I want to setup the viewport background, so I modified the jpg and scaled to 10cm 10cm. Also I set the system unit to 1 unit=1cm and display unit scale to cm. When imported, the jpg do not match to grid. And the size will enlarged to 400cmX400cm.
Is there a way to lock the layer setup in a viewport, so when i copy and paste it to another paper space tab in the same or different cad file, it keeps the same setup?? (layers frozen / thawed)?
-how to rotate the viewport not thru the cube.only viewports not objects.
-how to pan .I used to pan with middle mouse button(pressing lt also) and dragging down while pressed on one point .
Also a new type of tool is coming when I pan. i.e. two arrows one big and one small(one on top and other at bottom resp.).with a plus or minus sign at the middle.
Is there a way to change the viewport to lookdown at a face? I am modeling some objects that it would benefit to be able to view from certain angles orthographically but the object isn't square so I can't easily align it to the front, top, side, etc. views.
I have just started working at a studio who use Max 2008, however I was previously using Max 2010 in my old job and miss my graphite modelling tools. Are there any scripts or plugins available that provide something similar?
Viewport Background Also I have been asked to produce an illustration, so I have set it as a viewport background & locked pan and zoom. However, it does not actually lock the pan or zoom and just moves the camera which is causing a bit of frustration, as well as straining my eyes.
Any way to get object names to display in the viewport. Currently we just make a text label and lock it in place after we name the object but if there's a way to just display the object name instead of making a separate label.
It's nothing that's absolutely earth shattering, but streamlining the process is always a good thing.
I have noticed that in one learning project my Perspective Viewport is completely skewed. Other projects are fine, just this one (so far).
See image IF01.jpg (below) the ViewCubein the Top Right of the Perspective Viewport is perfectly squared and showing the Left View - yet the Grid and all Objects on and around it are angled incorrectly.
Image IF02.jpg shows the Grid and Objects correctly aligned the way they should be - yet the ViewCube is now all off square!
What i have is a low polymodel that's quite small in scale, i'm modelling around a higher poly model, when i zoom in, the viewport clipping kicks in and parts of the model disappear, so i cant work on the small details. What i need to do is scale up both my low poly and high poly, work on the small details and scale it back down.
In maya there are multiple solutions to this; The first and most obvious would be to increase the near clip in the camera attributes.
The second would be to freeze transformations on the low and high poly, scale up the model, work on it and then scale it back to the value of 1.
The third would be to put both the low and high poly models into a group, scale up the group, work on the model, return the group back to its default size and ungrouping. Personally i would use this method to preserve the original scale values on the low and high poly models.
Is there a way of doing any of the above in 3ds max?
In our drawing office we use Inventor in a mining materials handling environment. Our output is mainly structural drawings where we require a bill of materials as part of creating a drawing. Whenever I insert a BOM in the drawing environment I get this table which is labeled in a foreign language (it looks like an Eastern European language) and the format is not as per the standard Autodesk installation setup.
How do I either revert back to the standard setup or do a BOM setup from scratch?
I am planning to get a new PC to work on large image files (1-3 GB) in PS CS4 (I work with 8x10 inch view camera and then scan the negatives). I was thinking about Core i7 with Quadro PNY FX1800 and 6GB RAM. Is this a good choice or rather overkill ? Off course I was also thinking about a ProMac, but could not find real advantages over a PC.
I am unable to see my texture in the viewport. I create a plane, apply a material to the plane, attach a simple checkered pattern as diffuse map, enable show in viewport and my plane stays gray. I have also applied uvw map, makes no difference. The use real world scale is disabled.I am only able to see the map and adjust it to my liking when active shade is activated, because it does appear in render. How am I suppose to work if I can't see what I am doing?
Is that a feature, like a toggle or something in view port settings? I am using 3dsMax preferred Nitrous.To add to this, when I start a new file, create a simple box, apply the material and map it appears in viewport as it should.
I am sculpting a bust and want to use Projection Stamp image to paint the diffuse map. However, the image is not showing in the viewport.
My model has 6 levels with 6+ million polygons. At none of the levels the image shows in viewport.
I'm using Nvidia GTX 560 Ti, 1G Windows 7 Pro 64bits. cpu i7 860, 2.8 ghz 16 GB rams.
However, when I start with the mudbox standard base head mesh, then choosing Stencil image, the image shows in the viewport. But not with my 6+ million bust and the image is On it's not hidden.
Is there anyway I can optimize Mudbox to display the image in viewport?
I'm trying to use an image (a floor plan) as a reference to model the walls of a building, I've configured the image as the top viewport background, I set it to match the bitmap and ticked lock pan/zoom. Everything is okay, the only problem is that the scale is wrong, I'd like the image to have 9x9m in the viewport, but I couldn't find a way to configure that.
I am using MAP3D 2013 and trying to create a raster image file for use in anther document (the document will not accept a dwg or dwf file, only a raster image).
When I use the JPGOUT (or PNGOUT or BMPOUT or TIFOUT) command I can select all of the objects and viewport; there is no problem creating the file. But when I open up the raster image, only the viewport outline and objects in paperspace have come accross; the viewport appears empty.
In MAP, the viewport is turned on and I can see everything as intended.
i have an area we are running water lines in and are using the aerial as the survey kind of - so it is important that it not shift - but the viewport needs to be rotated
I lock my viewports in paper space then I start drawing and editing in my viewport. All a suddenly I will noticed that the image is moving. It seems like the view port image moves out of the port. I then have to unlock the viewport and pan the image back in the port. I have noticed that this is worse in 2013 than 2012. What is the problem here? Is it a program flaw? Is there a way to fix this?
I have an image that I would like to extrude, along with the text. Please see this link. URL....I exported it from Illustrator as a .dwg file into 3DS max, and nothing is showing up.
so I am trying to figure out how best to create the terrain for this mine site. I thought maybe I could do this with vue, but it proved to be very difficult. I was thinking of using contour lines but that in itself can be messy with some very ugly triangulation. I posed a picture of what it is I am trying to atchive.
Problem: When I create a new viewport, another viewport's paperspace blanks out or disappears. When I copy a viewport over, the new VP doesn't show anything and you can't maximize/"enter" its paperspace; it's like a simple rectangle, but the properties box says it is indeed a viewport.
Ex. Viewport 1 shows the top view of an object, Viewport 2 shows the right side view... as soon as I add Viewport 3, the top view in VP 1 blacks out. I attempt to ReDraw, Regenerate, etc, but it doesn't re-appear. I've run Plot Preview to see if maybe it's just a fluke with the graphics card on my screen, but alas, even in plot preview the viewport is blanked out.
It almost seems like there is a limited number of viewports I can use.
Solution: Run the MaxActVP command and set the value to a number greater than the number of VPs you actually need. This particular file had that value set at 2; hence, why a new, third VP blanked out the first one.
when i use my move tool n select my reference image the image don't move but the i think camera or shape of image moves , i want to move my reference image.
I'm a beginner in Maya and have to model an object for college. I've modelled an iPhone 4 in Maya 2012 and I've added colour to it but i want to add an image to the screen face. I've added the image using lambert but the image is blown up and i don't know how to resize it. I've fiddled with the settings in '2d Texture Placement Attributes' but the only thing i've been able to do was rotate the image so it's not upside down, it's still blown up. Is there another editor window to resize it?
I've also tried using the UV Texture Editor but everything is a mess on top of eachother and everytime i move things around maya crashes . Is there any other way to add the image to the face?
I am trying to align my model to my image plane. I marquee select the vertices but only the one in the front selects I have checked Back face culling and soft selections and made sure that they are not on but it is still not working.