AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Image Shifting In Rotated Viewport?
Sep 5, 2007
i have an area we are running water lines in and are using the aerial as the survey kind of - so it is important that it not shift - but the viewport needs to be rotated
Problem: ECW image shifting within paperspace layout. Problem only with viewports which have been twisted.
Windows 7 64bit 32gig ram Quadro 2000 (on the supported list) Using Civil3d 2012
Have tried recovering... moving the geometry is not an option. Have also tried toggling "Projection" on and off as suggested in other threads
This seems to have been a long standing issue and its surprising there yet seems to be a fix. Have made the same post in an AutoCAD 2011 as a reply to a board on the same issue.
I have a problem with a drawing when inserting a viewport. The drawing is from a client and on the model space the building appears to be in straight and looks correct. However when I go over to Pspace and insert a viewport the model is shown to be rotated at a crazy angle. How I can draw the viewport or change the setting so that it shows exactly how it is in model space.
I have a set of Rotated Dimensions in paperspace that are graphically offset from their associated points. I have not made any changes to the viewport, model or dimensions for this layout since the last time they displayed properly. In other words I found them like this when I opened the drawing this morning.
See attached image.
Command: list 1 found
DIMENSION Layer: "A-ANNO-DIMS" Space: Paper space Layout: ramp layout Handle = a433 associative: yes type: horizontal
I've tried both draging an image into Autocad and importing it in as a block. When I try to rotates the image it either rotates around a point (but doesn't actually rotate itself) or rotates and disappears only leaving a white outline. How can I properly rotate an image?
I have a drawing with a viewport that fits to the page. And I created another smaller viewport over top that just shows the legend. Now when I try to double click inside the smaller viewport it always goes into the larger one. I have tried bringing the smaller one to the front but that didn't work. I know that I can clip the larger viewport around the smaller one or bring the legend right into paperspace or slid the smaller one off to the side work in it and slide it back. This is more out of curiosity of how to get into the smaller viewport.
I've placed generic Junction box structures right out of the box from C3D and when I cut a section, the section shows the wrong side of the structure. (Rotated) i.e. An inserted 60”x36” junction box inserted as a curb inlet and then rotated into position will display the 60” side even though it’s perpendicular to the section line.
I've had to go back and place a 36”x60” to get it to display the 36” side in section? Why is there a “rotation handle” on the structure if you can’t really rotate it?I really don't want to swap all 60"x36" with 36"x60" structures just so they will display properly in section.
I have a dwg that looks great in model space, however I created a couple paperspace layouts and then used Align Space to rotate to those views. The problem is that my point label style rotates the point labels based on the align space rotation.
I looked into the point label settings and changed the orientation reference to the World Coord. Sys., but it does not make the points rotate correctly. (world reference is the goal).
I have cut sheets following my alignment. I would like the mleaders I place in model space to be at zero rotation when I go to the individual sheets. Works fine for text if I check the "Match text orientation to Layout" box, but not for the mleaders. Is there a setting I am missing?
When I rotate my view in drawings containing .sid orthos, the orthos shift. This also happens when I rotate the view in a viewport. I've attached a couple screen caps showing the problem.
I have a drawing I am working on regardless of whether I use DVIEW Twist or UCS rotate I encounter the same issue. I start with MTEXT that is parallel to my intended view. However, as soon as I make it annotative and set it to Match Layout the text rotates 90-degrees and is no longer plan readable.The text lives in model space, not paper space. I've even roated the layout viewports in this specific drawing to match, and the text appears correct when viewed through a viewport, but when I jump back to model it is turned on end 90-degrees again! Have I missed a setting somewhere? Shouldnt the text reamin oriented with current view in model space?
I am uploading a link to a video which shows this problem in detail. URL...
So I have a survey of a roadway that was created 15 years ago and was converted into autocad civil 3d 2012. No problems there, however, I am going through the survey and rotating the COGO points (ie Traffic Signs, Utility Poles) and the text to be parallel to the roadway. I am in UCS World and have no problems rotating the points and text to what I want. THe problem starts when I rotate the drawing using UCS 3P so that I am looking at a portion of the roadway that is parallel to my computer screen. Now the text and orientation of the signs etc are no longer parallel to the roadway and did not rotate when I rotated the entire project.
Now I was under the impression the points were to rotate automatically to what I set them as, ie parallel to the roadway. I'm sure this is an easy fix or I am not understanding something.
I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?
Quite frequently when I rotate an image with the rotate tool and then work on it, after a while photoshop crashes on me. This never used to happen on CS5.
I'm trying to rotate an image. Actually, I figured out how to rotate it. But I can't figure out how to fill in the "empty" triangular areas that represent the area between the edges of the original image and the horizontal and vertical edges of the canvas. I would like to fill these spaces so it is not obvious that the image was rotated. How can I do this?
What is the standard way to manipulate images in this manner?
A co-worker has been having issues with the ucs icon location. In a front view of his model the UCS icon appears where expected. when shifted to a top view the icon shifts over to the right from the location it was at in the front view? What is causing it?
I'm using 2013 with all the latest updates. This is what we're seeing, on exporting drawings to dwg, nearly all title block text is shifted from it's constrained position.
Case in point. There are like 10 lines for customer information. One line will look like the following:
In that example, JOBSITE is a single text object with bottom left justification. MIAMI, FL is a single text object as well that is a linked custom field with bottom left justification.
Both of these are constrained to construction lines in the title block. I've locked the text's insertion point to the intersection of lines, and to a point. In inventor, it works great. In editing the title block these things do not budge at all. They're locked up tight.
Problem is when exporting to autocad, the JOBSITE text will shift down and the MIAMI, FL text will shift up.
I thought maybe the constraints were off, but not that I can see. I removed all constraints and floated them and the same thing happened. Seems to happen no matter what we do. I turned the construction lines visible to see if they had issues and they hold their place fine. The text still shifts. The only text that seems to hold its spot are the pieces of text that are top middle justified.
There is ONE WAY to get the text to hold it's place. Export the file to a 2013 Inventor DWG file. That holds the text in the correct place. However, we need these files in normal 2010 format for a client. Saving these from autocad 2013 to 2010 works fine. However, it's more than 2x the work.
I've seen a couple old posts talking about multiple text types/sizes in one object but this isn't the case, every bit of text in the title block is a separate entity and a singular height and style.
And on a related issue, it's be nice if Inventor knew that things like commas and slashes and whatnot are permitted to go below the bottom justification lines and not force all the text up but that's a separate issue.
I am currently using AutoCAD 2011 but there is a couple in our office using 2012. When they open a drawing with attributed text it shifts the text, usually to the right. The text height stays the same as well as the vertical position. It appears the text letter spacing (kerning I think it is called) is adjusted to be closer and it shifts to the right. If I click on the text and then click on the grip for the text twice it puts it back to what it is suppose to be or was. This doesn't happen in any logical order it is random through out the drawings, making it harder to find and fix them all. I can save the file close it, re-open it and the text shift happens again, randomly.
We have only noticed this on drawings that have been opened with 2012. Is that a problem with 2012? Is there a fix for it? I found while GTS that someone clicked on the annotate>annotation scaling>sync scale positions so I tried that and it didn't adjust the text/attributes back to where they are suppose to be/where. The shift happens as stated while re-opening a drawing, also when doing a regen, I also noticed it happening while doing a simple copy/paste of a part that isn't shifting. I hope this makes sense as to what is happening, I would post a drawing but they REALLY frown on us "sharing" our drawings.
I edit my drawings in Illustrator CS5. When printing from dwg into pdf - it shifts some of the lines, explodes some of the solid lines and shifts them as well. So the whole drawing looks like scribbles. In Cad window it looks fine, I clean it, recovered it, purged it...
I am sure this is a widely know thing but I personally have never run into this before. - And don't know how to change it. In paper space I can not see the viewport outline box. When I double click inside the vp the outline box shows up and I can move or rescale. What I want to do is move the vp - and I obviously can't do that unless I can grab the outline box. What is the setting that makes the vp boxes visible or invisable?
When printing to our Xerox work center 35, I choose 11x17, extents, fit to paper, landscape. The preview shows the entire template page just as i want it. The printout has the left side of template shifted over to the right approx 5.5 inches. It is as if i changed the plot offset 5.5 inches.
On the layout page I have several viewports. 2 of my viewport borders are not visible. I can not pick them, property them, delete them, or manipulate them in any way. When I activate them as "model space" view, I can work in the model space but the border still does not become visible. I only know where the border is by the truncated drawing. Is there any way to correct this problem?
Before I get the usual "turn on your layer" responses: ALL of my layers are thawed, ALL of my layers are on. I am running Civil 3D LDD Companion but have had this "glitch" on previous versions. I seem to remember the only answer is delete layout and start a new layout from scratch. Tell me this is not so!!
In c3d 2013 in the layout tabs when I hover over the annotation scale for the viewport it automatically changes the viewport like a "preview" of that scale. Is there a way to shut that off?
I ask because I believe it is altering my annotative point descriptions so I have to regen everytime my scale changes to see if the scale will work or not. A co-workers computer doesn't seem to preview and it works fine on their computer my preview appears to mess the annotation up on mine.
I double click in the viewport; under misc the annotated scale is in the list but not the standard scale. I want to set the scale for the viewport. Why doesn't the standard scale show as on option? Or, how to I set the scale in my viewport?
We want to use our AutoCAD company standard templates within Inventor. I’ve followed the procedures to accomplish this under the heading:
Create a .dwg template in Autodesk Inventor from an AutoCAD .dwg template
This works without any problems. Inventor is able to recognize the size of our template border (20.75” x 33”) and correctly selects a sheet format of 24” x 36”. The template border is centered on the 24” x 36” sheet just as we would like it (see attached).
The template is used to create a new Inventor .dwg, and base views are placed and annotated. No problems, everything looks good. The new drawing is saved and Vaulted. However, at some point Inventor "shifts" the location of the template on the 24” x 36” sheet format (see attached). This action is unpredictable. The drawing might be checked-out and checked-in several times before the “shift” happens. When it does we have to re-locate the views and other text annotation to suit the new title block & border location.
How can we lock the position of the template border & title block? (Should be noted that we need to keep our template positioned such that the bottom left corner is at 0,0,0 when it is opened in AutoCAD.)
Inventor RS 2011 AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 ASD 2013 Vault Collaboration 2011 Windows 7 Pro