Lightroom :: Aspect Ratio And Size - Exporting Pics To CD
Sep 27, 2012
I would like to export my pics to a CD so i can send them out to be printed in a lab. I'm confused with the aspect ratio when I crop them i know I have to lock the aspect but should I keep it on Original? Also i'm wondering when it comes to export them what size should I be placing if I want to print all sizes. like some 8x10 and some 4x6 and so on. I'm working with Lightroom 3.
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Dec 18, 2013
I'm using LR5 and I'm wondering if it's possible (maybe with plugins if necessary) to set a maximum aspect ratio when experting photos. For example I have a picture that I cropped to be a panorama, with an aspect ratio of 26:11. The print shop can print at a maximum aspect ratio of 19:11. So my 26:11 image is too small and I need to add some bars at the top and bottom of my photo to reach an aspect ratio of 19:11 (see also the sketch below). Later, when I get the finished prints, I have to cut the bars at the top and bottom with a pair of scissors for example. Is it possible to let LR automatically add these borders for a given maximum apsect ratio?
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Aug 19, 2013
CS6 on Windows 8
I have a project that is currently in 720x534. I would like to add a layer behind it that has the same height, but is wider and I don't want to mess up all the layers that are done in 720x534.
If I try to change the composition settings, it stretches out my original work.
I've tried creating a new project with the wider composition setting and simply importing the original video to layer over top. That works, except that I lose the transparencies of the original.
How can I either add a layer to a project that has a different aspect ratio without affecting the other layers OR export a video with transparencies.
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May 12, 2013
I've created a test video with titles, fade ins, fade outs, etc - and everything looks great in the preview, but I noticed after actually creating the video (H.264 640x480, 4:3), the title fonts get resized (they look compressed/horizontally squished).
Is there any way to freeze or preserve the exact font size(s)/aspect ratio of the title text so that it looks the same regardless of format I save out to later? I've poked around to see if there was a right mouse menu option to "lock aspect ratio" (or set "Auto Resize Title = Off") but to no avail.
If not, would a workaround be to save the text in a jpeg and fade that in/out? ...or will that get resized, as well?
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Jun 1, 2013
while looking through certain tutorials on the new crop system i came across many that referenced the above mentioned size and resolution option in the access ratio drop down menu. They all mention a dialog box which then appears which looks really useful, however my version doesn't have this option.
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Sep 27, 2010
How do you determine the aspect ratio, in LR, of an existing image? I know how to change it, but don't see a way to determine it.
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Jan 29, 2014
In the Crop tool dailogue box, in general terms, what is the difference between ORIGINAL and AS SHOT aspect ratio. My understanding is, "ORIGINAL" is the imported image aspect ratio from a camera without any cropping being performed in LR. AS SHOT to me, means the same thing i.e. the image is "AS SHOT" from the camera.
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Nov 12, 2011
I have a couple of pictures I want to print on A5. I remember from a previous time that I need to do an aspect ratio crop in LightRoom. But now, for the life of me I cannot remember the ratio. I looks something like 8 x 5 but I am not sure.
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Sep 16, 2012
In the develop module in LR4, I have been trying to change the aspect ratio of an image before cropping to 7x5, but the crop tool keeps on reverting back to 5x7. Obviously, I want to crop it to the same paper size but the orientation is just as important.
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Nov 20, 2011
how I can constantly maintain the aspect ratio lock when cropping.
When I unlock it, every image after that seems to also be unlocked.
I want to set a default to have it locked.
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Jun 25, 2013
I want to crop a whole selecton of pictures with the same aspect ratio. I shoot my pictures in 4:3 and I want to use Lightroom to crop them all for example to 16:9. So I have only to adjust the size and it's done!
I use Lightroom 4.4
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Feb 2, 2013
I can't find the aspect ratio crop tool in my Lightroom 4. Is there someplace in the settings I can turn that option on?
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Aug 13, 2013
This is a sudden change of behavior in Lightroom 4.4, Mac OS 10.7.5.
In the past, when I chose the crop tool, with the locked icon in the locked position, when I adjusted the crop, the crop was constrained to the original aspect ratio of the photo. Now, no matter what I do, the crop is kind of "partly" constrained. That is, I start with a vertical image, then drag the crop down so that the crop rectangle has a horizontal aspect ratio, I can drag up on the horizontal crop rectangle so that the original aspect ratio is no longer preserved. Until the aspect ratio has gone horizontal, the original aspect ratio is preserved. It doesn't matter if the lock is locked or unlocked, or whether I hold the shift key or not.
Here's an example:
at this point, the crop is still vertical, with aspect ratio constrained. It's still "as shot" and the padlock icon is locked
Here, the crop is now horizontal, but the aspect ratio is still constrained, "as shot" and still the icon is locked.
Now, things have gotten wonky. When the right edge of the crop hits the edge of the photo, it's possible to drag it upwards. The aspect ration is no longer constrained, and even though the padlock icon is locked the aspect is now "Custom"
As I said, this is new behavior which I have never seen since the version of Lightroom included the crop tool (I started at Lightroom 1.0). Like they all say "I haven't changed anything", but something obviously has changed. I don't believe this is correct behavior, or the behavior I've been used to for years. Is there any way to think this is the correct behavior?
I noticed it sometimes happens on some (most) photos, but not all, and will seemingly randomly start/stop working properly on photos that weren't/were working just minutes before.
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Oct 4, 2013
Lightroom Crop aspect ratio lock no longer remembers the last setting. Everytime it is unlocked. Is this a bug in the new version? or is there some new way to define the default state?
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Apr 27, 2012
When shooting RAW, the OM-D records 4:3 files no matter what the aspect ratio is set to. If you set it to 3:2 (for example), the camera records some sort of metadata to communicate this information to Lightroom, which honors the setting. So far, so good.
My question is, is there any way to override that setting? I have a photo shot at 3:2, but I can see from the in-camera preview that it'd be a better shot with the whole thing. But I can't figure out how to get LR 4.1rc2 to show me the whole thing!
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Feb 23, 2014
I have an folder with approx 500 photos that have been optimised in the Develop module (aspect ratio set at AS SHOT) and exported to photo lab for 2 x 3 prints. Now I need to use these same images for a slideshow and set an aspect ratio of 16 x 9 1920 x 1080 for viewing on HD Television. I do not want to change the AS SHOT aspect ratio of these images in the current folder. so first, this means I need to make a copy of this folder within Lightroom and second, change the aspect ratio to 16 x 9 for all images at the Quick develop module and complete in the slideshow module. The second part is no problem but how do you "copy" a folder of images in Lightroom OR alternatively can you make a virtual copy of a folder?
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Apr 29, 2013
It seems that with the 4.4 update a bug was introduced with the crop aspect ratio not staying locked when cropping. It changes to "custom" even though the lock remains. What do I do to maintain a standard photo size and not switch to custom? For printing purposes, I need the ratio to stay locked and dimensions standard.
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Apr 13, 2013
why is there a change in aspect ratio in library and develop mode ? this happens only for this picture ...
library view :
develop view -
How do I reset it to get back to the original aspect ratio so that I can see it better and work on it.
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Dec 2, 2013
I'm using Lightroom 5.2 on a 27-inch iMac running Mavericks. I want to create a slide show full of photos with a native aspect ratio of 3:2 (from a Nikon D4 and a Nikon D800). I do NOT want the photos to be trimmed along the top and bottom, which is what happens when I choose "Zoom to fill frame" in the Slide Show module. I do NOT want letterboxing along the right and left edges of the photo, which is what I get if I don't choose "Zoom to fill frame" and just export the slide show using the "Export Video" button in the lower left of the Slide Show module. ("Export Video" gives me four choices for "Video Preset," but none of the four is a 3:2 aspect ratio.) I just want a slide show of uncropped 3:2 aspect ratio photos with no border around them whatsoever. Considering how many of the photos taken every day on this planet are still in the 3:2 aspect ratio, I find it hard to believe there isn't a way to do this.
If for some reason there is no way to create such a slide show in Lightroom, I have Creative Suite 5, iPhoto, and iMovie, but I don't want to buy any new software just for this.
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Jun 3, 2013
LOCK ASPECT RATIO NOT WORKING! - when working in LR4.4 - if i have the padlock locked in place and the aspect set to "original" - when i press the left mouse button (keep pressed) and then grab a corner to change the crop from portrait to landscape, the aspect changes to "as shot" but does not lock the aspect. even though the padlock remains closed i can go past the normal aspect and make a square or any other shape, and the aspect has now changed to "custom" even though the padlock has remained closed throughout.
Desktop recording showing the problem!! URL....why is it so difficult to report a problem to adobe?
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May 19, 2009
Using PS CS4 WinXP Pro SP3 platformI would like to create a faux panoramic photo from a traditional photo. I know that the panoramic aspect ratio is 2:1 or greater. My image was taken in the standard 3:2 aspect ratio. I have plenty of dead image area both above and below.
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Sep 26, 2012
I am using ps cs5... I have to work pixel by pixel thts why i have to work in grid. I am assuming as ur using CS5....
ctrl+o(open any picture file )>
than go to VIEW>SHOW>GRID
zoom pic until it stops zooming..
than go to VIEW>PIXEL ASPECT RATIO>COUSTOM ASPECT RATIO>give a FACTOR of 0.75(it'll shrink the pic.)
take pencil tool(chose any colour) and try wo work in a single pixel...... it never take 1 pixel ...i have to work in a single pixel.
any hack / scripting / proper way/ to let me work in a single pixel.
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Aug 25, 2012
In CS4: For Canon, currently 4:3, how can I change aspect ratio to whatever in order to get 5 x 7 images?
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Jul 11, 2011
I am currently using a trial version of VS X4 (testing if suitable for our needs) and I am using an instant project that I downloaded in the extras. It was one large picture and then 4 pictures scrolling on the left hand side. I modified it so that I had a background on the main video track, the one large picture a mp4 video captured with Camtasia Studio 7, and three pictures scrolling on the left hand side.
I want to have a 4:3 aspect ratio, as these would be going on a website and need to match previous tutorial videos. The video I put in the overlay track is captured at 1024 x 768 and I have tried a variety of sizes of the back ground, (matching aspect ratio and not) and I cannot seem to find or create a suitable template to create a good quality (I.e. can still read the menus in the window of the screen capture mp4) video. I don't much care what the output type is, as long as it is supported by Camtasia Studio 7 since I render there to create a HTML script, to be used on the website.
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Feb 23, 2013
When editing DV from my old mini dv camcorder, how can I get the final edit to fill the screen without the black side bars after puting on to a dvd and playing back on a 1080x1920 tv. does VS pro x4 have a setting to eliminate the black bars?
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Oct 8, 2010
I am using VS Pro X3.
I have a .mov file in 16:9 ratio. I need to add a picture to the front of the movie so that this image appears in the player I am using when the movie is loaded and ready to play.
EVERY time I try to create the new movie, the movie aspect is reformatted and I get black bars across the top and bottom of my movie. I have been everything I can find in the program - using custom formats and defining the exact dimensions. I must have tried this over a dozen times looking for something stupid that I am missing but I can not figure this out.
The original file is quicktime (.mov) 960X540. If I play this file in my player (its a flash player) it plays clean in the 16:9 aspect with no black borders. I do not care whether the file is .mov, mp4, or flv. The player supports all of these (and a few more common types). This will be web hosted so I am concerned about file size. Step one for me is to get VS to create a movie file in the appropriate aspect ratio without black bars!!!
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Oct 13, 2010
I have added some photos using the option "keep aspect ratio". However, when the project has been rendered to 16:9 it has stretched the photos. How can I force X2 to "keep aspect ratio"?
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Jul 3, 2012
I'm having a problem with VideoStudio where it is not correctly detecting the aspect ratio of the video.
The video was created by HandBrake by converting a DVD to an MP4. VLC Player correctly detects the aspect ratio and displays it fine. VS doesn't.
In VS the video is coming up as 4:3 and so when played, it has black pillars on either side.
How can I get VS to interpret the aspect ratio correctly, or even override it?
The video files details (MediaInfo):
Complete name : C:TempHandbrakeVts 01 1-2.mp4
Format : MPEG-4
Format profile : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID : mp42
File size : 230 MiB
Duration : 35mn 54s
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
[Code] .....
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Apr 23, 2012
I have VideoStudio ProX4 Ultimate.Purchased before Christmas but this first time I have used it. I created my project,changed the ratio from 16:9 to 4:3. Burned the project and when I played it I could tell it was not in the correct aspect ratio. I went back, opened the project, checked the ratio aspect and it was set at 4:3. I then opened settings and it was at 720x480 29.97 which should be right. After burning I found it was still in wrong ratio. I opened the created file in MediaInfo and it showed it was 16:9 720x480 29.97. Am I missing something? How do I change it to 4:3. I have version
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May 21, 2008
Photoshop CS2-
Why do I have to adjust pixel aspect ratio when opening a tiff file?
This didn't happen in photoshop 7.
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Jul 11, 2007
I just joined and I'm a complete newbie at Photoshop, though I'm fairly interested in it.
I was wondering if it's possible to change the aspect ratio of a 5:4 (1600x1200) image to 16:10 (1680x1050) without stretching the image or contorting it.
I've tried resizing, but all that does is screw up the image and/or make it look all crappy.
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