an oval vignette . I also tried applying gausian blur to the new layer (ie vinette) but that didnt help.
Feather does just that. It expand and contracts the selection by the amount of pixels you indicate then applies a gradient to that area to create a soft edge (similar to glows).If you do not want this soft are, don't feather selections. Use Select > Modify > Expand or Select > Modify > Contract to keep a hard edge and alter the size of your selection.
I am simply trying to select a backpack from an image and feather the edges. I make my selection try to feather and the selection moves but the image does not feather.
I am using CS2 (windows) and still in the learning process. I have the standard suite and do pretty well with InDesign ... not so with Photoshop and Illustrator. I know how to feather all sides of an image. Can someone please tell me how to feather just one side or 2 sides?
I've been using Photoshop for several years now and have never had this come up before.. I'm using Photoshop CS... and I used the Feather feature on my last project... closed Photoshop... then I opened Photoshop today and am trying to crop photos.. but the marquee still thinks i'm in Feather mode.. and wont' give me a sharp selection for cropping - it keeps reverting back to rounded corners (like with Feathering).. and won't crop properly... no matter how many times i select the rectangle/square marquee seems to think Feathering is still "turned on"... how do i get it to "turn off"?
I have PS CS2. I tried to make a fireball I ran into a problem. I had to expand it by 5 pixels after selecting it (it was on its own layer). The selection box was the only thing affected by the transformation. I tried the other transformations and only free transform seems to do anything to it. Feather also does nothing to the selection and I have tried doing these steps on different images but I still get the same results . I know it must be a small setting somewhere or something I might have overlooked, I am even thinking of reinstalling
feathering not being smooth. When applying a vignette to a portrait the feathered result looks more like a topographical map than nice smooth transitions. I have tried every possible combination in "Refine Edge", and this seems to have started the same time that Bridge started locking up on me. I have been seeing this on my finished portraits when they come back from the lab - so it isn't my display .
1. When does feathering take place? That is, when i make a NEW selection, there is already a number (from a previous feather on another image) in the Select-->Modify-->Feather command. Does it take effect on the new image when I click on OK in the Select-->Modify-->Feather command or as soon as I make the selection (without going to the modify command)?
2. Not only is there a feather number in the Select-->Modify-->Feather command, there is also another Feather number in the Select-->REFINE EDGE-->Feather command. How can there be two feather numbers at the same time? Which one takes precedence?
3. In some of the selection tools (eg. lasso tool), there is a Feather box in the options bar. That makes the 3rd place (option bar along with Modify and Refine Edge) where a feather number can be introduced. Which has precedence and when?
I have Photoshop CS3 and am having trouble with selections.
Let's say I just created a new blank document at 1024x768 pixels. I create a new layer and make a new randomly sized selection with the Rectangular Marquee tool. I fill that selection with black and now have a simple black box on a simple white background.
I press Ctrl-T for the Transform tool and in the Width box on the toolbar I type 800px and press enter. Now I expect my black box to be 800px wide. But when I select it and click the Info tool I see that my box is in fact 799px wide. Sometimes I try to change it to 800px again and when I look at the info tool the box is now 801px! Why is this?
Second question.. when I fill a selection using alt-backspace I notice that the edges are feathered even though I have feathering set to 0. If I alt-backspace several more times I get a solid fill, but I'd like to only have to do it once. Where is this setting?
i know that you select the stuff you want feathered, right click and go to feather, but i've never really seen any effect. maybe i'm missing a step somewhere but i just dont really get what feathering does
I want the edges of a picture to fade into the background. I know I can use the erase tool to obtain this effect. A friend of mine showed me a few years back a different and somewhat easier/quicker way. She showed me to use the rectangle/elliptical tool and select the area you want to show. Then select inverse. After that use the feather option to round the edges/amount of feathering. My question is what would be the next step? I know there is something else that needs to be done to actually fade the border, but I can't for the life of me remember.
I've activated a feature without meaning to and don't know how to undo it. With the Rectangular Marquee Tool, the border shifts from a rectangle to a round-edged shape when I release the mouse after selecting an area. Then, when I cut that area, it lifts only a transparent portion of the selected area instead of the entire layer. How do I turn this off?
Also, I was once shown how to make use of the history brush to restore deleted / erased information along the edge of a shape that were overtaken by the magic wand. I've not been able to do that again on my own.
All of a sudden when I save a psd there are no layers when I returned thist AM on any of the saves I made yesterday. They appear to be all merged layer saved as a psd. I have also been having a problem that when I try to save as - say a jpeg the above option such as iff (which is above jpg on the list) will come up instead, so I have to type in the jpg command. This anamoly starts on BMP.
Everything was peachy until yesterday evening – now (morning after) I started my computer, and suddenly 'Save for web' doesn't work anymore. When choosing 'Save for web' in the menu, the 'Save for web' window opens just fine, but no matter which settings I choose or change, as soon as I click the save-button, I get the following error: 'Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occured.'
I have not changed any settings since yesterday, I did not update either Photoshop or the system, and I tried restarting both Photoshop and the computer several times – no effect. I deleted Photoshops prefs, again no effect.
I'm on a MacPro, 10.8.2, with Photoshop Extended 13.0.4 (as part of CS6 Premium), x64..I also have CS4, CS5 and CS 5.5 on this machine, and just tested Photoshop 5.1 (12.1), and here 'Save for web' works just fine.
I have a lot of work to do (involving 'Save for web'), and I can do that in an older version of Photoshop, but I shouldn't have to fall back on that, after having payed for and installed CS6.
I have been using photoshop for a long time now. Yesterday I tried to create a .png that originally contained two layers. Layer 1 was a fill with it's opacity set to 75% and Layer 2 was a centered image.
In the past I have been able to save this as a .png and retain the opacity of Layer 1. For some reason now when I save this the opacity is not being saved. I tried going into "Save for Web" and using the png-24, I even looked at the preview of the saved image which clearly showed a semi-transparent Layer 1. But the final saved .png always has an opaque fill. WTH? This has never been an issue before.
So my PS CS4 had never lagged before, it was all running perfectly, all functions are going quickly. I was using the newest driver for wacom intuos 3, but with using a new driver, I had a weird pressure problem. It would only work with an older driver, so I uninstalled the newest driver and changed it into the older driver. But it won't work unless I trash photoshop prefernces (the ctrl alt shift thing) ...
Suddenly everything just turns laggy, although no pressure problem.. brush lag, text tool lag, everything, even moving the canvas window lags. I don't know how to return the old preferences, i tried increasing virtual memory from 4k to 6k mb, but no change. In performance tab I changed memory usage from 70% to 80% no change too.
I would like to try and change back to the newer wacom tablet, but i never found a solution to the newer driver pressure problem, everyone in some other forum suggested to trash photoshop preferences and change to older driver.. Ages ago, I did this in my computer, and it's running good, but recently I want to do it in my laptop, and it lags.
I'm using windows 7, 64bit. RAM 8gb, E and C drive are more than 100GB available. photoshop version 11.0 openGL turned off (or on, no difference)
I tried uninstalling photoshop but no luck. I tried updating GeForce driver to the latest version, no luck too. (I'm using gtx 420m)
I'm going to describe this as best as I can: I have Design Premium CS3 installed for a couple of days now on my new Vista64 Home Premium, and it was working perfectly until today. I installed: Illustrator, Indesign, Dreamweaver, Photoshop CS3, Acrobat 8 out of the complete package. Suddenlty today, Photoshop will hang when I try to open it.
Not even the intro screen appears, but the process can be seen in the task manager (processes tab), still open, but with a particular memory size: 4740 k (it doesn't change or nothing). CPU usage is at 00. It won't show in the application manager. The thing is, all the rest of the apps I installed work perfectly. Only PS is giving me this trouble. Code:
I don't know what combination of keys I inadvertently pressed, but now when I am in standard screen mode and press Ctrl+ to zoom and enlarge my window, the window actually shrinks to a skinny rectangle (while the image gets larger inside it). The window will expand vertically, but not horizontally. Very annoying! Anyone have a clue how this happened, and how to change it back to normal?
One minute it was fine so I know I must have hit something, but I can't fix it. When I hit enter while adding text it will not skip a space, it goes back to the original start point and types over the existing text.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 Extended 64bit (12.0.4) on Win7 Professional (64 bit) and recently have had an issue using my Cintiq 12WX tablet in that using the brush with the tablet (whether I'm using the tablet as the monitor, or my laptop as the monitor) causes Photoshop to crash, usually within the first 30 seconds of usage. This has become so regular that I expect it to crash and no longer can trust it to use, but at the same time I depend on its use to get work done, so an expedient solution is absolutely necessary.
Does not crash if I use brush with a mouse, but that's not exactly a solution either, as you can imagine. I have been using this tablet with this Photoshop for a long time without incident, and I can think of no changes to the system I've made in the period when this began happening.
All drivers for the Cintiq are current.The entirety of the crash report reads as follows:
When I use the feather function in Ps, does the feathering start from the point of my selection (marching ants) outward to the designated number of pixels, or from the marching ants inward, or half and half, or what?
Whenever I open a bitmap in Photoshop, the visual quality of the image is not as good is it is in ImageReady. The bitmap looks exactly right in everything but photoshop. Even ms-paint! The problem doesn't happen to Jpegs though. The effect is something like a stepping-down effect between shades(or colors?) and it ruins the entire image. (eg. a bitmap image of an apple looks like it has obvious lines of shading)
I am having this problem for months now and reinstalled my computer multiple times to fix it but everytime within 2 or 3 weeks my 3Ds Max will start to stutter again. Sometimes a lot, sometimes horibbly a lot, but always to much to work.
I have almost no services running besides the standard services. I have no new updates, program's or other stuff installed or changed anything to my computer.
Last night it was working just fine, now it will stutter so much, it is horrible to work with.
I am using 3Ds Max 2013 64-bit. I have NO plugins installed or anything else. It is near impossible to work with this stuttering and lag i.e. when I hover over the "3d control in the top right of the viewport" it takes seconds for it to light up and respond to my mouse movement.
I'm certain there is a way to accomplish a "feathering" operation in Paint.Net, I just cannot find it. I am looking for details on exactly how to remove rough edges from some photos that I have cut out. It may be called softening instead of feathering.